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Matrix Blaster

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The Matrix Blaster is a Mini-Con-formed weapon from the Prime portion of the Aligned continuity family.
CybertronSatellite MatrixBlaster.jpg

The Matrix Blaster (マトリクスブラスター Matorikusu Burasutā) is an Arms Micron weapon formed from Gora II, Guru, Zori M and the Matrix. It's very powerful but difficult to fire repeatedly, though this is probably not as big an issue as creating the weapon to begin with, given that the Microns involved are all Decepticons.



From the Cybertron Satellite, Transformers Division

The members of Tokyo Girls' Style built a toy Matrix Blaster and armed Optimus Prime's Space Blaster Mode with it, prompting Vector Sigma to briefly describe the weapon's advantages and disadvantages. Infinite Transformation! Multiplying Enemies



  • Starscream (Voyager, 2012-06-30)
    • ID number: AM-07
  • Megatron Darkness (Voyager, 2012-7-28)
    • ID number: AM-15
  • Arms Master Optimus (Weaponizer, 2012-09-29)
    • ID number: AM-21
  • Zori M (AMW Micron, 2012-09-29)
    • ID number: AMW-10
The Matrix Blaster is formed by combining the separately-sold Gora II and Guru into a gun barrel and Zori M and the Matrix into a handle.


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