Schwimmbad School
From Transformers Wiki
Schwimmbad School is a primary school located somewhere in the Alps of central Europe. It's run by nuns, headed by Headmistress Mayville, and would be wholly unremarkable if it wasn't for the fact that it's Jan Minakaze's school of choice. Unfortunately this also makes it a target for the Decepticons.
Other students at the school include:
Victory cartoon
Jan's first day at school caused quite a bit of disruption, as he'd brought Holi and Autobot leader Star Saber with him. While Jan attended his first class, Star Saber met with Headmistress Mayville to discuss the paperwork for enrolling the boy. Leozack and the Dinoforce chose this day to try and attack Star Saber, damaging the school and trapping the students on the roof of the building. The arrival of the Brainmasters helped turn the tide against the Decepticons, who were forced to retreat, leaving the Autobots to help repair the school. Attack! Leozack
Jan took the Illumina II to school to show it off. This drew the attention of the Dinoforce, who launched another attack on the school. Jan was able to use his mech to distract them long enough for Star Saber and Victory Leo to arrive and defeat them. After letting the Dinoforce retreat, Victory Leo promised to organize repairs once again. Jan - Defend the Campus!!
Once Deathsaurus reactivated his space fortress and began bombarding Earth with meteors, Jan swiftly strapped a set of rockets to the Illumina II and flew to the school to make sure everyone was all right. Fortunately they were, and Jan assured them that Star Saber would protect the Earth. The Wrath of the Resurrected Giant Fortress! The students and staff watched from a nearby hill as the Fortress exploded in space near Earth, and welcomed Jan back.
After Jan and Illumina reached the next grade, they attended a completely different school. Showdown! The Fortress vs the Victory Unification
- In its introductory episode, "Attack Leozack", the sign over the gate reads "Schwimmbam school", but "schwimmbam" isn't a real word. By the school's next appearance, its name has been amended to "Schwimmbad School", the first portion of which is German for "swimming pool".