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George Krstic

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He digs giant robots.

George Krstic is a writer and producer of animated series. Probably most famous for co-creating Cartoon Network's Megas XLR and story editing MTV's Downtown, and the director of story at Blizzard writing fiction for Overwatch from 2016 to 2019, he will forever live in infamy as one of the only people left willing to take credit for Transformers: Combiner Wars.[1][2][3]


Episode scripts

Transformers: Combiner Wars

All episodes co-written with Eric S. Calderon and F.J. DeSanto

Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy

Overall story co-written with F.J. DeSanto


  1. IMDB credits for Combiner Wars, updated listing with only George Krstic writing credits, changed late September, 2016.
  2. article with writing credits for George Krstic and F.J. DeSanto, from July, 2016.
  3. Tweet from Eric S. Calderon celebrating the finished scripts, from January, 2016; tweet since deleted, archived by TFW2005.

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