Heatwave (Timelines)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Heatwave" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Heatwave (disambiguation). |
- Heatwave is a heroic Decepticon first seen in the Shattered Glass continuity family.
Heatwave has a unique affinity for machinery. His strange powers allow him to converse—literally—with non-sentient devices, as if they were a fellow 'bot. He can command any machine, all with a simple touch of his hands. The strangeness of this gift doesn't quite register with the quirky, cheerful Heatwave, who perceives those unliving machines as sentient, and casually talks to and about them as if they were his drinking buddies.
Amid the strangeness that is the Primax -408.24 Epsilon universe, this bizarre talent hardly seems out of place, and his heroic Decepticon allies just shake their heads at his oddities. They're too appreciative of his talent in engineering and problem solving to look too closely at his eccentricities, or the strange otherworldly aura he gives off despite his strong loyalty to Megatron.
Heatwave's gifts are but a hint of a greater destiny that he is unaware of—he is the torso piece of Nexus Prime, created by Primus at the dawn of time to guard the multiverse's Rarified Energon. Unlike his four gestalt brethren, however, Heatwave is unconcerned with finding out about his destiny or his missing memories. He'd rather concentrate on the latest project to grab his attention than think about the past (or his lack thereof).
“ | I really don't like talking to your infoweb. I feel like I need a decon wash after every connection. | ” |
—Heatwave, "Eye in the Sky" |
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Fun Publications Shattered Glass continuity
Heatwave was once part of the multiversal singularity known as Nexus Prime of the Thirteen. In order to prevent the power of the Star Saber from falling into the wrong hands, Nexus Prime split himself and the Saber into pieces, scattering them throughout the multiverse. Heatwave ended up in the negative polarity universe. Out of the One, Many
Heatwave was a member of Megatron's forces when they attacked the Ark, a ship the Autobots built to help them conquer other worlds. Shattered Glass
Later, when the Ark was launched for a second time, Heatwave was among the Decepticons who joined the crew of the Nemesis to pursue and intercept it. Cliffjumper ended up being confused by the fact that he didn't remember ever seeing a double of Heatwave in his home universe.
When the Nemesis was shot down over Earth, Heatwave made use of his abilities to "talk" to the ship's computer, mentally assessing the ship's damage and rerouting some of the systems to gain enough functionality to help Starscream evacuate the crew safely. He and Soundwave were then the last of the crew to leave in escape pods while Starscream and Cliffjumper remained behind to ensure the ship didn't crash in an occupied area. Do Over
After arriving on Earth, Heatwave tracked Soundwave's stasis pod to a human tourist attraction, where he had to dispatch some dangerous "lifeforms" and rescue Soundwave from being one of the attractions. After telling the stasis pod to repair and reformat his comrade, the two set out to gather Soundwave's cassettes that had landed nearby, find the Nemesis, and reunite with the other Decepticons. The Desert Heat!
The two eventually ended up coming across Professor Arkeville, Sephie, Will, and Rick busy investigating the Nemesis's crash site. After Ravage frightened and chased the humans for a bit, Heatwave and Soundwave finally transformed and revealed their true identities. Heatwave convinced the humans that they meant no harm, while Frenzy explained their situation. They then all boarded the Nemesis to meet up with Starscream and Cliffjumper.
Heatwave went along to help out as they worked on locating and reactivating the other Decepticons that had landed on Earth in the pods. When they eventually found out that Rodimus and the other Autobots had survived their own landing and seized control of the planet's Global Orbiting Defense Satellites, Heatwave was tapped to locate which military base they were sequestered in. He spoke with various military computers over the infoweb until he found one that didn't respond, and thus was likely to have been rendered offline by the Autobots.While the humans and other Decepticons infiltrated the main part of the base, Heatwave made his way to the satellite transmitter on the base's roof. Once there, he convinced the transmitter to tell the base computer to reopen the base and evacuate everyone, ripping the transmitter from the roof to get clear himself. He then had the controller turn one of the GODSes on the base to destroy it. Finally, he reluctantly used his hands to crush the controller itself—mournfully lamenting that it was a "brave transmitter that knew what had to be done"—which caused the primary GODS to self-destruct. Eye in the Sky
When Blitzwing and Will came across the Autobots building a device in the desert, they hid and called for reinforcements. Heatwave arrived first and recognized the device as a stellar spanner, explaining it was for long-range transportation without a starship. He didn't think Wheeljack could get it working, as the "Old One" was the only being to ever build one, and rumor was that Optimus Prime had killed him before he finished it. Blitzwing wasn't reassured, so Heatwave offered to go "talk" to it. Blitzwing warned him to wait for the other Decepticons, but Heatwave was too excited at using his ability on a brand-new device to listen.
Despite Heatwave being large, heavy, and brightly-colored, the Autobots were distracted enough for him to sneak partway over, until he tripped on a crumbling rock. The Autobots, happy at the arrival of a "volunteer test subject", converged on him. He transformed and blasted Side Burn nearly in half with a missile volley, but Wheeljack and Goldbug trapped his turret between them, immobilizing him. They then forcibly transformed him back to robot mode, tied his hands together, and dragged him into the spanner. He struggled the whole way, sending Wheeljack flying with a boot to the head, but Goldbug shoved him in regardless.
Heatwave eventually freed his hands, but couldn't "talk" the spanner into shutting down, so Blitzwing hacked into it himself. Unfortunately, Wheeljack electrocuted him before he could finish doing so, and the Spanner sent Heatwave into space.
Heatwave survived the trip to Cybertron intact, although it was unpleasant and dumped him face-down on the ground. He sent out a call for a rescue, which came in the form of Whisper, who was happy to see him. Heatwave filled Whisper in on the situation back on Earth, then started to follow him to report to Megatron...
...and was overcome with memories of the trip through the spanner, strangely involving rainbow colors; feelings of joy, compassion, and other pleasant sensations; and a message. When Whisper zipped back to tell Heatwave they needed to get a move on, Heatwave shook himself out of his reverie and followed, asking what "Keep on truckin'" meant. Blitzwing Bop
When the Decepticons on Earth built their own stellar spanner and contacted Cybertron, it was Heatwave who took their call. They were pleased to see he was alive and well, and sent up the specifications for the spanner so another could be built on Cybertron. Transhuman
When Aquarius, Breakaway, Landquake, and Topspin arrived at the Decepticons' base and explained that they were looking for Heatwave, Megatron sent Cyclonus to fetch him. As he arrived, Megatron referred to him as a "skilled soldier" and said he hoped Heatwave could answer their visitors' questions. But before Heatwave could get a chance to do so, he was shocked by Cyclonus suddenly opening fire on Megatron. Reunification: Part 4 The Coming Storm: Part 1 Heatwave became angry and threatened to "crush the life out of" Cyclonus, though the traitor was led away before Heatwave could carry out his threat.
He then was convinced by the other four Nexus Prime members to attempt to revive Megatron, once they learned he had his own unique powers as well. As they started applying their energies to the body, Heatwave suddenly started experiencing strange sensations and visions along with the others, and exclaimed about being able to "see other worlds". Then he and the others were transported to a strange, white, featureless place.
There they were greeted by Primus, who welcomed them home and gave the now-reunited gestalt a choice: to die, live as they currently were and eventually fade away, or be reborn as what they were meant to be. Heatwave presumably chose along with the others to be "reborn", as Primus then commanded, "Arise, Nexus Prime." Reunification: Part 5
After being reborn, Nexus Prime found himself in a battle with the Autobot superweapon Omega Doom. When Omega shot a missile into Cybertron's sun, Nexus Prime had to follow to repair the sun before it went nova. The part of his mind that was still Heatwave wanted to stay on Cybertron to fight, but was overridden by the Skyfall and Breakaway parts of him who knew that all of Cybertron would burn unless the sun was healed. Reunification: Part 6
Heatwave returned as part of Nexus Prime's components to stop Ultra Magnus from misusing the Terminus Blade. Restoration Nexus Prime brought together the Terminus Blade and the united Star Saber, using them rewrite the rules of the multiverse. Out of the One, Many
After the Shrouding, Heatwave was reincarnated as a natural resident of the negative polarity universe along with his teammates, now known as Quakebreak, Spinaway, Landfall, and Skytop. Working as a menial laborer, Heatwave seemed to have no first hand knowledge of his previous incarnation, although Aquarius apparently maintained the awareness to tell him the legend of the Prime of Combination he once was.
Heatwave and his comrades desperately wanted some quest to prove they were as worthy as the original Nexus Prime, and eventually stole the shuttle Buoyancy to make their own way in the universe. Coalescence
Precursor World
A Warrior of the Seven Lights resembling Heatwave[1] was a leader of the Red Order of the Primus Vanguard. He passed away and was memorialized with a hologram at the Ivory Towers. Finale Prelude
A Specter would later take on his visage. Blue Big Convoy comic
- Heatwave (Deluxe, 2009)
- Known designers: Dan Khanna (concept artist)
- Heatwave is a retool of Energon Barricade with a new combiner robot head. Heatwave transforms into a "Stompbox Mobile Missile Deployer" with a rear-mounted (non-firing) missile rack that turns and elevates. He also forms the torso to Nexus Maximus along with Skyfall, Landquake, Breakaway, and Topspin. He is also capable of combining with any "Powerlinx Combiner" limb-robot combination thanks to the universal connector points used for the Air Team, Destruction Team and Construction Team toys.
- Heatwave has a minor design flaw in that the new combiner head is slightly too tall for the space it is supposed to occupy in Heatwave's robot mode. Due to this, the back chunk no longer pegs securely in place. Thankfully, the hinges are strong enough to hold it up anyway.
- This mold, pre-retool, was also used to make Universe Onslaught and Revenge of the Fallen Onslaught.
- As a club freebie, Heatwave came with a membership card with a lenticular image on the front showing an illustration by Tom Whalen of Heatwave (from "Eye in the Sky"), and Heatwave's bio on the back.
Hero Mashers
- Autobot Heatwave (Basic, 2014)
- Pieces: 9
- Accessories: Double-barreled water cannon
- Part of the second wave of Transformers Hero Mashers basic Action Figures, Autobot Heatwave is a non-transforming action figure with ratchet-joints, about six inches tall. He has multiple peg-holes all over that can be used to mount any Hero Mashers accessory.
- He is designed with a removable head, forearms, thighs, and lower legs, all of which use the same clip-peg/hole joint. This means his pieces can be swapped around in any order, as well as swapped with any other Hero Mashers figure... which includes figures from Marvel Comics, Star Wars, and Jurassic World, meaning you can make some pretty freaky combinations.
- His inclusion in Hero Mashers is... baffling. The design of his cannon accessory and the Autobot symbol on the packaging suggest that at one point, it was supposed to be Rescue Bots Heatwave in the assortment, but for whatever reason, that didn't happen.
- As mentioned first-thing in the fiction section, Heatwave made his first appearance in the "Shattered Glass" comic book story. Unnamed, he appeared only in a big crowd scene of Decepticons, just over Megatron's shoulder. His color details were a little different, since those likely hadn't been decided on so early, and it's not known if artist Don Figueroa was instructed to put him into the panel or if this was his own initiative. Regardless, fans were able to guess the unnamed character's importance by his color scheme and mold choice.
- According to writer Greg Sepelak, the designation of Heatwave's vehicle mode as a Stompbox Mobile Missile Deployer is yet another of his references to a They Might be Giants song, in this case the differently-spelled Stomp Box.
- ↑ This character probably had a name and title structured like that of Red Sentinel Prime or Blue Brightes Convoy, but whatever it was remains speculation.