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BotTasticVoyage scrubmites.jpg

Scrubmites are microscopic robots which eat bacteria and other tiny nasties. Their primary purpose is to sterilize rooms for use as clean rooms. They can be remotely recalled to their container. Larger versions were developed as part of the Scrubber Initiative. These Scrubbers had the ability to fly and extend tool arms, and are intended to provide cleanup on a global scale, having the ability to remove trash and pollution from the environment.


Rescue Bots cartoon

After the clean room at the Griffin Rock laboratory became contaminated, Doc Greene used scrubmites to restore it to cleanliness. In doing so, six of them hitched a ride on a donut which he had accidentally placed in the room, and were ingested by Kade Burns. As the scrubmites would feed on the helpful bacteria in Kade's body, the Rescue Bots and their human partners were shrunk to microscopic size and went in after them. They located three of the mites in Kade's stomach, where the four Bots used various techniques to capture them, but soon found they were too big to fit inside the Sigma. The three bugs were secured to the hull of the ship, but began trying to eat their way through. The team found the other three mites messing around on Kade's spine and manage to capture them as well, however while flying the ship towards Kade's head, the mites damaged the ship's ignition plate, disabling it. After that was repaired, the ship continued, though Heatwave had to prevent one of the mites from escaping before the ship could exit through Kade's nose. Once they were all outside, Frankie successfully recalled the six scrubmites to their container. Bot-Tastic Voyage

Upgrades Scrubber.jpg

At some point the idea was hatched to create larger versions, dubbed Scrubbers, and deploy them around the world to clean up pollution. The Scrubber Initiative was developed in three locations — Griffin Rock, headed by Ezra Greene, a lab on the west coast of the US run by Professor Baranova, and Faxian, China, led by Dr. Meili Szeto. The three labs developed speed tech, hive mind tech, and resilience tech for the devices, however when three Scrubbers ran wild in Faxian, the Rescue Bots had to be called in to stop them. The rescue team was subsequently assigned to protect the three locations, however when the Morocco virus got wind of the existence of the tech, he was able to use his MorBot to steal the three patches. Upgrades

Once he had control of the Rescue Bot Training Center, Morocco utilized the 3D printer to create many more Scrubbers which he used to repair the GroundBridge and the MorBot, both of which had been destroyed by Heatwave in an attempt to stop him. Morocco sent a swarm of Scrubbers to try to kidnap Cody Burns, however once the rescue team retook the training center and devirused the mainframe, the Scrubbers were all disabled. The Scrubber Initiative was later resumed. Transformations

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