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McKinley Army Base

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The Decepticons McKinley Army Base.jpg

McKinley Army Base is located in the eastern United States of America, somewhere near Castle Peak. It serves as a support and launching site for the United States Army's military space shuttle. The soldiers stationed at the base are known to help lost travellers.



2001 Robots in Disguise cartoon

When Kelly's vacation was interrupted by an earthquake, she was rescued by soldiers from McKinley Army Base. Unfortunately her relief was short-lived, as Megatron and his Predacon forces arrived with six protoforms. Dark Scream used the scanning device in the first stasis pod to create a new form for the protoform inside, and Megatron infused it with his spark energy, creating Mega-Octane, the first of the new Decepticons. Optimus Prime and the Autobot Brothers arrived, but were held off by Mega-Octane while the Predacons continued scanning, completing the set of five Commandos.

Kelly attempted to flee in a fuel tanker containing rocket fuel for the shuttle, and almost drove it into a hole. Fortunately Optimus was on-hand to halt its fall, however all three of them were caught in the scanning field, providing a new form for the last Decepticon, Scourge. Once a pecking order amongst the Decepticons had been established, Megatron called a retreat so that the new Decepticons could have time to reach full strength. The Decepticons


Transformers Roleplaying Game

McKinely Army Base was a rocket base affiliated with the United States military. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook


  • Just what the heck is the US army doing with a heavily-armed space shuttle?
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