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Bishoujo Series

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Girls just wanna have fun.

The Bishoujo Series (BISHOUJOシリーズ) is a multi-property line of 1/7 scale PVC figurines designed and manufactured by Kotobukiya. The line takes characters from various licensed IP, and reimagines them into cute anime girls, or bishōjo (美少女, "beautiful girl"), based on designs created by artist Shunya Yamashita. Naturally, this includes many well known female characters such as Chun-Li, X-23/Wolverine, and Black Canary, but also some female versions of traditionally male characters, like Terry Bogard, Geralt of Rivia, and even Freddy Krueger.

Some figures are also sold in "Deluxe" editions that include a B5 sized acrylic board for display, featuring Yamashita's original artwork of the character. Others are only available as limited releases, which feature unique color schemes and are available exclusively through Kotobukiya's online store and specific outlets.

Transformers Bishoujo

Opti-Ms. Prime


  • During Anime Expo 2022, Kotobukiya held an impromptu fan vote to decide the next figure in the Transformers Bishoujo Series line. Given the choice between Jazz, Starscream, and Soundwave, panel attendees were asked to cheer for their favorite, with Starscream receiving the loudest cheers. Afterwards, fans were able to voice their requests for other Transformers characters they wanted to see in the line. Starscream's figure would later be announced in July 2023.
  • Other Hasbro characters to appear in the Bishoujo line include Scarlett, Baroness, Lady Jaye, and Dawn Moreno from G.I. Joe, and human versions of no less than nine different characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, plus an MLP-inspired version of Hatsune Miku. (Notably, the My Little Pony cast feature largely bespoke human designs rather than using those from Hasbro's own Equestria Girls line of humanized ponies, with the exception of Equestria Girls-original character Sunset Shimmer.)
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