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Cliffjumper (WFC)

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The name or term "Cliffjumper" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Cliffjumper (disambiguation).
Cliffjumper is an Autobot from the Aligned continuity family.
Cliffjumper will take you down to the corner of Know Your Role Boulevard and Jabroni Drive and check you directly into the Smackdown Hotel!

Cliffjumper (Cliff to his chums) isn't your run-of-the-mill Autobot freedom fighter. Armed with six-cylinder ion cannons, a quantum-sensitive multiphase targeting system that would make Megatron jealous, and of course, the old-school technique of pummeling Decepticons with his fists, Cliffjumper prefers to liven up the day with firefights while retrieving enemy intelligence. He more than lives up to his name: He'll fearlessly leap long before he bothers looking!

Need backup?


Do I ever need backup?

—Cliffjumper tempting fate, "Darkness Rising, Part 1"



Aligned novels

Cliffjumper concurred with Ironhide that while Sentinel Prime was not an Autobot, he deserved to be rescued. He and Ultra Magnus's Wreckers later escorted Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Jetfire to the Well of All Sparks when they made their journey to purge Cybertron's core of Dark Energon. Exodus

Ask Vector Prime

In Uniend 610.23 Zeta, Ask Vector Prime Cliffjumper was with the Wreckers when they went on mission to help Optimus Prime guard the Well of Allsparks from Megatron's encroaching forces. He was partnered up with Bumblebee, and tasked with harrying the Decepticons should they get passed the rest of the Wreckers. On their way to their post, they ran afoul of Barricade. They engaged the Decepticon, and after a brief tussle, left him behind beaten and unconscious. Cliffjumper and Bumblebee then doubled back to help the Wreckers flank the incoming Decepticons. In doing so, they helped disrupt the Decepticons' entire field position. The pair got separated during the battle.

After the AllSpark was launched into space and the Decepticons retreated, Cliffjumper would learn that Bumblebee had gotten his vocoder crushed while keeping Megatron at bay. Bumblebee at Tyger Pax

Cartoon continuity

IDW Prime comic

When the Decepticons returned to their dead homeworld, Cliffjumper went in with all guns blazing to investigate. The Vehicons piled onto him, grappling him until he was unconscious. He awoke to find himself in their base, which Cliffjumper commented looked like the sort of lair Starscream would design. A Vehicon said Cliffjumper would live until he was no longer useful, and asked him to decode an offworld Autobot signal. It came from none other than Optimus himself, ordering his forces to gather on a planet called Earth. Awed, Cliffjumper then turned to his interrogator and said all the decoded message said was, "Megatron smells like Unicron's armpit." The infuriated Vehicon ordered Cliffjumper's demise just before Arcee burst in, slaughtering the Decepticons.

Trademark move: Sharpshooter

Cliffjumper tried to greet his old colleague, but she told him to be quiet, coldly informing him she had not come to rescue him, but to tap into the Decepticons' communications. Finding the coordinates of the enemy's weapons lab in Kaon, she was prepared to go by herself until Cliffjumper convinced her that Kaon was too dangerous for her stealthy ways, and that she needed his brawn to back her brain. Entering the city through its maintenance tunnels, Arcee opened a secret passage. As he travelled up an ancient staircase, Cliffjumper's suspicions were confirmed when he saw Starscream overseeing the reactivation of a space bridge. Arcee wanted to destroy the device, but Cliffjumper saw it as their ticket to Earth. He distracted Starscream by going straight to him and his Vehicons, claiming he wanted to join them. Arcee activated the device, and when Starscream noticed, Cliffjumper jumped his pretense and started a fight, then jumped with Arcee into the space bridge.

As he plummeted, Cliffjumper momentarily wondered if he was one with the AllSpark, but Arcee confirmed they had fallen onto Earth. Finding a ghost town, they scanned their alternate modes. Cliffjumper disdained a passing travel trailer (which he found too ugly) and a truck (which was too bulky) before selecting a muscle car, which Arcee found suitably noisy. He added horns on the hood of his new alternate mode as a finishing touch. As the two drove to find Optimus, Starscream—who had also jumped into the space bridge—attacked them, blasting off Arcee's arm. Cliffjumper fought Starscream and buried him under a pile of rocks, but then Breakdown appeared. It seemed like the end, but Optimus and Bumblebee came and fought off the two Decepticons before opening a GroundBridge to their base and sending Arcee through for repairs. Optimus told Cliffjumper his journey was over, but a new battle was just beginning. Transformers: Prime

Prime cartoon

Voice actor: Dwayne Johnson (English, "Darkness Rising, Part 1"), Billy Brown (English, "Out of the Past"), Frank Welker (English, Terrorcon Cliffjumper), Noriaki Sugiyama (Japanese), Shen Lei (Chinese), Sang-hyeon Eom (Korean), Robin Kahnmeyer (German), Sergio Gutiérrez Coto (Latin American Spanish), Miguel Ángel Pérez (Castilian Spanish), Andrea Bolognini (Italian), Juhani Rajalin (Finnish), Rodrigo Araújo (Portuguese, "Darkness Rising, Part 1"), Luiz Laffey (Portuguese, "Out of the Past"), Péter Szokol (Hungarian), Bartosz Martyna (Polish)
We know who's expendable.

During the Great War, Cliffjumper and Bumblebee invaded the lair of Airachnid, who had captured Arcee and Tailgate. Airachnid had already killed Tailgate by the time Cliffjumper and Bumblebee arrived, but they were able to pull a shellshocked Arcee to safety. Predatory

He's not solving murders with Harry Morgan.

Following the Great Exodus, Cliffjumper was investigating reports of a Decepticon operation on the deserted Cybertron when he was captured by Starscream's forces along with Arcee. When interrogated, he held out and faked a shutdown, being thrown into the same cell as Arcee. The pair were taken to Shockwave, who used a cortical psychic patch on Arcee to decode the transmission—a message from Optimus Prime calling the Autobots to Earth. Cliffjumper subsequently kept Starscream busy long enough for Arcee to free herself and the pair went to destroy the space bridge that Shockwave had build. Cliffjumper distracted the Decepticons while Arcee sabotaged the bridge though Shockwave caught them in the act. Cliffjumper ended up fighting the Decepticon scientist and came off second best, though he was saved by Arcee. The two Autobots jumped through the space bridge, encountering Shockwave one last time mid-bridge before they ended up on Earth. As the pair went off to find Optimus, Cliffjumper regaled Arcee with the story of the time he was lost in the Sea of Rust. Out of the Past The duo were unaware that Shockwave survived their encounter. Scattered

Three years after the last reported Decepticon activity on Earth, Cliffjumper was still marooned on the planet with his fellow Autobots. Still a strong-willed individual, Cliffjumper had sometimes run afoul of human authorities, resulting in receiving multiple traffic tickets and once having a boot affixed to his tire due to a parking violation. As he chatted with Arcee over the radio, she admonished him for his stubborn bullheadedness. He countered that Earth was so boring that sometimes he just had to stir things up.

If you think he looks ornery now, you should see him later.

Just as Cliffjumper noted that he was starting to miss the Decepticons, his scanners caught nearby activity. He declined Arcee's suggestion for backup and sped off in the direction of the disturbance. He was surprised to find a wide crater full of energon, and even more surprised to find it guarded by the Decepticons! Overwhelming Decepticon forces demanded Cliffjumper put up a ferocious fight, but ultimately, the Autobot was overcome and taken on board the Nemesis, the Decepticons' warship, and thrown in front of Starscream. The interim Decepticon commander did not respond well to Cliffjumper's irreverence, and the Autobot was stabbed through the chest. Starscream then ordered his troops to clean up the body.

The remaining Earthbound Autobots arrived on the scene too late, and Ratchet confirmed that Cliffjumper's spark had gone offline. Finding one of Cliffjumper's horns in the dirt, Arcee took the piece of her friend to the Autobots' memorial service. The loss of Cliffjumper hit her the hardest, and she stormed off amidst their eulogies, preferring to honor Cliffjumper's memory by keeping Earth safe. Ratchet confided in Optimus Prime that as long as the Autobots protected humanity, Cliffjumper's death would not be the only tragedy. Darkness Rising, Part 1

He's not supposed to die!

Though Cliffjumper had died, his body still had uses. When Megatron wanted a corpse on which to test Dark Energon's resurrection powers, Cliffjumper's was used as a guinea pig. Once his torso was stabbed through by a shard of the material, Cliffjumper did spring back to life...though as a psychotic, screaming zombie that attacked anything in its path! Only being sliced in two by Megatron stopped Cliffjumper's rampage, and his two halves decorated varying levels of the Decepticons' energon mine.

The initial Dark Energon stabbing did briefly bring Cliffjumper's spark back online, but when Ratchet's sensors picked this up, he dismissed it as a glitch. Regardless, Arcee wanted to investigate. After the Autobots mounted an attack on the Decepticons, Arcee found the top half of Cliffjumper strewn about, but was horrified to see the monster that he had become. Whatever this thing was, it was no longer Cliffjumper, so the zombie was left behind as the Decepticon base exploded. Darkness Rising, Part 2

When Arcee encountered Arachnid once again, she taunted Arcee by bringing up the deaths of Tailgate and Cliffjumper. Predatory Later, at Cliffjumper's memorial, Arcee said she had not given up on finding the Decepticon responsible for his death. When she discovered their prisoner Starscream was responsible, she attempted to kill him, only to stop when a shocked Bumblebee convinced her to stop and let him escape. She reflected to Optimus that her desire for vengeance had not brought the solace she sought. Partners While under the influence of synthetic energon, Ratchet brought up Cliffjumper's death as something Prime should have been more proactive in preventing. Stronger, Faster

In an effort to make small talk with a MECH operative, Starscream mentioned that he had personally "snuffed" an Autobot, referring to Cliffjumper. Operation Bumblebee, Part 2 When Arcee learned that Bulkhead and Ratchet repaired Starscream's wounds after getting intel on Airachnid's location, she became angry, saying that Starscream had also taken a partner from her. Crossfire

Miko, frustrated at Bulkhead's slow pace in recovering from the effects of Tox-En poisoning and the blast Hardshell gave him, stormed out of the base to cry at the top of the mesa where the Autobot base was located. Arcee tried to help Miko through her grief by telling her the story of how she first partnered up with Cliffjumper. Out of the Past When the Autobot base was destroyed by the Nemesis, Cliffjumper's memorial was destroyed in the explosion. Darkest Hour When confronted by Miko Nakadai in the Apex Armor, Starscream brought up his slaying of Cliffjumper only for the human to boast of her killing Hardshell. Chain of Command

When Cybertron was reborn, Optimus honored all those who had made it possible, Cliffjumper among them. Predacons Rising

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Despite his death, Cliffjumper was one of the Autobots blacklisted by the High Council for associating with Optimus Prime. Enemy of My Enemy


Transformers: War for Cybertron (DS)

If Bumblebee were John Boehner.
Voice actor: Steve Blum (English)
Decepticons deserve a traitor's death!

Following the unleashing of Omega Supreme, Cliffjumper spotted a party of Decepticons preparing to assault the giant. He attempted to slow their advance with force fields and gun turrets, and when that didn't work, led them on a high-speed chase while trying to shoot them. They eventually caught up with him when he crashed into a wall and, though his spirit was still defiant, he was unable to stop them passing him. Of course, they immediately ran into Jetfire... War for Cybertron - Autobots/Decepticons

Cliffjumper is an unlockable character in the Autobot version of the game, and as such, can be used as a playable character in the story and arena missions. He is unlocked by finding a data disk in the "Infiltration of Kaon" level.

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (360/PS3/PC)

They laughed when we said our War for Cybertron Cliffjumper toys sounded like The Rock, but who's laughing now?
Voice actor: Nolan North (English)

After Grimlock went missing from his post, Optimus Prime met Cliffjumper and Jazz in the armory as they were preparing to go find Grimlock and his team. Sideswipe took the duo in a dropship to the Sea of Rust where they explored the ruins. After encountering a number of Decepticon Guardians, Cliff got the opportunity to save Jazz's life when the other Autobots was caught under debris during a rust storm. They followed a distress signal to a huge pit, which Jazz insisted on going down alone, though Cliff kept in contact with him via radio. Cliffjumper ended up facing the hordes of Insecticons that poured out of the pit when Jazz flooded it, but with the other Autobot's help, survived. Exploring further, they found an energon lake and spotted the huge tower in which Shockwave was conducting his space bridge experiments. Jazz and Cliffjumper infiltrated the facility, eventually finding Shockwave himself. Cliffjumper attempted to sneak up on the Decepticon, only to end up trapped behind a force field. While Jazz faced the swarm of Insecticons outside, Cliffjumper reversed the flow of toxic waste into the facility, escaping just before the place exploded. After being picked up by Sideswipe, they reported the energon lake back to Optimus before returning to finish preparing the Ark for launch. Fall of Cybertron

Cliffjumper also appears as a playable character in the Escalation map, ancients. He fights alongside Perceptor, Wheeljack, and Jazz. Strangely, Cliffjumper is the team's Tank.

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark


Voice actor: Nolan North (English)

When Swindle and Shockwave were returning to Kaon, Dark Spark in hand, Cliffjumper led an Autobot attack in a desperate gambit to retrieve the Dark Spark from them. Unfortunately, he was defeated and forced to retreat, reporting to Optimus as he did so. Cliffjumper later tried to redeem himself on the outskirts of Kaon. Attempting to stop Bruticus's rampage, Cliffjumper attempted to place a det pack on the combiner, but was crushed for his troubles. The Decepticons then retreated into Kaon with Cliffjumper's unconscious body. Optimus Prime and Jazz then proceeded to infiltrate Kolkular to rescue Cliffjumper. They succeeded in freeing Cliffjumper, and, despite Cliffjumper's pleas, Optimus ordered Jazz to evacuate Cliffjumper while he went on to face Megatron alone. Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark


MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Rise of the Dark Spark



Voted "Most Likely To Be Bought For Ulterior Head-Swiping Motives."
  • Cliffjumper (Deluxe Class, 2010)
Part of the fifth wave of Generations Deluxe class toys, Cliffjumper is a red retool and redeco of Cybertronian Bumblebee with a new head, transforming into a round "Cybertronian racer mode". His toy comes with a handgun and features two wrist-mounted, flip-out blades. The handgun can be stored inside his rear bumper in either robot or vehicle mode. Like the original mold, his legs are generally loose at the mid-thigh joint due to being used for transformation.
The instructions for Bumblebee depicted him with Cliffjumper's head sculpt, thus revealing the retool before it was officially announced, a continuing trend in the Generations line.
This toy was also (slightly) redecoed to make United Cliffjumper Cybertron Mode.


First Edition

I have more toys which aren't made from Bumblebee molds than toys which are. Something is seriously wrong here.
  • Cliffjumper (Deluxe Class, 2011)
Released in wave 1.5 of Prime: First Edition Deluxe Class toys (basically a short-run revision of wave 1), Prime Cliffjumper transforms into a muscle car that crossbreeds the rear of a Plymouth Barracuda with the front of a Dodge Challenger. In robot mode he features flip-out triple-barreled blasters in each of his arms that can be swung out to replace his hands. He does have wrist articulation, but the plastic panels on the outer sides of his arms tend to get in the way, meaning his wrists can only easily rotate up to 90 degrees.
The TakaraTomy version of this toy was packaged in robot mode (sans stand, despite the package call outs) and features a richer metallic red. His rear lights are also painted red instead of silver.
He and the rest of the Transformers: Prime First Edition Wave 1 toys were released far earlier in Asia than the rest of the world. He was initially not released in the US, forcing fans to import him from Canada in order to get the Hasbro version. However, in late 2013, the First Edition toys started showing up at Toys"R"Us stores in the US, and then even later in closeout stores like Ross.
This mold was retooled into Generations Cliffjumper.

What he's cooking? Brains, apparently.
  • Terrorcon Cliffjumper (Deluxe Class, 2012)
  • ID number: 005
  • Accessories: Stand
Part of the second wave of Prime: First Edition toys, Terrorcon Cliffjumper is a redeco and retooling of the prior Cliffjumper, with unpainted wheel rims, purple translucent parts, a new, bashed-up head, and "Dark Energon" battle-damage paint operations.
His stock photography incorrectly depicts him with silver-painted wheel rims.
The second wave of First Edition toys was initially only released in the Asian market in mid-2012. Terrorcon Cliffjumper was noticeably absent in this particular release, and was believed to be canceled. (TakaraTomy would then do their own drastically different interpretation of the toy, see below.) In late 2012, Wave 2 was finally released in its entirety in Hasbro's Asian markets, and Toys"R"Us picked up these toys, along with most of the "First Edition" line, as part of a huge block of US market exclusives for the holiday season.


Wait, is this a gun?
  • Cliffjumper (Cyberverse Legion, 2012)
  • Series/Number: 2/005
  • Takara release date: March 31, 2012
  • Takara ID number: EZ-05
  • Accessories: Battle blade
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
Part of the second wave of Prime Cyberverse Legion-class toys (and the first wave in Takara's Prime-themed EZ Collection releases), Cliffjumper transforms into his low-riding cruiser mode. He has 3mm holes in his roof, doors and fists for mounting Cyberverse-scale weapons, such as the soft-plastic "Battle Blade" he comes with.
This sculpt was also used to make Tailgate.
His blade is the same as Cyberverse Ratchet's, being modeled after the doctor's scalpel-weapons. This blade, in the same color, is also used by Cyberverse Dark of the Moon Mirage, while redecoes of it are included with Quickblade Bumblebee, and Knock Out.

  • Decepticon Set (Multi-pack, 2012)
  • ID number: EZ-SP2
  • Release date: November 24, 2012
  • Accessories: Battle blade
EZ Collection "Terrorcon Cliffjumper" is a translucent-purple redeco of his Cyberverse toy, utilizing the "Dark Energon zombie" deco from Takara's Deluxe-scale Terrorcon Cliffjumper (below).
He was only available as part of the six-piece "Decepticon Set" along with slightly-changed-from-individual-release versions of Megatron, the Vehicon, Breakdown, Starscream, and Knock Out.
Stock photos of the set incorrectly depict his purple plastic as either molded metallic or painted metallic.

Robots in Disguise

Lot of toys for a guy who bit the dust five minutes in. (Hasbro Version Pictured)
(TakaraTomy Arms Micron Version Pictured)
  • Cliffjumper (Deluxe Class, 2012)
  • Series/Number: 1 / 002
  • Takara release date: March 31, 2012
  • Takara ID number: AM-03
  • Accessories: Gun/hammer (Hasbro only), "C.L." Arms Micron (TakaraTomy only)
Released in the first wave of Prime: Robots in Disguise Deluxes, this version of Cliffjumper is a new mold with a comparatively simpler transformation. This new transformation involves stowing much of the car's roof on his back, while featuring a fake car roof as the robot mode's chest. He is geared to have a "dramatic head reveal"; pulling his car-hood parts down into arm configuration pushes his robot head up into place.
Instead of his in-show wrist-mounted triple-blaster, Cliffjumper instead comes with a large hammer. This accessory can also be repositioned and used as a rifle, which stores in vehicle mode on either the roof or in an additional peg-hole on the vehicle's rear right-hand side.
The TakaraTomy version of Cliffjumper has some very significant differences from the Hasbro release. Released as part of the first wave of "Arms Micron"-themed Prime toys, his red plastic has a lighter, slightly-orange hue. He loses many of the Hasbro release's paint operations, which have been largely replaced by customer-applied foil decals. As part of the line-wide Arms Micron play-pattern, he has been retooled to include 5 mm post-hole mounts on his doors, driver's-side rear wheel hub (as there's already a post-hole on the passenger side from the Hasbro version), and robot mode shoulders. Rather than the hammer/rifle, he comes with his Arms Micron partner C.L., who transforms into an over-sized version of Cliffjumper's triple-barreled wrist-blaster once assembled... who unfortunately cannot be used as a wrist-blaster, the closest you can get to that is to use him as a hand-held cannon. Still, neat!

Think he looks edible? He'd probably think the same way about you... you know, if he could think.
  • Terrorcon Cliffjumper (Deluxe Class, 2012)
  • ID number: AM-08
  • Release date: April 28, 2012
  • Accessories: "Jida" Arms Micron
This version of the undead Dark Energon-infused Cliffjumper, sold in the second assortment of the Japanese Prime toyline, is a translucent-purple and opaque-brown redeco and retooling of the "First Edition" Terrorcon Cliffjumper mold, now with several added Mini-Con mounting points on his vehicle mode trunk and hood. As with the other toys in the Japanese Prime line, much of the toy is unpainted (including his flip-out cannons), and relies on decals to add color detail, such as the windscreens, with a pair of unused Decepticon insignia stickers also being included.
He comes with his Arms Micron partner, Jida, who comes as an unassembled "model kit" on a single sprue. As this mold already has a pair of built-in blasters, Jide transforms from a mechanical feline into a weird double-chainsaw weapon, an appropriate addition to a zombie-themed set.
Early stock photography showed Terrorcon Cliffjumper as being primarily opaque blue-purple plastic.

Sadly, you can't wear the head as a mask. It woulda been a great companion piece to the previous year's wearable Matrix.
  • Terrorcon Cliffjumper (Deluxe Class, 2012)
  • Release date: July 12, 2012
  • Accessories: Dark Energon shard, "embedded" Dark Energon shard
A San Diego Comic-Con 2012 exclusive, this version of Terrorcon Cliffjumper, dubbed "Rust In Peace Cliffjumper" (but not marked as such on the packaging), is a much more extensively-decoed and premium-packaged version of the "Terrorcon Cliffjumper" retool of the then-not-released-in-the-US "First Edition" Cliffjumper mold. Whew! He features a slightly darker shade of red plastic, and his paint operations have been expanded from the original retail plans to give him even more battle damage deco.
He comes with two Dark Energon accessories; a long shard of the stuff, and a shorter, more rubbery one ending in an "energy splash" that can grasp around the edges of his chest to represent, well, him being stabbed with Dark Energon to bring him back to "life."
He comes in a special case shaped like his own zombified head, which itself comes inside a box with Cliffjumper's chest printed on the front. Gruesome!

Studio Series

  • Gamer Edition Cliffjumper (Deluxe Class, 2023)
Part of the 21st wave of Studio Series Deluxe Class toys, "Gamer Edition Cliffjumper" is expectedly a redeco of Gamer Edition Bumblebee with a new head, and transforms into a "Cybertronian courier" in 21 steps. Unfortunately, the back of his head is a bit too big for the panel that covers it to close all the way. He includes the plasma cannon and Energon battle pistol from the game, and a sword. His weapons can store on his back or on his vehicle mode.
He is based on his appearance in Fall of Cybertron, though is branded as War for Cybertron to pay lip-service to the Nintendo DS version (of which his backdrop is based on), and presumably as a concession due to him including two War for Cybertron-exclusive weapons.
Cliffjumper, like all Studio Series War for Cybertron toys, has a removable right lower arm, which can be swapped out for any compatible gun to emulate the way characters' arms in-game transformed into their weapons.


The hierarchy of power in Legacy is about to change.
  • Prime Universe Cliffjumper VS Beast Wars Universe Tarantulas, G1 Universe Squeezeplay, Cyberverse Universe Tarn (Multi-pack, 2024)
Legacy: United "Prime Universe Cliffjumper" is a retool of Rescue Bots Universe Autobot Chase, turning into a Prime-inspired muscle car. He includes 2 different floodlights that attach to his forearms/car doors and a 3-part Energon "capture claw" that can attach to his hand and stores on the back of the car mode. The pincers can detach and serve as hooks, or slot into his floodlights, leaving the body of the claw as what is possibly a sort of double-barreled blaster thing. One of the floodlights can be plugged into the side of the claw body to form one of Cliffjumper's triple-barreled blasters.
Oddly, Cliffjumper's digital renders feature a Decepticon insignia on his sides instead of an Autobot one, as well as casting his gunmetal parts in red. This colouring is also used in his box art.
Cliffjumper was released in a Target-exclusive 4-pack with Beast Wars Universe Tarantulas, G1 Universe Squeezeplay, and Cyberverse Universe Tarn. He is in so much trouble right now.


Eaglemoss cards

Collect them all!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their toys & merchandise. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.


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No, seriously, he's going to take you down to Jabroni Drive. Hop in already, he wants to beat the rush hour traffic.
  • In Fall of Cybertron multiplayer, Cliffjumper's one unique body part (his head) is usable by Infiltrator-class characters as an Eliminator-type component. Amusingly, while that head is designed to look very much like the one seen in Prime for both alignment reasons and to distinguish him further from Bumblebee, Hasbro released the War for Cybertron figure two years earlier sporting a very G1 head sculpt.
  • Cliffjumper was presented as a key Autobot in the Prime cartoon's publicity material, and he had a starring role in the comic released before the show's premiere. That, combined with the fandom's excitement over the news of his voice actor (an announcement that was actually very low-key,[3] but you know, fandoms), made his death in the opening minutes of the pilot episode come as quiiiiiiite a shock to just about everyone. Prime's sister show, G.I. Joe: Renegades, pulled the same tactic with the hero Ripcord, but they gave that character more than five minutes to develop a personality and an attachment to the audience. Of course, later on, Ripcord was found alive.
  • Cliffjumper has been mentioned in more episodes than he's appeared in, and mostly by Starscream.
  • This is not the first Cliffjumper to die and become a zombie.
  • In the 3DS version of Rise of the Dark Spark, there are obvious hints at a relationship between Cliffjumper and Arcee. Cliffjumper constantly refers to Arcee as, "darling," and Hound flat out says to Arcee, "I see why Cliffjumper likes you, boss."
  • Cliffjumper's role was originally going to Smokescreen, who was planned to die in the season 1 finale instead of the premiere.

Arms Up Modes

In the Japanese Prime toyline, Cliffjumper has powered-up modes when given various Arms Microns in certain configurations:

  • Full Burst Mode (フルバーストモード Furu Bāsuto Mōdo)
    • Arms Microns: B.B., C.L., O.P., R.A.
Cliffjumper's "Arms Up Mode" pictured on his box-back is dubbed "Full Burst Mode", which has him brandishing a combination weapon formed from O.P. and B.B. in one hand, and another formed from C.L. and R.A. in the other.
  • Death Mode (デスモード Desu Mōdo)
    • Arms Microns: Balo, Gora, Jida
Terrorcon Cliffjumper's box-back "Arms Up Mode" uses Jida in "Big Saw" mode while also lugging around the Killer Bite weapon.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Cliffjumper (クリフジャンパー Kurifujanpā)
  • Mandarin: Fēi Gùo Shān (飞过山, "Flying across a Mountain")
  • Russian: Skalolaz (Скалолаз, "Rock-climber")


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