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Soundwave (G1)/toys

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The truck guy's cool, but he will never be cool as this tape guy.

Soundwave: popular. Amount of toys: sufficient for its own page.



The Transformers

Soundwave superior. Nuff said.
  • Soundwave and Condor Cassette: Buzzsaw (Decepticon, 1984-1986, 1990)
Released in the first year of the original Transformers toyline, Soundwave transforms into a realistically-sized blue and silver microcassette recorder, complete with an opening cassette door that can accommodate any of the numerous Mini-Cassette figures. He came packaged with Buzzsaw to fully exploit and immediately advertise this interactive gimmick. Soundwave is armed with a shoulder-mounted cannon and a hand-held concussion blaster, which both transform into imitation batteries that store in a compartment on his back while he is in his alternate mode. Early releases of Soundwave had solid upper wrists, while subsequent ones have a rectangular gap at the base of the wrist (as shown in the picture to the right).
A pair of trapezoid-shaped stickers intended to decorate these batteries were repurposed by Hasbro as visible speakers in alt-mode (which end up on the inside of his legs)—it's possible that Buzzsaw was composited over his package art specifically to cover the visible sticker on his gun, so as not to contradict the new suggested sticker placement in the instructions.[1]
Hasbro re-released Soundwave in 1985 with quite a few changes. The most immediately-noticeable is that his tape door has a heat-sensitive rubsign instead of the foil Decepticon sigil that was there before. However, there were also a number of other mold changes made to the toy, which got their start in the Japanese Takara release (detailed below).
The popularity of Soundwave and his interactive tape gimmick was evident from an early stage: his toy continued to be sold up through 1986, after the vast majority of his 1984 brethren had been removed from toy shelves; Mini-Cassette partners continued to be produced for him even after this, through 1988; and Soundwave and Buzzsaw were shipped to Australian retail again in 1990. Over the years there have been multiple reissues of Soundwave, and this article lists each distinct edition of the figure under its own heading.
In Europe, Soundwave was released in three different subsequent versions that are most notable due to packaging variations: The first version, released in 1985, was manufactured by Takara and featured a Milton Bradley logo on its packaging; the second version, released in 1986, was also manufactured by Takara, but now featured a Hasbro logo on its packaging; and the third version, also released in 1986, was now manufactured by Ceji (the parent company of Joustra) and still featured a Hasbro logo on its packaging.[2] The Mexican release of Soundwave, by IGA, had painted black feet.
The Transformers mold: Soundwave

Version 1 (Soundwave):

  • The Transformers Collection 10 Soundwave

Version 2 (Soundblaster):

  • Takara/TakaraTomyFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers D-101 Soundblaster

Satoshi Koizumi

  • Soundwave (Decepticon, 1985)
  • Takara ID number: 17
  • Accessories: Battery/"concussion blaster", battery/rocket launcher, 3 rockets, headphones, microphone
Takara's release of Soundwave in 1985 had some very notable differences from the Hasbro release, the biggest being the addition of a set of headphones and a microphone, both non-functioning, which were part of the original Micro Change "Cassette Man" set that Hasbro turned into Soundwave. To further emulate Cassette Man, Takara's Soundwave came with Rumble, rather than Buzzsaw, and a clear plastic case that he could fit into in tape mode (Cassette Man came with either Rumble, Frenzy or Laserbeak, as different releases and copies varied). Soundwave's rocket launcher has a fully-functional spring-loaded firing mechanism, due to differing safety laws for projectiles in the US Hasbro had severely weakened the spring's launching strength. He also only came with a rubsign on the tape door.
Takara made a running change to the mold, re-sculpting the recessed buttons on Soundwave's pelvis into one solid, protruding piece, and moving the cassette door's hinge from inside the figure's chest to a lower, external position on either side of this new button assembly. This modification became the standard for all subsequent re-uses of the Soundwave mold, including Hasbro 1985's release of the toy.

G1toy VSY.jpg
  • Grimlock vs Soundwave (Multi-pack, 1985)
  • ID number: VSY
  • Accessories: Battery/"concussion blaster", battery/rocket launcher, 3 rockets
Takara also released Soundwave in a "versus" set along with Grimlock, lacking the additional headphone and microphone accessories, and now partnered with Frenzy instead of Rumble. The version of Soundwave included in this set was (supposedly) the earlier, pre-running change version with individual buttons on his chest.
The set also included an audio cassette, and has become the rarest of the three "VS" sets Takara produced.

I see a blue 'Con and I want him painted black.
  • Soundblaster (Decepticon, 1987)
  • ID number: D-101
  • Accessories: Battery/"concussion blaster", battery/rocket launcher, 3 rockets
Released in the third year of Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers toy line (the Headmasters-themed year), Soundwave was redecoed in a new black and red color scheme, and his chest door was retooled so that he could now hold two cassettes at once. The figure's stickers, however, retain Soundwave's blue coloration instead of being changed to work with Soundblaster's black.
This time, Soundblaster came packaged with Buzzsaw, who now sported a new sticker which would reveal the weak spot of Fortress Maximus when placed behind Soundblaster's translucent red chest door, in the same manner that Tech Specs decoders worked.

"Wingthing, did you swap my gun with Treadshot's? You did, didn't you? Bad bat! No mecha-mosquito ice cream for you tonight!"
  • Soundwave with Wingthing (Action Master, 1990)
Released in the seventh and final year of the Transformers toyline in the US (sixth and not-final in European markets), Soundwave was part of the first wave of individually-carded Action Masters. This toy is a non-transforming 3¾-inch action figure which combines elements of his cartoon model and original toy. His construction is broadly similar to that used by the G.I. Joe figures of the time, having a swivel neck, shoulders and knees, plus ball-jointed hips attached via a steel rod internally secured by a rubber "o-ring". His hands have standard 3 mm holes which allow him to hold any other accessory in the Action Master line, plus his feet have holes in the bottom to secure him to larger vehicles. On top of that, the hole in his back is compatible with 5 mm posts.
He came packaged with his new partner, Wingthing, who turns into a massive cannon Soundwave can hold, and can also be augmented by attaching Soundwave's "photon negator" rifle.
Soundwave's instructions depict a different weapon than the one the toy actually comes with, showing him with Treadshot's rifle. As a consequence, several toy information websites and identification guides (including Transformers Generations) depict Soundwave with Treadshot's weapon, using the instructions as a reference (as seen at right).

Transform Jr

G1toy junior soundwave.jpg
  • Soundwave (Gōkin, 1986)
  • ID number: 17
  • Accessories: Cassette, launcher, 2 missiles
Released during the early portion of the Transform Jr toyline when it was still going by the short lived "Transform Gōkin" name, Jr Soundwave is a smaller, simplified version of the original toy, lacking many stickers and paint applications, as well as the larger figure's retractable fists and the spring-activated release for his chest door. The chest door can still be manually opened, though, and Soundwave comes with a cassette partner to fit inside, albeit a non-transforming one (it's basically just a rectangle of clear plastic with a sticker on it; from the pattern on the sticker, it might be Rumble). He comes with only one gun, which can be placed either on his shoulder or in his fist, with two static 'missile' pieces that can be inserted into the front of the gun. He also features die-cast metal parts in his legs.

G1toy junior soundblaster.jpg
  • Soundblaster (Jr, 1987)
  • ID number: D-101
  • Accessories: 2 cassettes, launcher, 2 missiles
Just as his larger toy was, Jr Soundwave was redecoed and retooled to become Soundblaster the following year, sporting a black coloration and an enlarged chest door (though the door itself remains colorless, lacking the distinctive red tint of the large Soundblaster figure). Soundblaster retains all of Soundwave's accessories and features, and comes with an extra tape to match his new expanded tape door. The sticker for one of his non-transformable cassette partners remains the same, looking a lot like Rumble. He also comes with a blue tape that might be Frenzy, even though Soundblaster's package art now shows Buzzsaw.

Generation 2

Colors so loud you can practically hear them.
  • Soundwave (Go-Bot, 1995)
    • Accessories: gun
Part of the third wave of Generation 2 Go-Bots, Soundwave is a very bright redeco of Gearhead, transforming into a NASCAR-style Ford Thunderbird stock car with precision wheels and wire axles, compatible with Hot Wheels and Matchbox playsets and tracks (which he was properly sized to fit). His exceptionally loud color scheme, being composed of bright shades of fluorescent yellow, pink and blue, is one of the few times fans can actually get away with describing a toy as "neon".
Soundwave was one of only three Go-Bots sold in the Takara G-2 line, but it was a... weird release. While the car shell is identical to the Hasbro Soundwave, his robot parts are identical to the second-wave opaque version of Gearhead, being red and metallic silver, due to the gang-molding process that produced the Takara-release Go-Bots Optimus Prime and Megatron... and his stylized "T" with the Transformers logo tampograph was also applied to them to boot. He also has Gearhead's red face-paint rather than the Hasbro Soundwave black. These three toys were sold on cards that were nigh-identical to the Hasbro cards on the front, rather than the usual G-2 style packaging, with only a small bit of Japanese text on the front in the logo. The back side is stylistically close to the Generation 2 packaging, but a "generic" cardback used for all three toys and entirely in Japanese. It's unclear why these toys were released this way; it's possible these were sold in convenience stores or some other similar outlet rather than in conventional toy stores/departments. Even more oddly, the Soundwave shown on the cross-sell is the Hasbro-release Soundwave with the maroon-purple and aqua-blue robot parts.
This mold was also used to make various versions of Robots in Disguise W.A.R.S. and the Universe incarnation of Camshaft. It was planned to be used to make Generation 2 Greasepit, but that toy was canceled.
This toy was later repurposed to be a "next-generation" clone of Soundwave.
Generation 2 mold: Gearhead
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
  • Sonokong:
  • Car Bot C-007 Wars

His bio actually says this isn't his favorite form. No foolin'.
  • Soundwave (Laser Cycle, 1995)
This planned redeco of the Laser Cycle Road Pig would have seen Soundwave transform to a blue and silver Harley-Davidson Electra Glide touring motorcycle, with an LED-lit tailpipe that became an arm-mounted weapon in robot mode. Ultimately, however, it ended up as one of several planned late-1995 Generation 2 redecoes that never made it to release. The cancellation was presumably a comparatively last-minute decision, since several of these toys, including Soundwave and fellow Laser Cycle redeco Jazz, were solicited in various store catalogues, such as the Sears Wish Book. Some packaged samples of this toy do exist, but there are estimated to be less than a dozen in existence.
This mold was later retooled to make the Microman: LED Powers toys Road Bison and Tornado Bison; the retooled mold was then used to make 2001 Robots in Disguise Axer and Robotmasters Double Face.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Machine Wars

Not my scene, baby!
Originally a KB Toys exclusive, Machine Wars Soundwave is a redeco of the Predator Stalker, transforming into a grey and burgundy tracked electron rocket carrier. His rocket can mount on either shoulder or his back in robot mode, and retains Stalker's Megavisor gimmick; a panel on the top slides open to reveal a port for the smaller Predator jets to attach to, allowing their Megavisor slides to be viewed through the "scope" of the missile. Stalker's own built-in slide is retained, but is left blank with no unique printing. Also missing from this version of the toy are Stalker's hand-held missile launcher and accompanying ammunition, due to safety concerns over their small, not-passing-choke-gate-tests size. Soundwave's instructions omit several panels of Stalker's own instructions, including the one that serves as the placement guide for stickers 1 through 7.
This mold was also used to make the Universe incarnation of Soundwave, and repurposed as a clone of Soundwave.

The Transformers Collection

No! We're not friends, we're enemies!
  • Soundwave (2003)
    • ID number: 10
    • Accessories: Laserbeak, tape case, rocket launcher, 3 rockets, concussion blaster
  • Known designers: Pat Lee (packaging artist)
The first reissue of Soundwave's original toy was released as part of Takara's The Transformers Collection, and this time came with Laserbeak. The toy reinstates Soundwave's chest-mounted Decepticon symbol, relocating the rubsign to the cover of his battery compartment, but otherwise features no notable differences from the original, post-button-remold version of the figure. This was, however, many international fans' first exposure to Soundwave's modified button mold, and it was erroneously assumed by many that the change had been first made for this release as an artefact of modifying the Soundblaster mold back into Soundwave.
The Transformers mold: Soundwave

Version 1 (Soundwave):

  • The Transformers Collection 10 Soundwave

Version 2 (Soundblaster):

  • Takara/TakaraTomyFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers D-101 Soundblaster

Satoshi Koizumi

  • Soundblaster (2005)
    • ID number: 18
    • Accessories: Ravage, Buzzsaw, 2 tape cases, rocket launcher, 3 rockets, concussion blaster
Not ones to waste the opportunity now that they had the mold back in action, Takara also reissued Soundblaster as part of the Transformers Collection, sweetening the deal by including not just his original partner Buzzsaw, but also the first reissue of Ravage. Despite the opportunity, they still didn't change the color of Soundblaster's stickers from Soundwave-blue to black.

Smallest Transforming Transformers

Size: small. Taste: big.
  • Soundwave (2003-2004)
    • ID number: GTF 05
    • Accessories: Rocket launcher, concussion blaster, battery cover
Standing at only two inches tall, Smallest Transforming Transformers Soundwave is an extremely small-scale replica of his original Generation 1 toy. Although his retracting fists, rotating head and missile accessories are left out, the figure otherwise retains a surprising amount of the original toy's functions and features, including the ability to store his weapons as batteries and an opening chest door. This opening chest accommodates Soundwave's in-package partner, Smallest Transforming Transformers Ravage, who is probably the smallest Transformer ever.
Soundwave was originally released as part of the first Smallest Transforming Transformers wave, and was then made available again in the limited-availability "Wave 2.5" the following year, without changes. In both instances, as with the rest of the figures in the line, he was sold in blindpacked packaging.

Universe (2003)

Now, let's see Space Case jump out of Soundwave's chest!
  • Soundwave & Space Case (Ultra Class, 2004)
    • Accessories: Giant missile, radar
Only available in an Ultra-level two-pack with Space Case, Universe Soundwave is another reuse of the Predator Stalker mold, this time in a mix of purple-blue, waxy yellow, plain grey, and a bit of burgundy. This version of Soundwave features some slight retooling compared to previous uses of the mold. The base of the peg on the missile is slightly thicker, the hole it plugs into is shallower, and the eyepiece now has a more cupped shape. The Megavisor slide features a target reticle with an Autobot insignia in the center. Stalker's projectile launcher and its missiles are once again omitted.
Due to the lack of fiction for either toy in the set, it is possible that this incarnation is in fact an alternate-universe version of Soundwave, some incarnation of that OTHER Soundwave, or possibly even a new character altogether.

Titanium Series

He's the "manliest" Soundwave ever!
  • Soundwave (6" Cybertron Heroes, 2006)
    • Accessories: Laserbeak, rocket launcher, concussion blaster, display base
Titanium Series Soundwave is based on the original Generation 1 figure, transforming into a microcassette player mode, now looking more like a boombox. He retains the gimmickry of the original toy such as his transforming weapons, which still store as batteries on his back, and his opening chest door that can accommodate the diminutive transforming Laserbeak figure packaged with him. Laserbeak can also perch onto tabs molded on the top of his shoulders. Soundwave comes with the standard display base that all other 6" Titanium Series figures come with, and a unique nameplate.
This figure is plagued by multiple design flaws. In particular, its disproportionate waist makes it look like Soundwave is wearing a diaper, and its legs poor telescoping engineering makes it virtually impossible for them to stay extended while supporting the weight of the toy, so the toy is barely able to stand up the way it is intended to. The cumulative effect is a Soundwave who is not unlike a baby. Note, however, that the stock photo depicts his waist slightly mistransformed, as the hip joints can shift up towards the waist.

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  • Soundblaster (6" Cybertron Heroes, unreleased)
    • Accessories: Ravage, rocket launcher, concussion blaster, display base
A planned redeco of Titanium Soundwave in his black and red Soundblaster colors, this toy would have come with a new Titanium version of Ravage instead of Laserbeak. Although displayed at BotCon 2007, Soundblaster was ultimately canceled along with many other solicited 6" Cybertron Heroes, but this did not stop him from appearing as a cross-sell on the packaging for Titanium Prowl in late 2008 (which claimed he would have been "also available" as of November 2008), as Hasbro was unwilling to spend the resources on altering the packaging for these already-complete products.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


Ravage, Laserbeak: Eject. Operation: Reissue.
  • Soundwave (Commemorative Edition, 2007, 2012)
    • Accessories: Laserbeak, Battle Ravage, 2 tape cases, rocket launcher, 3 rockets, concussion blaster
Hasbro's first reissue of the original Soundwave toy was originally intended to be part of their Commemorative Series of Generation 1 reissues, but when that line was cancelled, it was instead released as part of the Classics toyline. The phrase "Commemorative Edition" is prominently displayed on the front and sides of the box, though, and it remained exclusive to Toys"R"Us, as all Commemorative Edition toys were. The box itself opens up to reveal a pop-up cutout of Soundwave that is nearly twice the size of the figure in the box.
Despite both the packaging's claim that it is "identical to the original toy," and the image on the packaging showing a heavily photoshopped Takara reissue Soundwave with a traditional single tape chest door, the figure actually sports the double-wide door and tooling changes of Soundblaster (complete with extra tech-detailing), which allows him to carry both of his pack-in partners, Laserbeak and (Battle) Ravage. Being an odd mismatch of Soundblaster and Soundwave, (Battle) Ravage has all his stickers replaced with tampographs including one showing the weakness of Fortress Maximus, while Laserbeak has pre-applied foil stickers, and Soundwave himself has matte pre-applied stickers. Soundwave also uses a much less saturated metallic blue plastic than the original figure. In an unusual move for a Hasbro release, the set also includes two clear-plastic cassette cases for the two tapes, previously only included with Takara versions of the figures. Per child safety laws, his spring-loaded weapons were neutered.
Sadly, in the Canadian markets, this version of Soundwave was pushed back over a year from the original release date, and very few Toys"R"Us stores had them. Dang.
Soundwave was later re-released in Hasbro's Asian markets in slightly altered packaging that omitted the Toys"R"Us sticker (for obvious reasons) and changed the age recommendation from "Ages 8+" to "Ages 5+".
The Transformers mold: Soundwave

Version 1 (Soundwave):

  • The Transformers Collection 10 Soundwave

Version 2 (Soundblaster):

  • Takara/TakaraTomyFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers D-101 Soundblaster

Satoshi Koizumi

Music Label

Soundwave finally enters the digital age after only what, twenty-three years?
  • Soundwave Playing Audio Player (2007)
  • Accessories: Electric launcher, "Wave Bluster", 2 clenched fists (left & right), 2 gun-holding fists (left & right), 2 eject-button pose fists (left & right), headphones
Released as part of TakaraTomy's small Music Label toyline, this incarnation of Soundwave drags the character kicking and screaming into the digital age as a working MP3 player. Despite his new electronic abilities, Soundwave still transforms, in a manner virtually identical to his original Generation 1 figure, no less. He still comes with his trademark pair of weapons (although they no longer double as batteries, since he's got a real one in there now!) plus three sets of hands: two clenched, two for holding his guns, and two posed as if he is pressing his "eject" button.
Soundwave runs on a single AAA battery, lasting for about six hours of continuous play, and operates using a miniSD card; the packaging claims it can only support up to 1GB, but reports indicate it can actually take up to 2GB. The distinctive buttons on Soundwave's pelvis are now working buttons that control the player: play/pause/power, next, previous, volume up and volume down. Naturally, the player also comes with a set of headphones, but an optional accessory, sold separately, can take their place: a set of transforming headphones in the image of Rumble and Frenzy.
Soundwave was initially released in two color schemes: "Spark Blue", his normal blue and silver colors; and "Sonic White", a mostly white color scheme with some blue detailing, echoing the traditional iPod color scheme. When the toy received a second production run later in the year, the "Sonic White" version was replaced with a new Soundblaster-inspired "Blaster Black" deco.
The "Sonic White" version was later repurposed as the mirror-universe Shattered Glass Soundwave.
During one of Hasbro's designer panels at BotCon 2008, an audience member questioned the feasibility of releasing this figure in the 2008 Universe toy line, but without the expensive MP3 player electronics. Bizarrely, Hasbro design director Aaron Archer gave a seemingly prepared statement that did not answer the question at all, and instead stated that Hasbro were unlikely to release Music Label Soundwave in their markets due to the obscurity of the MiniSD memory card format. (For what it's worth, Hasbro's Greg Lombardo had given an actual answer to the same question at BotCon 2007, when he stated that ML Soundwave's innards are so devoted to electronics that removing them might adversely impact the leftover toy's appearance and stability.)


Laserbeak: Prepare for flight. Operation: Nostalgia.
  • Soundwave (2007)
    • ID number: 03
    • Accessories: Laserbeak, tape case, rocket launcher, 3 rockets, concussion blaster
The original Soundwave toy was made available once again as part of TakaraTomy's Transformers Encore series of reissues. Aside from a slightly lighter shade to his blue plastic and similar changes to his accompanying stickers, the figure remained unchanged from its previous reissues.
The Transformers mold: Soundwave

Version 1 (Soundwave):

  • The Transformers Collection 10 Soundwave

Version 2 (Soundblaster):

  • Takara/TakaraTomyFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers D-101 Soundblaster

Satoshi Koizumi

Encore Soundblaster Toy.jpg
  • Soundblaster (2012)
    • ID number: 21
    • Accessories: "Enemy", "Wingthing", tape case, rocket launcher, 3 rockets, concussion blaster
Soundblaster was available again as part of TakaraTomy's Transformers Encore series of reissues. This release includes two new cassette partners: Enemy and Wingthing.
For this release Soundblaster features additional silver paint on his face plate and the sides of his head, metallic red eyes instead of yellow, and the removal of the silver paint on his crest in an effort for animation accuracy. In addition, he has a large Decepticon insignia tampographed on his chest. All the label stickers from the previous releases of Soundblaster have been reproduced via tampographs as well, with the exception of the stickers for his weapons which come preapplied.
The tampographs on the knees and stickers on the weapons are misapplied, being placed in the wrong orientation. The coloration of the blue labels has also been altered to replace some of the blue (but not all) with black. Stock photos depicted Soundblaster with a screen-accurate purple cassette door, although this has never been seen in any actual retail release.

Universe (2008)

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  • Soundwave (Exclusive, 2009)
    • Series: G1 Series
    • Accessories: Laserbeak, Ravage, Buzzsaw, Ratbat, rocket launcher, 3 rockets, concussion blaster
In 2009, Hasbro released yet another reissue of Soundwave as part of the Universe line, this time as a Hasbro Toy Shop exclusive that was prominently offered at San Diego Comic-Con 2009. After Hasbro's last reissue of the figure had used the double-sized Soundblaster chest door, this version of Soundwave reinstated his original door, and came packaged with no fewer than four tapes: Ravage, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, and Ratbat. On the flipside of the Classics release, the photography on the box shows the Soundblaster double chest door as opposed to the single door it actually sports. Compared to various previous reissues, the blue is very slighty darker and the silver plastic has a blue tint to it.
The Transformers mold: Soundwave

Version 1 (Soundwave):

  • The Transformers Collection 10 Soundwave

Version 2 (Soundblaster):

  • Takara/TakaraTomyFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers D-101 Soundblaster

Satoshi Koizumi


Let his metallic paint chip off, and he changes continuity families.
  • Soundwave Cybertron Mode (December 25, 2010)
    • ID number: UN05
    • Accessories: Rifle, missile launcher
Part of the first wave of the United series, Soundwave is a repaint of War for Cybertron Deluxe Class Soundwave.
Retaining exactly the same plastic colors as his WFC toy, Soundwave instead features an extensive metallic blue/violet paint scheme that covers a majority of his vehicle mode (as well as some robot parts, like his head, for example). The purple highlights on the Hasbro version are replaced with a bright pink, the metallic details on his chest are a milder shade of gold, and his chest insignia is in full color.
Comically, the action-oriented stock photo on the back of his packaging has him mis-transformed. His hinged crotch has not been pegged to his main body, with the result looking like Soundwave wearing a diaper... again.


Easiest Microchanger ever: just remove everything from his torso.
  • Sentinel Prime (2011)
    • Set number: 30687
    • Pieces: 386
    • Kreons: Sentinel Prime, Soundwave, Thundercracker, Fire Chief
    • Accessories: Scoped pistol
The Kre-O Sentinel Prime construction set comes with a Soundwave Kreon. He has an adorably creepy speaker-mouth under the helmet's faceplate.

KreO-Toy SoundwaveCustomKreon.jpg
  • Soundwave (Custom Kreon, 2013)
    • Set number: A6090
    • Pieces: 36
    • Accessories: Rack, large cannon, Seeker arm rifle, scoped pistol, double-barreled pistol, rocket backpack, small wing-pack, curved blade
Part of the first assortment of "Custom Kreons", this version of Soundwave comes with a buildable parts rack on which to hang/store his many many extra pieces. His tampographs are much more heavily-detailed than the original Kreon, based on the original Soundwave toy. His "normal" helmet and grenade launcher are chromed, plus he comes with an extra clear-plastic helmet, torso and legs. He also has a pair of extra arms (originally from the Kre-O Battleship aliens), plus a buildable cannon based around the aforementioned chrome gun, a small scoped pistol, a double-barreled blaster, and a two-piece curved-blade sword.
He still has the adorably creepy speaker-mouth.

KreO-toy SoundwaveClass84.jpg
  • Kreon Class of 1984 (Kreon figure set, 2014)
    • Set number: B0090
    • Voted: Class Gossip
    • Accessories: Blaster
This version of Soundwave, part of the Kreon Class of 1984, has much more elaborately toy-based tampographs than his prior versions. He comes with a blue version of the new blaster from the Age of Extinction Kre-O sets, and a back-brace piece that we guess is there for gun-mounting purposes. There's also a bunch of "cassettes" based on the various Recordicons packed in the box that ostensibly go with him, but are part of the big block of extra accessories and we're just filling space here.
The head under the helmet has no mouth whatsoever, which is somehow creepier than the speaker-mouths of the prior Kreons.
He was only available in the San Diego Comic-Con 2014 exclusive "Kreon Class of 1984" set of thirty Kreons, commemorating the franchise's thirty years. Remaining stock was to be sold online at Hasbro Toy Shop, but there was no remaining stock by the end of the convention.

KreO-toy SoundwaveKW Knight.jpg
  • Knight Soundwave (Kreon Warrior, 2015)
    • Set number: B0955
    • Collection: 2
    • Accessories: Stand-plate, clip-on bird, double-bladed pike, orc shield
Part of the second wave of Kreon Warriors, "Knight Soundwave" is a fantasy-medieval version of the Decepticon. He has a clip-on wooden "Laserbeak"-y bird, but it's not specifically labeled as "Laserbeak". His shield also bears a coat of arms featuring two bird heads and a feline head. What could that mean? Hmmmmm....
His helmet and accessories all hail from the Kre-O Dungeons & Dragons sets.
Like all the Kreons released that year (at normal retail at least), he uses the new 2015-tooling Kreon body, which basically involves small construction changes on every part below the head, making them largely incompatible with the prior Kreon parts (heads still work fine), but the new tooling adds some extra functionality and structural support.
The Kreon Warriors were only released in Canada, Australia, and various Asian markets. The individual bags had also abandoned any kind of coding that identified the contents. This means getting the one you want from an unopened bag involves either trying to feel out the unique parts, or just buying the whole dang case.

And be a juke. Box. Vil-lain.
  • Wiseguy Soundwave (Kreon Warrior, 2015)
    • Set number: B0955
    • Collection: 2
    • Accessories: Stand-plate, clip-on bird, 2 pistols
Soundwave's second Kreon Warrior, also part of the second collection, is part of the "Wiseguy" theme, 1920s gangster-styled Kreons. He sports a slicked-back gray wig, dual pistols, and a clip-on bird that's painted like Laserbeak and probably is meant to be Laserbeak but is not actually labeled "Laserbeak". His body tampographs suggest that he would turn into an old-timey jukebox. Awesome!
The lack of US distribution and lack of bag codes holds up here too.

  • Autobot Ratchet Vs. Soundwave (Battle Changer 2-pack, 2015)
    • Set number: B1507
    • Accessories: Blaster rifle
Available in a two-pack set with Ratchet, Battle Changers Soundwave is a built-up Kreon that transforms from robot to spaceship (somewhat resembling the Cybertron incarnation of Soundwave) and back without needing to be disassembled.
Soundwave is loaded out with four different partners. Frenzy and Rumble become twin-blaster pods that can be mounted on his wings or legs. Laserbeak becomes chest armor for Soundwave's robot mode, or a set of tailfins for spaceship mode. And Ravage just kinda hangs on Soundwave's jet-mode underside, but becomes a backpack with over-the-shoulder blasters for Soundwave's robot mode.
This set, like all the Battle Changers, originally only saw release in Canada, Australia, and Asian markets. It eventually saw release in the U.S. in late 2015 through discount stores like TJ Maxx and Marshalls.


Laserbeak, eject. Operation: let the fandom rejoice.
  • Soundwave (January 26, 2013/September 28, 2013/2019)
    • ID number: MP-13
    • Accessories: Condor "case", energon cube & lid (three in total in the version), display panel, concussion blaster, Megatron gun (consists of pistol, scope, silencer, & stock), sensor
Masterpiece Soundwave is a more intricately engineered version of his Generation 1 design, transforming into his classic tape deck alternate mode, but substantially thicker. His chest compartment still opens, of course, and remains scaled to accommodate the original Generation 1 mini-cassette figures, as well as the new Masterpiece mini-cassette figures, such as his pack-in partner, Condor. A spring-loaded panel inside his chest can be pushed back in increments to allow Soundwave to hold up to three cassettes at once; after one is removed, pressing a button on his back slides the panel forward, pushing the remaining cassettes up and putting the next into position, ready to be removed when his chest door is opened again. However, this feature is so finnicky that his instructions actually have to include a little segment telling owners what not to do with the toy to make sure it works.
Soundwave comes with his traditional concussion blaster weapon, and his non-firing rocket launcher is now an integrated, non-removable piece. Unlike the Generation 1 toy, both cannon and launcher do not become batteries for his alternate mode, instead storing on his back. He also comes with the wrist-mounted sensor from "Fire on the Mountain", and his forearm panel opens up to reveal sculpted speakers. He also comes with a retool of the Megatron gun originally released with Masterpiece MP-01 Convoy.
Additionally, Soundwave comes with an empty energon cube which can plug into his chest panel, and a grid-patterned display panel that also fits over his chest door. His instruction booklet includes two images that can be cut out and slipped between Soundwave's chest and the display panel to simulate readouts displayed in "More than Meets the Eye": the Decepticon space cruiser's blue prints and intel reports hacked from Teletraan I.
Soundwave and his accessories can also interact with the other Masterpiece mini-cassette figures in many other ways. Laserbeak or Buzzsaw can perch onto the tabs on Soundwave's shoulders and forearms. Soundwave can also wear Masterpiece Rumble and/or Frenzy's piledrivers on his forearms as cannons, and can store one set of Rumble or Frenzy's guns in compartments on Soundwave's feet/at the back of his tapedeck mode. Additionally, Soundwave's sensor can combine with Rumble and Frenzy's piledrivers to form the link cable used by Soundwave to hook up to a larger monitor in The Transformers: The Movie.
The edition purchased via in Japan came with two additional energon cubes. The Asian version includes a commemorative coin contained in a package looking like Soundwave's tapedeck mode.
For this release, some Soundwaves suffer from a paint error, leaving the small upside-down triangle on his forehead crest unpainted, though it is animation accurate.
Soundwave was re-released on September 28th, 2013 and again in 2019. The minor quality control issues with the re-release were lessened or not as widespread as the initial release. The 2019 re-release features slightly darker blue plastic, and painted red eyes.
Masterpiece mold: Soundwave
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Hasbro:

Shogo Hasui

... And Megatron makes seven Decepticons in one box.
  • Soundwave (2013/2016)
    • ID number: MP-02
    • 09 OF 30
    • Accessories: Five microcassette cases, two Frenzy piledrivers, Frenzy piledriver mount, left & right Frenzy "Thruster Guns", two Rumble piledrivers, Rumble piledriver mount, left & right Rumble "Thruster Guns", energon cube & lid, display panel, concussion blaster, Megatron gun (consists of pistol, scope, silencer, & stock), sensor
The Hasbro release of Masterpiece Soundwave features a slightly different deco than the Takara version, such as a yellow visor instead of a red one, and leaving the Rumble/Frenzy gun storage panels on his feet unpainted. All of the accessories included with the Takara release are ported over to the Hasbro set (with the exception of the cut-out images for use with his display panel), plus all five of the Masterpiece microcassettes. The cassettes also feature different decoes than their Takara counterparts (see their own articles for details), and their cases are cast in clear plastic instead of the translucent hot pink the Japanese versions came with. His highly truncated instructions omit any explanation of virtually all of his accessories, action features, and interactions with his minions. Finally, he has a designated number as part of the Thrilling 30 line.
Soundwave is exclusive to Toys"R"Us stores. He was released earlier (with fellow Masterpiece Acid Storm) in limited numbers at San Diego Comic Con 2013.
Soundwave was also reissued in 2016 by Hasbro Asia under Generations co-branding, packaged with a mini die cast cassette player based on his alt mode. Some of the images in this picture were plagiarized for the promotion. As it was originally issued under Masterpiece, it would be easier to list this down here instead of reproducing it under the Generations section.

Ratbat eject, Operation: black paint job.
  • Soundblaster (March 23, 2014)
    • ID number: MP-13B
    • Accessories: Ratbat "case", red energon cube & lid, purple display panel, concussion blaster, translucent red Megatron gun (consists of pistol, scope, silencer, & stock), sensor
Following tradition, Masterpiece Soundblaster is a black redeco of the first MP Soundwave figure. While the chest door is cast in toy accurate red, the additional display panel is cast in translucent purple allowing for optional cartoon accuracy. Soundblaster includes all of the other accessories included with Soundwave as well, with the energon cube and Megatron gun now being cast entirely in translucent red plastic, as well as Ratbat.


Soundwave Construct-Bots.jpg
  • Soundwave (Elite, 2013)
    • Pieces: 48
Part of Construct-Bots Wave 1 Elites, Soundwave can transform into a jet vaguely resembling his Unicron Trilogy incarnation. He is armed with two guns (depicted as gold in stock photography, but blue on the actual toy) and two weapons, resembling his Generation 1 shoulder cannon, that become engines in jet mode.
He also comes with a translucent purple storage tray complete with lid and Decepticon insignia.

"Laserbeak: Eject. Operation: Hammer Time!"
  • Arsenal Pack Soundwave (2014)
    • Pieces: 58
Arsenal Pack Soundwave is a slight redeco of the previous release, changing the light blue pieces to purple. He also includes new acessories, such as an orange hammer and four black guns.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Bot Shots

Looks like "Operation: Bot Shots" failed.
  • Soundwave (2013)
    • Number: B015
      • Fist strength: ???
      • Blaster strength: ???
      • Sword strength: 368
Presumably part of Wave 4 of Bot Shots Series 2, Soundwave is a Flip Shot. His robot mode is directly based in his Generation 1 counterpart, while his vehicle mode is kind of a garbage truck with giant boomboxes in the sides.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Linkin Park × Transformers

  • Transformers Linkin Park Soundwave: Special Edition (September 23, 2013)
    • Accessories: Buzzsaw, Laserbeak, Ravage, Ratbat, 4 tape cases, rocket launcher, 3 rockets, concussion blaster
Linkin Park Soundwave is a gold and black redeco of Soundwave. He's packaged with Linkin Park gold redecoes of Ravage, Ratbat, Laserbeak, and Buzzsaw (the last two of which are completely identical) on a flocked-purple plastic tray inside a special commemorative box. He has no stickers, factory-applied or otherwise, but has a tampographed Linkin Park logo and Decepticon symbol. Linkin Park Soundwave: Special Edition was exclusive to "SURU", a music store owned by Linkin Park DJ Joseph Hahn. The figure was limited to 2000 pieces.
The Transformers mold: Soundwave

Version 1 (Soundwave):

  • The Transformers Collection 10 Soundwave

Version 2 (Soundblaster):

  • Takara/TakaraTomyFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers D-101 Soundblaster

Satoshi Koizumi

Hero Mashers

Soundwave Beefier.
  • Soundwave (Battle Upgrade, 2014)
    • Pieces: 14
    • Accessories: Missile launcher, missile, shoulder-cannon, blaster/blade, left & right gun pods, "Sideswipe" left forearm
Part of the second wave of "Battle Upgrade" Hero Mashers toys, Soundwave is a non-transforming action figure with ratchet-joints, about six inches tall. He has multiple peg-holes all over that can be used to mount any Hero Mashers accessory.
He is designed with a removable head, forearms, thighs, and lower legs, all of which use the same clip-peg/hole joint. This means his pieces can be swapped around in any order, as well as swapped with any other Hero Mashers figure... which includes figures from Marvel Comics, Star Wars, and Jurassic World, meaning you can make some pretty freaky combinations.
While he is (roughly) the same size as a standard Hero Masher, his larger price point is made up for with more parts and gimmicks. He comes with both of his classic "battery" weapons, with the handgun being a spring-loaded missile launcher. He also comes with Sideswipe's left arm, based on the War for Cybertron version of the character, with a smaller version of the "Path Blaster" cannon as part of the design.

Platinum Edition

Laserbeak, eject. Operation: Hideous lack of taste
  • Soundwave Year Of The Goat Edition (2015)
    • Accessories: Five microcassette cases, two Frenzy piledrivers, Frenzy piledriver mount, left & right Frenzy "Thruster Guns", two Rumble piledrivers, Rumble piledriver mount, left & right Rumble "Thruster Guns", energon cube & lid, display panel, concussion blaster, Megatron gun (consists of pistol, scope, silencer, & stock), sensor
This Toys"R"Us exclusive set packs in a redeco of the Masterpiece Soundwave mold (see below), with all of that release's Hasbro accessories, but is molded in a mix of orange and translucent plastic.
He also comes with similarly-decoed versions of Masterpiece Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Ravage, Decepticon Rumble, and Decepticon Frenzy.
Masterpiece mold: Soundwave
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Hasbro:

Shogo Hasui


QTransformers Soundwave.jpg
  • Soundwave (August 29, 2015)
    • ID number: QT-27
A retool of QT-09 Optimus Prime, Q-Transformers Soundwave transforms from a super deformed Nissan GT-R R35 to a cute little robot. Unlike most Q-Transformers retools which only have new heads, Soundwave also sports newly molded legs in place of Prime's iconic truck-bed-legs.

  • Decepticons 3-Figure Set (2016)
    • ID number: QTFS-02
During the second Q-Transformers series, the Soundwave toy was available in a three-pack alongside Megatron and Shockwave. He is identical to the original Q-Transformers toy.

Titans Return

Broadcasting live from Iacon Square Gardens
  • Soundblaster & Soundwave (Leader Class, 2016)
    • Accessories: Soundblaster Titan Master partner, rifle, shoulder cannon, spotlight/rocket-sled
A redeco and retool of Autobot Blaster (you may have expected this), Soundwave is part of the second wave of Leader Class Titans Return figures, transforming from robot to soundbar[4] to stage mode and back (or even his Cybertronian lamppost mode in the Generation 1 cartoon if you're feeling fiddly). In addition to Blaster's rifle and recolored rocket-sled, Soundwave also comes with his signature cannon "battery", which can plug into his shoulder, or store on his back while he in alt mode. He includes a Titan Master partner, Soundblaster, who can turn into his head or man Soundwave's 'stage' mode. Soundwave is also capable of holding Legends Class 'spy-tablet' figures in his chest compartment. Unlike most Titans Return toys, Soundwave doesn't have an obvious place to store Soundblaster when he's in stereo mode, although he can be inserted into the underside of the rocket sled, which in turn can be stored inside Soundwave's body, at the cost of available space for any of the Legends figures. Soundwave also features many (nonfunctional but realistic-size) device ports on his back and legs, such as dual-prong power ports, headphone jacks and USB ports.
Soundwave's instruction sheet contains an error where it says that his base mode is compatible with other Titans Return toys' base modes: it has Powermaster Optimus Prime labeled as "Autobot Blaster". Some toys have stress marks on the hatch that opens to hide his head in base and stereo mode even before opening the box.
The Hasbro Asia exclusive giveaway sticker sheet can be used to enhance the figure's details.[5]
This mold was redecoed into Golden Lagoon Soundwave, and further retooled into Bumblebee Soundwave.

Xiaomi / Transformers

This device is not compatible with your version of Yatter.
  • Soundwave (2016)
    • Accessories: 2 blaster parts, shield, drone/ wing pack
The result of a team-up between Hasbro and Chinese consumer electronics company Xiaomi, Soundwave transforms from an officially licensed Mi Pad 2 tablet to a Voyager-sized robot in 30 steps. The transformation is accomplished through a series of clever folds and wraps to achieve a three-dimensional robot mode from such a flat and thin alternate mode. The robot mode lacks neck movement but otherwise features decent articulation with tiny ratchet joints. He is armed with a large blaster rifle, a shield, and even a Ratbat-like minion that is formed from some of his kibble. The head sculpt shares a lot of similar structures with the Movie version of Soundwave, but with facial elements from G1 Soundwave. His instruction booklet is die-cut into a Decepticon symbol. As an added little easter egg, the Mi Pad logo is sculpted into the base of his robot mode neck, though it is covered when the halves of his head are aligned in robot mode.
The figure's production was funded primarily through crowdfunding. Backers could pledge a minimum of 169 Yuan (or $26) to receive the figure if their funding goal was met. The amount of pledges more than tripled their goal amount which lead to a second release of the figure.
Whether by design or coincidence, the Mi Pad's camera ends up on the robot mode's right shoulder where Soundwave usually has his iconic shoulder cannon.

Shattered screen for increased accuracy.
  • Transformers Evolution Soundwave (2016)
    • Accessories: 2 blaster parts, shield, drone/ wing pack
This Soundwave is a redeco of the figure above, replacing gold with silver, and removing all traces of the Xiaomi branding on both the packaging and the figure, down to retooling the logo off the inner neck joint. Soundwave was available at Hasbro’s booth in San Diego Comic-Con 2016, and subsequently on Amusingly, on the latter website this toy's listing name is "Transformers Evolution Soundwave Alternate If Needed: Transformers Soundwave Convention Exclusive Figure Featuring Tablet Mode" [sic].


It's been a while...since I got my new body.
  • Soundwave (December 28, 2016)
    • ID number: LG36
    • Accessories: Rifle, Rocket Sled/Spotlight, Headmaster
Legends Soundwave is a redeco of Titans Return Leader Class Soundwave, who is a retool of Blaster. Soundwave also features a deco based on both his toy and his cartoon appearances. Notably, his small Headmaster form's colors are based on Soundblaster (no, not that Soundblaster), his rebuilt form.

War for Cybertron: Siege

"Well, I mean, we can't sell a street lamp..."
Operation: Jamming in the darkest times.
  • Soundwave (Voyager Class, 2019)
    • Hasbro ID number: WFC-S25
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SG-24
    • TakaraTomy release date: May 31, 2019
    • Hidden message code: LAMPPOST
    • Accessories: "HI-KEP Concussion Blaster," "LR-HD Sonic Cannon," and "EMTX Blitz Charge Blaster" (all combine to form "USW HF Sonic Compression Mega-Blaster")
Part of the second wave of Siege Voyager Class figures, Soundwave transforms from a heavily G1-inspired robot to a rather unfocused "Patrol Hovercraft" and back. As noted by Hasbro designer John Warden, he also has an "Easter egg" third mode—a “Cybertronian Sensor Lamp” inspired by his appearance in "More than Meets the Eye, Part 1".[6] While not shown in the directions, lineart for this mode can be found on the left side flap of the bottom of the box, as well as the right side of the box when a black light is shone on it—however, please note that the photography to the right is slightly mistransformed when compared to the official lineart; Soundwave's waist is meant to be turned 180 degrees, so that the vehicle mode cockpit faces forward, as well as the backs of his legs. An additional fan-made boombox mode was canonized in the stop-motion short "The Bot Dance Off". The boombox mode makes use of molded details on his foot covers, swinging them around to flank his chest from hovercraft mode, along with straightening out the boosters. While this works to approximate his original G1 Cassette player mode, very little actually locks into place for it.
Soundwave features an opening chest compartment that can accommodate his usual Cassettes Mini-Cons Deployer Mini-Cons Micromasters Laserbeak and Ravage, who are sold separately in the Micromasters assortment, and has his left index finger molded out so that he can be posed pressing his own 'eject' button, as well as slots on his arms for Laserbeak to (loosely) perch on. Although Ratbat & Rumble, and Frenzy & Wingthing (as well as the two redecos included with the latter two; Skar and Knok) are designed to fit into Siege Soundwave's chest, the fit is incredibly snug and risks the figures getting stuck. Eject, Shattered Glass Rewind, positive polarity universe Rewind, Studio Series Rumble (Blue), and Studio Series Frenzy (Red) are also compatible with his chest compartment.
He also includes three weapons compatible with the C.O.M.B.A.T. System, two of which are based on his classic sonic blaster and shoulder cannon. The third is shaped like the original Megatron's alt mode gun-barrel and can in fact be attached Siege or Earthrise Megatron's back to mimic the cartoon appearance. All three weapons can combine to form the "USW HF Sonic Compression Mega-Blaster". Compared to his contemporaries in the Siege line, Soundwave is absolutely slathered in 'battle damage' paint applications all over his body, and unless one does this carefully, any attempts to remove said paint will result in his design-origin paint details being removed as well.
Soundwave features a light-piped yellow visor as an homage to his Generation 1 toy. His alternate mode is also slightly mistransformed in the secondary stock photos, with the entire lower body twisted around.
There are also tabs on the sides of his chest, just in front of his arms, that appear to line up with the notches on the inside of his thruster blocks that seem to have been intended to allow them to fold flush against the sides of his vehicle mode, rather than being held above it by their struts. However, this is not possible as a result of the struts clashing against other parts even if they are modified to allow a wider range of movement.
This mold was used for Siege Soundblaster.
This toy is one of the items that was released as part of Hasbro's Transformers 35th Anniversary promotional mailer box.[7]

Vintage G1

  • Soundwave & Condor Cassette: Buzzsaw (June 2019)
Vintage G1 Soundwave is a Walmart-exclusive reissue of the Generation 1 toy, including "Condor Cassette Buzzsaw." Like most other reissues (including Hasbro's previous Universe release), it appears to be based on the running change Japanese version of the original figure, with a door that can only hold one cassette but still with the unified buttons. This release features flat gold paint on the tape door rather than the chrome gold finish of previous releases. In addition, it features a sticker sheet, unlike previous reissues which had the stickers pre-applied.
The figure does not include a rubsign, as Vintage G1 Starscream and Hot Rod do. Recreating the original G1 look-and-feel, the box photos perpetuate the 30+ year old error of placing two black and red stickers intended for the weapons onto Soundwave's legs/front face of the cassette player mode; these are not affixed in-package, enabling the buyer to make their own choice as to where the stickers should be placed.
The Transformers mold: Soundwave

Version 1 (Soundwave):

  • The Transformers Collection 10 Soundwave

Version 2 (Soundblaster):

  • Takara/TakaraTomyFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers D-101 Soundblaster

Satoshi Koizumi

Golden Lagoon

Get down girl, go 'head, get down.
  • Soundwave (February 10, 2019)
    • Hasbro ID number: GL-04
    • Accessories: Headmaster, rifle, shoulder cannon, spotlight/rocket sled
Golden Lagoon Soundwave is a redeco of the Titans Return Leader Class figure, now in a gold and gold-chromed color scheme, based on his appearance in the episode of the name. Unlike in said episode, his tape door remains clear, rather than gold opaque. He retains his previous base mode and comes with a removable Headmaster for his head.
This figure debuted at Winter Wonder Festival 2019 before being made available at TakaraTomy Mall on February 28, 2019. It was later rereleased by Hasbro Pulse in the USA in January 2021.
This toy also appeared in Generations Selects Special Comic as a member of the Golden Age, who may or may not be named "Soundwave".

War for Cybertron Trilogy

Now let's see Laserbeak pop out of this tape deck.
  • Deluxe Centurion Drone (Deluxe Class with accessories pack, 2020)
A non-transforming accessory (duh!) of Soundwave in his tape deck form is included in the War for Cybertron Trilogy Deluxe Centurion Drone Weaponizer Pack set. Unlike Reflector, Soundwave features (minimal) painted details but lacks a 5 mm post handle that would allow other figures to hold him. Instead, he has a 3mm hole on his underside that allows him to peg into the various 3mm posts present on many War for Cybertron Trilogy figures or even on the tips of their weapons.

You want the guy you saw on Netflix? That's not who's in the Netflix box. You'll pay extra for a Netflix box for a different reason.
  • Soundwave (Battle 3-Pack, 2020)
Concurrent with the Earthrise toyline and season of the Netflix War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon, this version of Soundwave is an extensive retool of his Siege figure with new parts (approximately 70% of the original Siege mold has been replaced) that allow him to transform into his iconic tape deck mode, but strangely has the red accents on his weapons and forearms removed. Unlike the other Voyager Class toys, Soundwave is spotless, much like the majority of the Earthrise toyline. Soundwave also comes with his signature tapes, Laserbeak and Ravage, both of which were redecoed with cassette-styled details and received new heads. He retains the chest door tooling from the original version of the mold instead of the Soundblaster retool, and still features the pinned-swivel landing struts on his forearms from the original Siege mold, although they serve no purpose for the retool's transformation. Unlike in the stock render (prominently featured on the packaging's backside), the final Soundwave toy features a red visor.
There are many reported cases where all of his unpaintable joints are prone to photodegradation. This includes both plastic colors, with the gray pieces, typically his elbows and thighs, taking on a yellow tint, while more rarely his blue plastic parts eventually discolor into green. There have been more extreme examples of this discoloration documented as well, with the gray pieces turning completely cheese-colored yellow, while the blue pieces discolor into black.
Like all of the Netflix-branded subset of War for Cybertron Trilogy toys, Soundwave was a Walmart exclusive in the United States and Canada.
Soundwave is one of two puzzling Netflix-branded figures that have become extra rare and valuable for a mutual set of confusing reasons; the other is Bumblebee. Most Netflix figures try to depict characters as they appeared in the War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon, favoring Cybertronian alternate modes and extra battle damage, but that was not the goal for Soundwave and Bumblebee. Instead, with clean paint jobs and never-seen-on-Netflix Earth alternate modes, they might be the most Generation 1-faithful available versions of their characters in the Generations toyline era.
Netflix Soundwave was retooled into Shattered Glass Collection Soundwave. The mold was also redecoed, sans the Ravage Micromaster, into Dramatic Capture Series Soundwave.


  • Soundwave (Alpha, 2020)
    • Accessories: Shoulder cannon, RADAR dish
Authentics Soundwave is a Voyager-sized toy based on his evergreen design. He transforms into an armored vehicle in just a few steps. Despite the vehicle mode being nearly identical to the Cyberverse Warrior Class toy, this figure has a completely unique transformation scheme. The vehicle mode hood, RADAR dish, and cannon all come detached in package. The cannon can be placed in either hand, or in a slot on the right shoulder as most Soundwave's do.
He is mistransformed in his stock photography, he has actual feet which can fold out from behind his shins.

Built like a brick, figuratively and literally.
  • Soundwave (Titan Changer, 2023)
  • Accessories: Shoulder cannon
Released in the fourth wave of Authentics Titan Changers, Soundwave transforms from robot to armored vehicle in a few steps. He includes his shoulder cannon and features an opening chest door, thought it opens up to store his head in vehicle mode rather than any cassette minions.

TF Authentics 2024 Amazon Decepticon Commander 3-Pack.jpg
Released as an Amazon exclusive, the Cyberverse Warrior Class Soundwave toy was reissued with no changes as part of an Authentics-branded 3-pack with similarly unchanged versions of Warrior Class Starscream and Shockwave.

War for Cybertron: Kingdom

After 18 years... a Laserbeak that is comparable in size to the world's smallest Ravage!
  • Soundwave (Core Class, 2021)
    • Hasbro ID number: WFC-K21
    • TakaraTomy ID number: KD EX-11
    • TakaraTomy release date: January 29, 2022
    • Accessories: Sonic Cannon, Concussion Blaster, Laserbeak
Part of the third wave of Kingdom Core Class toys, Soundwave is a Legends-sized toy that takes many cues from his larger War for Cybertron Trilogy toy, sculpt-wise. He turns into a closer approximation of his original microcassette recorder mode, utilizing a transformation closer to the Generation 1 Soundwave toy. Due to design limitations, Soundwave's feet stick out in boombox mode, though they can be mistransformed to achieve a more rectangular recorder, albeit leaving large gaps in the sides. Soundwave features his Concussion Blaster and Sonic Cannon, which can store on his back in recorder mode. In true Soundwave fashion, the included non-transforming Laserbeak cassette can store inside Soundwave's chest compartment, though the cassette door has to be manually opened unlike Soundwave's other War for Cybertron Trilogy toys.
Unlike the rest of the Core Class brethren, Soundwave does not come with a flight stand-compatible 3mm hole on his rear hip.
The Hasbro stock photo of the recorder mode is slightly mistransformed: According to the instructions, his head must be rotated 180 degrees before tucking it away to conceal his face in alternate mode. Failing to do so will also make it difficult to pull his head back out, as there is a small tab on the back of his head to help the process.
Unlike every other Transformers toy revealed at Hasbro Pulse Fan Fest 2021, Soundwave and Dracodon were not available for pre-order after the virtual panel. Initially set for a January 29, 2022 release by TakaraTomy, Soundwave was delayed to March 2022.

Generations Selects

Behold Galvatron Soundwave.JPG
  • Behold, Galvatron! Unicron Companion Pack (Leader Class, 2022)
The second tiny accessory-packed Soundwave in the War for Cybertron Trilogy franchise is this immobile and non-transforming robot-mode minifigure, barely 10mm tall, scaled to interact with the immense War for Cybertron Trilogy Unicron figure and its clear display base. This was one of a set of 14 minifigures in the "Unicron Companion Pack" that was included with the "reformatting" version of Galvatron. The set was exclusive to Hasbro Pulse.


Sadly, not a re-release of the harder-to-obtain War for Cybertron Trilogy Soundwave.
  • Soundwave (Voyager Class, 2022)
  • Accessories: "Concussion Blaster", "Sonic Cannon", "Charge Blaster" (all combine to form "Mega-Blaster")
Part of the second wave of Legacy Voyager Class toys, Soundwave is a package refresh of his Siege toy, now redecoed to lose the battle damage paint applications, much like Galvatron from the same line, although the blue plastic used in this release is slightly darker than the original Siege figure.
This figure was officially revealed by Hasbro on the April 12, 2022 Fan First Tuesday.

  • Soundwave (Core Class, 2022)
Part of the third wave of Legacy Core Class toys, Soundwave is a package refresh of the previous Kingdom Core Class figure, with no other changes besides his packaging. The new robot mode package art depicts Soundwave's skirt flap being able to split unlike the actual toy, as well as filling in the gaps under his forearms. In an oversight by Hasbro, Laserbeak is stored inside Soundwave's chest, meaning that one could steal the minion by simply moving the paper tie and opening his chest up.[8] This is probably due to only one person being in charge of all box engineering for the brand, leading to layouts being rushed.[9]

"New Soundwave": Model not to scale.
  • Soundblaster (Core Class, 2022)
Part of the first wave of Legacy: Evolution Core Class toys, Soundblaster is an anime-accurate redeco of the aforementioned Core Class toy, coming with redecoed versions of his weapons. He also includes a tiny, non-transforming version of cassette Buzzsaw that fits into his chest, itself a redeco of Laserbeak. Like with the previous wave's Soundwave, Buzzsaw is stored inside Soundblaster's chest in packaging.
This toy represents the clone Soundblaster in Hasbro material[11] and the rebuilt Soundwave in TakaraTomy material.[12]

You're just buying me for the gold bird, aren't you?
  • G1 Universe Soundwave, G1 Universe Decepticon Rumble, G1 Universe Buzzsaw, G1 Universe Ravage (Leader Class, 2024)
  • TakaraTomy name: Soundwave Set (サウンドウェーブセット)
  • TakaraTomy ID number: TL-84
  • TakaraTomy release date: 2025 January 25
  • Accessories: Concussion Blaster, Sonic Cannon, Charge Blaster (all combine to form Mega-Blaster)
  • Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro)[13]
Legacy: United "G1 Universe Soundwave" is a redeco of the above War for Cybertron Trilogy Soundwave, now including three cassettes: G1 Universe Ravage, G1 Universe Buzzsaw, and G1 Universe Rumble. The inclusion of Rumble marks the first release of this specific Soundwave figure to come with a cassette figure that isn't derived from either of the Micromaster Laserbeak or the Ravage molds introduced in Siege, though they're still used here for the included figures of Buzzsaw and Ravage, respectively.
This version of Soundwave uses gold for the chest door trim and adds the red stripes on his blasters and forearms. His silver paint accents have also been adjusted to better match his unpainted gray plastic.
This release features the molded ridges in the hip joints used on the Dramatic Capture Series release, forcing the figure into a slight A-stance.
This set makes the unusual move of being a multi-pack of figures from smaller size classes sold as a regular Leader Class release. However, official listings still call it "Voyager Class G1 Universe Soundwave". Soundwave's package art is reused from the above Legacy Core Soundwave, unlike his cassettes which received new art.
He was revealed on Mark Maher's Instagram on June 13, 2024, as part of a week of Legacy United reveals, being put up for pre-order the same day.


"It's the Ramshankle, and you know dang well, it's made out of old vehicles that we couldn't sell!"
  • Soundwave Dreadnok Thunder Machine with Zartan and Zarana (2024)
    • Crossover with: G.I. Joe
    • Accessories: Knife, cannon, 2 gunbarrels, 2 grill guards, antenna, chain leash
Collaborative Soundwave transforms, as his name suggests, into a Dreadnok Thunder Machine. His dual chaingun features rubber ammo belts that can be "fed" into the gun via a simple gear system. He includes a large Bowie knife which he can hold, or store on his leg. Also included is a recolor of Masterpiece Ravage in blue and red, a reference to pre-production concept art of Ravage for the original cartoon.
Much like previous G.I. Joe Collaborative releases, he comes with retro-styled G.I. Joe figures, those being Zarana and Zartan, who can ride in his vehicle mode or man his turret. The inside of his vehicle mode doors have molded notches for storing Zartan and Zarana's weapons.
Soundwave's chest door is button-activated and can accommodate Masterpiece mini-cassette figures like the one included with him, as well as original Generation 1 cassettes.
He features mild partsforming wherein the front roll-cage of his vehicle mode must be removed, split, and attached as kibble in robot mode. Minor assembly is required, as his chaingun barrels and vehicle antenna need to be attached.
His packaging features GM licensing and namedrops the Camaro, the Corvette and their associated symbols. The toy itself, however, features a molded Pontiac symbol and a Firebird's front end as part of its vehicle mode. Stock renders of the figure depict Soundwave with a second knife stored on his leg, though the toy itself only includes one.
Though designated for a 2024 release, pre-orders for Soundwave arrived early in late 2023.

Dramatic Capture Series

Fortunately, a premium re-release of the harder-to-obtain War for Cybertron Trilogy Soundwave… that doesn't come with Ravage.
  • Nemesis Bridge (2024)
  • Release date: March 2024
  • Accessories: Concussion Blaster, Sonic Cannon, Charge Blaster
  • Known designers: Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy)
Released as the first entry of the Dramatic Capture Series line by TakaraTomy, this Soundwave is a redeco (and very minor retool)[16] of the War for Cybertron Trilogy mold in more Generation 1 cartoon-accurate colors, and he only comes with Laserbeak. This version uses a consistent gold for the cassette door and adds silver to his forearms and red accents to his shoulders, forearms, and shoulder cannon, but not his handheld blaster. He uses a darker clear red visor that mostly neuters his light-piping. The aforementioned retool is rather unusual, adding ridges on the inside of his hip pieces that prevent the legs from standing straight, only in an A-stance.
Soundwave is packaged with Shockwave and Megatron. Also included is a throne/command chair, a reuse of Studio Series Coronation Starscream's throne, which was based on the command chair of the Nemesis's bridge to begin with.

Transformers Retro

  • Soundwave Laserbeak & Ravage (2024)
  • Accessories: Rocket launcher, 3 rockets, concussion blaster
The Walmart-exclusive Transformers Retro line released yet another version of Soundwave to coincide with the franchise's 40th anniversary. This set aims for unprecedented show-accuracy: for the first time in the long history of the mold, Soundwave's weapons, tape deck buttons, and the trim around his cassette door are no longer chromed, and the figure's plastic is a matte, less "sparkly" variety than usual. The Decepticon symbol on his chest is far larger. It seems the mechanism for Soundwave has been retooled, as the buttons on his waist stick out a bit more and the hinge on the door has been moved further outside.
Soundwave came with similarly modified versions of Laserbeak and Ravage. The set was revealed as part of Walmart Collector Con, with orders available as of October 13, 2023.
The Transformers mold: Soundwave

Version 1 (Soundwave):

  • The Transformers Collection 10 Soundwave

Version 2 (Soundblaster):

  • Takara/TakaraTomyFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers D-101 Soundblaster

Satoshi Koizumi


  • Optimus Prime & Soundwave (2024)
  • Accessories: Cannon, rocket launcher
Reactivate Soundwave is a Deluxe-sized figure that transforms from a robot into a post-apocalyptic armored SUV with a deployable satellite dish, based on his appearance in the cancelled Transformers: Reactivate video game. Soundwave was only available with Optimus Prime. He includes 2 guns, one of which is on an articulated post so it can angle up and down.


  • According to an interview in the magazine Otaku USA (issue 3, pg. 102-3), the original Micro Change toy and the accompanying cassettes were at least partially designed by famed mecha designer and anime director Shinji Aramaki. He did not come up with the transformation scheme, but designed most of the outward appearance and details. He also worked on the toys that became the Deluxe Insecticons, Reflector, and Perceptor.
  • Including the Micro Change "Cassette Man" version, the original Soundwave mold has sported at least four different tape doors:
    • The original MC-10 version had a cassette door that had "Cassette Man" emblazoned on it and featured a hinge that was internal to the robot's body.
    • For the initial Transformers release by Hasbro, the "Cassette Man" text was removed.
    • When Takara released the Transformers version of Soundwave in Japan, they retooled the hinge so the bottom of the door attached to the outside of the robot, on either side of the "buttons", which had also been retooled. Both versions of Soundwave were available in Japan, making the retool a running change variant.
    • The Soundblaster version had a door that retained the external hinge and added the capacity for holding a second cassette.
Pimp My Ride.
  • The Decepticon faction insignia appears to be roughly based on Soundwave's head.
  • Though Soundwave's toy is a microcassette recorder, his fictional appearances depict him as a stereo cassette deck or Walkman. (Likewise, his microcassette tapes are depicted as regular audio cassettes.)
  • "Years ago", Don Figueroa created a concept drawing for a potential SUV-esque Soundwave toy for Classics.[17] Presumably, this toy would have been Voyager-sized.[18] Despite the fandom's immediate assumptions, Transformers Animated character designer Derrick J. Wyatt has said that this particular design did not in fact influence the Animated version of Soundwave, meaning any resemblance between the two is coincidental.
  • The "Stealth Bumblebee" set includes a tiny buildable "cassette recorder" that includes a sticker of Soundwave's recorder mode. You wanna say it's Soundwave? Go right on ahead. It's what the Kre-O manga did, after all.
  • Some of the writers of Ask Vector Prime planned to characterize the 2003 Universe Soundwave toy and its package-mate Space Case as female characters and part of the 2001 Robots in Disguise continuity family.


  1. "Going back to the source, the Takara Micro Change Series MC-10 Cassette Man, its instructions and sticker application map show clearly that sticker set #1 should be placed at the end of the battery accessory. That's why you don't see it on the inner legs of the boxart. If you now return to the Soundwave boxart image towards the start of the article, you'll see it on the end of his gun - and you'll even see the "Microman" text that wasn't removed! It should be noted that the most common Hasbro Soundwave art has Buzzsaw covering that part of his gun, and this is probably as good a reason as any as to why!"—Maz, Transformers Square One, "Hasbro G1 Soundwave - Sound or Power?", 2019/09/03
  2. "European Soundwaves" at 20th Century Toy Collector: Part 1, part 2.
  3. Interview with Hasbro designer Evan Brooks on the Triple Takeover podcast, from their YouTube channel
  8. Video showing how easy it is to steal Laserbeak.
  9. "This is bad. Honestly the cassette should have been placed under the insert or elsewhere in the box. A lot of these layouts for Core Class get rushed because there is only one person usually doing all of the TF packaging."—AJ Piejko-brown (aka Boxitron), Reddit, 2022/10/26
  10. Transformers Panel at Hasbro Pulse Con 2022 Day 1 on the Hasbro Pulse YouTube channel.
  11. "Soundblaster leads a small band of criminal mercenaries in the Cybertronian underworld."—Hasbro Transformers website, "Soundblaster"
  12. "レガシーワールドに出現したサウンドブラスターは音撃攻撃を得意とするディセプティコンのサウンドウェーブの転生した姿と言われているが、その正体に関しては多くの謎に包まれています。"—トランスフォーマーオフィシャルサイト, "TL-29 サウンドブラスター"
  13. Design notes on Legacy: United Soundwave from Hasbro designer Mark Maher on Instagram
  14. December 9, 2024 Interview with Hasbro designer Brian Parrish on the "Triple Takeover" podcast, from their YouTube channel.
  15. The Hasbro Transformers Panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2024 with Mario Carreiro, John Warden, Evan Brooks and Nate Purswell, recorded at the "Memo's Collection" YouTube channel.
  16. Dramatic Capture Series Soundwave retool notes
  17. Don Figueroa, New Concept Art & comics news!
  18. Early rumors about the line-up for Classics (spot on except for Soundwave and a Deluxe-sized Optimus Prime who was later seen as a prototype)
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