Matrix of Malice
From Transformers Wiki
The Matrix of Malice is a talisman of evil. Bludgeon, leader of the Mayhem Attack Squad, carries it in his chest.
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Of Masters and Mayhem
Some time in Cybertron's past, a powerful but morally twisted Cybertronian warrior tried to use the Matrix of Malice for his own campaign of conquest. Under undisclosed circumstances, the Matrix found its way into Bludgeon's possession. Since then, the great anger of the Matrix's previous bearer echoed to Bludgeon, prompting Bludgeon's teammates to question his sanity. TFSS Bludgeon profile card
By another account however, the Matrix of Malice was the endpoint of a series of Decepticon experiments conducted during the Great War to replicate the Creation Matrix. After a shell had been grown, Shockwave implanted the green spark of Thunderwing into the Matrix, using it to power Thunder Mayhem. Bolstered by the Matrix, the combiner proved unstoppable, razing Cybertron before going on a galactic rampage. Deadly Aim
When Ramjet, a universally displaced Herald of Unicron, found himself stranded in this reality, he sensed the Matrix's evil. Assembly When he summoned the Mayhem Attack Squad to Earth, he was drawn to the Matrix, earning a death threat from Bludgeon. The Herald assured that he had no designs on the Matrix and instead proposed an alliance. History
When Thunder Mayhem combined to destroy Earth, he was met by Wreckage who managed to expose the Matrix of Malice. Along with his mismatched allies, the combiner targeted the Matrix, destroying it and finally felling the monster. Finale
- Windsweeper (2016)
- The Matrix of Malice, a redeco of Masterpiece MP-10 Convoy's Matrix of Leadership, comes with Windsweeper, who is part of the Figure Subscription Service 4.0.