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Freezer Burn

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Freezer Burn is an Autobot Mini-Con from the Rescue Bots portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Ice Dragon thinks you're precious.

Freezer Burn is the icy member of Bumblebee's pair of dragon Mini-Cons. He combines with his counterpart Wingblaze to form the mighty Double-Dragon Axe.


Rescue Bots

  • Knight Watch Bumblebee (2017)
Freezer Burn is a Mini-Con (a really big Mini-Con) included only with the large Knight Watch Bumblebee toy. He transforms from an ice-themed dragon (with lots of translucent blue plastic) to an axe by simply pushing his head pack on his torso, automatically pushing his wings forward into weapon mode.
He can also "combine" with Wingblaze to form a larger weapon, though the "connection" is simply sticking one dragon-axe into each side of one of Bumblebee's hands.

  • Freezer Burn (Mini-Con, 2018)
Freezer Burn was going to be available in a single-packed package. Solicited in a Toy Fair 2018 press release without pictures, it is unclear if this was going to be a straight re-release or a redeco his original toy, or possibly (and highly unlikely) a new mold. But as this release never materialized, we may never know.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

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