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Clicker is a Transformer from the 2005 IDW continuity of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Clicker, Clicker, our planets, Clicker!

On a Cybertron ruled by the totalitarian Functionist Council, Clicker stands up for the little 'bot as a member of the underground Anti-Vocationist League. He might just be the head of the League's regional executive committee... alright, interim head of the regional executive committee... look, he has a long way to go in the whole "charismatic ideologue" department, okay?

Maybe that mysterious stranger can teach him a thing or two about overthrowing oppressive governments.



2005 IDW continuity

The Functionist Universe

An average day for Clicker.

Clicker was one of the hundreds of thousands of Transformers whose alternate mode was declared "obsolete" following one of the perennial reorganizations of the Grand Cybertronian Taxonomy. He fled to the sacred city of Adaptica, where Nine-of-Twelve allowed him and his like to seek sanctuary. At some point after this, Clicker joined the Anti-Vocationist League. He organized several attempts to rescue Rung, whose status as the "Useless One" turned him into a figurehead for anti-Functionist sentiment on Cybertron, though their efforts were fruitless. A World Misplaced

In his new role as a guerilla warrior, Clicker and several other members of the league attacked Twelve-of-Twelve as he paraded a gang of recently captured convicts through the streets. Despite their dramatic entrance, they couldn't put up much of a fight against the Functionary enforcers, and at Rodimus's behest the Autobots joined the fight. Thanks to Megatron's tactical acumen, the Autobots managed to overcome the Functionaries. In the aftermath, Clicker offered to take the group back to the AVL's base of operations. They agreed, though they were momentarily startled by the fact that Clicker referred to his home city as "Cyberutopia". Anomie

Today on Life Lessons with Megatron.

Clicker explained the situation behind Adaptica's status as a "sanctuary city" for the dimensional castaways before taking them to meet with Nine-Of-Twelve and Anode, leaders of the AVL. Later, Clicker watched in horror as the Council announced "Revelation Day" and trotted out Rung's supposed alternate mode. This ceremony was quickly overshadowed by the return of the now-weaponized Luna Two as part of a larger Functionist plot. A World Misplaced With the entire city of Adaptica threatened with genocide, Clicker joined the Autobots as they teleported into the Vector Sigma chamber to intercept Rung and the Council. He was lessed than impressed with Rodimus' reckless tackling of Six-of-Twelve. Bad Moon Rising With Rung liberated and returned to normal, Clicker helped teleport the Autobots back to the surface, rigging the controls on the matter transporter to explode so the Councillers couldn't follow them. Clicker subsequently helped teleport the Autobots directly into the Cog, and watched as Rung revealed his true purpose: the manufacture of photonic crystals. Modes of Production

With time running out, Clicker watched in awe as Rung used the Council's mass displacement on himself to grow to colossal proportions and battle the rogue moon with his fists. Clicker worried if Rung's role in the battle was proof of Functionism after all, but Megatron assured him that choosing one's purpose was the exact opposite of the doctrine. As the battle raged on, Clicker helped evacuate the lost Autobots to a matter transporter that would take them up to Luna Two and allow them to transport the entire weapon far away from Cybertron. After a false start, he found a working transporter, and the Autobots thanked Clicker for his help as he teleported the group—sans Megatron and Terminus—away. This Machine Kills Fascists

Over the next several centuries, the AVL would continue their fight against the Functionists under the leadership of Megatron. Clicker would join the crew of the Last Light as it chased the Functionist Cybertron–now engineered into a giant robot resembling Primus–through the Warren before ending up in Megatron's home universe after going through a portal created by the Grand Architect's God Gun. After rescuing some of the members of Rodimus's group from the Grand Architect, Clicker and Nine-of-Twelve tried to boost up a downcast Megatron's spirits while explaining the situation to the members of Team Rodimus. The Return of the King The crew of the Last Light would later join up with the rest of Rodimus' team on the Lost Light, where they hit on a plan to defeat the Functionist Primus by using twelve Matrixes created by Rung, who had turned out to be the real Primus. The Unremembering While Rodimus and the others headed down to Cybertron to carry out their plan, Clicker remained behind on the Lost Light and patched them all through a shared channel so they could open their Matrixes simultaneously. The plan succeeded and the Functionist Council were obliterated, freeing Cybertron from their control. A Spark Among Embers

Clicker was part of the Lost Light's victory lap. When the ship quantum jumped back to Cybertron, one version of Clicker was shunted into another universe for an infinity of new adventures while another joined the others for one last drink at Swerve's before the Lost Light was permanently disassembled. How To Say Goodbye And Mean It: Part 2


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