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Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club issue 50

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Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club #50
"What're you looking at?"
Publisher Fun Publications
First published early February
Cover date April/May 13
MTMTE Profiles Dan Khanna
Contributors David Willis
Greg Black
Jim Sorenson
Bill Forster
Derrick Wyatt
S. Trent Troop
Greg Sepelak
Richard Chang
Benson Yee
Editor Pete Sinclair
Associate editor Jesse Wittenrich
Creative Director/ Layout Lanny Lathem
Research editor Karl Hartman
Editor-in-chief Brian Savage




  • Grimlock already received a profile waaay back in issue #13.
  • Characters mentioned in Grimlock's profile include: Optimus Prime, Prowl, Megatron, Ironhide, Silverbolt, Sludge, Slag, and Ultra Magnus.
    • Grimlock took command of the Autobots after Prime died in the original Marvel The Transformers comics, both in issue #27 after Prime forced Ethan Zachary to destroy him for killing innocent video game characters, and in issue #76, after Prime was destroyed during the battle against Unicron. Prowl's grudge with Grimlock stems from his second time commanding the Autobots, where he butted heads with the arrogant Dinobot.
    • Prime returned to Earth to fight the revived Megatron in the "Crossing Over" storyline. Grimlock left Earth on board the Graviton shortly after in "Games of Deception". Megatron retook command of the Decepticons from Bludgeon in "At Fight's End".
    • Slag and Sludge were last seen on Azure at the end of "Cheap Shots", working with Nightbeat and company as part of a detective agency. The ramifications of Grimlock ordering them and all the Autobots on Azure to secretly follow them would not be until the events of "Epilogue Two", published 4 years later.
    • Grimlock's new "slasher sword" and function as "Maximal Attack Specialist" come from his Beast Wars toy's tech specs.
  • Characters mentioned in Dirge's profile include: Megatron and Bludgeon.
    • Dirge's personality is combined somewhat with Beast Wars II Dirge, the source of his new body; he taunts and insults the Maximals on the ground while attacking from the sky above. He is also equipped with his counterpart's "Dirge Gun."
    • The Graviton is noted to be a former Decepticon ship, as seen in issue #78 of the Marvel comic.


  • "From the Editor's Desk" pluralizes "deco" with an apostrophe.
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