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Landmine (Movie)

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The name or term "Landmine" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Landmine (disambiguation).
Landmine is both an Autobot and a series of drones from the Transformers portion of the movie continuity family.

Originally a Sector Seven buggy brought to life by the AllSpark during the battle of Mission City, Landmine is an Autobot who lives for the excitement of working in secret and fighting for what is right. Though Landmine finds time to log in training sessions with his mentor, Ironhide, he prefers to act as an undercover agent with the humans of Sector Seven.[1] Nevertheless, he's still an Autobot-in-training and is learning the finer points of robot combat.

Landmine's body-type is shared with the L.M. Units, man-made Cybertronians created by Sector Seven scientists under the direction of Agent Salazar. These units are designed to carry troops into battle before eventually transforming into robot mode to fight alongside them. While early testing has yielded somewhat satisfying results, the units' robotic functionality is unable to be fully realized given their expedited development.[2] Luckily, the same AllSpark that created the primary Landmine can correct those issues.



Transformers film

Despite surviving the schemer, the guy with the identity crisis did him in.

Robert Epps and William Lennox commandeered Sector Seven assault buggy #52 for their trip to Mission City. When they left the buggy, it was taken over by an unknown Sector Seven driver. Buggy #52 seems to have survived Starscream's initial attack but was damaged while fighting Devastator. Lennox ordered his men to evac the injured driver as Jazz bought the retreating humans time against Megatron. Transformers

Toy bios

Upon being brought to life, Landmine was not quite sure what this "Autobot" thing was all about yet. Decided to work with them, he underwent training under Ironhide's teaching while he continued his secret agent duties. Landmine (Deluxe)

Rampage loved to destroy as Landmine enjoys being a secret agent. They both hate each other. Landmine VS Rampage

IDW movie comics

Their mission: Disassemble Number Five

Four months before the events of Mission City, Sector Seven recovered the Decepticon Wreckage and reactivated him. Though at first the Decepticon was hostile, Agent Salazar was able to come to an agreement with the being and exchange information. One of the fruits of these exchanges was the development of Sector Seven's L.M.-1 series of drones. Alliance #1 Alliance #2

In response to the threat of Starscream at the Hoover Dam, Salazar unveiled, the L.M.-1. At first it appeared to be just an armored buggy, but Starscream's curiosity was piqued when the vehicle began to transform and reveal limbs. Unfortunately the display was less than impressive as the process halted in mechanical failure The Reign of Starscream #2 Sector Seven retrieved L.M.-1 and took him back to a covert Nevada base, where they also held Longarm and Salvage. The Reign of Starscream #3

While waiting for the Autobots to arrive to begin escorting the Decepticon remains, Professor Vine and Seymour Simmons reminisced about how Salazar's dealings with Wreckage and the creation of the L.M.-1s. As the group prepared to dump the Decepticon remains, Vine wondered if L.M.-1's mechanical failure had anything to do with Wreckage's earlier rampage and forced shut-down. Before long, the Decepticon was brought back online by the one remaining fragment of the AllSpark. However, the shard also seemed to bring three L.M.-1 units online, who came to the defense of the humans. Wreckage promptly slagged them. Alliance #2


Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (3DS)

Landmine appears in the Rise of the Dark Spark game for Nintendo 3DS as a support unit. Equipping him allows all Earth Autobots to get repaired faster when next to a garage.

Rise of the Dark Spark


Transformers (2007)

Jeeper Creepers, where'd you get those peepers?
  • Landmine (Deluxe Class, 2008)
  • Japanese ID number: MA-19
  • Accessories: "Cryo-shock rifle", AllSpark cube (Japanese release only)
  • Known designers: Takashi Kunihiro (TakaraTomy)
As part of the "AllSpark Power" portion of the movie line, Landmine transforms into a Sector Seven assault buggy of the type seen in the movie, which in turn is a heavily modified Chenowth Desert Patrol Vehicle (DPV) with added protective armor. He has several S7 markings over his chassis. The rear of the vehicle sports an identification number of G2G-534. He features spring-loaded shock absorbers on all of his vehicle-mode wheels, plus a roof-mounted cannon on an articulated arm.
Landmine features two Automorph gimmicks. The first is a spring-loaded front end, retracting his front wheels into his chest during transformation. The second is a sliding panel on each of his shins that retracts when the tail light/knee caps are moved into place.
In robot mode, his rifle can be back-mounted to make an over-shoulder cannon, or held in his hand. He also has wheels on the soles of his feet, which let him roll in robot mode... in theory, at least, since his heel-wheels rub against his legs, keeping them from spinning freely.
Like all Japanese "AllSpark Power" toys, the Takara version of Landmine comes with a small AllSpark cube accessory that's not included with the Hasbro version. Landmine himself has a slightly different base plastic color and rubber tires.
Landmine was later redecoed into Revenge of the Fallen Armorhide and Dark of the Moon Comettor. His alternate mode was also used as the basis of Revenge of the Fallen Scout Class Dune Runner, although that toy is an entirely different sculpt.

Let's see what you can see...

This article is in need of images.

Specifics: Japanese version


Revenge of the Fallen

RPMs - Robot Powered Machines

We know, we're shocked he exists too.
  • Landmine VS Rampage (R.P.M. Mini-Vehicle "Battle Series" pack, 2009)
Number six in a series of eight Robot Powered Machines Mini-Vehicle versus packs, "Battle Series" Landmine is packaged with the Constructicon Rampage. He's a non-transformable Hot Wheels-like car, with his robot mode sculpted and painted onto his underside. He has through-axle construction similar to the Generation 2 Go-Bots, letting him zip along smooth surfaces (and compatible racetrack sets) at high speed.
Interestingly, his buggy number is now 23 instead of 52.


Cameos aren't much of a resume, but it's a living.
  • Landmine's vehicle form is directly based on a specific Sector Seven assault buggy seen in the movie. This makes him the only newly created mold from the movie toyline for a character who's not part of the movie cast that is a faithful recreation of the vehicle the toy is based on, without any major artistic liberties taken to circumvent licensing fees, such as were done with Longarm, Arcee, Incinerator, or Stockade.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Landmine (ランドマイン Randomain)


  1. At the time that this biography was published, Sector Seven was terminated at the end of the 2007 Transformers movie, it was unknown at the time when these adventures might have taken place.
  2. The Reign of Starscream trade paperback bonus material
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