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"Japan surrenders, end of war!"

A kiss is a peculiar sort of bonding ritual involving (sometimes mutual) oral contact, especially among humans. The reasons for this strange phenomenon are usually beyond some Transformers' understanding, resulting in many an uncomfortable line of questioning. Are these fleshlings transmitting data? Is it an energy-transferral process? Why are they doing it in my back seat? Why, when the humans do kissing on me, does it grant me special powers?

Some other Transformers understand kissing juuuuust fine.



Generation 1

Marvel Comics continuity

More of a "tongue-transferral process."

Shortly after the Transformers first woke up on Earth, an Autobot reconnaissance expedition was thoroughly confused by the sight of automobiles parked in a drive-in theater playing a movie that featured two humans kissing. The Transformers

Looks like he's about to round third base as well.

It has been stated on a few occasions that the kiss is an act of atonement for past perceived misdeeds. However, this information comes from a very small dataset, specifically the individual human named Jesse. While in the company of Buster Witwicky, she has repeatedly described the act of kissing as "apologizing". Since the use of this term has not been observed in use by any other human (other than Buster himself, seemingly part of an attempt to encourage continued kissing from Jesse), the conclusions one can draw are strictly limited. Brainstorm! Buster Witwicky and the Car Wash of Doom

Kissing is not limited to the humans of Earth. The ritual is also practiced on Nebulos by the Nebulans Gort and Marita. The Autobot Highbrow was able to witness this event, which caused a short but violent war between their race and the Transformers. Clearly volatile emotions surround this act. Highbrow, at the time, was not able to ascertain whether kissing was akin to a binomial data transfer, and even after binary bonding with Gort, answers have not been forthcoming. Ring of Hate!

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

ME GRIMLOCK SAY NO MEANS NO. (Grimlock and Re-Cycle are to the left.)

During the Golden Age, the Autobots were known to have engaged in kissing, as Orion Pax was kissed by his girlfriend Ariel. War Dawn

Dash Jordan was such a brave fool, he deserved a kiss—several times. Hoist Goes Hollywood

The dominant species of the planet Brobdingnag also engaged in kissing. The boy Aron received a goodnight kiss from his father after a day with some conflict between them. Child's Play

Astoria kisses Powerglide's face before parting. The Girl Who Loved Powerglide

The Junkions have adopted the human ritual of kissing, apparently after watching much of their television transmissions. Re-Cycle even kissed the Dinobot leader Grimlock. This act greatly confused the Dinobot leader, and caused him to reassert his status as "king". The Transformers: The Movie

Blaster described the (to him) pleasing sound of the harmony as "a musical kiss". Carnage in C-Minor

Marissa Faireborn and Dirk Manus shared several kisses during their time together, confusing the witnessing Technobots, who called it a bizarre Earth ritual. Dirk used one kiss to distract Marissa as he stole her blaster. Money Is Everything

Hellbat used hugs and kisses to distract Guyhawk from just hearing him plot to get rid of him. Rescue! Guyhawk

Beast Era

You can feel my lips undress your eyes...

The Maximal Silverbolt and the Predacon Blackarachnia were depicted as implicitly kissing on several occasions, but the act was typically kept off-screen. The Agenda (Part 1) The closest we got to seeing the pair smooch was when their lips juuuuuust about touched right before a camera-pan out cut away from the action. The Agenda (Part 2) After Blackarachnia's Transmetal 2 upgrade, the pair's first kiss zapped Silverbolt with "Transmetal power," leaving his head crackling with energy. Crossing the Rubicon

When Rhinox caught Rattrap, saving him from a nasty fall, Rattrap comedically kissed Rhinox on the cheek, prompting Rhinox to drop him to the ground. The Agenda (Part III).

After finally deciding to quit the Predacons, Waspinator sarcastically implored Inferno and Quickstrike to plant a "big wet juicy one" right on his posterior. They declined the invitation and shot him instead. Nemesis Part 1

Rattrap and Botanica kissed in the midst of an argument, but as with Blackarachnia and Silverbolt's past lip-locks, the act went unseen. Spark of Darkness Silverbolt and Blackarachnia almost celebrated the reformatting of Cybertron with a kiss, until Waspinator flew between them, interrupting them. Endgame Pt. III: Seeds of the Future

Kiss Players

Oh God. You don't want to know. You shouldn't know. But your curiosity will get to you. We apologize for any damage caused to your psyche or immortal soul.

2005 IDW continuity

Let's merge.

As part of Blast Off's dream of a happy domestic life with Onslaught, the two bots got very close to kissing before the dream was interrupted by a mnemosurgically-connected Starscream. The Price of You

Arcee gave Aileron a big ol' smooch right on the lips as thanks for saving her life. Unforgivable Apparently both sides found it enjoyable, as Arcee gave Aileron another kiss on the forehead shortly after she was teleported to Earth and decked Starscream across the face. Road's End After defeating Unicron, they made out on the Earth's moon next to the descent stage portion of an Apollo Lunar Module. Ceremony

Die mad about it.

Anode and Lug, awaiting a possibly deadly battle, kissed before expressing their love for each other. A Spark Among Embers

2019 IDW continuity

Many kilocycles ago, Codexa placed a kiss on the top of the crest of her mentee, Orion Pax, while telling him how proud she was of having mentored him, someone she said had a 'good and noble spark,' to assure him that he would do good if he went through with his choice to go into politics as was his right, even though Codexa thought her mentee would have to make sacrifices to do so. End of Time

Greenlight and Gauge really appreciate when Arcee steps up to transgress any obstacle for loved ones and autonomy, and we do too.

Greenlight smooched Arcee's forehead head crest while the two lovers shared an embrace with their mentee Gauge, after managing to push through a crowd and Security Operations the Exodus to leave Cybertron, in hopes of finding a peaceful life... Gauging the Truth, Part Two: A Truth for a Truth

They said "start race", not "suck face"!

Knock Out and Breakdown shared a kiss just before the Speedia 500 started. Tread & Circuits Part 2

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon


After being saved from falling to her death by Airazor, Blackarachnia thanked her "heroine" by kissing her on the cheek—much to the former's surprise. Kingdom episode 5

Live-action film series

Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes could be found macking on Bumblebee's hood (note: he was in car mode) to the strains of Linkin Park, as the other Autobots watched. Transformers

Animated cartoon

Spoiler alert, he doesn't get the kiss.

Blackarachnia and Optimus sometimes look to come close to doing this but it tends to just be a trick on Blackarachnia's part. Along Came a Spider Black Friday

Grimlock has shown interest in wanting to steal a kiss from Blackarachnia. Black Friday

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

The Autobots were shocked and bewildered by the sight of two humans kissing on television. Can You Dig It?

Shattered Glass

After exchanging playful banter, Strongarm and Windblade started making out in front of the other Underbase bots. Demolishor questioned this practice while Highwire expressed fear that he and his friends had been turned into cyborgs specifically for smooching purposes. Coalescence

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