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Paralon (RID)

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This article is about the Robots in Disguise Decepticon. For the Beast Wars: Uprising Predacon, see Paralon (BWU).
Paralon is a Decepticon from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family
Just your friendly neighborhood "Beast Era" Scorponok cosplayer.

Paralon has something to prove. As a member of the Scavengers, a clan of Decepticon relic hunters, he's looking to find his next big score before somebody else can beat him to it and steal his glory. To this end, he'll do just about anything to gain a reputation, even brutalize his own kind to get what he wants. Recently, he's been working with Buzzstrike, who has some pretty mysterious abilities and a powerful axe mode that he uses to his advantage.



2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Voice actor: Jason Spisak (English), Rintarō Nishi (Japanese), Diego Sabre (Italian), Ferenc Borbiczki (Hungarian), Olivier Francart (French), Thomas Petruo (German), Irwin Daayán (Latin-American Spanish), Silvio Giraldi (Brazilian Portuguese), Andrzej Hausner (Polish)

After torturing another Decepticon to get a map of Autobot Outpost Omega One, Paralon headed with Buzzstrike with the intention of salvaging any Cybertronian artifacts they could find. Setting up a bomb so they could break into the lower levels, the pair commenced searching the upper levels. They were discovered by Bumblebee and Sideswipe, leading Paralon to convince the reluctant Buzzstrike to link with him so they could fight the two Autobots. They managed to defeat the pair, along with Drift and his Mini-Con students, and Paralon opted to accelerate the countdown on the bomb and headed outside where he discovered a weapon half-buried in rubble. Sideswipe caught up with them and in the ensuing fight, Paralon was rendered unconscious. When he came to, he was furious to find Buzzstrike had sleep-walked him a safe distance from the base and hadn't even recovered the weapon. History Lessons Paralon was present aboard the Scavengers' mothership when Scatterspike and Sawtooth reported back. Strongarm's Big Score

He and the other Scavengers tracked a signal to an automated vessel, where they found the Dark Star Saber, only for the Mini-Cons to run off in their sub-orbital craft, and for Starscream to arrive and claim the sword, using it to sweep them all into the sea. Mighty Big Trouble Searching to reclaim the Mini-Cons, the Scavengers found their quarry had teamed up with Optimus Prime and Team Bee. Using the relics they'd recovered, the Scavengers were able to hold their own, though when Strongarm and Sawtooth teamed up, Paralon came out worst off. The Scavengers finally managed to trap the Autobots in a net only for Starscream to swoop in and snatch up the Mini-Cons. Mini-Con Madness Thanks to Thermidor, the Autobots escaped their net and, with some help from Tricerashot, defeated the Scavengers and put them in restraints; they were then secured by Optimus Prime aboard his ship for transport back to Cybertron and justice. Worthy


Robots in Disguise mobile game

Version Unlock Cost (Energon) Unlock Cost (Ultra Sparks)
Warrior 4000 80

Paralon could be recruited to help fight off the Insecticon clone army overrunning Crown City. Robots in Disguise mobile game


Robots in Disguise (2015)

He'll sting you with his dreams of power and wealth! Beware of Scorpio!
  • Paralon (Warrior Class, 2016)
  • Takara release date: October ??, 2016
  • Accessories: Stinger/sword
One of the Toys"R"Us exclusive Clash of the Transformers Warrior figures, Paralon is a redeco and retool of Scorponok, transforming from a purple scorpion to robot and back. His tail-mounted stinger detaches to form a scimitar for use in robot mode. Whilst his package art depicts his on-screen head (albeit missing its visor), the actual toy's new head is instead inexplicably sculpted in homage to Beast Wars Scorponok's cartoon appearance.
Despite being a retool of Scorponok introduced much later in the cartoon, Paralon showed up in stores way before Scorponok did.
This toy was released in Japan as a Toys"R"Us exclusive under the name "Scavenger", in modified packaging (that still reads "Paralon" in English) and with the usual Takara-style sticker replacing the Hasbro one.


  • Paralon's package art shows him with regular eyes, however in most of his appearances in the cartoon he wears a visor-like eyepiece. "Most" as one episode has him without it, in a manner that is indicative of an animation error instead of intent.
  • Paralon was originally supposed to sound a lot like King Joffrey from Game of Thrones before it wasn't deemed evil enough sounding and Jason Spisak had to re-record Paralon's lines.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Paralon (パラロン Pararon), Scavenger (スカベンジャー Sukabenjā)
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