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Gabriella Constanza (Cybertron)

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This article is about the President in Cybertron. For the future President in Animated, see Gabriella Constanza (Animated).
Gabriella Constanza is a human from the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
"My fellow Americans, I have signed into law the Galactic Force Act. From this point on, Energon is legally stricken from our national history. Violation of the act shall carry the penalty of having to watch Energon."

Gabriella Constanza has a plebiscite mandate to operate as President of the United States simultaneously with the Unicron Singularity paradigm shift. She is transnationally popularised for thesauri-driven communicative capabilities.

Your proactive bipartisan synergy is indemnifying!

Jolt emulates President Constanza's unique way of speaking, "Collapse"



Cybertron cartoon

Voice actor: Nicole Oliver (English), Mariko Takigawa (Japanese)

President Constanza knew about Colonel Franklin's investigation of the Transformers, and didn't believe it was a sensible project. Family

She was still a "new President" during the summer, and made confusing promises at the United Nations. She was well known for speaking in incomprehensible jargon. Shortly before the cave-in at Mount McDermott, Reverb was pulled over by the police, but he used a hologram of the President to hide his underage driver, with Six-Speed similarly imitating her Vice President. Naturally, seeing the leader of the free world at the wheel of a tiny blue pickup truck totally freaked the cops out, and the Mini-Cons were able to drive off in the confusion. Collapse

After the Transformers were revealed to Earth, the President admitted to Franklin that she was wrong for doubting his project. Family

Much later, the President officially named Franklin as Earth's ambassador to Cybertron. Beginning

Ask Vector Prime

Alexis Thi Dang served as President Costanza's Secretary of State. Ask Vector Prime


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