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Divebomb (Classics)

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The name or term "Divebomb" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Divebomb (disambiguation).
Divebomb is an Autobot-allied Mini-Con from the Generation 1 and Unicron Trilogy continuity families.
He doesn't need any slaggin' knees.

Divebomb is a member of the Night Rescue Team. The team's self-appointed leader and decision maker, he's a total jerk who loves to brag how he can fly and most others can't. In fact, he's so arrogant he rarely even touches the ground, preferring to leave his rotors on and hover above ground level even when he's in robot mode. Divebomb's always looking for a chance to show off, and will charge headlong into a dangerous situation so that everyone can seem him deal with it as only he can.[1]

He also wishes he was on the Night Attack Team instead. His teammates probably wish the same, but for different reasons.




Divebomb was one of the Mini-Cons created by the Last Autobot and tasked with cleaning up Cybertron for the upcoming return of the Autobots. When a processing plant on the planet exploded without warning, the Night Rescue Team was sent to provide help. Sadly, it later turned out that Modus Prime, leader of the Mini-Cons, had been caught in the explosion and died. To investigate the cause of the disaster, Dinobot leader Hacksaw called together a meeting, and invited the Night Rescue Team. As it seemed that a "mad Autobot" had caused the deaths, Divebomb blamed Broadside for firing upon it rather than trying to reason with it. He then spent the rest of the meeting teasing Strongarm about blinding himself and insulting Terrorsaur's breath, and was ultimately ordered to keep watch on things and organize cleanup.

Eventually, Divebomb's suspicions proved half-true, as Broadside was revealed to have faked the Autobot attack in order to kill Modus Prime. As soon as Nightscream made the revelation to the Mini-Con populace, Divebomb pointed his hand-cannons at the murderer and tried to place him under arrest. However, the reasoning behind Broadside's actions was causing the surrounding crowd to riot, and before Divebomb could take him down, Broadside blasted his rotor blades and he crashed to the ground. The New World

Ask Vector Prime

In Aurex 615.03 Epsilon, Divebomb was one of many Autobot-aligned Mini-Cons who were dispatched aboard the Hyperion to the Beast Wars. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/23



It's not a beanie.
  • Night Rescue Team (Mini-Con Team, 2006)
Part of the first wave of Classics Mini-Cons, Divebomb transforms into an AH-64D Longbow Apache assault helicopter (note the dome atop his rotor blades). In vehicle mode, he has a "Powerlinx" socket that allows him to attach to larger toys with compatible Powerlinx plugs.
He was available only in a three-pack with his teammates Firebot and Strongarm.
This mold was also used to make Torque Gain, Universe Cloudraker, Henkei! Destron Vorter, and Universe Crosshairs. It was also intended for a 2011 toy of unknown name which was canceled.
Transformers: Classics mold: Divebomb
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:


  • A Decepticon-aligned Mini-Con called Divebomb was planned for release in one of the Cybertron Mini-Con Versus Packs, facing off against the Autobot-aligned Tracks, as part of a wave composed of members of the Mini-Con Council of Sages. Divebomb's bio described him as a manipulative dealmaker who wasn't afraid to resort to missiles if his blackmail failed him.[2] Based on that mention of missiles, it seems likely Divebomb was always the helicopter Mini-Con.


  1. Divebomb's profile in Club magazine #18
    "Quick thinking and manipulative, DIVEBOMB is distrusted by friend and ally alike. He is the dealmaker of the pro-DECEPTICON side of the Council of Sages. He believes that even the most honorable MINI-CON has secrets, and he makes it his job to root out those secrets and use them to his advantage. Though he acts wounded when accused of it, blackmail is actually his favorite pastime. When his typical tactics don't work, of course, he has no problem resorting to more direct modes of persuasion, usually involving missiles."—Hidden bios for the unreleased Cybertron Mini-Con Versus Packs found on the Transformers website
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