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Grievous Starfighter

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Grievous Starfighter is the personal starfighter for General Grievous himself. Sometimes the General can transform into the vehicle, eliminating the middle man.




Crossovers-toy GrievousStarfighter.JPG
  • General Grievous to Grievous Starfighter (2008/2009)
    • Accessories: Gun, missile, 2 lightsabers (green & blue)
This version of General Grievous is the first figure to have his personal starfighter as an alternate mode. It comes with two lightsabers, one green and one blue, and a hand-held blaster with spring-loaded missile. The blaster doesn't fit in either of his hands very well, and it can't be stored anywhere while General Grievous is in robot mode. While the arms and legs have excellent articulation, his waist is held in place due to the large amount of kibble connected at the waist locking into his back during transformation. His head can turn from side to side.
Like all of the Crossovers figures, it does not come with a pilot mini-figure, but still has an opening cockpit with space for one, specifically the General Grievous mini-figure from the previous Wheel Bike version of the character.
This toy was first available in 2008 in blue and white packaging, and was later re-released in 2009 in new red and white packaging that also adds an apostrophe to the toy's name, making it "Grievous' Starfighter".

Star Wars Transformers

Crossovers-toy Class1 Grievous.jpg
  • General Grievous to Grievous' Starfighter (2011)
Part of the first wave of a smaller, simpler class of the second Star Wars Transformers batch, this new General Grievous mold also transforms into his personal starship. In starship mode, his landing gear are permanently extended. In robot mode, it features a simpler transformation and is the first transforming General Grievous to have four arms, each armed with a retractable lightsaber.
Due to his transformation, the arms share a common upper arm. Because of his retractable lightsaber gimmick, General Grievous doesn't have real hands—only barely noticeable sculpted detail at the end of his arms. He features a panel on his chest (one that is similar to the ones found on class III Darth Vader/Anakin's turbine cannons) which flips up to act as a handle for class III figures to hold him in ship mode as a weapon (though it ends up just looking like he's just holding a starfighter).

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