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Dutch (DOTM)

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The name or term "Dutch" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Dutch (disambiguation).
Dutch is a human from the live-action film continuity family.
Curse my sudden but inevitable betrayal!

"Dutch" is the personal assistant of former Sector Seven agent Seymour Simmons. His skills and physical prowess hint at an unusual and mysterious past.

I'm so sorry, that was the old me!Dutch, after being what he used to be, Dark of the Moon



Dark of the Moon film

Actor: Alan Tudyk
Voice actor: Yutaka Aoyama (Japanese dub), Zhao Ling (Mandarin dub), Edson Matus (Latin-American Spanish dub), Aleix Estadella (Castilian Spanish dub), Jaron Löwenberg (German dub), Roberto Gammino (Italian dub), Tanguy Goasdoué (European French dub), Thiéry Dubé (Canadian French dub), Guto Nejaim (Portuguese dub), Beyti Engin (Turkish dub)

After becoming rich by selling his book, former Sector Seven agent Seymour Simmons, now a busy man, hired Dutch, a former National Security Agency "cybersleuth", as his personal assistant.

Sam, trying to solve the mystery left to him by Jerry Wang, called Simmons for help. Along with Simmons, Dutch went to Sam's home to investigate (on a computer-slash-Transformer) the papers Wang gave Sam. They traced two astronauts who had defected from the Soviet Union, and went to the bar they were known to frequent. The conversation went poorly, and the Russians began pointing guns at Sam, Simmons, and Dutch. Exhibiting surprising martial arts skills, he snatched away two guns and turned the tide before he "cracked". After the quarrel, the Russian astronauts showed them photos of the Moon's surface, taken by the Soviets, which showed the Decepticon activity around the Ark.

Simmons, Dutch, Sam, and Bumblebee rushed to the NEST base to warn the Autobots that Sentinel Prime was the target for the Decepticons. They spotted Sentinel on the highway, only to meet the Dreads. Dutch and Simmons were both injured during the running highway battle.

Later, after the NEST soldiers and Sam infiltrated Chicago, Simmons and Dutch supported them via communicator, playing a small but vital role in the Autobot/NEST victory. Dutch was able to hack into a bridge control system so the bridge could be lowered to let Lennox's team cross the river.

He was seen later after the Autobots won the war, and happily watched Simmons kiss Charlotte Mearing. Once Mearing ordered Simmons arrested however, he was quick to tell his boss he would get him the best lawyer. Dark of the Moon

Dutch’s involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the novels "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" and "Transformers: Dark of the Moon: The Junior Novel," and the comic mini-series "Transformers: Dark of the Moon Movie Adaptation."


  • Dutch and his fake girlfriend's name, "India", are a reference to Dutch India.
  • For a supporting/minor human character in a Transformers movie, Dutch sure seems to have a complicated history lurking back there someplace. (One reviewer summed him up as a "gay ex-Nazi manservant in a weird suit".)[1] In an interview with The A.V. Club, Tudyk suggested that Dutch was, in fact, his character Gerhardt from the Sandra-Bullock-in-rehab movie 28 Days, having gone through rehab, become a globe-trotting hitman, and finally settling down as Simmons' manservant.[2]
  • As frequently happens, Dutch's nickname indicates a confusion between the adjectives Dutch and Deutsch, since his accent is German, not Dutch.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Dutch (ダッチ Datchi)


  1. io9 Transformers Review
  2. "Confession: The same role I did in 28 Days, with Sandra Bullock—I did it in Transformers. His name was Dutch, but I said: He's the same guy. Not only does he kind of seem like the same guy—he's the absolute same guy."—Alan Tudyk, The A.V. Club
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