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The name or term "Sarah" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Sarah (disambiguation). |
SARA is a powerful entity, created to be the emissary of the Creator of Cloud World. Sent to assist the Transformers of Cloud in their guardianship of the multiverse, she maintains Cloud World's integrity within the multiversal fabric and provides the spacetime energy necessary to power its network of Dimension Gates. To facilitate these duties, the Spacetime Police gather surplus energy from the universes they patrol to provide SARA with the energy she needs to function. Befitting her importance, she is worshipped by the Transformers of Cloud World and kept under heavy guard in its capital of Metropolis, but other forces have plans for the power that SARA represents...

As SARA set about her duties using her vast spacetime energy to perpetuate the newly built Cloud World, she nurtured the machines built by her Creator to safeguard the multiverse, watching over them as they evolved into true super robot lifeforms. In time, the inhabitants of Cloud World came to understand and respect SARA's position, and the power that allowed them to act as an inter-dimensional police force. As she provided them with Dimension Gates to carry out their duties, they in turn harvested the surplus energy from the multitude of dimensions SARA needed to function, allowing her to maintain the gate system and the integrity of Cloud World itself. Prologue Sara's true nature was a higher-order energy being, but she interacted with the physical Transformers as a spherical "Unit Sparkbot" that was kept under Autobot protection at Metropolis Center. Resolve The Autobots carefully guarded on SARA's power, her continuous well-being becoming necessary not only for the Autobots' own prosperity, but for that of many other universes as well. Raid But eventually, machinations were put in place to exploit the power of SARA by the criminals banished from Metropolis. Prologue Megatron had grown envious of the Autobots' position of power within their city, and organized the residents of the Underground into an army, the Decepticons, informing them of his plan to use SARA to fuel his campaign of conquest. He then led his troops in a raid to usurp the Autobots' position as SARA's guardians. Uprising
While the Autobots were distracted on multiple fronts, the Decepticons managed to get to SARA and kidnapped her. Fate Shockwave confirmed to Megatron that SARA was in his possession and the Decepticon leader sounded a retreat. The Decepticons then returned to the Underground with SARA in tow. Resolve
Megatron and his Decepticons holed themselves up in a decrepit building, and the Decepticon leader began to wire the SARA orb into his own systems. Optimus Prime came upon the fiend in short order, and the extent of Megatron's megalomania was revealed; using SARA's power, he planned to conquer all of spacetime! Already enhanced, Megatron was able to overpower Optimus and the two 'bots backing him up, Hot Rodimus and Brawn. In a desperate gambit, Optimus managed to ram his nemesis, disrupting SARA's energy flow. As a result, the combatants were teleported to the primordial OG001 Spacetime, getting separated during the trip. Leap SARA, grievously wounded by Megatron's energy drain, was forced to condense herself into the physical form of a small humanoid girl. Return Finding Optimus injured himself, SARA led the local Autobots to him. SARA watched silently as "Cloud Optimus Prime" awakened to the sight of the dimensional natives. Before any questions could be answered, the local Decepticons arrived and both factions began to fight. The Cybertronians of both sides were knocked down when blasts from both Optimuses collided with one of Megatron's, creating a brief lull on the battlefield... which was then interrupted by the appearance of "Cloud Megatron". Leap
Cloud Optimus, recognizing her only as a creature in need, threw himself between Cloud Megatron and SARA, directing her to run for cover. SARA complied, and watched the brawl between Cloud Megatron and the natives that ensued from behind a rock. Eventually the duo from Cloud sussed out her identity, and Megatron came charging back and seized her diminutive new form. Not without her own defenses, SARA repelled Megatron with a blast of her remaining spacetime energy. Telepathically directing Optimus to leave Megatron to her, SARA opened a Dimension Gate and banished him to the void between universes. The situation thus sorted, SARA opened another Dimension Gate and returned Optimus Prime and herself to Cloud World. Rampage
SARA was aware of the threat Grand Scourge posed to the multiverse and warned the Optimus Prime of the G1 World after Scourge invaded his universe. Decepticon Dark Commander Grand Scourge
At one point, SARA was captured by Deadlock, who used her powers to travel to the Legends World. There, her body was possessed by that universe's creators, the Zamojin, who considered the Cloud World Transformers unworthy of dominating the Spacetime World and sought to use SARA to take their place. Through their powers, SARA was expanded to the size of a giant and went on a rampage until Deadlock released all her energies, opening a gate back to Cloud World and burning her out. After she was reclaimed by the Autobots, she found that some Legends natives had been accidentally sucked into the portal and promised to return them... once she had recovered, that is. Bonus Edition Vol. EX