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Commercial/Age of Extinction

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« Age of Extinction »

Like the first three live-action films, Transformers: Age of Extinction had an extensive advertising campaign.



I only had one drink! Honest!
  • Teaser Trailer [1] / [2] (w/ Regal SuperTicket promo)
Released March 4, 2014. [This Summer] [The Rules] [Have Changed]
Notes: On June 17th, Regal Cinemas released a version of this trailer with an introduction by Mark Wahlberg where he explains the Regal Cinemas SuperTicket promotion. The promotion allowed moviegoers to buy a $15 dollar ticket that also enabled them to download an HD copy of their choice of one of the first three Transformers movies, plus an HD download of Transformers: Age of Extinction before the DVD release date.

  • Payoff Trailer [3]
Released May 15, 2014. "We need a new army."
Notes: The day before this trailer was released, Paramount released a teaser for it online. A modified version of this trailer was posted four days later by some websites and YouTube accounts with the name "International Trailer". It was a little bit shorter and used the Imagine Dragons song Battle Cry around the 1:10 mark. The modified trailer was either a fake or not intended for release as Paramount had it pulled just a day after sites began to post it.

  • International Trailer [4]
Released June 11, 2014. This is a shorter version of the Payoff trailer with some new scenes. New scenes include a longer clip of Tessa and Cade hanging on the wires and a scene of Hound flicking his cy-gar at Joshua Joyce.
Notes: This ad was uploaded on June 3rd to the CBMTrailers YouTube account in Russian. It was later uploaded to the Paramount Pictures International YouTube channel in Italian. Thus far, no English version of this trailer has surfaced.

  • Hope International Trailer [5]
Uploaded to the MichaelBayDotCom Vimeo channel on June 13th, 2014. This is the Payoff trailer with added scenes featuring Chinese actors. The second half of the trailer uses an orchestral piece instead of the Imagine Dragons song that soundtracks the Payoff trailer.
Notes: This trailer uses English audio with Chinese subtitles.

TV spots

I'm the mother-fragging T-Rex!
  • Big Game Spot [6]
Aired February 2, 2014 during Super Bowl XLVIII. [Prepare] "Everybody stick behind me." [For Extinction] "Dad!" "Tessa!"
Notes: This ad is the first piece of publicly released Age of Extinction footage. In countries other than the United States, it is known as the "First Look" spot. It is counted as the first international TV spot.

Aired April 13, 2014. "Bring it up, all the way." "-all Autobots." "I think we just found a Transformer." [This Summer] "Gonna ask you this once. Where is Optimus Prime?" [The Rules] "A new era has begun." [Have Changed] "The age of the Transformers, is over."

  • Imagine Dragons Spot [8] (Extended) / [9]
Aired May 11, 2014 during The Voice. Starts out with a brief behind the scenes look, featuring Imagine Dragons' band members talking about their experience with the film and why the wanted to create music for it. "Everybody stick behind me." "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!"
Notes: During The Voice, this was an extended, one minute spot. Later airings omit the behind the scenes part. The spot is soundtracked with Imagine Dragons' song "Battle Cry". The Transformers: Age of Extinction YouTube channel titles the 30 second version as "Billboard". An Ireland version of this ad was uploaded to the Paramount Pictures International YouTube channel with an intro by Mark Wahlberg. Paramount UK uploaded this ad with a UK version of the intro

Rebel base in range.You may fire when ready.
Aired May 20?, 2014. "I made a promise to your mom before she passed, I'm gonna keep you safe." "You guys, I've never seen a truck like this before." "I think we just found a Transformer." "Dad!" "Tessa!" [Everything] "You have no idea what you're involved with here." [Will Change] "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!"

Aired May 21, 2014. "Our world will never truly be safe, 'til all of them are gone." "Humans want to destroy us, but a greater threat is coming." [This Summer] "I'm asking you to have faith Prime, maybe not in who we are, but who we can be."

Aired May 30?, 2014. "The age of the Transformers, is over." "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" "You have no idea what you're involved with here." "Help me!" "Tessa!" "We safe on our own or are we safer with them?"
Notes: The Paramount UK YouTube channel uploaded a version of this ad with an intro by Mark Wahlberg

Headshot!(See what I did there?)
Aired May 30?, 2014. "You guys, I've never seen a truck like this before." "I think we just found a Transformer." "I fear we are all targets now." "He needs our help." "We are in a LOT of trouble." "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" "Autobots, ROLL OUT!"
Notes: This spot is soundtracked with the Imagine Dragons song "Battle Cry".

Aired May 30?, 2014. "What is that?" "A great threat is coming." "What if you had some human help?" "This is not war. It's human extinction." "Bumblebee!" "You better have insurance!" "It's a freakin' spaceship. Sweetie, hand me my alien gun."

Aired June 4?, 2014. "My name is Optimus Prime." On June 27th, summer's biggest adventure... "Stand with us!" Kicks off with a roar. "That was insane! It was awesome but it was insane!" Transformers. A Michael Bay film. "Bumblebee!" "You're the best Bee!"

The Big Lehoundski.jpg
Aired June 5?, 2014. "Charge!"
Notes: This is the second international TV spot.

  • International TV Spot #3 [17]
Aired June 5?, 2014. "You have no idea what you're involved with here." "The age of the Transformers is over." "Our world will never be truly safe, until all of them are gone." "Why are you willing to help me?" "Because you trust me to." "Bumblebee!" "Promise me you'll keep her safe. Promise me!"

Aired June 9?, 2014. "You have no idea what you're involved with here." "Well, we got a rule about people messing with people from Texas." "I'm gonna ask you this once, where is Optimus Prime?" "You tell me." [On June 27th] "The rules have changed." [Fight] "Ok, let's go!" [For Freedom] "The world as he knows it is gone." "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!"

Aired June 10? 2014. "The rules have changed. We are all targets now." "Judgement day." "Watch it!" "How many more of my kind must be sacrificed?" "You gotta have faith Prime, in who we can be." "C'mon Bee!" "Now! Go!" "I am not leaving my dad." "Bumblebee!" "It's coming!"
Notes: This is a minute long ad. This ad was uploaded to Paramount UK's YouTube channel with an intro by Mark Wahlberg: [20]

Aired June 10?, 2014. "There is a version of this conversation where you get to go back to your barn, your daughter gets to graduate with honors and life as you know it goes on." "I'm gonna ask you this once, where is Optimus Prime?" "His world, as he knows it, is gone." "You should have never came after my family."

Aired June 10?, 2014. "I'm gonna ask you this once, where is Optimus Prime?" "You tell me." "I fear we are all targets now." "Let's go!" "We're not going down without a fight." "I can't believe I'm putting my life in your hands." "Oh, you wanna lead? Take the gun." "No I don't want to." "You can lead." "You're good with the gun, so you keep it."

AOEBumblebee hanging.jpg
Aired June 14?, 2014. "This is not war, it's extinction." [3D] [Doesn't Get] [Any Better]
  • Reviews version [24]
Same as above with the text narration replaced with the following reviews: ["Bigger and better." - Oscar Petit, Univision], ["The best Transformers yet." - Shawn Edwards, FOX-TV] ["Freakin' awesome!" - Shawn Edwards, FOX-TV]

Aired June 14?, 2014. "The age of the Transformers, is over." "Who sent you here?" "This is human extinction." "Are we safe on our own or are we safer with them?" "Bumblebee!" "We're not going down without a fight." "Go!" "We need a new army!"

Aired June 14?, 2014. "You have no idea what's been happening here?" "What the hell is that?" "You think you're the center of the universe?" "Who sent you here?" "This is not war. It's human extinction." "We're not going down without a fight."

And there on his hand was a hook!
Aired June 15?, 2014. "Calling all Autobots." "We got the gang back together." This year... "Rollout!" Against our biggest enemy... "Whoa!" We need bigger heroes. "Whoa." "C'mon Bee, you gotta move faster." "The hunt ends here." "It's over. Hey!"

Aired June 16?, 2014. "The age of the Transformers, is over." When you experience this year's biggest movie event, see it in IMAX 3D. "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" "You have no idea what you're involved with here." With select footage captured by IMAX cameras. "Watch out, watch out!" "Ready and action!" "We safe on our own or are we safer with them?"

  • International TV Spot #4 [29]
Aired June 16?, 2014. "We are all targets now." "Judgement day." "C'mon Bee." [This][Year] [You][Won't] [Believe][Your][Eyes] "It's coming!"

Lockdown and his mercenaries TF4.jpg
Aired June 17?, 2014. "What is that?" "Who sent you?" "You think you were born? You were built, and they want you back." "The age of the Transformers, is over." "We're not going down without a fight." "They want to destroy us." "We need a new army."

Aired June 17?, 2014. "Autobots, roll out!" This year... "We got the gang back together." hang on... "Bumblebee!" "You're the best Bee! You are the best!" take off... "Let's give it a whirl." ...and get down. "Bee, music. Make it loud! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "You've got to be kidding me." "You don't look very dangerous. Whoa, I'm hit!" "I've gotta hurt ya now."

Aired June 18?, 2014. [On June 27th] [A New Age] [Begins].

Aired June 18?, 2014. "Where is Optimus Prime?" "You tell me." [On June 27th] "Humans are hunting us." "We need to know why." [Stand Together.] "Why are you willing to help me?" "Because you trust me to."

Agh!It's a Transformers face hugger!
Aired June 19?, 2014. "You have no idea what's happening here. We're about to make the quantum leap." "It's what they're made of."

Aired June 21?, 2014. "We are all targets now." [Summer] [Was][Made] [For][Transformers]. "I can't believe I'm putting my life in your hands." "Oh, you wanna lead? Take the gun." "No I don't want to." "You're good with the gun, so you keep it."
  • Reviews version [36]
Same as above with the text narration replaced with the following: [#1 Movie In The World] ["Phenomenal" - Mose Persico, CTV]["Incredible" - Shireen Sandoval, FOX-TV] ["The best Transformers ever" - Oscar Petit, Univision]

  • Belongs [37] (This Summer) / [38] (In 4 Days)
Aired June 22?, 2014. [This Summer] "ALRIGHT, DON'T LOOK DOWN, NOW GO!" [Nothing] [Comes] [Close] "Whoa!" "What did you do?" "I don't know." "Did you press a button?" "I don't know!" "Is it gonna blow up?" "I DON'T KNOW!"

Aired June 24?, 2014. "I'm only gonna ask you this once. Where is Optimus Prime?" "You never should've hidden that truck." "You never should've came after my family." "C'mon Bee!" "I am so gonna patent this." [Friday] "We are in a lotta trouble." [No Movie] "Alien bomb comin' through!" [Comes Close] "Dad!" [In 3D] "Charge!"
Notes: In a unusual move, two versions of this ad were uploaded to the offical Transformers: Age of Extinction YouTube account: Tomorrow and This Summer.

Lockdowns sucking shipAOEňd.jpg
Aired June ??, 2014. "Why are you willing to help me?" "Because you trust me to." [This Summer] "Rollout!" "NOW, GO!" "You better have insurance." "It's a freakin spaceship!" "Hand me my alien gun."

Aired June 23, 2014. "You have no idea what you're involved with here." "Hang on!" [In 4 Days] [Extinction] [Begins] "Whoa!" "What did you do?" "I don't know." "Did you press a button?" "I don't know!" "Your thing is beeping now." "Is it gonna blow up?" "I DON'T KNOW!" "Go!"

  • Stand [44](This Friday) / [45](Are Here)
Aired June 26?, 2014. "Calling all Autobots, calling all Autobots." This Friday...summer's biggest heroes...arrive./Summer's biggest heroes...are here. "Let's rock!"

Aired ??, 2014. "What the hell is that?" "Who sent you here?" [This Friday] "You think you're the center of the universe?" "We're not going down without a fight." "You have no idea."

Aired July 1?, 2014. "We're about to make the quantum leap." [Experience] "Let's go!" [The #1 Movie] [In The World] "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!"

Aired July 1?, 2014. "Let's show the world what an upgrade looks like." Critics are calling Transformers... ["Provacative and mind blowing!" - Shireen Sandoval, FOX-TV] ["Incredible in every way" - Shireen Sandoval, FOX-TV] And now it's the... [#1 Movie In The World] "Are you ready?"

Aired July 1?, 2014. [Experience] [The #1 Movie] [In The World]

Promo Reels & Online Clips

  • Chevy promo reel [50]
Unveiled at the New York International Auto Show 2014 on April 16, 2014. The various Chevy automobiles, which represent the vehicle modes of Transformers in the film, are shown racing through different environments.

Released April 19, 2014.

  • Official Movie App Trailer [57]
Uploaded to the Transformers: Age of Extinction YouTube channel on May 8, 2014. The features of the app are detailed.

  • Imagine Dragons Announcement [58]
Uploaded to the Transformers: Age of Extinction YouTube channel on May 13, 2014. [This Summer] [The Transformers Are Back] [With Imagine Dragons] "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" [And On June 19th] [Imagine Dragons Live In Hong Kong] [At The Transformers Age Of Extinction World Premiere].
Notes: The spot is soundtracked with Imagine Dragons' song "Battle Cry". There is a notice at the end of the spot that you can tweet the hashtag #TransformersPremiere for a chance to see the band at the premiere.

  • Promo clip #1 [59]
Aired on the June 9th, 2014 episode of the Late Show with David Letterman during an interview with Kelsey Grammer. A clip of Harold Attinger "negotiating" with Cade Yeager.

"So there I am, acting my butt off, and he comes over after a take and has the gall to say 'Not bad, for a human.' I mean, the nerve of some people."
Uploaded June 18, 2014. Mark Wahlberg talks about his character Cade Yeager.

Uploaded June 20, 2014. Jack Reynor talks about his character Shane.

  • Maybe It Should Be [62]
Uploaded June 22, 2014. A clip of Cade and Tessa Yeager having a father/daughter spat.

  • We Found A Transformer [63]
Aired on the June 25th, 2014 episode of the Late Show with David Letterman during an interview with Mark Wahlberg. A clip of Cade Yeager revealing his discovery that the truck he bought is actually a Transformer.

  • Transformers: Age of Extinction IMAX Behind the Frame [64]
Uploaded June 23, 2014. Michael Bay, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Ian Bryce, Mark Wahlberg and Mark Vahradian discuss the use of IMAX cameras in the filming of the movie.

Uploaded June 24, 2014. A clip of Cade and Shane talking inside of Bumblebee while trying to slip through a KSI security checkpoint.

Uploaded June 27, 2014. Producer Ian Bryce, actor Mark Wahlberg, art director Benjamin Edelberg, chief production manager of the Aria group James Desmond, actor Stanley Tucci, director Michael Bay, actor Titus Welliver, and actress Nicola Peltz talk about the cars used in the film.

  • Filming in China [67]
Uploaded July 3, 2014. Producer Ian Bryce, actor Mark Wahlberg, director Michael Bay, production designer Jeffrey Beecroft, First assistant director - Hong Kong Sylvia Liu, actress Bingbing Li, actress Nicola Peltz, producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and Location manager - Wulong Matt Wersinger talk about their experiences filming in China.

TV tie-in Commercials

The ad starts by asking "How will you prepare?" Various methods of preparing for "Transformers: Age of Extinction" are shown: A man trims his hedge into a large sculpture of Optimus Prime; An elderly woman knits herself a sweater depicting Optimus Prime. She puts it on, does some dancing and then takes a selfie; A man has the Decepticon insignia waxed into his chest hair; A woman marries someone in a Bumblebee costume that sports a bowtie. The ad then plugs Big Red's $25,000 Transformers Sweepstakes and ends with the priest from the marriage bit saying "Autobots, roll out."

  • Chevrolet
Transforming your everyday [69]
Various clips of Bumblebee from "Age of Extinction" are shown. It turns out these clips are being viewed by a boy on his tablet computer as he sits on front lawn of his house. He looks up to see a yellow Camaro pulling into the driveway. The boy peeks into into the passenger side window and finds that no one is sitting in the car. Speaking into the car's grill, he whispers: "Bumblebee, is that you?"

  • Duracell
  • Duracell Batteries [70]
An announcer tells us that the "Age of Extinction" is upon us and to survive, one crucial thing is needed: Up to 6x Long Lasting Power from Pow-R-Fuel Duracell.

"I want 2 million Galactic Credits or the soccer ball gets it."
  • ESPN
  • The Future of Soccer [71]
Optimus Prime plays soccer (or is it mecha-soccer?) just in time for the 2014 World Cup, goaltending against the humans Diego Poyet, Gor Grigoryan and Patrick Otte. He deflates the ball with his hand after stopping it. "Not bad... for a human."
Notes: This ad continues a pattern of wanton destruction by the Autobot leader that began with the M&M's Revenge of the Fallen ad and continued with the ESPN Dark of the Moon ad.

  • Nabisco
Two boys are riding their bikes down a road when they see Optimus Prime get blasted. The blast knocks Prime down and he lands on a car. One of the boys stops to take a better look and place an Oreo cookie in Optimus Prime's hand. As the man whose car got smashed looks on, Prime eats the cookie and is energized. He stands up and starts running away but not before doing his best Mean Joe Green impression: "Thanks kid." Unfortunately, Prime has no jersey to give the boy, so he is left to accept that virtue is its own reward.
Notes: Optimus Prime's voice is provided by Peter Cullen.

A scene of Optimus Prime driving through the desert is interspersed with text narration: [For one week only] [You can roll out with the Autobots]. The ad ends by informing viewers they can request a ride from a Transformer using the Uber app on June 19th in Phoenix, Arizona and June 21st in Los Angeles, California.

A scene of Bumblebee transforming in front of a similarly shaped red robot from the movie is shown. This is followed by Bumblebee racing into a Valero gas station, coming to a stop in front of a pump and startling two men standing near by. The announcer then plugs Valero's Rumble with Bumblebee Camaro Giveaway. The announcer instructs us to "Play now before it's too late." A crowd gathers around Bumblebee, only to be startled by him opening the door to his gas tank.

  • Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark
In all trailers where he narrates,Optimus Prime's voice is provided by Peter Cullen.
  • Reveal trailer [75]
Optimus Prime narrates: "For every force in the universe there is an equal, and an opposite. For every hero, a villain. And for every victory, defeat." [Two Worlds] [Two Sides] [One Goal] [Protect Earth][Destroy Earth]
  • Optimus Prime vignette [76]
Game footage of Earth Optimus Prime, Cybertron Optimus Prime, and G1 Optimus Prime.
  • Bumblebee vignette [77]
Game footage of Earth Bumblebee and Cybertron Bumblebee
  • Megatron vignette [78]
Game footage of Megatron. Megatron is described as "Leader of the Decepticons", "Destroyer" and "Dominator".
  • Bruticus vignette [79]
A still of Bruticus is shown. Then a still of each Combaticon is shown, followed by game footage of that Combaticon joining the combination. The Bruticus still is shown again, followed by a long clip of game footage of Bruticus wreaking havoc.
  • Gameplay Trailer [80]
Optimus Prime narrates: "The humans never asked for our war. Megatron seeks the power to deliver the final blow. Prepare yourselves Autobots." [When two worlds collide] [Only one will survive]
  • Peter Cullen: Transformers Behind-The-Scenes [81]
Contrary to the title, Peter Cullen is not shown behind the scenes, but instead talking about the game's storyline.
  • Drift vignette [82]
A profile on Drift which gives two facts: He's a former Decepticon turned Autobot and his specialty is hand to hand combat.
  • Grimlock vignette [83]
Game footage of the two Grimlocks, Age of Extinction and Aligned.
  • Escalation trailer [84]
An unidentified Autobot instructs the viewer on how to handle themselves in combat.
"Control. Your. Lines."
  • Lockdown vignette [85]
A still shot informs us that his name is Lockdown and he is a bounty hunter. This is followed by montage of game footage featuring Lockdown.
  • Launch trailer [86]
Game footage narrated by various audio clips. Lockdown: "When the universe presents you with an opportunity, you must never fail to capitalize on it." Optimus Prime: "This is our darkest hour. The Autobots are on the verge of the defeat." ????: "A new golden age is upon us, Optimus. The age of the Decepticon." Optimus Prime: "Autobots, we must prevent the Decepticons from getting the Dark Spark!" [A War Through Ages] [A War Through Worlds] Optimus Prime: "Wanna go back?" [A Battle To End It All] Optimus Prime: "Back to the heart of the war?"

The trailer is soundtracked with the Linkin Park song "Until It's Gone".


  • 1-Step Optimus Prime & Flip and Change Grimlock [87]
Animation: The Transformers logo turns into an Autobot logo.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: A large blue semi truck with red flames zooms past a boy standing outside of Dinosaur Dig Park. The kid gasps "Optimus Prime?" then takes off after the semi truck. He sees the truck come to a stop on the other side of what appears to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton dig. Rather than continue his pursuit, the boy decides to stop at some tents to transform Flip & Change Grimlock. As he's doing this, the skeleton "comes to life" revealing that it is in fact Grimlock himself. The boy stares in amazement as Grimlock rears back and roars. This prompts Optimus Prime to transform, mount Grimlock, and yell "Roll out!". The boy is so grateful, he transforms 1-Step Optimus too. Grimlock then roars in the boy's face.
Notes: Optimus's "Roll out!" is voiced by his normal voice actor Peter Cullen. Given the size of Grimlock in relation to the boy when they are face to face, and the size of Prime in relation to Grimlock, Prime ends up hilariously appearing to be roughly the size of a very tall adult human.
It's faster than ever to flip and change...and reveal Robots in Disguise.
  • 1-Step Optimus Prime, Flip and Change Grimlock & Power Battlers Bumblebee
Similar to the 1st 1-Step Optimus Prime & Flip and Change Grimlock commercial, only edited down in 15 seconds, and includes a new brief clip of the boy playing his Power Battlers Bumblebee.

  • Stomp & Chomp Grimlock [88]
Animation: The Transformers logo turns into an Autobot logo. Clips from Age of Extinction of Grimlock charging, Grimlock breathing fire, Optimus Prime riding Grimlock through Hong Kong, and Optimus Prime riding Grimlock through a wall.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: A kid plays with the Grimlock toy on the table of what appears to be a roof top patio.
The biggest, baddest Dinobot ever has arrived!

  • Mega 1-Step Bumblebee [89]
Animation: The Transformers logo turns into an Autobot logo.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: A boy standing in a parking garage sees the real Bumblebee race out of the garage. The boy runs to a nearby railing to continue watching Bumblebee. The boy takes a moment to turn around and convert his Bumblebee toy for the viewers at home. He turns back around just in time to see Bumblebee pull up on the road beneath him and transform. 'Bee leans in to take a closer look at the stunned boy before giving him a fist bump. Amazingly, the boy does not seem to break any bones.
It's faster than ever to flip into action, and reveal robots in disguise.

  • Construct-Bots [90]
Animation: The Transformers logo turns into an Autobot logo. Clips from Age of Extinction of Optimus Prime standing up on a highway, Grimlock charging and Optimus Prime riding Grimlock through a wall.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: The Autobot logo turns into the Autobot logo on Optimus Prime's grill which then turns into a bird's eye view of a bunch of Construct-Bot parts forming the Autobot logo on a round table. The three kids sitting at the table start playing with the parts. One kid builds Optimus Prime then transforms him to truck mode. Another kid builds Grimlock and transforms him to dino mode, then sits a smaller Optimus figure on Grimlock's back.

  • Construct-Bots Dinofire Grimlock [91]
Animation: The Transformers logo turns into an Autobot logo. Clips from Age of Extinction of Bumblebee transforming next to Stinger, Optimus riding Grimlock through Hong Kong, Grimlock breathing fire and Optimus Prime riding Grimlock through a wall.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: Similar to the previous Construct-Bots ad, it starts with a top down view of three kids playing at a table. One of them builds Bumblebee]then converts him to car mode. Another one does the same with Dinofire Grimlock.

  • Kre-O Dino Force [92] (two 15 second ads) / [93] (one 30 second ad)
Animation: Autobot logo being built out of bricks; Grimlock interrupting Decepticon Kreons building a robot; Grimlock sucking up a Decepticon Kreon into his mouth; Grimlock stomping on a Decepticon Kreon.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: Fast motion construction of the Galvatron Factory Battle set and close ups of Grimlock and a Decepticon; Fast motion construction of the Grimlock Street Attack set, Grimlock breaking through an arch and Grimlock munching a Decepticon.
Notes: All of Grimlock's animation appearances have him ridden by Optimus Prime. All of his toy appearances have him ridden by his own Kreon. There are two (three?) different versions of this ad: a 30 second ad which is two 15 second ads for each item shown back to back and a 30 second ad for both items. The former was uploaded to the official Kre-O Youtube channel. Grimlock actually gets to speak a couple lines here. His voice actor is unknown, but the performance is clearly inspired by Gregg Berger's version of Grimlock.
Enter a world of brick building action!

Animation: The Transformers logo turns into an Autobot logo.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: Two kids standing in front of a shipping container in a shipyard, play with four radio controlled Transformers toys. The toys are shown to be in a shipyard diorama. Transformers Inception?
Notes: The narrator's voice is flanged.
Amazing helicopter stunts, blistering radio controlled action, and, with one press on the controller, from vehicle to robot.

Home Video

Uploaded September 16, 2014. "The rules have changed. [Own It First] [Own It Now] [Before Blu-ray] "We're not going down without a fight."

Aired September 30, 2014. Today...["The best Transformers ever" - Oscar Petit, Univision El Gordo y La Flaca]... is even better on Blu-ray with a Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD plus over three hours of bonus features. "That was awesome!" Transformers. Own the biggest movie in the world, today.

  • Blu-ray/DVD 2 [97]
First air date unknown. Transformers, on Blu-ray and Digital HD. "Calling all Autobots." "Are you ready?!?" Against our biggest enemy, we need bigger heroes. "C'mon Bee, you gotta move faster!" "Autobots, Rollout!"
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