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Divebomb (Movie)

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The name or term "Divebomb" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Divebomb (disambiguation).
Divebomb is a Decepticon from the Transformers portion of the movie continuity family.
Voiced by Richard Kiel.

Divebomb has a problem. (Cue high-hat riff) Despite being an intelligent tactician, an excellent aerial combatant, and an otherwise model Decepticon, his reactor containment module is defective, so wherever he goes, toxic fumes go with him, and circuit-scrambling radiation waves constantly leak out. In short, he is a smelly loser whom no one likes.[1]

Originally an unhappy aerial surveyor before the war broke out, Divebomb joined the Decepticons with much gusto. When he’s not stinking up the place, he prefers to perch high up in the sky and wait as long as it takes for just the right moment to strike unsuspecting Autobots. Mind you, considering how long it takes for him to spring into action, Starscream does not hold him in high regard.[2] However, he is quite pleased with how quickly Divebomb can blast open a fleeing spaceship.



IDW movie comics

In the distant past, Divebomb was a member of Cybertron's Defense Force under the command of Protector Megatron. When a mysterious relic was discovered and aliens from the Eshems Nebula invaded, Megatron declared a military dictatorship. Divebomb followed Megatron in his vengeful counterattack upon the invaders. Defiance #2 After science sector leader Optimus was discovered to have broken into Megatron's quarters, the Lord Protector ordered the scientist's arrest and the assassination of his followers. However, the wily Optimus managed to escape and punish Megatron's troops for their treachery. The scientist and his followers were soon branded traitors, and Divebomb joined with Megatron's Decepticon faction. Defiance #3

Cybertron mold toy = death.

During the bloody civil war that followed, Optimus Prime launched the AllSpark into deep space, forcing both his Autobots and Megatron's Decepticons to go after it. Divebomb was among those Decepticons who stayed behind to hunt down Autobot stragglers. The Reign of Starscream #1

Many years later, after the death of Megatron on Earth and the destruction of the AllSpark, Starscream returned with knowledge of how to create a new AllSpark. Unfortunately, it didn't work. While Starscream was trying to figure out what was going on, Divebomb sided with Dreadwing in the his coup against Starscream's "reign". To add to the confusion, Autobots led by Arcee attacked, and Divebomb was forced to square off against Skyblast. Distracted, he was grabbed by the cheesed-off Starscream, thrown into the bridge canopy of Dreadwing's ship, and then used as a living (and unwilling) incendiary device. The Reign of Starscream #5

Despite going kaflooey, Divebomb had survived the battle, and made his way to Earth somehow. Joining with Skystalker and Fearswoop, he went around selling weapons to humans. When the Autobots turned up, Divebomb tried to take humans hostage to survive and... got shot dead by Ironhide. Rising Storm #1

Titan movie comics

Divebomb doesn't like the way this conversation's going...

In a timeline where Megatron won the battle of Mission City, Divebomb was one of Stockade's "new Decepticons": a group of Decepticons who remained on the dying Cybertron out of patriotism, and survived by feeding on Nucleon. Return to Cybertron: Part 1 He helped Stockade summon a relation of the AllSpark to Cybertron, and when the entity arrived, Divebomb lowered the planet's core containment field so the being could enter.

As a distraction, Ironhide ran him over. Return to Cybertron: Part 2 He recovered and, in the face of Unicron, heroically ran away. Return to Cybertron: Part 3 He more heroically went in, on Stockade's orders, to shoot at Unicron. Obviously, he did not survive that experience. Return to Cybertron: Part 4

Toy bios

To honor his hero, Ransack, Divebomb took on a new form that was similar to the legendary Decepticon's. However, as Scattorshot pummeled him with ground-to-air missiles, he quickly learned that a bi-plane alt-mode has some very severe disadvantages. His partner Skystalker is more than happy to allow Divebomb to take most of the heat. Divebomb (Scout)


Transformers (2007)

In Soviet Russia, banana peels YOU!
  • Divebomb (Deluxe Class, 2008)
  • Accessories: Missile, Planet X-type Cyber Key
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (deco artist)
A Walmart-exclusive redeco of Cybertron Thundercracker, Divebomb transforms into a Sukhoi Su-37 fighter jet. He comes with a purple Planet X Cyber Key which can be inserted into the rear of the fuselage, popping up the back panel to reveal a spring-loaded missile launcher. This assembly becomes his left forearm in robot mode, despite being almost as long as he is tall. Unlike the very similar keys included with Mudflap and Universe Dirge, the keys packed with Divebomb and Jetstorm do not use the movie-style insignia, and are instead painted according to the traditional insignia molded into the reverse side.
Divebomb is slightly retooled from the previous releases of the mold, adding a small catch to his left shoulder assembly so the damn thing stays upright in robot mode. This clip is easily broken if you're careless.
This toy was also sold exclusively at The Warehouse in New Zealand.
This mold was also used to make the Cybertron version of Skywarp.

Revenge of the Fallen

Ahahaha, fear my new alt-mode! ... oh, crap.
  • Divebomb (Scout Class, 2010)
Divebomb, a Red Baron-themed redeco of Revenge of the Fallen Ransack, transforms into a German Albatros D.III biplane. He has a non-firing weapon on each arm and a "Battle Mode" in which his wings are deployed in robot mode, presumably for flight. Like Ransack, he tends to fall apart, unfortunately.
This mold would also have been used to make Blue Maximus.


  • According to Hasbro designer Joe Kyde's design notes on Hasbro's Transformers website, Divebomb's camo-paint is actually based on that of a real Russian Air Force SU-37 Terminator prototype. His "Decepticon Air Force" marking, based on the real-world Philippine Air Force roundel, is the same as the one used on the G1 redeco of Starscream.
  • "Movie" Divebomb is one of seven Walmart-exclusive Deluxe Class redecos originally designed for the 2008 Universe toyline, based on Hasbro product listings.[3]
  • His circuit-scrambling radioactivity and toxic fumes could be interpreted as a reference to Sunstorm.
  • While Divebomb's original toy features a movie-style Decepticon insignia on one tailfin, his Cyber Key has a conventional one.


  1. Transformers Deluxe Class Divebomb packaging bio
  2. The Reign of Starscream trade paperback bonus material
  3. Hasbro product listing
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