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Groove (G1)

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The name or term "Groove" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Groove (disambiguation).
Groove is a dirty hippie an Autobot Protectobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Lay back and dream on a rainy day.

Groove is a free spirit, man. A full fuel tank and an open sky above him is all this chopper needs to mellow out and enjoy whatever good vibrations the open road brings his way. One relaxed, easy-going dude, Groove is also a bit of a loner in his soul. He doesn't make a lot of attachments to others, preferring the freedom of an empty highway, but he is always sure to be there with the love when his Protectobot teammates need his help. Groove doesn't like combat or conflict in general, and is always ready to give peace a chance.

Groove combines with his fellow Protectobots to form Defensor, Gaia Guardian, or God Guardian, and sometimes he is part of Sky Reign.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Frank Welker (English), Osamu Saka (Japanese, "The Revenge of Bruticus"), Show Hayami (Japanese, "B.O.T."), Masashi Ebara (Japanese, "Ghost in the Machine"), Ken Yamaguchi (Japanese, "The Ultimate Weapon") , Wolfgang Mascher (German, "Ghost in the Machine"), Michael Rüth (German, "The Ultimate Weapon"), Claus Brockmeyer (German, Generation 2 dub of "The Revenge of Bruticus"), Albert Augier (European French, "The Revenge of Bruticus"), Francis Lax (European French, "B.O.T."), Júlio Chaves (Brazilian Portuguese)
If you're fond of sand dunes and salty air...

When the Insecticons attacked an inhabited city on Earth, Optimus Prime called upon the Protectobots to evacuate the civilians caught in the crossfire. Later, as Earth's orbit was diverted to the Sun by the Combaticons, Streetwise and Groove commandeered a meat locker to keep the overheated humans cool. Groove was worried that the humans would freeze in there, but Streetwise assured him that given the constantly rising temperatures outside, the humans would be fine. The Revenge of Bruticus

Groove, as part of Defensor, totally blew up Bruticus. Afterwards, he was with the Protectobots when they helped save some window-washers from a burning skyscraper, Groove extinguishing the flames with his liquid nitrogen. Later still, Groove and the other Protectobots were ordered to help defend Autobot Headquarters from a Decepticon attack. They merged into Defensor and activated his useless force field, which almost immediately deactivated, allowing the Decepticons to blast Defensor back into his component parts. B.O.T.

Let this groove / light up your fuse / it's all right, alllll right!

In the year 2006, Groove and the Protectobots were frequently active on both Earth and Cybertron. Shortly before the first Cybertronian peace conference, Groove attended a surprise birthday party for Daniel Witwicky. He was therefore available to help Ultra Magnus and the other Autobots fend off a Combaticon assault on the conference's shuttle bay. Surprise Party On another occasion, Metroplex's eyes were stolen under unusual circumstances at Autobot City, and so Rodimus Prime had Cybertron on high alert. When the Decepticon Astrotrain began brazenly flying into their air space, Rodimus ordered Groove and Hot Spot to man the defensive laser batteries and blow him out of the sky.

The pacifistic Groove's response? "Locked and loaded!"

After pummeling Astrotrain with laser fire, the Autobots realized the stolen eyes weren't for Galvatron, but Unicron. Groove joined Ultra Magnus and a squad of Autobots who traveled aboard Sky Lynx to investigate their artificial moon. Unicron awakened while they were inside him, however, and unleashed an electron storm which blasted the Autobots out into space. Ghost in the Machine Groove next took part in the battle on Eurythma. Carnage in C-Minor

Back on Earth, the Autobots were asked to help the Dutch authorities deal with French rebels. After dispersing the human aggressors by driving at them in a scary fashion, Groove and the other Autobots defended the human civilians and covered First Aid, who was carrying the downed Blades back to Metroplex. Later, it turned out the battle was only a diversion to allow Swindle to steal Metroplex's transformation cog. First Aid left the Autobots when he failed to stop the theft. Unfortunately, just as First Aid left, the Autobots were called upon to deal with a rampaging Trypticon. Hot Spot ordered the remaining Protectobots to combine into Defensor without First Aid, and they still successfully saved a train full of civilians. The Ultimate Weapon

Later in 2006, the Protectobots arrived at the aftermath of the battle between the Technobots and Terrorcons at Mark Morgan's laboratory. They transported the injured Jessica Morgan to County General Hospital and watched over her as the doctors restored her ability to walk with an exo-skeletal structure, enraging the robo-phobic senior Morgan and prompting him to release the Hate Plague. Groove joined the rest of the Protectobots in attempting to retrieve Optimus Prime's body from Morgan's lab, but they ultimately contracted the Hate Plague after battling an infected Superion. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1 Groove followed Ultra Magnus in ambushing Galvatron during an invasion of Cybertron, but he and the rest of the Protectobots were defeated by the newly-arrived Decepticon Targetmasters. The Rebirth, Part 3

For Tommy Kennedy's birthday, Groove, among other Autobots, presented to the human boy a cake. Season 5: Surprise Party

Japanese cartoon continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story pages

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Scramble City

Groove and the Protectobots participated in the Scramble City project under Ultra Magnus's direction, working towards the construction of Metroplex. After the Decepticons uncovered their secret building site, the Protectobots rode into battle alongside the newly completed Metroplex. Groove and his comrades arrived and formed Defensor just in time to act as the harbinger of Metroplex and his really big gun. Scramble City: Mobilization

The Headmasters cartoon
Voice actor: Masato Hirano (Japanese)

In 2011, Galvatron attacked Cybertron looking to take control of Vector Sigma. Groove and the Protectobots were active in Cybertron's defense as Defensor during the assault. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky The Mystery of Planet Master Later, Groove's team assembled on Earth at Ultra Magnus's command. Their mission was to stop the Decepticons from interfering with Hot Rod and the Headmasters, who were searching for the hidden location of the Matrix of Leadership. On a security sweep, the Protectobots ran across their old nemeses, the Combaticons, and went into battle. The two teams quickly assumed their combined forms as Bruticus and Defensor, as the fighting escalated. Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime

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When Galvatron made another strike on Cybertron, this time to steal the super-metal Cybertonuron, Groove and the Protectobots assembled before the space bridge on Earth to be transported into battle. Seeking out the Combaticons on the battlefield, the Protectobots soon formed Defensor and fought once more with Bruticus. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 Defensor and Bruticus's battle continued as Defensor delivered a devastating smash to Bruticus's back. For at least part of the battle, the two teams disassembled again for man-to-man combat, Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2

Groove and the Protectobots were dispatched to Peru with the Trainbots when a volcano erupted, leaving a mountainside village in dire peril. Their rescue mission was blocked by the Predacons. Shouki and the Trainbots occupied the fiends so that the Protectobots could proceed on to the village and protect the innocent lives. Nevertheless, the Protectobots failed to reach the village, as they were intercepted by the Decepticons' second wave, the Headmasters. Groove and the Protectobots briefly struggled with the Headmasters before forming Defensor, but that left them grouped together and vulnerable to an underhanded attack. Defensor was taken out of action by Mindwipe's paralysis ray, which was strong enough to force Groove and the Protectobots apart and leave them completely immobilized. The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously Erupts

Groove and the Protectobots were part of a strike team that flew to the moon to disrupt Scorponok's gathering of Decepticons. They immediately formed Defensor upon entering the battle. Return of the Immortal Emperor When the planet Sandra sent out a distress call asking for energy, the Autobots of Earth responded. While they were loading the Trainbots full of supplies, however, Galvatron and the Decepticons arrived to take the energy for themselves. Groove and the Protectobots fought back against the enemy, and formed Defensor to counter Devastator on the battlefield. SOS from Planet Sandra

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After the death of Ultra Magnus, the Autobots were desperately trying to pick up the slack during Sixshot's campaign of destruction around the globe. Groove and the Protectobots assembled as Defensor to go out and confront Sixshot at one of the attack sites, but they apparently didn't fare too well. The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg When the Decepticons seemingly abandoned Earth, Groove and the Protectobots assisted Spike in rebuilding the planet after the enemy's departure. On one occasion, they located Sixshot's old command base. By combining into Defensor, the Protectobots helped Raiden and Computron obliterate the base, wiping out all trace of the Decepticons' presence. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 1)

Following a lengthy period of inactivity, the Decepticons renewed their attacks on Earth. With Fortress still off in space, Spike Witwicky dispatched Groove and the Protectobots to attend to the threats. In Canberra, Australia, the Protectobots confronted Bruticus at one of Scorponok's new Death Towers. As Defensor, the Protectobots were beaten severely by Bruticus. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1) As part of Defensor, Groove participated in the Autobots final battle with Scorponok's Decepticons at the North Pole. He lent his energies to the Headmasters' Head Formation to revitalize Fortress Maximus at the critical moment. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)

Unite Warriors

Groove and the other Protectobots played a game of baseball in celebration of First Aid's friend NUL-A's birthday. Today Is First Aid's Close Friend NUL-A's Birthday!

TV Magazine comic continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic

Groove and his fellow Protectobots joined forces with the Aerialbots when the Decepticon combiners attacked a baseball stadium. Hot Spot was damaged in battle, leaving the Protectobots unable to remain combined as Defensor. Kenji, the Autobots' human friend, devised a plan to shoot out the leg components of the Decepticon super warriors. Groove transformed into motorcycle mode and drove Kenji through a flying jump, letting the boy get close enough to Superion to yell out his plan. After Superion zapped out the Decepticons' legs, Groove and his fellow Protectobots slipped on in their place, forcing Bruticus and Menasor to move according to the Autobots' commands. The poor Decepticons were last seen being led out to sea by their own disobedient legs. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #5

The Great Transformer War

When Galvatron kidnapped Doctor Dalton, the famous scientist, the Protectobots and Aerialbots sped off to rescue the doctor from Trypticon. Working with Onslaught and Motormaster, however, Trypticon's Scramble City launcher power allowed the Decepticons to disable Superion before he got close enough to attack. With the Aerialbots seriously injured, the Protectobots had to formulate a new plan. Hot Spot quickly got to work in repair bay mode bringing the Aerialbots back to full status. While Blades snuck into Trypticon alone to rescue the doctor, Groove, First Aid and Streetwise had the unenviable task of defending Hot Spot against both Bruticus and Menasor until he could finish his repair work. Although they took a serious pounding, Groove and his valiant comrades held the line long enough for the Aerialbots to recover and Blades to save Dalton. The Protectobots and Aerialbots left Trypticon victorious, and escorted the thankful doctor back to Metroplex, where he began work on the new Technobots. The Great Transformer War #1

Ask Vector Prime

The Protectobots once lived on the colony world of Archon, but as the colony slowly began to fail they succumbed to stasis lock. They remained that way until Omega Supreme chanced across the ruins of the planet and brought them back to Earth. The only way to revive them was through an energon infusion; the Aerialbots volunteered for the process. The Protectobots made a complete recovery and then some: the transfusion had given them the ability to combine! Optimus Prime gave them their own headquarters in Central City, hoping that city life would help them acclimatize to life on Earth while also providing the metropolis with an extra degree of protection. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/21

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
Get up on your feet

Groove's coming, along with that of the other Protectobots, was foretold in a Matrix-induced vision of the future shared between Optimus Prime and Buster Witwicky. In this prophetic vision, Groove and the other Protectobots battled the Stunticons and the Combaticons to defend the Pullen Power Plant from the evil robots. Throughout the clash, each team combined into their gestalt forms, and Superion aided Defensor in his mission. Streetwise and the other Protectobots were then created on Earth by Wheeljack and the Autobots after they stole a recording of Devastator's combiner transformation sequence and modified it. The Special Teams Have Arrived Second Generation!

Down a crowded avenue.

After being brought on-line by Optimus Prime, Groove and his team went on a mission to intercept the Decepticons before they could steal the hydrothermocline from a Energy Futures Industries. Both sides ended up agreeing to do battle in a virtual landscape maintained by the powerful computer system at the plant, so that the Decepticons wouldn't damage their prize and the Autobots could insure the safety of innocent lives. The lives of both faction leaders were wagered on the outcome of the game. Patrolling the computer-generated area of Multi-World known as the Cloud-Steppes, Groove and Blades were attacked by Combaticons Blast Off and Vortex. When the Decepticon fliers severed the floating roadway Groove was driving on, he shouted at Blades to let him save himself and instead catch the Cloud-Steppers who fell with him. In gratitude, the humanoids unleashed a cloud cover which distracted the Combaticons long enough for Groove to blast them with his photon pistol. Ultimately, Optimus Prime declared himself the loser of the game, and so Groove and the other Protectobots watched their leader detonate before their eyes. Afterdeath! These events were observed by the time travelling Dicet Alpha-zero. The Quest!

Groove was one of the several Autobots who watched on as Ratchet futilely tried to repair Optimus Prime's body. Once the Autobot leader was declared irreparable, the Autobots held a funeral service for their leader, and launched his remains into space. Funeral for a Friend!

Step to the beat

After Blaster and Goldbug abandoned the Autobots due to their disagreements with Grimlock's leadership, Grimlock tasked the Protectobots with finding the deserters and returning them to the Ark. Groove and the others found them (and the Throttlebots) hiding at Big Steve's Used Cars, where the Combaticons had already arrived. As the two teams battled each other, individually Groove squared off with Blast Off, and both sides were so blinded by their battle that they didn't notice RAAT making away with Goldbug and the Throttlebots. With the Combaticons deterred, however, the Protectobots still had Blaster to bring back to Grimlock... for trial and execution. Used Autobots Blaster was fitted with a mode lock and clamped to Groove's motorcycle mode, who in turn rode within First Aid to make sure their captive wouldn't escape. Upon driving through a train yard however, the team ran afoul of the Combaticons yet again. Before the battle was underway, Groove sped off, stash Blaster within a drainage pipe, and then rejoined his comrades. In short order, the Combaticons merged into Bruticus, forcing the Protectobots to themselves combine to match his strength. The battle nonetheless went badly for Defensor, and he was knocked down after being batted with an entire freight train. But Blaster, who had gotten his mode lock removed by some errant children, in turn defeated Bruticus by collapsing an electrical tower atop of the behemoth. In thanks, the Protectobots allowed their prisoner to "escape" them alongside his new friends. Child's Play

Following Optimus Prime's return to life, Groove and the Protectobots were assigned to guard the backup copy of the floppy disk that had enabled his resurrection, stored at an Alternate Reality, Inc. warehouse. Alerted to Combaticon activity at Rutter U.S. Military Base, the team was relieved by the Autobot Powermasters so they could go and deal with their old rivals. Unfortunately, they were too late to stop the Combaticons' theft of military technology; worse yet, upon their return to the warehouse, they discovered that the Decepticon Powermasters had stolen the disk in their absence. Combining into Defensor, they tried to stop the villains from escaping, but a barrage of fire from the underhanded Combaticons knocked the giant over. Prime Bomb!

Transformers Comic-Magazin

In defense of the Earth's energy resources, Groove and the Protectobots formed Defensor and battled Menasor. Transformers in Action: He Who Laughs Last ...

Marvel Generation 2 comic

And my soul's been psychedelicized.

Groove returned to working with the Autobots after Prime and Grimlock uncovered the Cybertronian army and their threat to the universe. He participated in Grimlock's ill-fated sabotage attempt on the Liege Centuro's warships, which ended in the raiding party being captured by enemy forces. Fortunately, Optimus and a contingency of Autobots were quick to catch up with Grimlock's group, and liberated Groove and the others. Devices and Desires! Later, he joined the Aerialbots in a training exercise against Hot Rod and the Dinobots. The Power and the Glory

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
It was so, you know, groovy to come back here this way.

Around twenty years after supposed end of the war, Groove found himself on the front lines defending Cybertron from Bludgeon's Blitz Engines alongside Rollbar, Guzzle and Jackpot. Destiny, Part Five Later, Groove formed part of the crew of Lancer One alongside Blades, Powerglide, Scattershot and Wheeljack as part of Rodimus Prime's attack on Jhiaxus and his forces at the Hub Network. Although they successfully completed their mission, Jhiaxus had anticipated the Autobots' strategy and his retaliation forced Rodimus Prime to declare an Autobot surrender. The War to End All Wars, Part 3

The Special Teams

Groove and the rest of the Protectobots were posted at the Pullen Power Plant to defend it while its human workers had been evacuated due to the possibility of a landslide in the area. Blades soon spotted the Stunticons heading towards their position. Racing to meet their incoming foes, Groove was surprised to witness these newcomers combine into Menasor.To combat this new threat, the Protectobots merged once more into Defensor. The Decepticons soon found himself losing the battle and dispersed, though the storm around them had gotten too bad for the Autobots to give chase. The Special Teams

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

War Within! Yeah! What is it good for? Absolutely nothin'!

After the signing of the Crisis Intervention Accord, many of the special teams went into hiding or broke up to continue fighting on different factions. Groove, despite his freewheeling ways, stuck with his team during the Dark Ages and acted as go-between bot for First Aid and Streetwise, taking pride in his great speed. Though officially neutral, Groove and his team deployed to counter the threat of Devastator in the Tagan Heights. Escalation When Defensor began prioritizing Devastator's destruction over preventing collateral damage, Wreckers leader Springer had to talk the Protectobots into separating, after which they were able to use their individual smarts to bring the Constructicon combiner down: while First Aid and Hot Spot plugged an electrical cable into Devastator's leg, Groove brought the other end to Streetwise so he could plug it into Tagan Heights' power grid, overloading Devastator with electricity and shutting him down. Devastation

Later, the Chaos Trinity invaded the Protectobots' base to abduct Hot Spot. During this attack, Groove pleaded with Hot Spot to give the order to form Defensor once more. But Hot Spot hesitated, allowing The Fallen's acolytes to defeat each Protectobot individually and make off with their target. To his credit, Groove was the last Protectobot to be defeated by the intruders. Confrontation

In modern times, Groove and the Protectobots were damaged while battling Menasor as Defensor and had to be rescued by Ultra Magnus and the Wreckers. Passive Aggression Defensor later joined the united Autobot forces in overthrowing Shockwave's control of Cybertron. Revelation In the aftermath, Groove and the Protectobots processed the forensics at one of Shockwave's labs, where a mysterious energy discharge had disabled the Battlechargers and shot out into the sky. Black Sunshine

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Ironhide #1; The Transformers vol. 1 #27 (modern era)
Groove don't need this fascist thing.

Four million years ago, Groove was a soldier in the Autobot army working under Optimus Prime. He, Prowl, and Windcharger held the line to prevent the Decepticon advancement in one of Cybertron's major cities. At the celebration that followed the Autobots' victory, he was seen chatting with Gizmo and Download. The Iron Age

In the modern day, Groove was among Bumblebee's team of Autobots on Earth. He worked under Bumblebee to locate the Decepticons remaining on the planet until Prowl butted in and recruited him into the investigation on Spike Witwicky. The Question As part of this task, he and Streetwise brought former Skywatch agent Sandra to their headquarters for interrogation. Only Forward

Groove was of the 'bots who Swerve refused a place on the Lost Light during the "Crewditions" (Which later turned out to be fake). Six months later, Groove had joined the ship's crew, and was outside Rung's office when the psychiatrist was interviewing Megatron. Towards Peace During some downtime, Groove and Streetwise indulged in a bout of wrestling at Swerve's but when an inebriated Trailcutter set off a silent alarm breaking into the medibay they were called into action as part of a security team alongside Megatron, Aquafend, and Ultra Magnus. Ascertaining that there was no immediate threat, Megatron dismissed the rest of the team to deal with Trailcutter himself. Words Hang in the Air

Hey, you guys, combine into a larger guy, but not in a way that looks like Groove is involved!

Groove was in Swerve's bar when the Lost Light began paradoxing itself out of existence piece by piece. Predestination: A Beginner's Guide Some time after the Lost Light was restored, he danced like a madman on the floor of Thunderclash's pre-wake. The Sensuous Frame Later, Groove and four other crewmembers were chosen to escort Mirage back to Cybertron after he started seeing apocalyptic visions. Streetwise joked that the five of them were "Protectobots". The Possible Light Once they arrived, Mirage led them hurriedly to Optimus Prime to tell them about his vision, when suddenly Prowl's Devastator attacked, who was hoping to destroy the space bridge to Cybertronian colonies. Superion countered him, but Starscream feared the Autobot combiner wouldn't be enough, so he used the Enigma of Combination to create another. Groove, the other four "Protectobots," and Rook, who had wandered into the group, were all combined into the mighty Defensor. Mistakes and Mayhem

Groove and the Protectobots chose to leave Cybertron and return to the Lost Light. It took several months, but they finally caught up with the Lost Light on its quest for Cyberutopia. Much had changed. Getaway was now captain of the ship, and held strict rules about socializing and helping other races on their journey full-pace towards Cyberutopia. Asking around, the Protectobots learned most of the senior staff, including co-captains Rodimus and Megatron, had apparently abandoned the Light in order to make faster progress on their own. In fact, the regretful Riptide informed them Getaway had led a mutiny against the captains, abandoning them on Necroworld to the Galactic Council and Decepticon Justice Division, then used mnemosurgery to reprogram the crew into believing otherwise. Groove and the others attempted to flee before Getaway did the same to them, but were captured by the security team and placed in an infinite memory loop by Sunder. Full Circle

JourneysEnd ProtectobotsDown.jpg

Riptide managed to survive Getaway's attempt to dispose of him, hiding away in the ship until he could rescue the Protectobots. Rook had been killed by Getaway and Atomizer while they slept, so First Aid suggested they un-entomb Ambulon's corpse as a replacement leg for Defensor. At the shuttle bay, Defensor and Thunderclash tried to fight their way through the security team, but Getaway had hired Star Saber as the new head of security. He blasted Thunderclash and broke apart the unstable combiner with a single swipe of his blade. Hot Spot, Blades, Groove, and Streetwise were dazed enough for Getaway and the others to bring them down with a hail of gunfire. Only First Aid, Riptide, and the seriously injured Thunderclash managed to escape the ship. Journey's End

Apparently their injuries weren't as bad as they seemed, as all five Protectobots were perfectly fine as they attended Ultra Magnus' parting toast as the Lost Light completed its victory lap. How To Say Goodbye And Mean It: Part 2

Kre-O online manga

Groove was standing next to First Aid when the medic was treating the injured Combaticons. Bad at Fighting? Rescue Team Protectobots, Dispatch!

Ask Vector Prime

Groove was presumably present as part of Defensor during the Battle for Sherman Dam in Primax 096.0 Beta. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/06

Precursor World

Warriors of the Seven Lights resembling multiple incarnations of Groove were members of the White Order.

One supported his commander White Gallant Convoy in battle when the dimension-hopping pirate Halfshell attacked the White Planet looking to plunder the Order's holy Matrix Saber. God Neptune comic 1

Another ventured forth to confront Halfshell's crew and retrieve the Saber as the right arm of the mighty White Convoy Grand Prime! What happened to him after the combiner was bisected by God Neptune is unknown. God Neptune comic 2

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #23

Groove was a member of the Senate Guard, serving under Ironhide to protect the pavilion and the senators within. Tensions were high when First Senator Sentinel Prime convened the Senate without the Ascenticon party. When Megatron and the Ascenticon senators arrived to answer the charges leveled against them, Ironhide sent Groove and Flareup in with Autobot Senator Orion Pax for added security. As Megatron's rhetoric at the podium became increasingly radicalized, Pax sent Groove to check the corridors. As a result, he missed the EMP assault triggered by Ion Storm and the Rainmakers when Megatron seized the Senate as hostages and declared his new Decepticons the rulers of Cybertron. More Decepticons flooded the halls, and Groove was driven out of the Senate along with Ironhide and several other guards. We Have Deceived You

In time, Ironhide orchestrated a raid on the Senate's holding cells with Groove and the other free members of the Guard. They released the rest of the Guard as well as Orion Pax and Sentinel Prime. The Senators were taken to safety, but Groove and several of the Guard remained behind to free the remaining Senators. However, they were opposed by a new rendition of Strika's Heavies, and Roulette was killed in the first strike. They were forced to flee without rescuing any further prisoners. Prime Sentinel Prime died in the escape, leading Orion Pax to claim the Matrix and become Optimus Prime. Ironhide retasked Groove and the Guard to defend the Prime. Groove was on duty when Optimus went to speak with Perceptor at the Forge Pyramid. Titans Iacon had fallen, and so Groove and those loyal to Optimus Prime abandoned the city to the Decepticons. We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness

Groove and the renamed "Prime Guard" deployed with their leader to the Sea of Rust, where Termagax had possession of the Enigma of Combination. They set up defensive positions around Termagax's house as the Decepticons arrived for the Enigma as well. Sea of Rust II The Enigma was lost to the Sea, but the Autobots escaped without any fatalities. Enigmatic

Way to guard Prime, Prime Guard.

Groove and the Prime Guard accompanied Optimus on a pilgrimage to commune with his immersant mentor, Codexa. They were ambushed by members of the Rise, who sought to capture the Prime. Ultra Magnus helped the Guard regain the initiative, and Groove and the others got Optimus to safety, though Magnus was captured. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part One

Crystal City came under siege after this, and Groove and the Prime Guard prepared to defend it. They eventually retreated back to a single bunker with those who had chosen to fight, before the Titan Lodestar returned. A Dust of Crystals After the siege ended in a truce, Groove and the Prime Guard were part of a procession heading to Darkmount. Radical Time In the final battle at Darkmount, the Autobots were joined by a new Combiner, Computron. When Devastator shattered the Technobots' combined form, Flareup and Groove rushed to aid the team leader, Scattershot. Containing an artificial Enigma of Combination in his spark, Scattershot needed volunteers to supplement Computron's power. The Prime Guard was ready to serve, and Javelin, Backstreet, and Pipes joined the first two in helping Scattershot forge an even more powerful Computron. They held the line against Devastator and the Decepticons, allowing Optimus Prime and the other Autobots to escape aboard the Ark. When Computron was finally brought down by the united Decepticon army, the Prime Guard and Technobots became Megatron's prisoners. Fate of Cybertron

Commercial appearances


Transformers Legends

During a Decepticon attack on a major human city, Ratchet, Inferno, and the Protectobots launched rescue operations. Unfortunately their efforts were hampered by Thundercracker and Dirge, who unleashed all manner of sonic attacks on them. To the Rescue

Groove, alongside Blades, Hot Spot, and Streetwise, responded to an emergency call that was in actuality a trap set by the Decepticons Skullcruncher and Snapdragon. Despite the duo's schemes, the Autobots were able to send the Decepticons packing. False Alarm

Transformers: Battle Tactics

If you choose the wrong Groove, you may just lose!

Groove participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Rare character who could be recruited by collecting 160 units of Cybermetal, and 95 units of Transmetal. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Groove was a friendly member of the Protectobots. The Enigma of Combination


The Transformers

G1-toy Groove.jpg
The Transformers Groove transforms into a Honda Goldwing GL1200 police motorcycle. He comes with two vaporators, which are pegged onto posts at the rear of the bike mode. He also comes with a photon pistol which he can hold, only sideways. As a Scramble City-style combiner member, he can form any of Defensor's limbs, though he nominally forms Defensor's right leg. Unusual for a G1 combiner limb figure, Groove's vehicle-mode weapons did not need to be removed when he was transformed into robot mode.
The initial release of Groove has a die-cast metal chest painted gold. Where the other Protectobots replaced metal parts with plastic later on, Groove instead kept the metal, but the paint was changed to silver. In 1987, he came packaged with a random Autobot Decoy.
This mold was also used to make Operation Combination Sparkride.

G1toy defensor giftset.jpg
  • Defensor (giftset, 1986)
    • Japanese ID number: C-76
    • Accessories: photon pistol, left and right twin vaporators
All five Protectobots were made available in many markets as a complete giftset as well as on individual cards/boxes. It is unknown which versions of the toys are in the multipack, metal parts or plastic.
In 1988, GiG also re-released the Defensor set in Italy, with five random "Exogini Transformers" (Decoys) added.

  • Groove (1991)
    • Accessories: photon pistol, left and right twin vaporators
Groove and the other Protectobots were re-released in 1991 as part of the European-market Classics line. This version uses the silver chest, and his rubsign indent has been filled in.

Generation 2

I'm day-glo playskool and yet cost more than your house. Chew on that.
  • Groove (Unreleased)
    • Team ID number: P3
    • Accessories: photon pistol, left and right twin vaporators
A bright orange and aqua-blue redeco of Groove's Generation 1 toy was planned, but was canceled after a only a few packaged production samples were made. As such, the existing samples go for a lot of money on the secondary market.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Bot Shots

Sure, there weren't exactly any Bot Shots motorcycle molds to pick from, but jeez! Guy's supposed to be a pacifist!
  • Protectobots (Multi-pack, 2013?)
    • Number: T0??
      • Fist strength: 775
      • Blaster strength:
      • Sword strength:
A redeco of Bot Shots Decepticon Brawl, "Protectobot Groove" automatically transforms from battle tank(!) to robot when a sharp impact is applied to his front end. A rescue battle tank, presumably. He was to be sold in a five-pack with Protectobot Hot Spot, Protectobot Blades, Protectobot First Aid and Protectobot Streetsmart, but this never saw release.
This mold was also used to make Super Bot Blitzwing.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


"Hey dude, check out my ride".
  • Autobot Groove (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2013)
    • Collection: 2
    • Bag number: ***** 77
    • Accessories: Logo brick, small pistol
As part of the second wave of blindpacked Micro-Changers, Groove is a Kreon that can be rebuilt into a motorcycle. He reuses Starscream's helmet and Bumblebee's pistol.
This Collection was still in circulation at "dollar" stores and drug stores up through 2015. They eventually lost the individual-identifying bag codes, but other changes were hidden inside the bag. The 2015 releases replaced the 2x4 logo stand-brick with a new 3x4 logo plate. The Kreon was also given the slight retooling to the arm seen in the 2014 Kreons, making the "cuff" parts more sharp-cornered and better adapted to being used as studs. Some of the add-on pieces may also be slightly off-color, possibly due to a change in factories in mid-production.

  • Protectobot Groove (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2016)
    • Collection: 2
    • Accessories: Logo plate, small pistol
In 2016, Collection 2 was re-released in a whole new production run for Dollar General stores in the US as part of a large collection of re-released Kre-O sets. But where most of these releases are nigh-identical to the originals, the re-released Micro-Changer blind-bags use the almost-entirely-retooled 2015 Kreon, with slightly-differently-hued plastics than the originals. (It is possible for some of the add-on pieces to be in the older hues.) Groove got a slight tampograph tweak, replacing the flat light gray paint with shiny silver.
Sadly, this release has no individual-identification code on the bag, requiring you to use the feel-through-the-bag method or just buy blind and hope.

Transformers (2014)

Groove's Rule 63 incarnation.
  • Protectobots Emergency Response (three-pack, 2014)
Transformers "Protectobot Groove" (named so for trademark reasons) is a redeco of Transformers: Prime Cyberverse Legion Class Arcee, sporting two blue blasters (whereas Arcee had just included one). The toy's color scheme might be based on Universe Groove.
Groove is only available in three-pack with Protectobot Streetsmart and Protectobot First Aid, which was released as a Toys"R"Us exclusive in Hasbro's Asian markets, while in the United States, it was officially an Amazon exclusive that was later also stocked by other online retailers such as BigBadToyStore for a hefty markup.

Combiner Wars

59th Chest Plate Bot (Feelin' Groovy)
  • Protectobot Groove (Legends Class, 2015)
Part of the third wave of Combiner Wars Legends class figures, Groove is a modernized version of the character, transforming into a motorcycle. As Rook has taken his place as a limb of Defensor, the now-much-more-to-semi-proper-scale Groove forms Defensor's chestplate. The instructions have you assemble the chestplate mode upside-down (to match the stock photography), but the proper assembly is to attach Groove to Defensor with the wheels facing upwards, connecting a small peg on Defensor's chest into a peghole behind Groove's pelvis and the pegs on Groove's arms to pegholes in Defensor's chest. There is no mention of what purpose the mysterious peg and port on either of his shins serve anywhere.
Legends Groove also comes with a collector card based on his packaging art.
This mold was retooled into Wreck-Gar, and redecoed into Rust Dust and Override. It also served as the basis of the non-toy Beast Wars: Uprising character Vampire and the Spatiotemporal Challengers incarnation of Scooter.

Defensor's New Groove.
  • Protectobot Groove (Deluxe Class, 2016)
    • 4 OF 5: Sky Reign
    • Accessories: rifle, foot/hand/gun
The Hasbro release of the Unite Warriors Groove mold (see below) is nigh indistinguishable from the original release with the exception of two subtle tells: the figure gains small copyright and CE marking tampographs on the back of its feet for legal reasons, and the simple knee pins are replaced with flatheads visible on the inside of the legs.
The figure saw different methods of distribution in different markets, as is common for "special" products: In Taiwan, Groove was initially released as a promotional item exclusive to Toys"R"Us Taiwan, if the customer purchased 1799 Taiwan Dollars (approximately US$55) worth of Transformers products in a single transaction. The promotion ran from March 25th till May 2nd. After the promotion had ended, the figure was made available as a general retail release in Taiwan, including (again) Toys"R"Us. Meanwhile, in North America, Hasbro made him available as a "shared exclusive" between various online retailers as part of 2016's "May Mayhem" promotion like Quickslinger and Brake-Neck a year earlier, though initially only with limited availability. Later that year, another production run was made more widely available, adding more venues in the process such as Hasbro Toy Shop.
His packaging claims he is part of Sky Reign, replacing Smokescreen as a leg. He can also combine with his Protectobot teammates (excluding Rook and his Legends Class counterpart) to form a more accurate Defensor, if that's how you want to roll. His packaging art is recolored from his Legends mobile game card art, made to (more or less) match his toy colors.
Deluxe Groove also comes with a collector card based on his packaging art.
This mold was retooled into Combiner Wars Afterbreaker, Unite Warriors Afterburner, and Power of the Primes Wreck-Gar. It also served as the model for the non-toy Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of Thrustor.

Unite Warriors

How Defensor Got His Groove Back
  • Guardian (giftset, December 12, 2015)
    • ID number: UW-03
    • English name: Defensor
    • Accessories: Protectobot weapons/extremities, 4 small weapons
Takara's iteration of Combiner Wars Defensor is sold in a gift set including all five original Protectobots, with Groove (as a new Deluxe-sized mold) included instead of Rook. Groove transforms into either an oversized bike or a limb for any combiner within the Unite Warriors/Combiner Wars line or into one of Godbomber's legs, although he would normally be associated with this set's Protectobots to form Guardian.
As a Takara-initiated design (instead of the Hasbro/Takara collaboration most other Combiner Wars figures are), Groove sports several differences compared to the other Deluxe figures in the line. Those include light-piping for the eyes (a concept mostly abandoned by Hasbro at the time), two individual hand-held weapons instead of just one, a 5mm peg hole underneath the right arm to attach the hand/foot/gun accessory in robot mode, and a slightly more complex transformation due to Takara not being constrained by Hasbro's budget for the Deluxe price point. Takara also didn't design a new hand/foot/gun accessory for Groove; instead, he comes with the HFG piece available with various iterations of the Alpha Bravo/Blades/Vortex sculpt. In addition, the individual handguns are cast in clear plastic and painted over in an opaque color with the exception of the handles and the top sections, the latter of which are smoked red to give the impression of police lights.
The Generations Selects comic cast this Groove as the right arm of White Convoy Grand Prime.
Unite Warriors Guardian was released as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive, rather than being a regular release. Preorders were open from May 25 to July 6, 2015, and it was shipped the following December.


G Guardian

  • Groove (Candy toy, 2012)
    I can roll!!!
    • Accessories: Blaster
Groove is a snap-together candy toy model kit produced by Kabaya for their G Guardian series, coming in an individual box packed with a stick of (chalky) gum. He can combine with his five wave-mates to form Gaia Guardian. He, along with Graze, First Aid, and Streetwise, can also combine with Kabaya's Transformers Gum Hot Spot to form Guardian. G Guardian's Heatrock and Skyfeather attach to Guardian to create God Guardian.
Like most of his G Guardian teammates, Groove manages to avoid the partforming that's commonly associated with Kabaya kits, being able to fully transform from robot to bike and back without requiring any disassembly.

Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Bruticus and Defensor.jpg
  • Guardian & Bruticus Set (December, 2023)
    • ID number: 71 & 72
Released as part of the tenth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of "Guardian" (with his components Blades, First Aid, Hot Spot, Groove, and Streetwise) and Bruticus (with his components Blast Off, Vortex, Onslaught, Swindle and Brawl) along with character profiles and tech specs.


  • Groove had the pre-production name Cruiser.[1]
  • Sometimes First Aid likes to steal Groove's pacifism and run off with it.
  • During the dream sequence of Second Generation!, Groove described himself as being "fast and flashy", wanting in on the action busting Decepticon heads. These are not character traits that Groove displayed outside of this.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Groove (グルーブ Gurūbu)
  • French: Le Sillon (Canada)
  • Italian: Chips[2]
  • Mandarin: Chēzhé (China, 车辙, "Rut")
  • Russian: Drug (Друг, "Friend")
  • Hungarian: Hasító ("ripper", Marvel Comics)



  1. Sunbow Productions cast list entry for "The Revenge of Bruticus".
  2. Named after the TV show starring Eric Estrada, which was very popular in Italy in the 1980s.

External links

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