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Junkion (RID)

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The name or term "Junkion" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Junkion (disambiguation).
Junkion is a Decepticon from the Adventure portion of the Aligned continuity family.

Although Junkion (ジャンキオン Jankion) is supposed to be a healer, his serious rage issues mean that he lashes out at everyone and everything around him whenever he gets angry—and thanks to his hair-trigger temper, he gets angry very frequently.[1]




Can frequently be found in the Trunkion.
  • Junkion (Easy Dynamic Series, 2015)
  • ID number: TED-05
  • Release date: March 21, 2015
Part of the fourth wave of Takara's Adventure product (their version of the Robots in Disguise series), sold in the first wave of "Easy Dynamic Series" toys, Junkion is a blue and white redeco of Age of Extinction Power Battlers Junkheap, transforming into an "Eco Clean" garbage truck in a few simple steps. He includes a chomping-claw action feature which can be activated in both modes by pressing the white button with his faction symbol sticker on it; popping out of his chest in robot mode, and out of the back of his garbage container in vehicle mode, snapping back closed once the button is released.
As with Junkheap, the paint operations for his eyes are not actually applied to his sculpted eyes.
His scannable insignia is on his vehicle-mode trailer. A fake, non-scannable decal has been placed on a clear-plastic guard when the toy is in-package, preventing you from scanning them into the Adventure app without actually purchasing the toy.


  • Although the "Easy Dynamic" Adventure toys did not have on-package bios or tech specs, they did have them within the Adventure app.


  1. Adventure Junkion toy bio
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