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Hacker X-3

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This article is about the Real Gear Robot. For the Synthoid, see Hacker X-9.
Hacker X-3 is an Autobot Real Gear Robot from the Transformers portion of the movie continuity family.
Hewwo, X-3

Hacker X-3 just loves sharing information with the world, and finds the very notion of hiding information insulting. The harder the encryption, the keener he is to un-encrypt it. Luckily for the world, he mostly aims his talents at the Decepticons, since they try super hard to keep their secrets, well, secret. Exactly what those secrets might be is frankly irrelevant.

Seek. Crack. Share.

—Hacker X-3's packaging tagline


Transformers (2007)

  • Hacker X-3 (Real Gear Robots, 2008)
Part of the fifth wave of Transformers Real Gear Robots, Hacker X-3 is a redeco of Power Up VT6, transforming into a non-functional handheld video game system. Although there isn't a single direct real-life equivalent model, his design seems to be an amalgamation of multiple different consoles: the overall design configuration is reminiscent of the first version of the Game Boy Advance, albeit featuring a slightly more rectangular look that also bears some semblance to the Game Gear. Unlike Nintendo's Game Boy consoles, Hacker X-3 features four face buttons rather than two, making his controller configuration more similar to devices like the PlayStation Portable, and the bordering around the screen also suggests some design cues taken from the WonderSwan. Like all Real Gear Robots toys, his robot mode is apparently at 1:1 scale.
Interestingly, the four face buttons follow the color convention (blue, green, yellow, and red) that's been pioneered by the Japanese and European releases of the Super Nintendo and has since been used in multiple home consoles (to name a few; the Sega Dreamcast, the Neo Geo CD, the Amiga CD32, and most notably; the original Xbox and its subsequent generations), rather than what would be more common for a portable console within this toy's era.
He features a battle scene between Optimus Prime and a blue Swindle drone on his screen.
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