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Dark Nebula

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ResurrectionDecepticonFortress Dark Nebula.jpg

Dark Nebula (暗黒星雲 Ankoku Seiun) are interstellar clouds so dense, not even light can get through, hence why they appear to be dark. It takes special equipment or a lot of power to enter or leave the nebula, which makes it a great place to stick things you really don't want roaming the vastness of space.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Victory cartoon

500,000 years ago, Deathsaurus built his Planet-Destroying Fortress in a bid to become the next Emperor of Destruction. When this information reached the Autobots, they moved out under command of Star Saber to get the weapon out of the Decepticons' grasp. Rather than destroying it, they locked the fortress in a gravity cell, draining the energy out of it and steering it straight into the Dark Nebula. Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress

After somehow escaping the Nebula and developing a magnetic field to allow him to move freely through the gravity well, Deathsaurus spent the next several millennia searching for enough energy to reactivate and free his fortress from the Dark Nebula. Explosion!! The Energy Base Tanker Hijack Operation After such a long imprisonment, however, he grew doubtful the Planet-Destroying Fortress could still be revived, so he and the Dinoforce flew the Thunder Arrow into the Dark Nebula, with a good amount of energy in its hold. With the energy, the fortress was briefly brought online, assuring Deathsaurus his efforts weren't for naught. Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress Increasing his efforts to obtain the required amount of energy, Battle Up of Wrath!! he and the Breastforce were finally able to get the fortress up and running, after which it flew out of the Dark Nebula. The Wrath of the Resurrected Giant Fortress!

Return of Convoy

From the Dark Nebula, Dark Nova observed with glee how his troops were raiding the Earth of its energy. The Battlestars special

Animated cartoon

The Dark Nebula was a region of space in the Milky Way. It contained Vhoorl and the destroyed Zarak. The AllSpark Almanac II

Wings Universe

While near the Dark Nebula and on the way to investigate a Predacon colony, Primal Prime's crew of Wreckers on board the Rodimus Major disappeared into a spatial anomaly. BotCon 2014 customization class booklet Apelinq's personal logs, 2015/01/07

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Prime noted that iterations of the Dark Nebula originally had a tainted world at its heart. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/09

In Viron 102.0 Beta, the Elite Guard evaded the Elder Gods in the Dark Nebula. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/22

In some Primax reality, Devil Z resided in the Dark Nebula. It was there that Stealth Bomber and Scoutjet met with the entity to plead their master Devil Gigatron's case. Apparently they succeeded as Devil Z upgraded Gigatron into Gigatron Z. Spacewarp's Log (1), 2015/10/27

2005 IDW continuity

IHWikiFavicon.png Main article: Dark Nebula on the IDW Hasbro Wiki

After their creation at the hands of the alien Talisman, the hostile alien race known as the Dire Wraiths abandoned their ruined homeworld of Antilla and fled to an uninhabited world somewhere in the Dark Nebula. Stranger Eons During the war, their presence prompted Megatron and the Decepticons to steer clear of it, Nothing Will Ever Be the Same Again! although a Decepticon fleet of Worldsweeper-class vessels were known to have gone missing while passing through the region. Anomie

During their war against the Wraiths, the Space Knights of the Solstar Order successfully invaded the nebula and destroyed the planet that the Wraiths had colonized, leading to a Wraith diaspora across Solstar space that threatened to encroach on the territory controlled by the neighboring Galactic Council. Shining Armor #1

After jumping ship to avoid the Decepticon Justice Division, The Ties That Bind Flywheels was left floating in space. He feared he would drift into the Dark Nebula before he was picked up by the Foragers. Kill All 'Cons


  • In the original ROM franchise, the Dire Wraiths hail from a dark nebula: a concept coincidentally similar to the Transformers Dark Nebula. Appropriately enough, the two concepts were merged for the Hasbro Universe.

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