Cybertronian games
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Cybertronians, both Autobots and Decepticons, are known to engage in Cybertronian games.
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Bar games
Some generic Decepticons were shown to indulge in darts and arm wrestling during their stay at Maccadam's Old Oil House. Out to Lunch! Whether these activities should be classed as sports is a matter of contention here on Earth (and the prevailing Cybertronian opinion remains unrecorded) but they are included here for the sake of completeness.
Rattrap has been seen playing holographic card games, but it is unknown what games he was playing. Power Surge
Starscream, Megatron and Soundwave have been seen playing an unknown card game. One side of all the cards has the Decepticon insignia on it. Intro!
Decepticons have been known to play Cyber-poker. Turbo Master's toy bio
Praxus Fold 'Em
Praxus Fold 'Em is an addictive chip and card game on Jungle Planet. Brimstone and Undermine are avid players and use Energon goodies and the swapping of chores as prizes between them. Brimstone's Cyber Key Code text
Triad is a game played on Monacus. Spacewarp won the Transwarp Blaster in a particularly high-stakes tournament. Ask Vector Prime
When pretending to be senile, Vector Prime claimed he played Triad with Taurnotron every Dixosol. Ask Vector Prime
Jackpot won the schematics for Jazz's Earth mode by cheating in a game of Triad. Transformers Animated: The Complete AllSpark Almanac
Packrat pretended to be bad at Triad in order to lull Powerhug into a false sense of security, then take him to the cleaners so he could blackmail him. Not All Megatrons
Analogous to chess on Earth, "Fullstasis" is apparently both the name of this game and what one says upon victory, like "checkmate". It's played on a diamond-patterned board and includes pieces called a "Quarg" and a "Vig". Nightbeat and Siren played Fullstasis (or a game very much like it) aboard the Ark shortly before Thunderwing attacked. Assault on the Ark! Later, Getaway and Highbrow were seen to enjoy a game during downtime. Eye of the Storm
Gutcruncher and Hubcap played Fullstasis in Axiom Nexus. Jackpot accidentally used his luck-warping field to send Gutcruncher's hand into superposition, meaning that Hubcap lost 53,000 credits on the game. Gone Too Far
Rodimus played Highbrow at the game aboard the Lost Light. In victory, he was less than gracious. You, Me, and Other Revelations
Vector Prime enjoys a nice game of Fullstasis from time to time. Ask Vector Prime
Tear'n'chase is a game similar to hide and seek. One mech runs or drives off and the rest of the party follows some time later. They have to find and catch up with the runner. While it is obvious when the chasing party wins, it is unclear what the requirements are for the runner to win. Either there's a time limit per game or the runner has to find a way past the party back to the starting point to win. The Age of Wrath Pt.3
Shoot Shoot Bang Bang
Shoot Shoot Bang Bang is a game created by the Scavengers (and "copyrighted" by Crankcase). It mostly involves shooting at each other with dart guns, but physically roughhousing the other players is also permitted as a means to that end. The winner is presumably the one player who remains unshot. Some Of My Best Friends Are Autobots
Tadek is a game played by pushing stacks of tiles of various heights around a game board. When one player achieves victory, holographic towers appear. Echoes and Fragments
- See also: Cybertronian sport
- Triad is a card game played in the 2005 reboot of Battlestar Galactica.
- Tadek is a game analogous to chess played in Farscape.