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Drillhorn (G1)

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This article is about the Generation 1 Decepticon. For the Animated Decepticon, see Drillhorn (Animated).
Drillhorn is a Decepticon Breastforce Warrior from the Victory portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
He was reaching for your purse before reaching for your purse was cool.

Drillhorn (ドリルホーン Doriruhōn) is the veteran strategist amongst the Breastforce group. He is very knowledgeable and very tough... and can be quite opinionated, to the point of being stupidly bull-headed. His adherence to past battle experiences can often leave him unprepared for unexpected changes in the battlefield.

Drillhorn is accompanied by his Breast Animal partner, Hornbreast, a robotic rhino that can transform into either his chestplate or a hand-held blaster. Like his fellow Breastforce warriors, he is also armed with an Electromagnetic Nunchaku.

Drillhorn can also combine with his Breastforce teammates to form Liokaiser, becoming the left leg of the super robot.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Victory cartoon

Voice actor: Yukimasa Kishino (Japanese, ep. 4), Masato Hirano (Japanese), Yūki Satō (Japanese)
TankerHijack Drillhorn impaled.jpg

Drillhorn came to Earth alongside Jallguar and Killbison to join their commanding officer Leozack in service of Deathsaurus. For his first mission on Earth, Drillhorn aided in an attempt to take over an energy plant in the desert,Unite!! Multiforce and later helped raid the Neo Uranium Mines. Infiltration... The Uranium Mine When the Breastforce embarked on a scheme to drain electrical energy from American subway tunnels, Drillhorn created an access to the underground network by drilling through a city street, with the debris he left behind derailing a passing train.Big City - Underground Terror

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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The New Warrior - Hellbat Attack the Shuttle Base!! Tanker Hijack Operation Rescue Jan!! Mach and Tackle A Fierce Battle!! The Asteroid Rescue! Guyhawk Unite! Liokaiser Battle Up of Wrath!! Fight to the Death!! Antarctic Battle Crisis! Ambush in the Desert A Deadly Battle Ginrai Dies!! Awaken! Victory Leo Jan - Defend the Campus!! A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs The Death-Bringing Space Insects!! The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves

To keep the Autobots busy while the fortress's main cannon charged, Deathsaurus dispatched the Breastforce—combined as Liokaiser—to battle them. In the course of the clash, Victory Leo was able to blast Liokaiser into the fortress's cannon barrel, which drained his energy dry. With his consciousness fading and his body unable to move, Liokaiser fell into the deep depths of space, while Drillhorn likely perished within him. Showdown! The Fortress vs the Victory Unification

Zone catalog

As part of Liokaiser, Drillhorn was revived from death by some means. Lead by the reborn Dark Emperor Deathsaurus, Liokaiser joined several other powerful Decepticons in an assault on planet Zone. Attempting to steal their Energon Z, the Decepticons proved no match for the Micromasters and were driven away. Zone Project Story

Victory comic

Drillhorn was seen wisely hovering in the background when Deathsaurus learned Leozack had disobeyed his orders and gone to Earth alone. Leozack's Rampage!

Drillhorn and the rest of Breastforce dramatically charged into battle against Star Saber, outnumbering him 4-to-1. He then mowed them all down with a single strike from his sword. Oops. Star Saber, Warrior of Love!

Liokaiser once tried to destroy Star Saber and Jan, but failed because the Breastforce lacked the proper spirit of cooperation. Drillhorn and the others argued internally over which of them would deliver the final blow, giving the Autobot Supreme Commander time to rally against them. Star of Friendship, Jan and Star Saber! On another occasion, the Breastforce fled the scene of a battle after Star Saber and Road Caesar forced Liokaiser to disengage. Shine, Five Stars of Victory

In the finale battle, the war came to an end after the Autobots discovered Drillhorn and the other Decepticons were only trying to defend and energize their civilian families and loved ones aboard the Stronghold. The Grand Victory War

2005 IDW continuity


Drillhorn was part of Deathsaurus's contingent of Decepticons stationed in their Warworld. In agreement with Tarn, Deathsaurus and his forces joined with the Decepticon Justice Division to continue the Decepticon dream and eliminate Megatron. The Permanent Revolution When Megatron was lured to the Necroworld, Drillhorn was a member of the assault team that went after him. How Bright Their Frail Deeds

Following this battle, Deathsaurus ceded control of his army to Nickel. The rogue contingent of Decepticons retreated to the barren world of Frayus, where Drillhorn and his teammates displayed the ability to form Liokaiser during a shootout between the Galactic Council and the Black Block Consortia. Journey's End


Transformers: Earth Wars

  • Class: Warrior
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 Star

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

Nosecone's evil brother.
  • Drillhorn (Breastforce, 1989)
Released in the Victory portion of Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers toyline, Drillhorn transforms into a four-treaded drill-tank (the drill doesn't spin, sorry). His packed-in partner Hornbreast fits securely on Drillhorn's chest in either mode. Drillhorn can also use Hornbreast as a hand-held blaster.
Drillhorn also forms the left leg to the group's combined form Liokaiser; unlike most original-series combiners, Drillhorn's combiner "kibble" is fully integrated, with the combiner foot simply flipping out from the side of his leg.
This mold was used to make Rescue Force 3.

  • Liocaesar [sic] (Gift set, 1989)
  • ID number: D-335
Drillhorn was also available in a complete six-piece box set of the entire Breastforce team. Each toy was identical to their individual releases, with the glaring omission of bio and Tech Spec cards for the individual members.

Combiner Wars

  • Liokaiser (Platinum Edition giftset, 2016)
  • Accessories: Drill attachment, double-barreled gun (black), hand/foot/gun
Generations Combiner Wars Drillhorn is a redeco and new-head retooling of Combiner Wars Brawl, transforming into a tank of indeterminate, probably-made-up model. Instead of a cannon-barrel, he comes with the (non-spinning) drill attachment included with the BotCon 2016 General Ramhorn and Hasbro's Combiner Wars Nosecone. Unlike those two, however, his tank mode is in the normal Brawl orientation with the drill replacing the cannon-barrel, rather than putting the drill on the back of the turret and turning the whole mode around as with Ramhorn and Nosecone. This drill attachment can also be a hand-held weapon in robot mode. He also comes with a black redeco of Combiner Wars Air Raid's double-barreled blaster.
As a Combiner Wars Deluxe limb, he can combine with any Voyager Class toys released as part of that subline or the Unite Warriors line, or form one of Legends Godbomber's legs, but is of course intended to be combined with his pack-in Destrons and "Dezarus" to form Liokaiser. His nominal placement is as the left leg.
Unlike the original toy, Drillhorn is designed to have his leg mode facing forward as opposed to facing sideways. While it can be attached sideways to achieve a look similar to the original toy's design, doing so will rob the Combiner of its functional knees.
Drillhorn was only available as part of a boxed Liokaiser giftset, the only Combiner Wars "Collection Pack" that's co-branded as part of the Platinum Edition range. In the United States, this set was officially exclusive to online retailer Entertainment Earth, but was also stocked by competitor BigBadToyStore, which obtained its stock through Asian vendors. In Hasbro's Asian markets such as Hong Kong and Singapore, it was available at general retail. Additionally, it was also sold at Ripley stores in Chile and at Myer stores in Australia, whereas in Canada, it was available via the Canadian Walmart website, but never sold in stores.
Combiner Wars mold: Brawl

Version 1:

  • TakaraTomyUnite Warriors UW-07 Brawl
  • UW-EX Dangar

Version 2:


Weeb power!
  • Liokaiser (Multi-pack, 2026)
Legacy Drillhorn and the rest of his Chest-force team constitute the fifth Transformers-based HasLab project. Like his original toy, Drillhorn is capable of combining with his squaddies to form Liokaiser and includes his animal companion, the "rhino Chest Animal".

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If you build it, they will play.

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Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


Transformers Gum

  • Guyhawk · Hellbat · Drillhorn (Candy toy kit, 1989)
Released in the Victory portion of Kabaya's Transformers Gum candy toy line, this Drillhorn is a tiny little version of his original toy, unassembled and unpainted, cast in white, black and red plastic, with add-on stickers for detailing. He even comes with a little Hornbreast that doubles as a handgun (it doesn't actually transform, just can be held as a gun). And he keeps the combiner functionality as well.
Drillhorn was only available in a box packed in with Guyhawk, Hellbat, and a plank of gum which by no means should you put in your mouth if you acquire it.


Foreign names

  • Mandarin: Zuāntiān Shǔ (Taiwan, 鑽天鼠, "Sky-drilling Mouse"), Dújiǎoshòu (独角兽, "Unicorn")
  • Russian: Nosorog (Носорог, "Rhino")


  1. HasLab Liokaiser campaign page
  2. NEW TRANSFORMERS HASLAB! Legacy Liokaiser Combiner - The Ultimate Combiner Awaits! at the Hasbro Pulse YouTube channel.
  3. HasLab presentation from the Megacon Orlando 2025 Transformers panel with Emily Bader and Evan Brooks, recorded at the "Blind Prime" YouTube channel.
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