Fasttrack (G1)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Fasttrack" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Fasttrack (disambiguation). |
- Fasttrack is a Decepticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Fasttrack is a semi-autonomous armored interceptor under the control of the Decepticon Scorponok.
“ | Nothing gets by me. | ” |
—Fasttrack's Earthrise[1] motto |
Contents |
Marvel The Transformers comics

Fasttrack was among the Decepticons under Scorponok's command. They were ambushed while leading captured Autobots on a death march to the smelting pool. Fasttrack seemed caught off-balance by the attack and was among the first to flee the scene once the retreat was sounded. Ring of Hate!
Fasttrack also participated in the attack on the Nebulan capital of Koraja. Broken Glass!
Transformers in 3-D
Fasttrack was on guard outside of Scorponok's fortress mode. The Test
War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material
With Cybertron's fate sealed and the Autobots gone, the Decepticons followed them closely through space aboard the Nemesis in pursuit of the AllSpark. Fasttrack was a Space Force Infantry Raider, Earthrise toy packaging whose function served as an interceptor. His primary objective was to serve Scorponok and his primary weapons were the tank cannon blasters. Earthrise webpage[1]
The Transformers
- Scorponok (Headmaster, 1987)
- Takara name: MegaZarak
- Takara ID number: D-93
- Accessories: 2 guns
- Released in the fourth year of Hasbro's US The Transformers toyline (third year in Europe and in Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers line), Fasttrack transforms into a Cybertronian six-wheeled assault buggy. His wheels are designed with loose axles for quick rolling, particularly down the main ramp of Scorponok's city mode. Like his animation model below, his two guns can be either hand-held or shoulder-mounted.
- He was only available with the large Headmaster Decepticon Scorponok.
- This mold was redecoed into Super-God Masterforce Black Roritchi.
War for Cybertron: Earthrise
- Decepticon Fasttrack (Deluxe Class, 2020)
- Hasbro ID number: WFC-E35
- TakaraTomy ID number: ER-12
- TakaraTomy release date: January 30, 2021
- Accessories: 2 blasters, dagger/spear-tip
- Known designers: Hirofumi Ichikawa (detailing)
- Part of the third wave of Earthrise Deluxes, "Decepticon Fasttrack" is a Weaponizer-styled figure, with a design heavily inspired by the Super-God Masterforce Guardminders with a few minor hints towards the unused Generation 1 character model—mostly revolving around the robot mode weapon placement (see below). Like most Weaponizer figures, Fasttrack transforms via part-forming into a six-wheeled Cybertronian buggy-tank with twin blasters. The dagger accessory can be attached to the back of his head in vehicle mode to form a "seat" that can accommodate either a Titan Master or a Prime Master; thematically it's meant to seat the "Lord Zarak" figure from Earthrise Scorponok. Concealed within his chest is an A.I.R. Lock System connection point, which allows him to link up with other toys in the line to form larger fortifications. As on the original toy, his blasters can also peg onto his robot-mode shoulders.
- Being a Weaponizer, Fasttrack can become armaments for other figures. The instructions include two official configurations: the first is a massive spear meant to be held by the larger Scorponok, inspired by (though not visually based on) Black Zarak's "Tyrant Spear". This mode doesn't incorporate Fasttrack's upper torso piece. The second option configures Fasttrack into a set of massive over-shoulder cannons meant to attach to smaller figures, with his vehicle cockpit and dagger also combining to form a bladed shield.
- A misspelling in Fasttrack's instructions labels Scorponok as "Skorponok", both in English and in Cybertronian. Fasttrack's inner packaging also includes a piece of the line's galactic map and a red decoder revealing Botropolis.
- This mold was slightly retooled to make Generations Selects Black Roritchi and Shattered Glass Collection Exo-Suit.
- Fasttrack had a character model prepared for Scorponok's animated toy commercial, but never actually appeared.
- The mistake-riddled coloring of the Headmasters comic seems to indicate Fasttrack was the fleeing Decepticon Scorponok called a coward after pointing out they were badly outgunned in issue #1. The robot mode shown was Blot's, however—a type of mistake also not uncommon in the miniseries.
- Fasttrack's model in the Headmasters comic is also a misinterpretation similar to that of Slugfest and Overkill's models in the Generation 1 cartoon, in that some of the weapons for the characters were not applied to their animation models to help the animators know what details would be obstructed by them; as such, dotted lines would be placed to direct the animator on the placement of said weapons (see the model to the right). This resulted in Fasttrack's gun being omitted in his vehicle mode.
- It should also be noted that Fasttrack's left shoulder on his model is likely meant to have a gun on it too, but was again not drawn as it would've obstructed his head.
- Fasttrack's design was re-used in the Super-God Masterforce anime for the mass-produced drone Transformers, the Guardminders. The grunts have Fasttrack's coloration while the leader is either Black Roritchi or an incidental use of his colors.
- The 1987 toy catalog displayed a green Fasttrack with Scorponok.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Fasttrack (ファストトラック Fasutotorakku)