Primax 1185.04 Alpha
From Transformers Wiki
Primax 1185.04 Alpha is a universe in the Primax universal cluster. It is a tangent timeline of Primax 984.17 Alpha.
Ask Vector Prime
When the Transformers awoke in the Earth of this universe in 1984, they found the planet dominated by Cobra Commander. Megatron's pursuit of energon was hindered by Cobra, who used the M.A.S.S. Device to instantly send troops to anywhere the Decepticons were attacking. Cobra also used the Weather Dominator to turn the environment of the entire planet against the invading force. The Autobots initally tried to engage with the human leadership against the Decepticons, but soon turned against the military dictatorship. While some of his troops wanted to serve in the underground resistance to Cobra, Optimus Prime felt that they should not meddle in the internal matters of other species. Therefore, the Autobots remained out of sight until they were able to acquire enough energon to leave the planet on a spaceship, heading into the void.
Megatron continued his military campaign, with little success. He found allies such as the Insecticons, Skyfire, and the Constructicons. Cobra was able to undermine these forces with their Pyramids of Darkness, which disabled any electronic activity within a region. They gave Doctor Arkeville and Doctor Lucifer enormous budgets and no ethics clauses in order to make weapon after weapon. After forging a space bridge in order to get more resources from Shockwave, Megatron allied himself with the Sub-Atlanticans. Cobra had anticipated this alliance, and thus prepared genetically engineered troops who had gills. Facing an invasion, the Sub-Atlanticans turned over Megatron to Cobra, who had the Decepticon put in stasis lock. Starscream, finally taking command, ordered a retreat of his troops to Cybertron through the space bridge. The Alternity kept tabs on this universe due to a Transformer being in human hands, but Cobra Commander was content with keeping Megatron, in his gun alt-mode, as a trophy. At this time, a group of humans from Primax 984.17 Alpha visited this universe, which was basically bereft of Earth-bound Cybertronians. This was also the last point Vector Prime checked on this universe, which, decades later, he thought should receive a second look. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/13
- Primax 1185.04 Alpha is the universal stream designation corresponding to the universe featured in the G.I. Joe cartoon series two-parter "Worlds Without End", taking its specifications from the original airdate of part 1.
- The Ask Vector Prime post detailed above explains why no Transformers were present in the two-parter despite the alternate universe's similarity to the show's main universe.