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Henkei! Henkei! volume 6

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Henkei! Henkei! Transformers volume 6
Henkei 06 cover.jpg
First published October 23, 2008
Story Naoto Tsushima
Line-art Naoto Tsushima
Colors Sayuri
Packaged with Sixth wave of Henkei! Henkei! toys

"The Autobots at the mercy of the enemy... Is there any chance!?"


Silverstreak is chasing a lorry (or truck, for US speakers) that may be involved in theft of energon. Eventually chasing it down to a dead-end, Silverstreak believes that he's finally caught up with the culprit but upon turning the corner, it's gone. Elsewhere, Sideswipe is chasing a gunship that's ALSO involved with stealing energon, using his rocket pack to catch up with the gunship in the air. The plane makes a turn around a building, and it's gone by the time Sideswipe catches up (seeing a pattern here?). Back on asphalt, Silverstreak catches up with the other Autobot and after asking each other if they've seen the tanker/gunship, which devolves to a minor argument, the thief finally makes his entrance. And who else but the triple-changing Octane, showing off his other two alternate modes and trashing some public highway while knocking Silverstreak aside in the process. Sideswipe puts a quick end to that "argument" by rocketing above Octane and forcing the Decepticon into retreat by shooting him in the back. Silverstreak will need some help on getting out of his embarrassing position of being stuck upside down in the debris.

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(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

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