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Centurion droid

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The Centurion droids are an automated defense guarding the Vector Sigma supercomputer. Though possessing no weapons, Centurions are trained in hand-to-hand combat to stop all intruders. They also possess very strong armor that protects them from attacks, making them even more dangerous. They tend to be encountered in large numbers.

They must be either evaded or tricked in order for one to approach Vector Sigma. Fortunately, that's not hard.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Some toasters just killed some Colonials, oops wrong universe.

The Centurion Droids were first encountered deep within planet Cybertron, guarding the chamber of Vector Sigma from both Autobots and Decepticons. Megatron was able to bypass them by using the Key to Vector Sigma to override their defenses, but Optimus Prime and his Autobots were not so lucky. Unable to defeat the Centurions in combat, the Autobots kept them busy with a slew of ancient worker droids. The worker droids stumbled off the edge of a chasm, leading the Centurions to follow like lemmings. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1

After Vector Sigma and Alpha Trion gave life to the new Aerialbots, the Autobots attempted to return to Omega Supreme, but the way was blocked by dozens of Centurion droids. The Aerialbots used their flight capabilities to good effect, routing the Centurions and enabling the Autobots to escape. As Omega Supreme headed for Earth, the Centurion droids angrily shook their fists at the retreating Autobots. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

The Headmasters cartoon

The Centurion Droids were encountered by Optimus Prime again in the year 2011 when Prime was on another mission to reach Vector Sigma. However, this time around, the Centurions did not appear to be nearly as threatening, as Prime simply plowed through them like an American football player. The Mystery of Planet Master

Wings Universe

Wings Universe is based on the Generation 1 cartoon, but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

"Doc" created the Centurion droids as a replacement for the Guardian robots. While he and his assistant Centrifuge were demonstrating them to Bishop on Around Cybertron, they went rogue and attacked Centrifuge. "Doc" promised they'd work the bugs out before the Centurions started being sold. Around Cybertron #12

2005 IDW continuity


Greatly upgraded Centurion Droids were employed by Bludgeon and his crew to prevent disruption of their resurrection of Thunderwing and their study of the Pretender graft process. Stormbringer #2 A squad of these droids managed to corner the Technobots Nosecone and Afterburner before being destroyed by the arriving Wreckers. Stormbringer #3

After the discovery that Thunderwing expended ultra energon more quickly the harder he was hit, Optimus Prime had Dogfight reprogram the remaining Centurions to attack the gigantic Decepticon. Attacking en masse, the Centurions managed to cause a massive spike in Thunderwing's internal catalytic flux, but they were quickly destroyed. Stormbringer #4

Swindle's Spiel

Swindle, Swindle and Swindle had Centurions among their drones for sale. Swindle's Spiel, 2015/10/05

Beast Wars: Uprising

While exploring the bowels of Cybertron, Bisk ran into thirteen Centurion Droids. Bisk tried everything he could think of against them, to no avail, until he hit upon throwing the Vehicons at them. The two forces collided, allowing the Predacon to slip past. The Inexorable March


War for Cybertron Trilogy

Buy the weapons and get a Centurion Droid for free!
  • Deluxe Centurion Drone (Deluxe Class with accessories pack, 2020)
  • Hasbro ID number: WFC-E33
  • TakaraTomy ID number: ER EX-22
  • TakaraTomy release date: March 27, 2021
  • Accessories: 2-part cannon barrel, accessory pack
The War for Cybertron Trilogy Centurion Drone is a redeco of Siege Deluxe Class Brunt, whose sculpt was based upon the IDW Centurion droid design. The Centurion Drone transforms into a Cybertronian tank, and can also split apart into C.O.M.B.A.T. System weapons and equipment for other figures to wield. The Centurion Drone is made up of the "CD-AD M3 Vortex Cannon" (torso), "CD-MFM M3 Proximity Boost Module" (waist/upper legs), "CD-HD M3 Turret Armor", (backpack), two "CD-MD M3 Hydraulic Mauler Claws" (arms), two "C-HP M3 Oblivio Launchers" (lower legs), "CD-CMA M3 Microelectro Amplifier" (front half of the gun), and "CD-CR M3 Agonizer blaster" (rear half of the gun). In tank mode, its turret rotates and can also raise and lower the cannon vertically. It is also compatible with the 'Fire Blast' effect pieces from the Battle Masters assortment, which can be used to simulate blaster fire or explosions. The instruction manual features the Decepticon logo, though the toy proper lacks any faction insignia.
And the fandom rejoiced.
Included with the Centurion Drone is an extensive set of cartoon-inspired accessories intended for or based upon other characters, packaged within their own inner box. These include: Optimus Prime's Ion Blaster, energon axe, Roller drone, and a tiny figurine of Optimus Prime intended to scale with War for Cybertron Trilogy Unicron; Megatron's energon mace and pistol mode (with additional silencer); Bumblebee's standard pistol; Ironhide's arm-mounted drill; Cliffjumper's glass gas blaster; Sideswipe's jetpack; Trailbreaker's vehicle-mode radar dish; Refraktor's camera mode; Soundwave's microcassette recorder mode; Shockwave's blaster mode; Hound's cage to imprison Ravage; and two energon cubes (one sculpted with a seam to indicate it is half-filled). The artwork of all the various items show the energon cubes with 5 mm posts and on the end of those, 3 mm posts, implying said posts were originally planned to be included as handles. The final version utilizes 3 mm holes instead.
When preorders went live on June 26, 2020, the price on Hasbro Pulse briefly matched with Centurion's own size class (which is what the toy's product description was also incorrectly marked as), allowing many fans to order the toy for $10 USD cheaper than normal.
Despite coming in a Generations Selects-style box, the set is only listed as part of the War for Cybertron Trilogy, and doesn't include a Selects lineup number, instead having an Earthrise ID number. TakaraTomy released this toy as part of Earthrise in Japan.[1]


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Centurion Droid (センチュリオン・ドロイド Senchurion Doroido), Centurion Drone (センチュリオンドローン Senchurion Dorōn)


  1. "\フォロワー27 000人突破/ 新情報2つ目はアースライズシリーズ「センチュリオンドローン&ウェポナイザー」発売決定しました! 予約開始は少し先の予定ですが楽しみしてにお待ち下さい! #トランスフォーマー #Transformers"—Transformers PR, Twitter, 2020/07/20
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