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Frenzy (G1)/toys

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G1 boxart Frenzy.jpg

Most of Frenzy's toys are blue, but this is not a hard and fast rule.



The Transformers

Cartoon-accurate or not, you sure weren't buying the two-pack for this guy.
  • Frenzy / Laserbeak (Mini-Cassette 2-pack, 1984–1985)
Beginning life as a Micro Change "Micro Cassette Robo Micross", Frenzy was part of the first wave of Transformers toys released in 1984. He transforms into a blue microcassette that can fit into the tape doors of the Soundwave and Blaster toys, and is armed with two silver chromed "Thruster Guns" that can either plug into the cassette spool holes on his back or slot onto his arms.
Sold in a two-pack with Laserbeak, Frenzy was originally released with a Decepticon insignia sticker on his stomach, which was removed in 1985 in favor of a heat-sensitive rubsign on his cassette mode front.
This mold was redecoed to create the simultaneously-available Rumble, as well as Enemy. It can also be repurposed as cartoon Rumble (which obviously also applies to many of the following toys, so we won't repeat ourselves).
The Transformers mold: Rumble/Frenzy
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:

Takashi Matsuda

G1toy japanese frenzy.jpg
  • Frenzy (Cassettron, 1985-1987)
  • ID number: 18 (1985), D-58 (1986), D-103 (1987)
  • Accessories: Left & right "Thruster Guns", cassette case (1985 & 1987 releases only)
1985 saw Takara release Frenzy in Japan, all on his lonesome. Like all his cassette contemporaries, he was packaged in a small box and came with a clear tape case he could be stored in.
He was still available in 1986, this time on a blister card with a new ID number, golden weapons (see below), and without his case. In 1987, he was re-released once again under the Headmasters banner, with his original packaging and case reinstated and with yet another ID number.

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  • Grimlock vs Soundwave (Multi-pack, 1985)
  • ID number: VSY
  • Accessories Left & right "Thruster Guns", cassette case
Frenzy was included as part of a "versus" giftset that squared Soundwave off against Grimlock. The toys inside the set are identical to their individual releases.
The set also included an audio cassette, and has become the rarest of the three "VS" sets Takara produced.

Bling Bling boy eject. Operation:Re-package.
  • Ratbat / Frenzy (Mini-Cassette 2-pack, 1986 / 1987)
  • Accessories: Left & right "Thruster Guns"
In 1986, when Hasbro released their sole new Decepticon cassette for the year, Ratbat, they needed another cassette to package him with. To this end, Laserbeak was retired from the toy store shelf, and Frenzy became Ratbat's pack-in partner. As a result, Frenzy holds the distinction of being the Generation 1 figure to last the longest during the toyline's original run, the only 1984 figure still available in 1987. Of course, this also meant that people who wanted both Laserbeak and Ratbat had to buy Frenzy twice.
Frenzy and Ratbat's weapons were available in both the original silver and new golden chrome colors; as Ratbat was depicted with golden weapons in-fiction, this tends to be the color most associated with the set. Late in 1986, Frenzy was one of several figures who underwent some change in materials; his die-cast metal toes and shoulder hinges were replaced with black plastic, as were his light blue thighs, and the stickers on his thighs and shins were inexplicably missing.

Generation 2

:O I'm red!
  • Frenzy (Go-Bot, 1995)
Part of the third wave of Generation 2 Go-Bots, Frenzy is a redeco of the wave-1 Blowout toy, transforming into a Porsche 959 sports car in purply-maroon, black and silver. He features through-axle wheels for super-fast rolling on smooth surfaces, and is designed to work with most Hot Wheels and Matchbox car sets, despite their being made by competitor companies.
This mold was also used to make Generation 2 Go-Bot Megatron, then later to make numerous versions of 2001 Robots in Disguise Hot Shot.
This specific toy was later repurposed to be a "next-generation" clone of Frenzy.
Generation 2 mold: Blowout
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
  • Sonokong:

Music Label

Is it really wise to put an expert at sonic warfare right on your ear?
  • Frenzy & Rumble Playing Earphones (2007)
Released as part of TakaraTomy's Music Label toyline, Frenzy and Rumble share a fairly simplistic transformation from robots to white, circular, working earphones. Since they are functioning headphones, Frenzy and Rumble are permanently tethered together by wire. Although sold separately from him, they were designed to go well with the Music Label Soundwave MP3 player.


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  • Great Cassette Operation Vol.3 (November 2009)
    • ID number: 19
    • Accessories: 2 "Thruster Guns" (left & right), cassette case
The original Frenzy toy was reissued for the first time as part of the Takara's Encore line, in a multi-pack with Rumble, Laserbeak, and Overkill. Long a notable absentee from past reissue lineups due to the severe degradation of his mold, this edition of Frenzy has either been heavily restored—his head and weapons, at the very least, feature some notable differences in detail from the original—or might even be an entirely new mold based off of the original figure, a theory supported by the presence of a 2009 Tomy copyright on his leg, rather than an original 1980s Hasbro or Takara one.
This version of Frenzy winds the figure back to the materials and colors of his pre-1986 releases, with metal feet and hinges, light-blue thighs and silver weapons, even reinstating his tummy-sticker from 1984 in addition to his rubsign. In a major change, his shin decals and all of his cassette mode labels are now paint operations rather than stickers, while the stickers that previously decorated his thighs, wrists and biceps have been removed outright and not replaced.
This release also has a new change to his guns: an added raised bump on the inner wing-side stabilizer, in addition to the bump on the minigun-side stabilizer present in the prior releases. This added tiny bit prevents the normal "slide the forearm between them" method of weapon-holding. However, the raised bits do fit around the elbow joint, and make for an incredibly snug fit. But this also makes it effectively impossible for him to point his guns straight forward.
In 2014, Frenzy and the rest of the Cassettes were re-released as a lucky draw prize (along with the other 2 box sets) for the Transformers Celebration 2014 event held at Ikebukuro Sunshine City store's Toys"R"Us, though this was very likely to be remaining stock.
The Transformers mold: Rumble/Frenzy
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:

Takashi Matsuda


United toy-Frenzy.jpg
  • Rumble & Frenzy (March 26, 2011)
    • ID number: UN-20
    • Accessories: Left & right cannons
Part of the fourth wave of Transformers United, Frenzy is a redeco of Reveal the Shield Scout Class Demolition Rumble (which never actually got released), transforming into a dual-cannon anti-aircraft tank. In robot mode, his arms can transform into spring-loaded pile-driver weapons, and his two C joint guns can be attached to bars on either his arms or back.
Frenzy was only available in a two-pack with Rumble, who shares the same mold.
This mold was also used to make Adventure Frenzy and Rumble and retooled to make Timelines Rewind and Eject.
Transformers (2010) mold: Rumble
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:


Masterpiecetoy frenzy.jpg
  • Frenzy & Buzzsaw (March 23, 2013)
    • ID number: MP-16
    • Accessories: Two piledrivers, piledriver mount, Left & right "Thruster Guns", pink tape case
Masterpiece Frenzy is, of course, a redeco of Masterpiece MP-15 Rumble, who was released only a month beforehand. He is an updated version of the original Generation 1 toy, transforming from a highly articulated robot to a mini-cassette the same size as his Generation 1 toy, although he cannot fit in the original Soundwave toy's chest cavity. Not simply blue this time around, he's based on the purple-and-blue color scheme of the Generation 1 cartoon (which was, as explained above, used for Rumble in the US, but in Japan, the cartoon was redubbed so it was Frenzy). He still has his traditional Thruster Gun weapons, which can peg onto his back, or be held by his hands via 3mm post. He comes with a pink case which can be used to store him in tape mode.
TRU Masterpiece Soundwave-RumbleFrenzyPiledrivers.jpg
To replicate his and Rumble's signature abilities from the cartoon series, Frenzy comes with two large piledriver accessories which clip onto his arms. The piledrivers can connect to a mounting piece that allows them to be worn on the figure's back when not in use, and they also contain hollows to store his Thruster Guns. The mounting piece can also attach to his back on its own to resemble a battery pack.
The piledrivers can also interact with other figures: They can clip to Masterpiece Soundwave's forearms to form cannons, or combine with Masterpiece Rumble's own piledrivers and link up with Soundwave's "sensor" accessory to form the interface cable that allows Soundwave to connect to other devices, as seen in The Transformers: The Movie.
He comes in a two-pack with Buzzsaw.
This mold was also used to make Masterpiece Enemy.
Masterpiece mold: Frenzy/Rumble
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Hasbro:

Shogo Hasui

The thing on his forehead is a paint error, not bird droppings.
  • Soundwave (2013)
    • 09 OF 30
    • ID number: MP-02
    • Accessories: Two piledrivers, piledriver mount, Left & right "Thruster Guns", clear tape case
Included with the Hasbro Toys"R"Us-exclusive version of Masterpiece Soundwave, "Decepticon Frenzy" features a different deco, replacing his silver vacuum-metallized details with paint, and featuring slightly brighter and more purple blue plastic. His guns, piledrivers, mount, and micro-cassette case are all included and have been appropriately redecoed, with his tape case being cast in colorless-clear plastic this time.

Platinum Edition

I've lost all sense of self at this point.
  • Soundwave Year Of The Goat Edition (March 23, 2014)
    • Accessories: Two piledrivers, piledriver mount, Left & right "Thruster Guns", clear tape case
Included only in the Toys"R"Us exclusive Year of the Goat Edition Soundwave set, this redeco of Masterpiece Frenzy is is almost entirely grey and clear, with the blue stripes of his tape mode differentiating him from pack-in companion "Year of the Goat" Rumble. He retains the same accessories as his predecessors, which are also redecoed in varying shades of light blue, gray, and clear plastic.
Masterpiece mold: Frenzy/Rumble
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Hasbro:

Shogo Hasui


KreO-Toy FrenzyC84.jpg
  • Kreon Class of 1984 (Kreon figure set, 2014)
    • Voted: Most Spirited
    • Accessories: Small pistol
The first Kreon Frenzy, part of the Kreon Class of 1984, follows the cartoon coloration, giving him a black-and-red deco... well, dark-gray-and-red-with-a-black-helmet deco. The color layouts in this set are kinda janky. He uses the Cityville micro-Kreon body, in keeping with his smaller stature in the cartoon.
He was only available in the San Diego Comic-Con 2014 exclusive "Kreon Class of 1984" 30-pack. Remaining stock was to be sold at Hasbro Toy Shop online, but the set sold out at the show.

KreO-toy FrenzyBattleChanger.jpg
  • Autobot Ratchet Vs. Soundwave (Battle Changer 2-pack, 2015)
    • Set number: B1507
This version of Frenzy is nearly identical to the Class of 1984 version: he has a different face tampograph, and his Decepticon symbol is a darker purple. This version also adds a "missile" backpack to him, which, when he is clipped onto the bars on either of Soundwave's modes, turns him into a gun emplacement.
He was only available in a Kre-O Battle Changers pack of Ratchet vs Soundwave, who also came with Rumble, Laserbeak and Ravage.
This set, like all the Battle Changers, originally only saw release in Canada, Australia, and Asian markets. It eventually saw release in the U.S. in late 2015 through discount stores like TJ Maxx and Marshalls.

Vintage G1

  • Decepticon Frenzy / Decepticon Laserbeak (Cassette 2-pack, 2019)
    • Accessories: 2 "Thruster Guns" (left & right)
As part of the Vintage G1 line of reissues, Frenzy comes with fellow mini-cassette Laserbeak, recreating their pairing in the original toyline. He comes with his two thruster guns, and is packaged on a classic-styled card with tech spec on the back.
The most immediately-noticeable change to this release of Frenzy is the tampographed batch/production numbers on his tape-side, on both legs and his butt. However, his robot mode chest detailing is now painted gold, rather than gold chrome. He also has the new Vintage G1 style rubsign, with a mirror-reflective silver border and red-only symbol. As he uses the Encore molding, his guns have the same "clip around the elbows" ridges inside the stabilizers.
Frenzy and Laserbeak were released alongside the similarly paired Vintage G1 Ravage and Rumble, and of course, are intended for collectors picking up the contemporaneously released Vintage G1 Soundwave and Buzzsaw. Like all figures from this line, Frenzy and Laserbeak are exclusive to Walmart in the United States and Canada.
The Transformers mold: Rumble/Frenzy
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:

Takashi Matsuda

Missed opportunity to give us another shot at Enemy....
  • Mini-Cassettes 3-Pack (Cassette 3-pack, September 16, 2019)
    • Accessories: 2 "Thruster Guns" (left & right)
Frenzy was also, strangely, included with "Gurafi" and "Noizu" as part of a three-pack of mini-cassettes, all by himself on the right half of a giant three-pack card. Bizarrely, this right/left arrangement is retained for the back of the set, with Graphy and Noise's instructions and bios on the left behind Frenzy, and Frenzy's instructions/bio (and the other necessary branding) on the right behind the dinos.
This release of Frenzy has a few more small alterations to his deco to differentiate him from previous (and concurrent) releases. Aside from the change from gold-chrome chest details to painted gold found on the Walmart 2-pack release (above), the small dot on his forehead crest/mohawk is now painted red, with his visor left unpainted. He also has fewer tape-mode batch/production number tampographs, with just the one on his robo-butt remaining. Naturally, he retains the Encore gun retooling.
Curiously, the stock photos featured at the Hasbro Pulse website depict a sample of Frenzy with misassembled legs, resulting in mis-matched colors for both sides of his cassette mode. In the same photos, he's also missing the cassette detail sticker on his back.[2] The final product is (thankfully) assembled and stickered correctly, the potential odd quality control error notwithstanding.
This set was revealed when it went up for preorder on Hasbro Pulse on the first day of San Diego Comic-Con 2019... despite not being announced at the show at all. This set was also available at general retail in Hong Kong. It was originally intended to be a HasCon 2019 exclusive, but was shuffled to Pulse following the convention's indefinite hiatus.

Generations Selects

  • Soundwave Spy Patrol 3rd Unit (Multi-pack, 2020)
    • Series: War for Cybertron: Earthrise
    • ID number: WFC-GS10
A Generations Selects add-on to Earthrise, "Decepticon Frenzy" is a redeco of Siege Rumble, transforming into a flattened box that is theoretically compatible with Siege Soundwave, however due to Frenzy's large size, he fits very tightly into the chest compartment. Frenzy can also attach to Soundwave and other figures as "Micromaster armor".
Though the War for Cybertron Trilogy is almost entirely inspired by the colorations of the U.S. Generation 1 cartoon, the multi-pack's Hasbro Pulse listing notes that with WFC-S46 Rumble and WFC-GS10 Frenzy together, fans can apply their own interpretation of FIRRIB. It even mistakenly refers to Frenzy as Rumble in the Product description.
Frenzy was released in a Deluxe-sized four-pack with mold-mate Knok, fellow cassette-bot Wingthing, and Powermaster Skar.

Studio Series

Wait, didn't they already release a Rumble?
  • Decepticon Frenzy (Red) (Core Class, 2023)
Released in the eighth wave of Studio Series Core Class figures, "Frenzy (Red)" is the obligatory redeco of Rumble (Blue). He boasts greater screen-accuracy than his prior release and is a smaller mold than most of the other Core Class toys. However, this is offset by his accessories and complexity, rivaling that of Kingdom/Legacy Eject. His accessories include the thruster guns that weren't included with his prior Siege figure, as well as his piledrivers with non-movable pistons (although the tips are on 5mm pegs and can be shifted down to the end of the peg to simulate them moving or just be completely removed). Due to size and transformation constraints (chiefly the space needed to fold his fists into his forearms), he doesn't have elbow joints.
His cassette mode is designed to the same specifications as the War for Cybertron Trilogy cassettes, and therefore can fit into any iteration of the Siege Soundwave and Kingdom Blaster molds' chest compartments.
While the Core Class lacks the backdrops included with all other Studio Series size classes, the inside of Frenzy's packaging is decorated with art of the communications tower he breaks into at the beginning of the movie.

I knew it!
  • Decepticon Rumble (Blue) (Core Class, 2022)
Studio Series Rumble (Blue) was repurposed as Frenzy (Blue) in the Transformers Go! Go! Mini Encyclopedia.
Released in the fourth wave of Studio Series Core Class figures, "Rumble (Blue)" was marketed as an iteration of Rumble even by TakaraTomy, who generally depict Frenzy consistently as the blue Mini-Cassette. As a recolor of the figure listed above, it retains all of that toy's gimmickry and storage functionality with any iteration of the Siege Soundwave and Kingdom Blaster molds' chest compartments.


Transformers Milk Caramel

  • Frenzy (1985)
A soft rubber figurine—known in Japan as a keshigomu— of Frenzy was released as part of the second wave of Kabaya's Transformers Milk Caramel candy toy range. He came packaged with chocolate-covered caramel candies, and was available in red, blue, and yellow.

Transformers Choco

  • Frenzy (1985)
A solid-color, snap-together model kit of Frenzy was released by Kabaya as part of their Transformers Choco line of candy toys. It was available in various colors, came with candy-coated chocolates, and could fit inside the chest of the larger Transformers Gum model kit of Soundwave.

Transformers Gum

No, wait! We lied. The gum actually makes you feel worse.
  • Frenzy and Jaguar (1986)
A larger model kit of Frenzy was sold by Kabaya as part of their Transformers Gum line, in a two-pack with Ravage. Sculpted from red and grey plastic (and consequently looking more like Rumble) and featuring stickers for detail, Frenzy is basically identical to his original toy, except he's actually a little bit larger than it! He's also too large to fit in the chest of the Transformers Gum Soundwave figure, but you can console yourself with the gum he comes packaged with.


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  • Destron Hero Collection 22 (multi-pack, 1986)
Frenzy was among the many characters rendered by Takara as part of their series of 1.5" keshigomu figurines. Like all the Decepticons in the series, Frenzy was molded in soft purple rubber, and featured a number sculpted into his back that was the sum total of his Tech Specs, for use in the various games that could be played with the figurines. Frenzy was available as part of a 22-piece box set of Decepticon figures, and later, in a peach coloration randomly packed as part of various other box sets.
  • Frenzy (1987)
    • Decoy number: 50
The figurine was later brought over to Hasbro markets as part of the Decoy promotion, largely identical to the Japanese release except for the fact that the number on his back was replaced with a simple "checklist" number. Like all Decepticon Decoys, Frenzy was a randomly-chosen pack-in available with the carded Throttlebots, Stunticons, Combaticons, and Terrorcons and was, very early on in the promotion, available in an alternate red coloration that was only packed in with the Throttlebots. Unsurprisingly, this red figurine is much rarer.

KT Figure Collection

  • Frenzy (KT Figure Collection, 2004)

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Transformers - Mini Bust

DiamondSelect FrenzyRavage bust.JPG
  • Frenzy & Ravage (Diamond Select, 2009)
An exclusive to online retailer BigBadToyStore, this Frenzy bust was sculpted by Mark Wong of Art Asylum and limited to 600 pieces worldwide. Frenzy is colored red and black after his cartoon appearance, and sculpted wielding one of his thruster guns as Ravage pounces beside him. In addition, Frenzy's tape mode is sculpted at the front of the bust's base.

The Loyal Subjects

  • Frenzy (2014)
The Loyal Subjects Frenzy is a Wave 3 chase figure with standard articulation. He uses the Frenzy/Rumble animation model, but in his toy's colors. Unlike his buddy Rumble, he does not have piledrivers, or any gimmick for that matter. For every 96 figures, there is one Frenzy. He is the single hardest figure to find from wave 3.

  • Buzzsaw & Transparent Frenzy 2-Pack (2014)

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Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Frenzy, Warrior (2019)
    • Blaster vs. Soundwave: 35th Anniversary
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T07/T08
    • Stars: 5
Frenzy, Warrior was released in the Transformers Trading Card Game Blaster vs. Soundwave box set. The box also includes the character cards Blaster, Communications, Soundwave, Communications, Eject, Electronic Surveillance, Ramhorn, Warrior, Steeljaw, Tracker, Buzzsaw, Spy, and Ravage, Saboteur, along with two ready to play 40 card battle decks themed around both Blaster and Soundwave.
In order to represent Frenzy's size as a Mini-Cassette, the card is the same size as a battle card, about half the size of a standard character card.
The first release of this set was a 35th Anniversary Edition was initially released at San Diego Comic-Con 2019 alongside the TCG's Omnibot Convention Pack, and later available online on Hasbro Pulse. The 35th Anniversary Edition features throwback artwork, with the original G1 Frenzy packaging art on the Bot Mode side, and original artwork matching the G1 packaging art aesthetic for Alt Mode. This original Alt Mode artwork was drawn by Marcelo Matere and colored by Caravan.

  • Frenzy, Warrior (2019)
    • Blaster vs. Soundwave
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T07/T08
    • Stars: 5
This version of Frenzy, Warrior was released as part of the general retail version of the Transformers Trading Card Game Blaster vs. Soundwave box set.
Gameplay-wise the card is identical to the 35th Anniversary Edition of the set, and features different artwork reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game.


Funko Pop Jumbo 10-inch Soundwave With Tapes.jpg
  • Soundwave with Tapes (Jumbo size, 2021)
    • ID number: 93
Released as part of the Pop! Retro Toys segment and exclusive to GameStop, Funko's Jumbo sized Pop! Soundwave comes with four non-transforming tapes decorated as Frenzy, Rumble, Ravage and Laserbeak, which can be stored (one at a time) inside of his chest window.
Frenzy is presumably the blue one since the tapes are directly based on their original Generation 1 toys.


  • Transformers Gen-1 Chess Set (2021)
In the planned Transformers Chess Set by Eaglemoss, a relatively large and very well detailed statue of Frenzy was slated to be one of the Pawn pieces on the Decepticon side.
A Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds for this project was launched, but failed to meet its goal by September 24, 2021 and the whole thing was canceled.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


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