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Giza (POTP)

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The name or term "Giza" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Giza (disambiguation).
Giza is a Decepticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Not made of glass.

The eagle-eyed Giza is the avian companion of Nemesis Pax/Nemesis Prime. He has the power to see any faraway ally or enemy, even through cloaking fields. Unfortunately, this has led him to develop an inflated attitude of himself.[1]



Transformers: Earth Wars

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars


Power of the Primes

"Wingblade" would've been a little too on-the-nose, then?
  • Evolution Nemesis Prime (Leader Class, 2018)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: PP-42
    • TakaraTomy release date: December 29, 2018
Included with Power of the Primes Leader Class Evolution Nemesis Prime, Giza transforms from a wide-wingspan bird-bot into a sword loosely modeled after the arm-blades used by Prime Optimus Prime (and, by extension, that universe's Nemesis Prime). In sword mode, Giza can be hand-held via 5 mm post, though the hooked end of the handle prevents mounting it in shallower holes. In either mode, their rectangular "feet" slot into the side of the included Dark Saber, primarily for storage on top of Nemesis Prime's vehicle-mode trailer.
This set was exclusively available online through in the U.S. In Hasbro's Asian markets such as Taiwan, it was available at regular retail. In TakaraTomy markets, it was also part of the regular retail line, in wave 8, alongside fellow exclusive-in-Hasbro-markets Wreck-Gar.

War for Cybertron Trilogy

  • Nemesis Prime Spoiler Pack (Leader Unboxing, 2020)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: WFC-16
    • TakaraTomy release date: March 27, 2021
Promoting the Earthrise chapter of the Netflix cartoon, War for Cybertron Trilogy Giza is available alongside Fangtron and Nemesis Prime in the second Spoiler Pack. Along with the rest of the parts redecoed from the Power of the Primes Evolution Nemesis Prime that are included, Giza is cast in a lighter, less pearlescent gray. Giza's eyes are unpainted for this release.
Much like previous Spoiler Pack, this set is in a windowless box designed to look like an ammo crate and features translatable Ancient Autobot. The text on the package reads "FANGTRON" and "GIZA", while the 'spoiler' text inside features a Decepticon-themed quote: "YOU MUST STAY TRUE / TO WHOM THE MATRIX HAS / CHOSEN, FOR IF YOU / DON’T, A MUCH / DARKER FUTURE AWAITS" and an Autobot-themed one: "THE DEAD UNIVERSE IS / UNLIKE ANYTHING YOU’VE / EXPERIENCED, PRIME", which are both quotes from Sky Lynx in Earthrise episode 5. The side of the package also features artwork of Nemesis Prime, edited from art of Earthrise Optimus Prime. Compared to the previous Spoiler Pack, the packaging itself has no plastic insert.
Bizarrely, Giza is not present in Hasbro's stock photography or product descriptions for the set, leading many to believe that Giza wasn't included and Fangtron's full name was actually "Fangtron Giza" for just over a month's time, due to the previously mentioned Ancient Autobot text on the box.
This set is a shared exclusive between online retailers and Walmart in Canada and the USA. In New Zealand, the set was sold exclusively at Toy World and Mighty Ape. Like the previous Spoiler Pack, the TakaraTomy release is packaged in a standard windowed box.


'E's a proppa Giza.
  • Despite being a bird, Giza recycles the name of the original Giza (itself an animal-sword for a Nemesis Prime), whose name is derived from nokogirizame (ノコギリザメ), the Japanese term for the saw shark.
  • Line artist Robby Musso drew Giza (at right) for the lateral packaging art depicting Evolution Nemesis Prime's Nemesis Pax form,[2] though the final cropping does not have Giza in view.[3]

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Giza (ギザ)


  1. Earth Wars mobile game bio for Giza
  2. Facebook post by Robby Musso, 30 September 2020
  3. Video review of Power of the Primes Leader lass Evolution Nemesis Prime by emgo316 on YouTube, 3 June 2019
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