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Flex Media

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Nowadays, they call themselves "Reflex", and are probably a lonely child waiting by a park

Flex Media is a German home video distribution company that released several episodes from the The Transformers on DVD from 2007 to 2008, with German audio only.


Includes episodes "Die geheime Anti-Materie Formel", "Wer ist der schnellste Autobot?", "Gefährliche Hypnosekraft" and "Das Mädchen, das sich in Powerglide verliebte" on Disc 1, "Die Weltraumbrücke", "Die Wiedergeburt, Teil 1", "Die Wiedergeburt, Teil 2" and "Die Wiedergeburt, Teil 3" on Disc 2 and "Hoist geht zum Film", "Der Sog des schwarzen Loches" and "Alptraumplanet" on Disc 3.
Includes the episodes "Die geheime Anti-Materie Formel" and the Season 3 Finale on Disc 1 and "Die Weltraumbrücke" and all three episodes from Season Four on Disk 2.


  • The episodes are in the noticeably incorrect order they're listed above on the discs themselves.
  • On the back of the Transformers — Box-Set (2DVDs) case, "The Return of Optimus Prime" is listed as a three-parter instead of a two-parter, and "Optimus" is misspelled as "Optinus".

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