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Matrix of Leadership/toys

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The Matrix of Leadership will lighten your darkest wallet.



Robots in Disguise (2001)

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  • Optimus Prime (Super Class, 2001)
When in his Super Mode. the 2001 Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime has a little door on his chest that opens to reveal a sculpted, non-removable Matrix. In Japanese fiction, this was not the Matrix of Leadership, but rather a mere Energon Matrix, the like of which had been seen in toy form before with Lio Convoy and Big Convoy.
The Matrix remained when Prime was redecoed for the Universe (see below) and Cybertron (below again) toylines, and was also present in both the exclusive Clear and Black versions of the figure available in Japan... but being Japanese figures, that technically means it's not the Matrix of Leadership on them!

The Transformers

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  • New Year Special Convoy (2002)
  • Galvatron II (2005)
The first true Matrix of Leadership toy was a silver die-cast metal accessory which came with Takara's "New Year Special" reissue of the original The Transformers Optimus Prime figure. The Matrix came with a removable chain that allowed it to be looped around the head of Prime or any other figure you chose to give it to, and when flipped upside-down, it could also clip over the Diaclone-holdover cockpit seats inside Prime's opening chest compartment.
This Matrix was redecoed in gold for inclusion with Takara's 2005 reissue of the original Galvatron toy, and in green (specifically representing its appearance as the Creation Matrix in the Marvel Comics series) for the e-HOBBY exclusive Galvatron II redeco. Years later, the original silver version of the Matrix was included as part of the "Rodimus vs. Cyclonus" set in the 2010 Transformers toyline (see below).
The Creation Matrix was used as the Green Matrix in Generations Selects Special Comic.


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  • Optimus Prime (Super Base, 2002/2003)
  • Shining Gold Convoy (Super Base, 2003)
  • Powerlinx Optimus Prime (Super Base, 2003)
  • Battle for the Matrix (Multi-pack, 2003)
  • Magna Convoy DX Set (Multi-pack, 2003)
The large version of Armada Optimus Prime has a non-removable Matrix of Leadership hidden behind the flip-down grill on his chest. This feature was kept for the various redecos of this mold, gaining a blue center for Prime's "Powerlinx" redeco, and being entirely chromed when the figure got the gold chrome treatment as a Lucky Draw figure. Some further coloration changes were made when the figure was redecoed during the Energon toyline (see below).
Although this mold was never redecoed into Nemesis Prime, the Linkage mini-comics exploited the two characters' physical similarity to essentially repurpose this Matrix into the Doomstone.

Universe (2003)

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  • Optimus Prime (Supreme Class, 2003)
Although Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime got a lemon-yellow makeover for the Universe toyline, the Matrix beneath their chest-panel remained the same as ever.


Matrix of Halloween
  • Optimus Prime and Overload (Multi-pack, 2005)
While the new-mold Optimus Prime toys created for the Energon toyline lacked any kind of Matrix (instead featuring the Spark of Combination in a very Matrix-esque middle-of-the-chest position), the line did not go entirely without, as the Armada Super Base Prime figure was redecoed and re-released in a multi-pack with combination partner Overload. Available exclusively at Costco stores, this Super Base Optimus Prime redecoed the sculpted Matrix in a bright golden-orange (compared to the dull gold of before), with a green crystal at the center.


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  • Optimus Prime (2004)
  • Convoy (Lucky Draw figure, 2004)
  • Ultra Magnus (2004)
  • Convoy Black Version (2010)
  • Convoy Sleep Mode (2010)
  • Convoy Last Production (2011)
A chromed Matrix accessory came with Hasbro's 20th Anniversary and Takara's Masterpiece edition of Optimus Prime, consisting of a translucent blue "crystal" centre surrounded by two shell-halves that could be pulled open. The Matrix stored in an opening chamber in Prime's chest, where its centre could be illuminated by a blue LED light built into the compartment. In order to fit into Prime's chest, however, the Matrix wound up being rather small, leaving Prime only able to wrap two of his fingers through its handles, instead of his whole hands.
The Matrix was included with every reissue and redeco of the Prime mold, remaining in its normal colors when it came with Ultra Magnus, and the "Perfect Edition", "Sleep Mode", and "Final Edition" versions of Prime himself. When Prime was chromed entirely gold as a Lucky Draw figure, though, the Matrix was likewise blinged out, while the Matrix included with the "Black Version" of Prime, representing an Eldedroid, was chromed purple where the original was gold, and had a red translucent centre, illuminated by the figure's new red LED. A non-chromed version of the Matrix was included with Hasbro's "DVD Edition" of the figure as part of the Classics line (see below).

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  • Rodimus Convoy (2011/2018)
Being built to a smaller scale than the Masterpiece Optimus Prime figure, Masterpiece Rodimus Prime featured a new, smaller Matrix accessory of his own, cast in translucent blue plastic and decorated with gold and silver chrome. The Matrix stores in a chamber in Rodimus's abdomen, but is so small (smaller even relatively to Rodimus than Optimus's Matrix was to him) that Rodimus can't hold it by its handles at all. This Matrix mold was also included with Black Rodimus Convoy, now with a red chrome shell.

(Convoy Mode "Eva" version)
  • Convoy (BAPE REDCAMO ver.) (November 2015)
  • Shattered Glass Optimus Prime (November 2016)
  • Optimus Prime (2017)
  • Convoy (BAPE BLACKCAMO ver.) (2017)
MP-10 Convoy is an entirely new tooling of "Generation 1" Optimus Prime. Convoy is now smaller, making him more in-scale with other recent Masterpiece toys, such as Rodimus, and comes with a trailer and various accessories. His chest compartment opens up to reveal an equally smaller, new-mold Matrix of Leadership with a clear blue plastic center. Unlike the previous version, the Matrix cannot be pulled apart, Convoy can only wrap his index finger around the handle and cannot hold it both hands at once, and the Matrix chamber in his chest has no light-up feature, but hey, at least it's now die-cast metal!
The Matrix was also included with MP-10 Convoy's redecoes, of note: Convoy Mode "Eva" (rendered with a red crystal, said in accompanying fiction to be based on the core of an Angel) and for Black Convoy, it was redecoed into the Dead Matrix.
Later Masterpiece figures MP-22 Ultra Magnus and MP-28 Hot Rodimus (as well as their redecoes) are also designed to interact with this Matrix mold: both can carry it in their chests, while Ultra Magnus also comes with special hands for holding it.
The Matrix of Leadersip was redecoed into Mito's Town Matrix and Fukutsu's Town Matrix, and the Matrix of Malice included with Windsweeper.

  • Optimus Prime (2017)
This release of Masterpiece Movie Series Optimus Prime comes with his own Matrix of Leadership.

  • Convoy Ver.3.0 (2019)
  • Optimus Prime (2024)
MP-44 is another all new tooling of "Generation 1" Optimus Prime, with a much more anime accurate style and increased complexity. It features a redeco of the MP-10 die-cast Matrix with a painted metallic blue core.

  • Optimus Prime (2021)
But there's no Matrix in Bumblebee? Wait a sec...
MPM-12 comes with a new die-cast Matrix of Leadership heavily inspired by its "Generation 1" design, despite never appearing in Bumblebee. And the prequel/reboot debate goes on...


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  • Optimus Prime (Leader Class, 2005)
  • Galaxy Convoy Gold Version (Leader Lucky Draw figure, 2005)
  • Galaxy Convoy Silver Version (Leader Lucky Draw figure, 2005)
  • Galaxy Convoy Custom Color Version (Leader Lucky Draw figure, 2005)
  • Sonic Convoy (Multi-pack, 2005)
  • Galaxy Force Optimus Prime (Leader Class, 2006)
  • Optimus Prime / Wing Saber (multi-pack, 2006)
Cybertron Optimus Prime comes with a removable Matrix of Leadership accessory, decorated with an inverse color scheme that renders the crystal orange and the holder grey. The Matrix fits in Prime's chest, and his large, articulated fingers mean that he can hold it, though not in both hands at once.
The Matrix received multiple redecoes and rereleases though remained unchanged for his mass-retail "Galaxy Force" coloration, which was also re-released without changes in the 2008 Universe toyline.
Galaxy Convoy Gold Version's Matrix was repurposed as the Gold Matrix by "Generations Selects Special Comic Finale".

  • Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime (multi-pack, 2005)
Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime was slightly redecoed for inclusion in this Costco-exclusive two-pack with Robots in Disguise Ultra Magnus. The mold still sports its sculpted Matrix detail, though for this release the paint applications that surrounded it were changed from orange to black (this being the only change from the original figure). It's not impossible that this might actually not have represented the Matrix of Leadership on this figure, but instead the Spark of Combination, which the set's packaging mentions as the source of the brothers' combining power—but we include it here to be thorough!

Hybrid Style

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  • Galaxy Convoy (2005)
Part of Takara's short Hybrid Style series of small-scale, highly-articulated figures, this version of Cybertron Optimus Prime came with a really tiny removable Matrix that stored in its customary position within the toy's chest. It was a somewhat more show-accurate sculpt than the Matrix included with the full-size Cybertron Prime figure, and was colored with metallic paint as opposed to the larger figure's mostly-unpainted accessory.

  • Convoy (2006)
  • Convoy Black Version (2006)
  • Convoy Black Gold Version (November 25, 2013)
The Hybrid Style version of "Generation 1" Optimus Prime also comes with a super-tiny Matrix, not much bigger than a large drug capsule, which fits in the traditional opening compartment within Prime's chest. Like the Hybrid Style Cybertron Prime before it, the figure comes with an assortment of alternate hands, but unlike its predecessor, it includes a pair specifically designed to hold the Matrix. Due to the small size of the figure, they do not figure articulated fingers to grip it, but instead are cast in the shape of clenched fists with grooves cut into the outside of the fingers into which the Matrix can slot.
The Matrix was also included with Prime's later "Black Version" and "Black Gold Version" redeco, without changes.

Generation 2

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  • Battle Convoy (reissue, 2006)
  • Laser Ultra Magnus (e-Hobby exclusive, 2006)
When Generation 2 Battle Convoy was reissued in 2006, among the assorted changes made to his deco was the addition of a pair of new stickers to his chest windows that depicted the Matrix resting in its traditional position inside him. The stickers remained when the figure was redecoed into the e-HOBBY exclusive Laser Ultra Magnus figure.


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  • Optimus Prime (20th Anniversary DVD Edition, 2006)
The Classics "DVD Edition" of Masterpiece Optimus Prime included the familiar Matrix accessory, but as with all the other parts of the toy that had previously been vacuum-metalized, it is now decorated in metallic gold and silver paint, rather than chrome.

Universe (2008)

  • Optimus Prime vs Crumplezone (Costco exclusive multi-pack, 2008)
A rerelease of the above Cybertron Galaxy Force Optimus Prime toy, Universe Leader Class Optimus Prime retains the same Matrix of Leadership.

Transformers (2010)

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  • Battle Blades Optimus Prime (Voyager Class, 2010)
While the Revenge of the Fallen movie may have left the fate of the live-action Matrix up in the air, the Transformers Voyager Class Battle Blades Optimus Prime figure follows through on the intention evident in several of the film's adaptations by including it as an accessory stored within his body. Specifically, this removable Matrix attaches to a translucent blue plate hidden in Prime's midriff, which rotates up into place when his chest is opened and a panel on his abdomen is folded down. The Matrix is unpainted grey plastic on the Hasbro release of the figure; the TakaraTomy edition of Battle Blades Prime gives it coat of silver paint.

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  • Battle in Space (2-pack, 2010)
The die-cast metal Matrix originally released by TakaraTomy with several of their "Generation 1" reissues (see above) received its first Hasbro release in this box set of redecos of Classics Rodimus and Universe Cyclonus, released under the Reveal the Shield subline imprint. The Matrix itself is back in its original silver coloration. Unfortunately, the figures can't actually interact with the accessory in any way: Neither Rodimus nor Cyclonus can actually hold the Matrix, and it can't even hang from their necks since it does not include the removable chain that came with the various Takara editions.

Brought to you by the guys who designed Thunderblast.
  • Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class, 2011)
Part of the sixth wave of the 2010 Transformers toyline and the second wave of the Reveal the Shield subline imprint, this Optimus Prime is an all-new Deluxe Class mold based on the original Generation 2 Laser Optimus Prime toy (see above). The panels on the side of his truck mode fold in behind his chest windows in robot mode to reveal a sculpted Matrix of Leadership.

  • Masterpiece Rodimus Prime (2011)
Masterpiece Rodimus Prime is a Toys"R"Us-exclusive release of the Rodimus Convoy figure, and was redecoed to resemble his original toy. His Matrix is no longer vacuum-metalized, and the shell is instead given a coat of metallic gold paint.
This version of Rodimus also comes with an additional new-mold Matrix accessory, very similar to Masterpiece Optimus Prime's Matrix. Rodimus is actually capable of wrapping his entire mitts around this accessory's handles, and the Matrix can be pulled open (but not apart) to reveal more of the crystal inside.

  • Masterpiece Optimus Prime (2012)
The Hasbro Toys"R"Us-exclusive release of MP-10 Convoy features various plastic color and paint detail changes. He still comes with the Matrix, which appears to be no different.


  • Laser Optimus Prime (March 26, 2011)
A redeco of the Reveal the Shield toy above, United Laser Optimus Prime retains the Matrix of Leadership detail.

Dark of the Moon

Orange you glad it doesn't look like this in the film?
  • Optimus Prime / Includes Deluxe Class Comettor (2-pack, 2011)
This redeco and retool of the Battle Blades Optimus Prime toy, Optimus Prime includes a redecoed, orange version of the live-action movie Matrix.


In Soviet Russia, Prime is in the Matrix.
  • Matrix of Leadership SDCC Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class, 2011)
Exclusive to San Diego Comic-Con, this minor repaint of Deluxe-Class Prime: First Edition Optimus Prime comes inside special Matrix-shaped packaging that can be worn around your neck.

When light isn't enough for your darkest hour, simply replace "light" with "lacerate".
Part of the seventh wave of Japanese Prime toys, the TakaraTomy version of Weaponizer Optimus Prime comes with a very large Matrix which can tab onto his chest as armor or mount onto the back of the truck cab. It is covered in 5 mm posts and holes so Arms Microns can be attached to it. He also has a clear-blue "Shining" version of the Arms Micron, R.A., who can combine with the Matrix to form the colossal Matrix Saber. If Microns O.P. and B.B. (sold separately) are also thrown into the mix, the result is the Super Star Saber.
Note that the clear-plastic-on-clear-plastic hinge in the middle of the blade stresses rapidly with repeated transformation due to the pressure leveraged onto the free-standing side of the clip when traveling from Matrix mode to Saber mode. As such, the user is advised to pick one mode and keep the Matrix there.


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  • Matrix Optimus Prime (2011)
Intended to be exclusive to BotCon 2011, this Optimus Prime Kreon has an open chest showing the Matrix of Leadership within. He comes with a G1 inspired gun and a black brick display stand. We say "intended", because in actuality, the thing appears to have been produced in such huge quantities that it's wound up being made available in loads of other places—it was handed out at San Diego Comic-Con 2011, offered as a free giveaway with any order that included Transformers toys on Hasbro Toy Shop), as a free gift on the cover of the Awesome Autobots Activity Book, and came as a free gift attached to, of all things, issue #240 of the UK children's comic, Doctor Who Adventures (but not the UK's Transformers comic, you'll note!). A supposed factory error even caused this version (minus display stand) to be included in the larger Optimus Prime kit (see above). This problem has (presumably) been fixed, but it was awesome while it lasted.


  • Kick-Over/Optimus Prime (BotCon 2012 souvenir set)
  • Scourge (TFSS 1.0, 2013)
As redecoes of the Reveal the Shield toy above, Timelines Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Scourge all retain the Matrix of Leadership detail.

Bot Shots

It was only a matter of time before the Transformers stumbled into Paper Mario.
  • Battle for the Matrix (2012)
This Bot Shots Ultimate Battle set includes a Matrix trophy card. It's made of cardboard and was probably already bent up when you opened the packaging.


  • Ultimate Gift Set (2012)
A redeco of the Reveal the Shield toy above, Generations Combat Hero Optimus Prime retains the Matrix of Leadership detail.

Platinum Edition

  • Year of the Horse Optimus Prime (2014)
Released to celebrate Chinese New Year, Platinum Edition "Year of the Horse" Optimus Prime is a redeco of MP-10 Convoy, complete with Matrix.

  • Rise of Rodimus Prime (Platinum Edition 2-pack, 2016)
A reuse of the Matrix accessory that was first included with the Masterpiece MP-10 figure, this time illustrating the conflict between Rodimus Prime (using a redeco of his Titanium Series toy) and Galvatron (using a redeco of his 2008 Universe Deluxe Class toy). Ironically, of the two figures in the set, only Galvatron can actually hold the Matrix.

  • Optimus Prime Year of the Rooster Edition (2017)

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Age of Extinction

  • Revenge Optimus Prime (2014)
The Matrix included in Age of Extinction Revenge Optimus Prime redeco retains the same silver paint coating.


A redeco of the Reveal the Shield toy above, Legends Black Convoy retains the Matrix of Leadership detail.

Power of the Primes

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POTP-Matrix of Leadership-Optimal Optimus.jpg POTP-Matrix of Leadership-Throne of the Primes.jpg
  • Evolution Rodimus Prime (Leader Class, 2017)
  • Evolution Optimus Prime (Leader Class, 2017)
  • Evolution Optimus Primal (Leader Class, 2018)
  • Throne of the Primes (Multi-pack, 2018)
Each standard Power of the Primes Leader Class figure includes a uniquely-colored Matrix of Leadership which can be placed inside their chest (sans Rodimus Unicronus and Nemesis Prime, who instead include the Matrix of Chaos and Dark Matrix of Leadership respectively). The central crystal of the Matrix is removable, and has the same dimensions as a Prime Master's spark mode (or Titan Master in head mode). This means that the crystal can be replaced in the Matrix by any Prime Master, and that the removed crystal can be slotted into the armor accessories included with Deluxe and Voyager Class Power of the Primes figures, along with the heads of Titans Return figures. It can also be replaced with an Enigma of Combination included with the Voyager Class figures.
Only the Matrix from Optimus Prime uses the original coloration of the Matrix of Leadership; Rodimus Prime's is based on an alternate coloration that shows up here or there, while the one from the regular retail Optimal Optimus is colored to resemble Optimus Prime's spark container in the Beast Wars episode "Optimal Situation". Finally, the one included with Throne of the Primes Optimal Optimus is based on his Beast Wars Season 1 chest.

War for Cybertron: Siege

  • Optimus Prime (Voyager Class, 2018)
  • Classic Animation Optimus Prime (Voyager Class, 2019)
In Siege Optimus Prime's vehicle mode, opening its windows shows the Matrix of Leadership molded into the plastic. Due to the transformation, the Matrix doesn't end up in the chest in robot mode. The toy was redecoed into Siege Nemesis Prime and War for Cybertron Trilogy Nemesis Prime, repurposing the Matrix-detail into the Dark Matrix.

Golden Lagoon

  • Golden Lagoon Convoy (July 29, 2018)

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  • Optimus Prime (Ultimate Class, 2018/2019)
For the first Ultimate Class version of Cyberverse Optimus, The Matrix is represented as a deployable non-removable action feature. The feature is activated by pressing in his left clavicle while in robot mode, or pressing down on the top of his cab in vehicle mode. In fact, you will likely deploy it on accident a lot due to how sensitive the button is, especially during transformation. Once deployed, it can be made to spin by rolling the truck mode forward (powered by the right front wheel) or by spinning the small red wheel on his robot mode side. This causes the clear blue "energy" details to open, revealing the Matrix underneath. This gimmick is gravity dependent, meaning it must be in the correct position to activate properly.

  • Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class, 2019)
  • Heroes of Cybertron 3-Pack (Deluxe Class 3-pack, 2022)
The Deluxe Class version of Cyberverse Optimus features another sculpted non-removable Matrix of Leadership. While the Matrix cannot be removed from Prime's chest, it can have a special blast effect part plugged into it to emulate a beam of energy shooting out from it.


  • MP-10G Optimus Prime Ecto-35 Edition (July 19, 2019)

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  • VNR Optimus Prime (2023)
As a repaint of Holiday Optimus Prime, The Matrix included with VNR Optimus Prime is a repaint of the Matrix of Holiday Cheer. It can be removed from Optimus Prime's chest, though the figure is incapable of holding it in its hands.

Generations Selects

  • Star Convoy (2019)
The Selects Star Convoy retool of Power of the Primes Optimus Prime includes a compatible Matrix (also used as the "Silver Matrix") that doesn't split into 2 pieces. This matrix has a 5 mm post on the bottom and a 5mm hole on top, meant to allow the figure's 2 guns to combine with it into the "Big Bang Cannon." The post makes it wieldable by figures with 5mm fist holes. While the core and frame aren't interchangeable the matrix can be put in the chests of other Power of the Primes leader class figures.

War for Cybertron: Earthrise

  • Optimus Prime (Leader Class, 2020)
  • Alternate Universe Optimus Prime (Leader Class, 2020)
Both toys of Earthrise Optimus Prime include an opening chest compartment that stores a removable Matrix of Leadership, similar to MP-01, MP-10 and MP-44 Convoy. Prime's opening hands can grasp the handles, and the reverse of the Matrix features a 5 mm port, making it surprisingly C.O.M.B.A.T. System-compatible. Different Matrix sculpts across the War for Cybertron Trilogy would (mostly) use the design of this Matrix as a starting point, though they are largely made from new tooling.

War for Cybertron Trilogy

Trilogy Optimus Matrix.JPG Selects SG Optimus Matrix.JPG

  • Optimus Prime (Battle 3-Pack, 2020)
  • Shattered Glass Optimus Prime & Shattered Glass Ratchet (Selects 2-Pack, 2020)
A redeco of the Earthrise toy above, War for Cybertron Trilogy Optimus Prime retains the same Matrix of Leadership, albeit in slightly darker colors. War for Cybertron Trilogy / Selects Shattered Glass Optimus Prime includes a newly-decoed Matrix cast in translucent dark yellow with silver and purple paint applied to the front and was described by Hasbro Pulse as the evil Matrix of Leadership.[1]

Trilogy Spoiler Pack Megatron Matrix.jpg
  • Spoiler Pack (Leader Unboxing, 2021)
The third War for Cybertron Trilogy Spoiler Pack includes another Matrix accessory. Made of soft, rubberised plastic, this Matrix is molded to a harness that allows it to hook onto the included Megatron in both robot and tank modes. The design of this Matrix diverges from all other Matrix accessories released across the War for Cybertron Trilogy in that it is based on the model from the show... which, in turn strangely appears to be based on Shout! Factory's complete Transformers DVD box set.

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  • Galvatron (Selects Leader Class, 2021)
A redeco of the Kingdom toy below, War for Cybertron Trilogy / Selects Galvatron retains the same Matrix of Leadership in green to represent the Creation Matrix as depicted in the original Marvel comic and the Galvatron II toy (and by extension, the Star Power Creation Matrix).

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  • Behold, Galvatron! Unicron Companion Pack (Leader Class, 2022)
A different redeco of Kingdom Galvatron, this "Behold, Galvatron!" is cast in mostly translucent purple plastics, including a completely unpainted Matrix accessory.

War for Cybertron: Kingdom

  • Optimus Prime (Leader Class, 2020)
A rerelease of the above Earthrise toy, Kingdom Leader Class Optimus Prime retains the same Matrix of Leadership.

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  • Galvatron (Leader Class, 2021)
Kingdom Galvatron includes a Matrix of Leadership, similar to the one first included with Earthrise Optimus Prime. The new molding allows it to mount onto an included plastic chain via 5 mm post, which can rest around Galvatron's neck or attach at the base of the cannon barrel in his alternate mode. Unlike other War for Cybertron Trilogy Matrices, this Matrix is cast in opaque gray plastic, with the silver and gold shell and light blue crystal painted on.

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  • Rodimus Prime (Commander Class, 2021)
Another newly-tooled Matrix is included with Kingdom Commander Class Rodimus Prime, again based on Earthrise Optimus Prime's. Rodimus Prime can accommodate it in his chest, or hold it with his articulated hands; as with Studio Series Hot Rod below (who was released first), this Matrix includes an additional effect part that clips on the front to simulate it glowing. The hole on the reverse side of this Matrix is too small for 5 mm integration.

Studio Series

Studio Series 86 Hot Rod Matrix.jpg
  • Autobot Hot Rod (Voyager Class, 2020)
Another different tooling to the all of the above, Studio Series 86-04 Autobot Hot Rod's Matrix comes with an additional effect part (a different one from the one included with Kingdom Rodimus Prime) that clips over the front to recreate the iconic scene from The Transformers: The Movie, thanks to Hot Rod's articulation. The hole on the reverse side is too large to accommodate 5 mm accessories. Compared to similar sculpts, this Matrix lacks the bumps on the sides of the orb and the radial lines on the top left and bottom right sections. Oddly enough, those lines are still present on the reverse side.

  • Ultra Magnus (Commander Class, 2023)
The Matrix included with Studio Series Ultra Magnus is cast in clear plastic and painted over. It can store in his chest. Unfortunately, due to the Matrix being too small, he can only hold it with two fingers. Out-of-the-box, the Matrix is inserted upside down in his chest, a mistake that is also present in the instructions and packaging, the latter of which amusingly makes it look like the Matrix can launch out of his chest.
Studio Series Gamer Edition WFC Optimus Prime Matrix of Leadership.jpg
  • Gamer Edition Optimus Prime (Voyager Class, 2023)
A War for Cybertron-accurate Matrix is included with Studio Series Gamer Edition Optimus Prime. It has a 5 mm port on the back to store in Prime’s chest. As the chest peg is painted, it is sized slightly smaller than normal to allow for tolerance, but as a result some copies have very slightly loose connections. This Matrix happens to be loosely compatible with Studio Series Hot Rod's Matrix glow effect.

  • Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class, 2024)
  • Optimus Prime (Limited Edition Battle Damage Ver.) (Deluxe Class, 2024)
This Matrix is based on its appearance in Transformers One and is included with Studio Series 112 Optimus Prime. Unlike prior Matrix toys, this one is held by tabbing into slots on the outsides of Prime's fists instead of needing opening hands. It is painted the traditional Generation 1 colors of silver and orange instead of the film's full gold.

  • Optimus Prime (Commander Class, 2024)
Included with Commander Class '86 Optimus Prime, this Matrix is another one based on the Earthrise design with minor sculpt differences. Again due to its small size, this Prime can only hold the Matrix with his index fingers. The port on the back is slightly larger than 5 mm.

  • Galvatron (Leader Class, 2025)

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Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

  • Devastation Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class, 2025)

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Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Premium Finish

  • Optimus Prime (Voyager Class, 2021)
A redeco of the Siege toy above, Premium Finish Optimus Prime retains the Matrix of Leadership detail.


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  • Laser Optimus Prime (Leader Class, 2022)
  • Robots in Disguise 2000 Universe Scourge (Leader Class, 2022)
  • G2 Universe Toxitron (Leader Class, 2023)
Legacy Leader Class Laser Optimus Prime, and his redecoes Robots in Disguise 2000 Universe Scourge and G2 Universe Toxitron, include a Matrix accessory that can be removed from their opening chest. The hole on the reverse side is a 5 mm port, and as such is compatible with many contemporary accessories, though its intended home seems to be the thin peg on Prime's axe accessory, allowing the Autobot leader to have a huge, Matrix-powered sword (among other possible combinations).
Though thinner and flatter than other Matrices released across the War for Cybertron Trilogy toylines, it is still compatible with the energy aura blast effects included with Kingdom Rodimus Prime and Studio Series Hot Rod, so that's neat.

  • Galvatron (Leader Class, 2022)
A rerelease of the above Kingdom toy, Legacy Leader Class Galvatron retains the same Matrix of Leadership.

  • Armada Universe Optimus Prime (Commander Class, 2023)
Based on its appearance in the Armada cartoon, Prime includes a removable Matrix inside the front panel of his chest. The Matrix itself is cast in clear plastic and painted gold on its front surface, and attaches to a red 5mm post. This allows the Matrix to look like its typical depiction in the show when removed, but also to appear in its "activated" state when inside Prime's chest.

  • G1 Universe Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class, 2024)
The Legacy G1 Universe Optimus Prime also comes with a translucent Matrix of Leadership painted with clear blue, inspired by the accessories from the New Year Special Convoy and the Missing Link iterations.

  • Fractured Friendship 2-Pack (2-pack, 2024)

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  • Omega Prime (2025)

Part of the fourth HasLab campaign, two "Matrix of Leadership accessories" are included in this enormous Legacy box set of the two Robots in Disguise commanders: one reproducing Optimus Prime / Fire Convoy's original "Energon Matrix" molded chest detail as a removable accessory and one for God Magnus's previously only mentioned Energon Matrix. (Ultra Magnus did not have an established Matrix of Leadership prior to this toy.)
Omega Prime was revealed on January 30, 2024, with the crowdfunding campaign beginning soon after. The project reached 50% funding in only 24 hours, beating all three previous Transformers HasLabs. It reached full funding on February 9th, 2024, in only ten days - three times quicker than the previous record holder, Deathsaurus.[6] At the closing bell on March 14, the set clocked in at 28,230 backers, beating the previous Transformers record by quite a fair margin (Deathsaurus again, with 27,442) and coming in second only to Marvel Legends Galactus as the most successful project in HasLab history.[7]
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Shattered Glass Collection

  • Ultra Magnus (Leader Class, 2022)
A recolor of the Matrix accessory included with Legacy Laser Optimus Prime. Magnus also includes red versions of the sword and axe that Laser Optimus Prime comes with, meaning that all three can be combined, and indeed they are in the figure's stock photography.
  • Rodimus / Sideswipe & Decepticon Whisper (2023)
A recolor of the Matrix accessory included with Studio Series 86-04 Autobot Hot Rod. Painted in silver and dark grey over red translucent plastic, and coming with a recolor of the original's effect part, also in red.


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LEGO Optimus Prime includes a removable brick-built Matrix accessory.


  • Optimus Prime R5 (2023)
Canon/Transformers Optimus Prime includes a uniquely styled version of the Matrix of Leadership that can be pegged onto his lens in camera mode, just behind the front element. The Matrix can be also be pegged into his palms and grasped by his articulated hands.

Missing Link

  • Convoy (2024)
  • Convoy (Anime Edition) (2024)
  • Sentinel Prime (2024)
Both releases of Missing Link Convoy include removable Matrices that can store within their cab. The standard release includes a gold chrome Matrix, while the Anime Edition has one painted in animation-accurate metallic orange and silver. Convoy features articulated knuckles which allow the figure to hold the Matrix in its hands. The inner Matrix chamber is removable and reveals molded driver/passenger seats like the original toy, if one prefers that look.


  • Soundwave / Optimus Prime (2024)
Reactivate Optimus Prime features an opening chest and includes a minor repaint of the Matrix included with Earthrise Optimus Prime.


  • Target Optimus Prime and Autobot Bullseye (2024)
As a repaint of Legacy Leader Class Laser Optimus Prime, Target Optimus Prime includes a repaint of that Prime's Matrix, which is removable and stores inside his chest.

Lunar Cruiser Prime

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  • Lunar Cruiser Prime (2024)
Produced in collaboration with Japanese space agency JAXA and Toyota, Lunar Cruiser Prime features a non-removable Matrix of Leadership visible through his windshield chest.


  • Optimus Prime/Orion Pax (2024)
Released as part of the Transformers One toyline, Prime Changers Orion Pax/Optimus Prime includes a tiny removable Matrix, which stores on the backside of his truck bumper, which folds up into his chest, but is not directly accessible from the chest window itself like most Optimus toys with removable Matrices. This Matrix can be held via a pair of 5 mm posts.

  • Power Flip Optimus Prime (2024)
Power Flip Optimus Prime features a removable Matrix which attaches to the flip-out chest armor that deploys from Prime's chest.

  • Energon Matrix Optimus Prime (2024)
Energon Matrix Optimus Prime is a non-transforming figure that has a gimmick involving his chest flipping from Prime's cogless chest to a sculpted Matrix of Leadership.

  • Ultimate Energon Optimus Prime (2024)
Ultimate Energon Optimus Prime includes a removable Matrix that pegs into his chest. While the Matrix is removable, the figure hand's can't hold it.

  • Brave Commander Optimus Prime (2024)
Another larger format Optimus Prime toy, this time released by TakaraTomy, Brave Commander Optimus Prime also features a removable Matrix of Leadership. The figure has articulated knuckles, so the Matrix can be held in its hands.

Dramatic Capture Series

  • Autobot Headquarters (2024)

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This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Transformers × Godzilla

  • Optimus Prime Type MFS-3 Kiryu (2024)
Part of TakaraTomy's Synergex Godzilla crossover, Optimus Prime Type MFS-3 Kiryu is a repaint of Laser Optimus Prime, and includes a repaint of that Prime's removable Matrix.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


  • Shattered Glass Optimus Prime (2025)

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This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Transformers × Monster Hunter

T-SPARK Synergenex Liolaeus Prime.jpg
  • Rathalos Prime (2025)
Released as part of TakaraTomy's Synergex series of crossover toys, "Rathalos Prime" includes a "Collaboration Matrix" bearing the insignia of a Rathalos Ruby in its center. The Matrix can be held via the 5 mm posts at either end of its casing.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Bump of Chicken

  • Convoy (2025)

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Age of the Primes

  • Prima Prime (Voyager Class, 2025)

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This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

  • Star Optimus Prime (Titan Class, 2025)

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This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


MC Axis

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  • Hot Rod (model kit, 1996)
This Japanese "garage kit" of Hot Rod consists of an unpainted, unassembled resin model from MC Axis, with two versions of the Matrix of Leadership: one standard, fairly useless one (since Hot Rod lacks either a chest compartment to hold it, or articulated hands to grip it), and a second sculpted with a pair of hands clutching its handles, which can be swapped out for Hot Rod's normal hands, allowing him to hoist it aloft.
The kit is not known for its exceptional quality control - numerous unsightly air bubbles in the plastic are not an uncommon thing to encounter.


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  • Metalforce Convoy (2000)
  • Metalforce Convoy Metalic Version [sic] (2000)
A Matrix of Leadership accessory is included with both the standard Metalforce Optimus Prime and its metallic redeco, cast in translucent blue plastic and painted over. The Matrix fits into its traditional cavity in Prime's chest, and a panel can then be placed on top of it to hide it from view; alternatively, the panel can be left out, allowing the Matrix to remain visible through Prime's chest windows. For whatever reason, the figures also came with an uncut, unpainted version of the Matrix (and all of Prime's other accessories) as well.

Super Collection Figure

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  • Rodimus Convoy with Matrix (2000)
  • Rodimus Convoy with Matrix (2001)
The Matrix made its first appearance in Taraka's Super Collection Figure series of PVC figurines in the hands of the rare Rodimus Prime chase figure from the line's second "act". Both Rodimus and the Matrix were cast entirely in translucent colored plastic, as the Autobot leader held the talisman in both hands, in the process of opening it.
The Matrix-bearing Rodimus chase figure was re-released as a standard figure for the fourth Super Collection Figure wave, this time as both a standard, solid-color figure and a metallic silver "pewter" version, both available at one each per standard case of twelve. In eight out of every ten cases, the pewter figure came with the right leg of the wave's collectable Metroplex "build-a-figure".

  • Convoy with Matrix (2001)
The Matrix made another appearance in the hands of a chase figure with this metallic silver Optimus Prime from the fifth Super Collection Figure act. The Matrix's translucent blue core is the only part of the figure not covered in silver paint.

Mega Super Collection Figure

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  • Convoy TV Version (2002)
  • Convoy Metallic Version (2002)
  • Convoy Battle Damage Version (2002)
  • Hot Rodimus (2002)
  • Rodimus Convoy (2002)
The same Matrix accessory, cast in grey plastic with orange paint on the casing and metallic silver on the core, was included with the various Mega Super Collection Figure versions of Optimus Prime and Rodimus Prime. None of the figures had compartments to store the Matrix, nor hands equipped to hold it in the normal way: the most any of the five figures can manage is to cup or balance it in their "open palm" alternate hands.

KT Figure Collection

  • Convoy (2004)
  • Convoy Revival Version (2004)
The bust of Optimus Prime released as part of the KT Figure Collection features a removable Matrix with some atypical green detailing. Visible through Prime's chest windows, the Matrix is revealed when a lever on Prime's back is pressed, opening his chest and pushing the Matrix forward. The Matrix remained in the silver "Revival Version" redeco available exclusively through Figure Ō magazine.

First 4 Figures

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  • SD Ultra Magnus (statue, 2006)
Seeking to produce a super deformed Transformers statue, First 4 Figures teamed up with Transformers fan site to run a contest that would allow fans to design their own. The winning design, depicting an unhappy Ultra Magnus after an amusingly unfortunate attempt at opening the Matrix of Leadership, was created by fan Xu Wei (aka Iron Bird), and was limited to only 500 pieces. A variant edition of the statue was also produced, redecoing Magnus in the color scheme of his Diaclone precursor, Powered Convoy, and was even more limited at only 100 pieces.

Diamond Select Toys

Deus sold separately
  • Autobot Matrix of Leadership (2006)
Diamond Select Toys produced a human-scaled replica of the Matrix. Weighing six pounds, it was sculpted by Robert Lee and is a limited edition of 1,000 pieces. The Matrix can be picked up off its Autobot-symbol base, and held by the finger holes in the handgrips — and while it does not open, it can "light your darkest hour," with internal electronics that make the central crystal orb pulse in blue, green, red, yellow, and pink. The base also has a removable Key to Vector Sigma accessory, which activates the electronics when placed in the base.

  • Unicron Movie Statue (Diamond Select, 2007)
This statue of Hot Rod and Unicron stands 8 ½” tall and was limited to 1,986 pieces (as in 1986, the year the original animated movie was released). Hot Rod stands in the center of the piece, holding the Matrix of Leadership aloft, as Unicron looms behind him.

Optimus Prime (top), G1 Animated (middle), Powermaster (bottom) and Final Battle (main).
  • Optimus Prime (bust, 2007)
  • Final Battle Optimus Prime (Action Figure Xpress exclusive bust, 2007)
  • G1 Animated Optimus Prime (San Diego Comic Con exclusive bust, 2008)
  • Powermaster Optimus Prime (unreleased bust, 2008)
The Matrix of Leadership was a regular fixture on Diamond Select's array of Optimus Prime busts, appearing as sculpted detail on the standard base piece shared by the Optimus Prime, G1 Animated Optimus Prime, and unreleased Powermaster Optimus Prime busts. The same base was used for the Final Battle Optimus Prime bust, which represents the character after his climactic battle with Megatron, but the Matrix was removed (replaced with a panel displaying Prime's life-signs) and instead included as a removable accessory that fits in the bust's hand.


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  • Convoy (2007)
Revoltech Optimus Prime comes with a Matrix accessory. Alas, like his Mega SCF incarnations before him (see above), Revoltech Prime cannot store it in his chest, and is unable to grasp it with any of his various alternate hands, with the only possible means of interaction being to precariously balance the Matrix in his open palm.

Robot Heroes

  • Optimus Prime vs Unicron (2007)
  • Optimus Prime (Single-pack, 2008)
Super deformed Robot Heroes Optimus Prime is depicted opening the Matrix of Leadership to light the Autobots' darkest hour.

Mecha Nations

  • Optimus Prime (2014)
Created by Kids Logic, this super deformed "G1" Optimus Prime has a light-up, non-removable Matrix in his chest.


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  • Optimus Prime (2014)
  • ID number: UM-01
Ultimetal Optimus Prime is a large, extensively detailed figure produced by Art Storm. He comes with two different Matrix accessories: a smaller one that stores in his chest, where it can be lit up by an LED, and a larger one that can be held in his hands and lights up on its own. The larger Matrix can be displayed alongside Prime on a separate pedestal based on the Diamond Select replica's.

EX Gōkin

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  • Convoy (2014)
Art Storm also produced EX Gōkin Convoy, a much smaller Optimus Prime action figure with a non-removable Matrix molded into its chest compartment.

Prime 1 Studio

Prime 1 Studio Matrix of Leadership.jpg
  • Megatron (May 2014)
  • Movie: Revenge of the Fallen
  • ID number: MMTFM-01S
  • Accessories: Base
A replica of the Revenge of the Fallen Matrix of Leadership was included with an exclusive version of the Prime 1 Studio Museum Masterline Megatron statue based on the same movie. It comes with its own base.


  • Convoy (2015)
  • ID number: 43
The D-Style Convoy model kit comes with a Matrix that stores in his chest. It was redecoed into Black Convoy's Dead Matrix.

Hot Toys

  • Optimus Prime (Starscream Version) (2015)
  • Optimus Prime (Megatron Version) (2015)

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Soldier Story

Magic lamp
  • Unicron (2017)
  • Accessories: Hot Rod, Hot Rod clear stand, remote control, USB power cable
The Soldier Story Toys Unicron table lamp stands over 26" tall and is bedecked with over 70 LEDs of various colors all over it. It also projects the movie-style Decepticon insignia above it. The lamp also includes a 6" Hot Rod holding the Matrix of Leadership.

Imaginarium Art

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Flame Toys

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R.E.D. [Robot Enhanced Design]

  • Optimus Prime (2020)
Transformers R.E.D. Optimus Prime includes an opening chest compartment that stores a removable Matrix of Leadership.

  • Galvatron (2022)

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Icon Heroes

Wait, the blue orb isn't supposed to split in half... is it?
  • Matrix of Leadership Bookend (2022)
A set of bookends made in the form of the original Matrix of Leadership, it measures 6.2 x 8.4 x 4 inches (15.75 x 21.33 x 10.16 cm) in size and weighs approximately 6 pounds (2.72 kg). Made of polystone, it was produced by Icon Heroes and was limited to 2,000 sets.

No, no, NO! Only the middle is supposed to be gold, not the entire thing!
  • Matrix of Leadership Bookend (Golden Lagoon Exclusive) (2023)
Inspired by the Transformers episode "The Golden Lagoon", this redeco of the above bookend set depicts the entire Matrix of Leadership (save for its blue center) coated in electrum after the Autobots dipped into the titular golden lagoon,[9] even though the Matrix wasn't introduced to audiences until The Transformers: The Movie released, ten months after the episode was first broadcast. Again made of polystone, it was available exclusively on Icon Heroes' web storefronts and was limited to 300 sets.


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XM Studios

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Transformers × Mini World

  • Galvatron (2023)
Transformers × Mini World Galvatron includes a flat, grey Matrix of Leadership which can mount on the wall of his mini-base, or be held in his hands via a peg on its bottom.


  1. "...the pack features an evil Matrix of Leadership accessory."
  2. January 30, 2024's Hasbro Pulse | Transformers: Legacy RID 2001 Omega Prime HasLab Fanstream | January 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae and Evan Brooks.
  3. Interview with Hasbro designer Evan Brooks on the Triple Takeover podcast, from their YouTube channel
  4. March 7, 2024's Hasbro Pulse | Transformers 40th Anniversary Fanstream | March 7, 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks and Mark Maher.
  5. January 10, 2025's Transformers: Legacy Robots in Disguise 2001 Omega Prime HasLab - Official Unboxing! with Emily Bader and Evan Brooks.
  6. "Exciting news! The #HasLab campaign for #Transformers: Legacy #RobotsInDisguise 2001 #OmegaPrime has achieved its goal with 10,000 backers! A massive thank you to all the incredible fans who made this possible – your support has truly brought Omega Prime to life!"—Hasbro Pulse, Twitter, 2024/02/09
  7. The Omega Prime HasLab campaign at Hasbro Pulse
  8. 8.0 8.1 Transformers Age of the Primes Reveal | Dive into the Legacy of the Thirteen Primes | Hasbro Pulse with Mark Maher and Nate Purswell
  9. Icon Heroes listing: "Inspired by the Transformers episode The Golden Lagoon where Autobots and Decepticons are protected in electrum coating after dipping into a golden lagoon[...]"
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