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Cold Slither (band)

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This article is about the band. For the song, see Cold Slither (song).

Cold Slither is a band. Perhaps their most famous song is the self-titled Cold Slither.



The Transformers cartoon

There are unconfirmed reports that Cold Slither, the band, was the author of the ubiquitous tune that was variously enjoyed by Jazz; The Autobot Run featured at the Dancitron; Auto-Bop played at a concert attended by Spike, Carly and Blaster; Blaster Blues and used to repel Morphobot plants. Quest for Survival

Animated cartoon

Cold Slither was one of many bands playing at the Dancitron, as advertised in the Detroit Powell Press. The AllSpark Almanac

Shattered Glass

Cold Slither Van SG.jpg

Soundwave scanned a Cold Slither van on Earth to use as his alt-mode. The Desert Heat!

Cold Slither played a joint concert with the Misfits in Dublin. The recently knighted Sir Soundwave was in attendance. Their body of work includes at least two albums; one is an all-cover album that some consider kinda lame, but Thunder Hammer is considered, at least by Will Hayes, to be a masterpiece of spoken word beat poetry put to music. Blitzwing Bop


  • Cold Slither is an example of the cross-pollination of the various Sunbow cartoons in production at the time, including Transformers, Inhumanoids, Jem, and in this case G.I. Joe. Other examples include the presence of Hector Ramirez in several of these cartoons. Shattered Glass took the homage even further, and included Zartan in the band's logo.
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