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Cobra Commander

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This article is about the fictional character. For the real-world comic series, see Cobra Commander (comic).
Oh yeah. I went there.

Whether he's a renegade European scientist, the scion of a bizarre ancient civilization, or just a former used car salesman driven to the brink of insanity, Cobra Commander really hates G.I. Joe. As the leader of the ruthless terrorist organization Cobra, he frequently tries (and fails) to take over the world.

No matter what maniacal scheme he comes up with, be it raising an island from the sea to form his own independent nation, editing elementary school textbooks to read pro-Cobra or etching his face onto the moon with a laser, G.I. Joe is there to try and stop him.

When fallen on hard times, he goes by the alias "Old Snake". Cobra Commander's evil stretches across time; in some realities, the title is an inherited one, and other Cobra operatives such as Tomax or the Baroness will take up the mantle and become a new Cobra Commander.

Who are you?
The future.Destro and Cobra Commander, "Cobra Commander #5"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Chris Latta (English), Ryōichi Tanaka (Japanese), Bernd Simon (German), Éric Peter (European French), Lucas Cisneros (Spain-Spanish), Carlos Seidl (Brazilian Portuguese)
Urban Cowboy/Terrorist

By the year 2006, the once mighty Cobra organization had apparently been defeated. Cobra Commander, now going by the alias "Old Snake", was left with little to do to pass the time but hire out his services as an independent contractor—of terror!

A mob boss named Victor Drath had hired Old Snake at least once in the past, and decided to hire him again to learn the secret of synthoid technology so that he might use it against the Autobots. Snake took the job and used the synthoid technology to craft "human" bodies for Rodimus Prime, Arcee, Springer, and Ultra Magnus, then somehow transferred their minds inside them. Drath planned to then destroy the Autobots' now mindless robot bodies, but Old Snake dissuaded him, noting what excellent weapons they would make.

Eventually, the Autobots managed to return to their original Cybertronian bodies and Victor Drath and his gang were arrested. However, Snake managed to escape capture.

They don't make lozenges like they used to, either.

After watching Drath and his gang get hauled away, Old Snake walked into the sunset. He mused to himself that "they just don't make terrorists like they used to", and began shouting the old Cobra battlecry to the heavens, perhaps for old times' sake.

He was, unfortunately, cut short by a coughing fit. Only Human

Wings Universe

Wings Universe is based on the Generation 1 cartoon, but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

Finding that the fire in his belly had been reignited by his encounter with the Autobots, "Old Snake" decided to revive an old Cobra program to engineer the ultimate warrior by combining the greatest military leaders in Earth history into one being. Seeking to create a mechanical warrior rather than the organic one Cobra's last effort had produced, Old Snake located the discarded body of a deactivated Decepticon Sweep to use for the project, but just as he got things underway, the Earth Defense Command disrupted the proceedings. Nevertheless, the project was success, and Serpent O.R. was born—though he was not the loyal Cobra warrior Old Snake had hoped for, as EDC General Hawk had inadvertently had a scan of his brainwaves added to the mix, making Serpent O.R. sympathetic to their cause. Wings Universe Serpent O.R. profile

Legends comic

Having fallen in with the Concurrence by 2021, Old Snake infiltrated the Universal Peace Alliance disguised as Spike Witwicky, the organization's chairman. As part of the Concurrence's plans to destroy the Autobots using plasma energy, he ordered Shaoshao Li to bring back the plasma-mutated Targetmaster partners from the Legends World, claiming the Alliance wanted to keep them out of Megatron's hands. Mutant Targetmaster Birth Chapter The Concurrence's attempts to eliminate the real Spike were thwarted by Goldbug, so Old Snake declared that Goldbug had betrayed the Universal Peace Alliance and ordered the Throttlebots to destroy him. When he brought the team to the Legends World, however, they refused his orders, and he was forced to retreat by Spike and Goldbug (now Bumblebee). Bonus Edition Vol. 54

Old Snake next struck a deal with Slugslinger, who had recovered the Targetmaster Caliburst, granting him a transtector body in exchange for the destruction of all Transformers in the Legends World. Unfortunately for him, the Decepticon was defeated. Bonus Edition Vol. 55 When the Autobot Clones stole data containing evidence of Old Snake's facade, he declared them criminals and confronted them alongside Hound. Hound grew suspicious when he couldn't back up his claims of their crimes, however, and ultimately realized he couldn't be the real Spike when he cold-bloodedly ordered the deaths of the Clones. A sonic beam from Fastlane then destroyed Old Snake's disguise and unveiled the truth, forcing him to flee. Bonus Edition Vol. 58 Changing gears, he then brought over the rest of the Concurrence's forces to conquer the Legends World, starting by capturing Tera-Kura Co. and using synthoid technology to turn its owner, Beast Megatron, into their loyal servant. G1 Megatron managed to restore Beast Megatron to normal, however, and the Concurrence was sent fleeing by the two Megatrons. Bonus Edition Vol. 63

When Chairman Megatron announced he was going to leave the Legends World, President Megatron reminisced about their times together, such as when the older Megatron saved the younger from Old Snake. Epiloge

Ask Vector Prime

In Primax 1185.04 Alpha, Cobra Commander led Cobra to the successful conquest of Earth by 1984. When the Transformers awoke and Megatron tried to conquer Earth as well, Cobra thwarted him at every turn with the M.A.S.S. Device. Eventually, Megatron forged an alliance with the Sub-Atlanticans, but they betrayed and turned him over to Cobra when Cobra threatened to invade Sub-Atlantica with genetically-modified aquatic soldiers. Starscream subsequently took command of the Decepticon forces and abandoned Earth while Megatron, stasis locked into his gun alt-mode, became a trophy for Cobra Commander. The Alternity kept watch on this universe for a while due to the presence of a Cybertronian in human hands, but with multiple other areas of interest available, Cobra Commander was content to simply display Megatron as a trophy. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/13

Marvel Comics continuity

G.I. Joe and the Transformers

Whoa! Struck a nerve there, eh, little scrawn job?

On Cobra Island, Cobra Commander berated Zartan for the careless actions of his Dreadnoks, which had revealed Cobra's interest in Power Station Alpha to G.I. Joe, and ordered him to send Zarana to retrieve the uncouth mercenaries. He feared that the incident had left him vulnerable to the manipulations of his would-be usurper, Serpentor. Blood on the Tracks He was right to be concerned, as he was apparently deposed soon after by Serpentor, who took command of Cobra. Power Struggle

Marvel Generation 2 comic

No it isn't!

Years later, Cobra Commander was back in charge of Cobra and had killed many potential traitors on Cobra Island. This left him with a staffing issue: Zarana was now the de facto second-in-command and he had to bring Doctor Mindbender back from the dead after killing him the first time. Realignments He had a very large vocabulary and loves insulting people, especially if they were Zarana! For all his alleged smarts, he was honestly surprised to learn long-standing G.I. Joe members aren't really defecting but just pretending so they can spy on him. Final Transformations

While the Commander was taking over Destro's shape-shifting castle, a half-scrap Megatron appeared (believing it was a Transformer). Unfoldings! Cobra Commander offered him a deal. Megatron shot up his castle. Cobra Commander then offered a better deal: a new body made by Doctor Sidney Biggles-Jones in exchange for Cybertronian technology. Megatron agreed Realignments and led him to the Ark, which was transferred to Milleville. The partnership, however, was pretty crap from the Commander's point of view as Megatron cared barely a jot for things like secrecy and helping out against a G.I. Joe raid. Cobra Commander complained about this but had his hands full bringing Doctor Mindbender back from the dead to work for him again and then dealing with the aforementioned Joes. Goin' South Sucker Punch

He was unknowingly betrayed by both Biggles-Jones and Megatron: she secretly infected Megatron's new rail gun with a computer virus to disable it, and he discovered it, removed it and transferred it to the Cybertronian technology he gave to Cobra. Final Transformations

Not knowing about the virus, Cobra Commander tried to transfer all that junk back to base anyway.

Hot Spot found out about this, and couldn't let the technology fall into Cobra hands just in case they could get something out of it, so he attacked the Cobra convoy. With all the equipment destroyed, an angry Cobra Commander ordered his men to capture and dissect the Autobot as a replacement. Having taken heavy damage from Cobra Detonators and unable to keep fighting, Hot Spot chose to self-destruct rather than let his body fall into the clutches of Cobra. All or Nothing!

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Ooooh... shiny!

Following directions from Destro, Cobra Commander and the Baroness unearthed an alien spaceship in 2003, before Cobra had made itself known to the world. Finding the ship full of giant deactivated robots, Cobra Commander ordered his troops to haul the aliens away and re-seal the craft. Cobra's scientists soon managed to reprogram the robots to be under their control, except for the one known as Megatron, who was merely locked into the form of a gun and held at Cobra Commander's side. Cobra revealed themselves to the world some time later, when Cobra Commander led an attack on a peace summit in Washington, D.C. using his new "Battle Android Troopers". G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #1

After the attack, the commander returned to Cobra Island, where he forced Megatron to give him information on energon and noted a breach in Cobra's network security. He also greeted Destro when the arms dealer came to check up on Cobra's progress in reverse-engineering the alien technology. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #2 Cobra Commander was less than pleased when Destro decided to muscle in on things and take the upcoming attack on the SPS Research Facility into his own hands. He soon had other things to worry about, however, as the Battle Android Troopers broke out of Cobra's reprogramming and the commander found himself face-to-face with a very unhappy Optimus Prime. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #3

And what do we learn out of this? Don't F**K with MEGATRON!

Cobra Commander tried to defend himself using Megatron, who strictly refused to fight unless he was restored to his normal self. Realizing he had no other choice, the commander released Megatron and ran away while the Decepticon clashed with Optimus Prime. He made it to the island's shore, only to have Brawn and Gears blow up his escape ship and attempt to capture him. Luckily, he was saved by Storm Shadow and his S.N.A.K.E. mech. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #4 The S.N.A.K.E. squad protecting Cobra Commander was then discovered and defeated by a different group of Autobots, forcing him to flee on foot while grumbling that he was going to need a new ninja. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #5 Eventually, he stumbled across Starscream, immobilized and with a grenade about to detonate in his eye socket. The robot struck a deal with Cobra Commander: If the human removed the grenade, Starscream would in turn take him off the island. The commander accepted his offer, and the two began a grudging partnership as they escaped to Florida. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #6

"With all due respect, shut your damn mouth."
"And how much respect is that?"
"Very little, actually."

Two years later, Cobra Commander had somehow turned this grudging partnership into something more pleasing for himself, as Starscream was now happily following his orders. After learning about the supercomputer Teletran 3 on Cybertron, connected to Earth via a strange wormhole, Cobra Commander figured that the computer's teleportation technology would be invaluable to Cobra. He then traveled to Portugal, where he convinced Destro to provide him with the financial support needed to hack the computer. When Cobra Commander and Destro were overseeing the process in their Boston facility the following day, they came under attack by G.I. Joe, and were suddenly sent to Cybertron when Cobra's wormhole computer malfunctioned. Cobra Commander wasted no time in ordering his troops to kill the Joes and steal Teletran 3, but was interrupted by the arrival of several Autobots and Decepticons. He mostly faded into the background after Perceptor called him imperious and Destro told him to shut up. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #1 When the whole affair was over, Cobra Commander argued with Destro some more and noticed that Starscream had fled, but he didn't really care about that. As it turned out, he had lined the jet's hull with plastic explosives, which later blew up as Starscream returned to the current Decepticon leader, Shockwave, killing them both. As a result, Cobra Commander finally brought peace back to Cybertron, a fact which probably would've annoyed the heck out of him if he had been aware. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #4

Oh yeah. Hitting a giant alien robot in the face with an ineffective weapon. There's no way this will end horribly.
Thanks to Zarana infiltrating Area 52, Cobra Commander learned that US government had used Megatron's remains to create the "Serpent Organic Robot", a biological android imbued with the experience of the world's greatest tacticians and warriors. Cobra Commander naturally wanted Serpent O.R. on his side, and staged a massive attack on Area 52, distracting its defenses with an army of new Battle Android Troopers while he and Zartan sneaked in on a Buzz Boar.
After incapacitating Bumblebee, they freed Serpent O.R., only to learn that the android had retained some of Megatron's unpleasant memories of Cobra Commander, and definitely had no intention of being anyone's servant. While the commander had Zartan place a device on Serpent O.R.'s neck, they were quickly knocked out by his tentacles. The Art of War #1 After recovering, Cobra Commander cursed the day he found the Transformers, and was about to smash Bumblebee's face in with a lead pipe when G.I. Joe and some Autobots arrived and demanded answers. He briefly explained to them what he had come for, but was interrupted when Serpent O.R. reappeared and attacked everyone. While the Autobots and Joes were busy fighting back, Cobra Commander escaped with Zartan and Zarana. The Art of War #2

After returning to the Cobra Terrordrome in Siberia, Cobra Commander worked with Doctor Knox to take control of Serpent O.R. using the device Zartan had planted on him. He happily claimed that with the power of a god, he wouldn't need any of his old underlings. The Art of War #4 The perfect chance soon came, as Serpent O.R. defeated Optimus Prime and stole the Matrix of Leadership, transforming himself into the mighty "Serpentor Prime". Possessing the android's body, Cobra Commander killed two of his lieutenants, Razorclaw and Motormaster, while laughing at Serpent O.R. for being willing to give his power up. He soon came under attack by the Autobots and G.I. Joes he had met at Area 52, but took most of them out using Serpent O.R.'s tentacles, all the while bragging that he would conquer everything from the comfort of his lab and only regretting that he couldn't kill Megatron and Starscream personally. However, Arcee managed to rip his chestplate off, allowing Hawk to absorb the power of the Matrix out of him. The power feedback reduced Serpentor Prime to a smoldering wreck and fried Cobra Commander's brain, leaving him an unresponsive vegetable in his control chair on Earth. The Art of War #5

Transformers/G.I. Joe

I have the magical light ball of doom!

In 1938, Cobra Commander learned that an "ultimate weapon" was hidden on the Fera Islands, and ordered Major Bludd to retrieve it. When the major returned with the Matrix of Leadership and a number of Decepticons in tow, Cobra Commander started wearing the relic on his person and allied himself with Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. By the summer of 1939, Cobra and the Decepticons had conquered several European nations, and the commander anticipated that the United States of America would soon make their move. Destro suggested that they withdraw a third of their forces to defend their headquarters on the Fera Islands, but Cobra Commander angrily dismissed his idea, as the US troops didn't even know where Cobra's base was located. The Line

A few hours later, a US strike force airdropped near the Cobra base while Cobra Commander was busy inspecting his jewelry. After verbally assaulting Destro for practically everything he said, the commander dispatched Zartan and a squadron of Rattlers to deal with the attackers. Transformed Shortly afterwards, Megatron that the Decepticon-Cobra allliance was no longer of use to him, and tried to attack Cobra Commander. In response, the commander revealed that he could use the Matrix to harm Megatron, bringing the Decepticon leader to his knees. While he decided to spare Megatron for now, Cobra Commander warned him that if he ever rebelled again, he wouldn't be so lucky. Trial by Fire

Is it suicide if you use someone as the weapon?

As the enemy troops, now allied with the Autobots, closed in on the Cobra Terrordrome, Cobra Commander ordered Major Bludd to take the civilians and slaves in the area and use them as a human defense line. With the enemy unable to attack innocent people, the commander was free to pick them off using Shockwave's cannon mode. As Shockwave fired on Superion, Cobra Commander held a dramatic speech about how people once saw him as a madman just because he saw his own destiny as future ruler of the world... but now, anyone who stood against him would burn! Trenches

However, despite Cobra Commander's efforts, the enemy continued to advance. His troops were scattered, his slaves were rescued, and Shockwave broke down from overuse. When he tried to get Megatron's help, the Decepticon leader only mocked him. Shortly thereafter, Cobra Commander was caught in a rockslide caused by Bruticus, which crushed his legs. His pleas for help were ignored by Megatron, who instead transformed into gun mode and offered Cobra Commander a quick and easy way to end it all. The commander held Megatron to his head, but ultimately threw him away, unable to kill himself. The gun was quickly picked back up by Baroness, who told Cobra Commander that while he had always loved power, he had never known what to do with it. She then finished the job by executing him. The Iron Fist

Some fifty years later, in 1986, Cobra Commander was back in action. On his base on Cobra Island, he learned that an alien craft had crashlanded near Portland, Oregon, and dispatched a squad to retrieve it for Cobra. Targets of Opportunity

Divided Front ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Cobra Commander sent out his assassin, Firefly, to track down and eliminate Snake-Eyes. Divided Front #3 At some point, Starscream and Soundwave found out about a "terrible secret" buried beneath Cobra Island, and threatened Cobra Commander's life in order to gain access to it. Divided Front #5

The Cobra Commander seen in Divided Front is most likely a different person behind the mask, but as Dreamwave folded after only the first issue was published, any details remain unknown.

Lil Formers

Cobra Commander popped into a theatre to ask Thrust, Thundercracker, and Skywarp if they wanted to do a cross-over. Unfortunately, the Decepticons were watching "Snakes on a Plane," and Cobra Commander's sudden appearance spooked them good. Lil Formers

Animated cartoon continuity

Is that Cobra or a Pac Man ghost?

By the 22nd century, Cobra Commander's face (or, rather, the visage of his mask) had been added to Mount Rushmore. We hope that doesn't mean he was a President. The AllSpark Almanac II His likeness was used as a Halloween costume by a child in Detroit. Along Came a Spider

Kre-O cartoon

Kreo cobracommander.jpg

Cobra Commander helpfully pointed viewers to Kre-O's website. Carnival Face Off

Kre-O online manga

KreoComic7 swindle hydra oldsnake.jpg

Old Snake and Hydra bought bricks from Swindle. New Military Unit Combaticon! Bruticus, Combine!

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

FCBD Once a man.jpg

Once, Cobra Commander was a man. He left behind his wife and son for reasons unknown to become a terrorist mastermind. FCBD Funnies At the end of the 20th century, he recruited Destro into the ranks of Cobra by offering him a mountain of money and bespectacled babes. In exchange, Destro provided Cobra with exclusive access to cutting-edge weapons technology. Stick To Your Guns In his long history of global snake-themed terrorism, Cobra Commander was responsible for killing the parents of G.I. Joe markswoman Scarlett, and the sister of Joe commando Snake-Eyes. The Golden Boys A wildly materialistic man, the Commander's private pursuits included completing a vast collection of every make of automobile known to man, which he kept in Cobra's temple base of Koh-Buru-Lah.

TFvsJoe0 cobracommander and snakeyes.jpg

This base was also home to Cobra's Project Creeper, which had just reached completion and was on the verge of being deployed when G.I. Joe arrived to crash Cobra's party. Mowing down Joes Zap, Short-Fuze, and Shooter, Cobra Commander boarded a Rattler piloted by the Baroness and took off to drop the plane's payload of "creeper bombs" on a major American city. Their escape was foiled when a revenge-hungry Scarlett crippled the Rattler with one of Cobra's own creeper grenades, entangling it in fast-growing vegetable matter, at which point Snake-Eyes, eager to win Scarlett's heart by claiming revenge for her, used a jetpack to land on the stricken plane. Just as Snake-Eyes sank his blade into the villain's heart, the Commander discharged his gun directly into Snake-Eyes's face. The plane was subsequently consumed in the detonation of its creeper bomb cargo, and Cobra Commander and the Baroness were believed dead by the Joes. The Golden Boys

In actuality, both survived the blast, though the Baroness was left heavily scarred, and Cobra Commander was rendered comatose, kept alive only by machines. Refashioning herself with the new identity of the "Serpentress", the Baroness worked with Destro to keep Cobra together, enshrining Cobra Commander's body and using it as a symbol to rally Cobra loyalists under her leadership. After a time, the pair grew fearful that he might one day awaken and their new positions of power would be lost to them, and resolved to use an extraterrestrial gun gifted to them by the alien god-king Megatron to kill the Commander for good. Upon removing his hood, however, they discovered that the body was merely one of his "Fred" body-doubles, and that the real Cobra Commander was still at large...

Ain't no last supper like a Cobra last supper!

Hey, do you think that was him who broke some prisoners out of Blackwater Prison? You do? Okay. Everybody Hates Metroplex

That unidenfitied Commander went with his freed allies to the Arctic, where the mercenary Kwinn led them to the resting place of the monstrous Koh-Buru-Lah, god of the Cobra cult! Lamenting that Cobra was working with the Transformers, the villain woke the beast up in the hope of turning things around. Expelled from the Garden As an extra treat, his long-abandoned son Billy showed up with a half-dead Snake-Eyes to kill! The Commander was pleased with that, but let Koh-Buru-Lah kill Billy anyway since he had the "stink" of Transformers on him. It turned out Snake-Eyes was playing possum and sprang to life before his mask could be removed. Pax Megatronus

After Cybertron had collided with Earth, Koh-Buru-Lah carried Cobra Commander and his retinue to the metallic planet via one of its mega-mountains. Earth: R.I.P.

Seeking to put his house in order, Cobra Commander visited the Terrordromes erected across Cybertron and reclaimed them one by one. When he reunited with the Baroness he convinced her to let him rule once again before both revealed their faces and made love. During the final battle for Earth's sun, Cobra Commander approached Megatron, fighting against the effects of the green bombs and bargained the kill code in exchange for rulership over Mars. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12

After having his mask stolen by a U.S.7 beast, Snake-Eyes presented the Commander with his old mask before he was confronted by Billy. Though the Commander quickly defeated his wayward son, Snake-Eyes remotely triggered the mask's plastic explosives, killing Cobra Commander. As his heir, Billy inherited the Commander's promised Mars. The War Never Ends

2005 IDW continuity

IHWikiFavicon.png Main article: Cobra Commander on the IDW Hasbro Wiki

The mantle of "Cobra Commander" has been passed down through the ages from one Commander to their successor; the head of an ancient conspiracy centuries in the making. In the aftermath of Megatron's invasion of Earth and the departure of the Transformers, G.I. Joe became aware of the existence of Cobra and its leader, Secret Raiders leading to a years-long war that saw the death of the current Commander. Rattler The next Cobra Commander, a man named Krake, would go on to conquer Nanzhao, leading to the deployment of nuclear weaponry and the country's subsequent annihilation. Secret Raiders

Five years later, Tomax Paoli would oust Krake from leadership and go on to bring Cobra out of the shadows, reforming the ancient conspiracy into an outwardly legitimate security firm with humanitarian ties. Under his leadership, Cobra would keep the peace in the Eastern European nation of Schleteva during its war against Galibi, but his brief reign ultimately collapsed after G.I. Joe managed to bring down Cobra from the inside. The Iron Klaw

By the time Optimus Prime annexed Earth, several years later, Cobra had collapsed and its many Commanders had been largely forgotten. Secret Raiders

The disgraced Tomax would fall in with Baron Ironblood's new Iron Ring; despite his disgust for Tomax's weak leadership, Ironblood and Garrison Kreiger entrusted him and Centurion with a mission to San Francisco. Tomax would briefly don his old suit at the behest of Garrison Kreiger during a battle against the "Revolutionaries". It didn't work out too well and Tomax was taken into custody. Strange Visitors

Around the same time, the Baroness began working to properly rebuild Cobra; after escaping G.I. Joe custody with the help of several "Cobranarchists", she assumed the title of Cobra Commander and absorbed the forces of V.E.N.O.M. into her organization in the process. She had her minions raid museums in pursuit of antediluvian artifacts, G.I. Joe: First Strike while melting the polar ice in pursuit of a similar goal. M.A.S.K.: First Strike

Thundercracker eventually produced a biopic based on Chuckles's final encounter with G.I. Joe's original Cobra Commander. The Seeker made a few... errors with regards to aspects of the various Commanders. Starscream: The Movie

All decked out in their Cobra Commander outfits, Tomax, Krake and the Baroness attended the meeting within Trypticon to discuss the threat of Unicron. Assembly

Aw Yeah Revolution!

Cobra Commander led his troops in a battle against G.I. Joe Aw Yeah Revolution! #1 before Optimus Prime and Baron Karza came tumbling out of a portal from Microspace. After the Baron helped Cobra defeat Optimus, he was granted co-leadership of Cobra. When the Prime's allies followed, Cobra Commander ordered his troops to fire on them before Rom towed Optimus out of the range of Cobra's control frequency. Destro then seized the Orbsah Gem prompting the Commander to declare victory for Cobra before the Autobots arrived. Aw Yeah Revolution! #3

When Worlds Collide

Along with Megatron, Cobra Commander stole the Matrix of Leadership, being chased across various worlds by the Autobots and meeting several dastardly allies. The two, along with their legion of doom, were ready to make a stand against the Autobots and their own allies before the two kids imagining the whole thing were called away to diner. While angry at first, the sight of puppies convinced Cobra Commander to let it go. When Worlds Collide

Energon Universe

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Cobra Commander #1 Cobra Commander #2

Commercial appearances

Next week, Batman is coming. Prepare for his downfall.

While promoting repeat marathons of their television series, Cobra Commander and Megatron carried on an argument regarding world domination. Cobra-palooza Megatron-A-Thon


Transformers Legends

Old Snake came to Victor Drath's assistance, using technology to trap four Autobots in synthoid bodies, and using the discarded shells in an attempt to destroy Autobot City. Though the plan was foiled, Old Snake managed to make an escape, though his attempt at his old battle cry was cut short by a coughing fit. Only Human

Transformers: Earth Wars

Soundwave H.I.S.S.

What do you mean a living Cobra Rattler is more important to the story than me?!
Cobra Commander is the Cobra partner of Soundwave
MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars

Cobra Commander brokered a deal with the Decepticons to repair Soundwave as a H.I.S.S. Tank after being blown up by G.I. Joe and the Autobots.

  • Class: Special
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 stars
  • Ability: G.I. Joe Command - Follow Cobra's command! Aim at a defence and the H.I.S.S. Tank will deal some damage. Defences in the area receive 20% (2-Stars) / 30% (3-Stars) / 40% (4-Stars) more damage and get prioritized by all bots for 3.5 seconds.
    • Cost: 5 ability points, +3 for reuses.


This character has many other toys that are not connected to Transformers. See the external link to for more information.

G.I. Joe and the Transformers

"'Evil scheme' is quite literally my middle name! It's Slovenian!"
  • Starscream Sky Striker (XP-21F) with Cobra Commander (2011)
    • Accessories: Helmet, harness, parachute pack, leg straps, Megatron gun, display stand
An exclusive release for San Diego Comic-Con 2011, this flight-suited Cobra Commander action figure is a combination of redecoed parts from existing G.I. Joe figures; namely, the head (and helmet) of the 2008 25th Anniversary "DVD Battles" set 5 Cobra Commander, the torso and waist of the 2009 Resolute box set Duke, the upper legs of 2008's 25th Anniversary Capt. Ace, and the arms, lower legs, and feet of the 2011 Pursuit of Cobra Skydive.
Cobra Commander features a removable helmet and parachute pack, along with a tiny gun-mode Megatron to wield. He was available only with Starscream, a redeco of the 2011 G.I. Joe Sky Striker, whose cockpit he can sit inside.

"I can never tell you two apart!"
"There! Now you're the one with the fork stuck in your eye!!"
  • Old Snake with Advanced Stealth B.A.T. Duo (2015)
    • Accessories: Pistol, backpack, 2 energon cubes, display stand
Released exclusively to both the Transformers and G.I. Joe Collectors Club stores, Old Snake is a figure based on his appearance in the original Transformers cartoon. He is made using the same head as the above Cobra Commander (with a glued-on Collectors' Club 2013 exclusive Muskrat hat), the torso, waist, and arms of 2009's The Rise of Cobra wave one Storm Shadow, and the legs of that toyline's "G.I. Joe Rescue Mission" multipack version of Snake-Eyes. He comes with Joe-compatible pistol and backpack accessories, as well as two energon cubes.
Also included in the set is a pair of Advanced Stealth B.A.T.s.

  • G.I. Joe featuring Ninja Force and Transformers (2017)
    • Accessories: Megatron gun, saber, pistol, belt, display stand
Another exclusive to the Transformers and G.I. Joe club stores, this Cobra Commander was included as part of the "G.I. Joe featuring Ninja Force and Transformers" box set, referencing the events of the Generation 2 story arc. This time he's constructed from a number of figures from the 25th Anniversary line – the head from 2007's single carded Cobra Commander, the legs of the Cobra Commander included in the 2007 Cobra Battle Pack #1, the torso and waist of the 2008 Crimson Guard, and the legs of the 2008 comic pack Red Star – as well as the arms of the 2011 Renegades Cobra Commander. He is armed with a pistol and a snake-handled saber, as well as another gun mode Megatron.
Also included in the box set were the Joe figures Ninja Force: Scarlett and Dr. Sidney Biggles-Jones, the Transformers Ratbat and Megatron, a figurine of Autobot Black Cat, and accessories of Autobot Toaster and three Crusticons.


The Loyal Subjects

  • Starscream X Cobra Commander (2014)
    • Accessories: Gun
Exclusive to Newbury Comics stores, this two pack includes Starscream and Cobra Commander which have negligible changes from their individual releases. Despite the pairing of these two characters is undoubtedly a nod to their shared voice actor, the packing makes no reference to this. The set was limited to 1000 pieces.



Enamel Pin Series

  • Rarity: 1 in 20
Released by Kidrobot in their Enamel Pin Series, this is a flat, enamel pin badge of Cobra Commander inspired by the art of Tom Scioli's Transformers vs. G.I. Joe, albeit with cutesy proportions. He is depicted in his hooded look, as seen on his return to the comic in "Pax Megatronus". The pin series was blindboxed, with some pins being rarer than others.

Vinyl Mini Series

"Oh, CRAP! I forgot my Price Style Plus Card!"
  • Rarity: 2 in 24
The same character design was reused for the Vinyl Mini Series, with Cobra Commander receiving a three-inch tall, blindboxed figurine retaining the vibrant colours and exaggerated proportions. Cobra Commander featured articulation in each shoulder.

Medium Figure Series

This "art figure" of Cobra Commander, released in the Medium Figure Series, followed the same design, now blown up to seven inches; some painted-on details of his smaller incarnation, like his sash, boots, and epaulettes were now rendered as part of the sculpt. In addition to articulated shoulders, the Commander now also featured a turning head.
Unlike the rest of Kidrobot's Transformers vs. G.I. Joe line, the Medium Figure Series were sold in open-faced boxes.

Released at the same time as the standard version, this variant of Cobra Commander was limited to 200 pieces and exclusive to the Kidrobot online store. The Commander is now decoed in predominantly dark grey; while this scheme never actually appeared in the comic, it has been a classic palette swap for him since 1993.

Vinyl Keychain Series

  • Rarity: 3 in 24
Cobra Commander was also released as part of the once again blindboxed Vinyl Keychain Series, now standing at about one to two inches. He included a keychain molded into his head and, due to his small scale, did not feature any articulation.


  • Funko Mystery Box: Transformers vs. G.I. Joe (Giftset, 2021)
    • ID number: 47
Released as part of the Pop! Retro Toys segment and available only as part of a GameStop exclusive giftset, Funko's Pop! Cobra Commander is a super deformed vinyl figure and comes blindpacked inside a Transformers vs. G.I. Joe-themed lunch box alongside a Pop! Optimus Prime figure, a Decepticon logo decal, a Cobra logo keychain, and a set of four pins of Cobra Commander, Optimus Prime, Megatron and Duke.



Foreign names

  • Japanese: Snake (スネーク Sunēku), Cobra Commander (コブラコマンダー Kobura Komandā)
  • Mandarin: Yǎnjìngshé Zhǐhuīguān (眼镜蛇指挥官, "Cobra Commander")

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