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Breaker (G.I. Joe)

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The name or term "Breaker" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Breaker (disambiguation).
Breaker is a G.I. Joe-aligned human from the G.I. Joe portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Breaker GIJoevsTFs4.jpg

Alvin R. Kibbey, codename Breaker, is one of G.I. Joe's communications experts and serves as the link between the battlefield and the Joes' headquarters. He is also proficient in cracking coded Cobra messages.



G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

GIJoevsTF3 DialTone Breaker.jpg

Alongside Dial-Tone, Breaker oversaw the other Joes when they defended the SPS Research Facility from a Cobra attack. He was shocked to learn that Firefly had planted bombs in the facility, and reported to Dial-Tone that Quick Kick and Mutt had gotten caught in the explosion. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #3

He was later present when Wheeljack helped free several Transformers from Cobra's programming by hacking into the terrorist organization's network. With the location of Cobra Island now known to them, Breaker wondered aloud what G.I. Joe's next move was. Though their superiors ordered them to disable the Autobots while Cobra Island was to be dealt by nuclear strike, the Joes ultimately decided on going to the island themselves and rescue the Autobots there. G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers #4

Transformers/G.I. Joe

Breaker-Trial by Fire.jpg

A young Breaker was among G.I. Joe's first members when it was formed in 1939. Their first mission was to confront Cobra on the Fera Islands, and Breaker was part of Strike Team Two, led by Flint. His task was to radio the navy for reinforcements once Duke's team had taken out the shore defenses, but upon seeing Cobra's Decepticon allies, he almost wet himself and insisted that they bring in the fleet right away. He quickly shut up after Beach Head told him that it wasn't his choice to make. Some time later, Breaker was by himself, watching a faraway explosion and talking to himself. The lone soldier was easy prey for Zartan, who killed him and took on his appearance in order to infiltrate Flint's team. Trial by Fire

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

Breaker was part of a G.I. Joe strike force that stormed a Cobra hideout housing deadly Creeper bombs. He was injured early in the mission, necessitating fellow Joe Doc to give him a field patch. Though the mission ran into some complications when the Transformers Bumblebee and Starscream got embroiled in the conflict, it ultimately culminated in Cobra Commander's apparent demise, signaling a victory for the Joes. The Golden Boys

After G.I. Joe met with representatives from the planet Cybertron and found them to be enemies of the Earth, Breaker was among the operatives sent to the metal sphere to invade it. I Saw Three Ships

The Joes began their attack on Cybertron by sending down "green bombs" from the air. But when they targeted the mobile city of Trypticon, they found it protected by a forcefield. Their attempt to bomb it provoked a counter-attack from the Decepticons, with Devastator tearing up the portion of the Defiant housing Breaker. He parachuted out of the craft, only to be captured by the Insecticons and brought to Megatron's throne room alongside Cover Girl, Jinx, Clutch, Brawn, and Perceptor. The Autobots escaped thanks to Mirage coming back for his friends, and Brawn brought the humans along with him as they made a break for the Autobot city of Metroplex. Targetmasters

Breaker and the other captive Joes were presented to King Grimlock as P.O.W.s. Grimlock declared that he had no mercy for the off-worlders, and promptly dropped them in a pool filled with Sharkticons! Thankfully, another Autobot, Arcee, took mercy on the Joes, and tossed them their weapons to give them a fighting chance against the ravenous monsters. Breaker and the others succeeded in fending off the Sharkticons, and emerged from the pool. Funeral for a Friend

The four Joes then accompanied Grimlock and his soldiers to Green Zone 0-8-6 aboard Metroplex. Finding Autobots and Joes readying to fight one another there, Grimlock announced a truce and both factions partied together to cement their alliance. Form Follows Function After the Joes stationed themselves within Metroplex, Breaker helped Brawn and Clutch defend it from a swarm of Cobra troopers. Everybody Hates Metroplex

2005 IDW continuity

Breaker received a coded signal from S.I.S. Headquarters, home base of the Action Man Programme. Breaker then relayed the call to Mainframe, as it was for his eyes only. Concorde Hymn


Transformers Roleplaying Game

Breaker was transported to the Apex when the evil Lord MindWaveZ merged many realities together into one chaotic realm. Along with Inferno, and Taylor Earhardt, the three assisted a group of heroes as they battled Lord MindWaveZ and attempted to restore their worlds to normal. Worlds Collide: Battle for the Multiverse


  • In IDW continuity, the Breaker featured in Revolution #1 is not Alvin Kibbey, who died in a previous run of G.I. Joe. John Barber confirmed him to be a different character with the same code name.[1] Perhaps this is the IDW incarnation of Abel Shaz from The Rise of Cobra?
  • Breaker has been voiced by Transformers alumni Chris Latta in G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, and by Greg Ellis in G.I. Joe: Renegades.


  1. Reddit Q&A, 22 September 2016
    "Why is Breaker alive in the modern day in the extra from Revolution #1 when he died pretty tragically in Cobra: Cobra Civil War#4?"
    "Different guy with the same code name. We'll see another guy with a dead Joe's codename in OPTIMUS PRIME #2."

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