From Transformers Wiki
- One-of-Twelve is a Transformer from the IDW portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
One-of-Twelve is a member of the Functionist Council, where he fills the role of "Convener".
2005 IDW continuity
The Functionist Universe
In an alternate timeline and following the sale of Luna 2 to the Black Box Consortia and the subsequent return of the Primal Vanguard to Cybertron, One-of-Twelve called a meeting of the Council at The Cog where Ten-of-Twelve discussed the success of turning the Vanguard into total surveillance agents and Six-of-Twelve reported on the forthcoming mass recall of the data slug Transformers. One-of-Twelve overrode the theoconomists' strict reading of the Taxonomy that the data slugs still had a function, as their ability to store large amounts of data threatened the Council's ability to rule so he ordered their obsolescence chips to be detonated forthwith. The Custom-Made Now
Later at The Cog, One-of-Twelve met with the scientist Quark who informed him that after four million years, the mystery of the "Useless One"'s function had finally been solved... by the janitor, Sweep, Predestination: An Expert's Guide who'd found several photonic crystals that the prisoner had unconsciously produced. Modes of Production
As a reward, One-of-Twelve declared Sweep to be alt mode exalted, to be venerated accordingly, and sent him back to work. Approaching the prisoner, the Convener told him that they had finally worked out what he turned into and threatened to summarily execute him with a shot to the head. With a grin, the captive Rung urged him to do it. Predestination: An Expert's Guide One-of-Twelve didn't take the bait however and left Rung locked up for a year to find a way to spin this revelation in his favour. Six-of-Twelve eventually concluded that Rung was proof of Primus' endorsement of the cold construction process which allowed the Functionists to expand the population. Using this as a stepping stone to conquer the galaxy, One-of-Twelve did further testing on Rung and found a way to make him produce crystals against his will before the Council set out for Vector Sigma. While there, Team Rodimus rescued Rung who, before teleporting away, called the entire council "the Useless Ones". Modes of Production