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Overbite (Classics)

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The name or term "Overbite" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Overbite (disambiguation).
Overbite is a Decepticon-allied Mini-Con from the Generation 1 and Unicron Trilogy continuity families.

Overbite is a member of the Predator Attack Team, a trio of vicious robotic hunting animals who are always on the prowl. He is quite capable of keeping out of sight when tracking his prey, but if given the chance, will allow his target to briefly glimpse him just to rattle them up some. He has a habit of keeping trophies after dismembering his victims, and will occasionally bring out items from his macabre collection to maul playfully. The other Mini-Cons think this is sick, but to Overbite it's all good fun.[1]

Hey, look everyone! I’m a mutant! Booga-booga-booga!

—Overbite plays "give me your face" with Guttersnipe's remains, "The New World"



Overbite and the Predator Attack Team accompanied Broadside on a "Mutant hunt" in Cybertron's Underworld. Overbite's hunt was successful, as he fatally mauled Guttersnipe and amused himself with the mutant's remains. When the Dinobots arrived later, Overbite nearly got into a fight with Terrorsaur before the latter was restrained by Hacksaw. The New World


Ladies and gentlemen, the world's least successful werewolf.

Overbite wandered the streets of Axiom Nexus's Offworlder Zone. He was reduced to scrounging up garbage from the ground. Cybertron's Most Wanted

Ask Vector Prime

In Aurex 1104.30-JH Zeta, Overbite was one of the Mini-Cons gathered by Megatron's Predacons during the Beast Wars on prehistoric Earth. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/13



Don't shake hands.
  • Predator Attack Team (Mini-Con Team, 2007)
Part of the second wave of Classics Mini-Cons, Overbite transforms into a robotic wolf. He has a "Powerlinx" on each hip, allowing him to attach to larger toys with compatible Powerlinx plugs.
He was only available as part of the Predator Attack Team, packaged with his teammates Dreadwing and Snarl.
Classics mold: Overbite
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Transformers (campaign item) Carnivac


  • A Decepticon-aligned Mini-Con called Overbite was planned for release in one of the Cybertron Mini-Con Versus Packs, facing off against the Autobot-aligned Swoop, as part of a wave composed of members of the Mini-Con Council of Sages. Overbite's bio described how he, Divebomb and Wideload came to sit on the Council of Sages to represent the views of Decepticon-aligned Mini-Cons. Overbite was a vicious Mini-Con supremacist who hoped to convince Galvatron into escalating the war to the point where larger Transformers would be left too weak to fight back against a Mini-Con uprising.[2] Based on the name and his apparent viciousness, it seems likely that this would've been the wolf Mini-Con, surviving through to Classics unchanged.


  1. Overbite's profile in Club magazine #16
    "When the MINI-CON Council of Sages was originally formed, effort was made to represent the views of all MINI-CON robots. That is how OVERBITE and his teammates DIVEBOMB and WIDELOAD came to sit on the Council. OVERBITE is a vicious robot, with a firm belief in MINI-CON supremacy, who sees the DECEPTICONS as means to great power. His hope has always been to trick GALVATRON into a war of escalation that would leave the larger TRANSFORMERS weakened enough for MINI-CON forces to wipe them out completely."—Hidden bios for the unreleased Cybertron Mini-Con Versus Packs found on the Transformers website
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