The name or term "David" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see David (disambiguation).
Depth Charge has gone bald after the Beast Wars.
David Sobolov (born October 23, 1964) is a Canadian voice actor. Among his better-known roles are Spookie Jar in Sabrina: the Animated Series, The Persuader in Legion of Super Heroes, the titular character of Robocop: Alpha Commando, Lobo in a small amount of DC Comics-related properties, Dr. Fate in Injustice 2, Darkseid in Justice League: Heroes, Gorilla Grodd in the live-action CW DC television shows, Tatsurion the Unchained/Bob in Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters, Drax the Destroyer in various Marvel projects, Upgrade and Vin Ethanol in the reboot version of Ben 10, Terrorblade in Dota 2 and Kaido in One Piece.
Voice roles
Convention appearances
External links