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Sentinel EnN

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The name or term "Sentinel" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Sentinel (disambiguation).
Sentinel EnN is an Autobot from the Wings Universe portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
You can't see me!

This character has no official visual representation in any Transformers product or media... yet, at least.

Sentinel EnN was the first in the Sentinel line that eventually spawned Sentinel Major. He wouldn't have settled for having just one reserve team.



Wings Universe

Sentinel EnN fought and died in a battle on Cybertron. Many many years later, Sentinel Major muttered to himself about his ancestor after a meeting with Magnum. A Team Effort

Ask Vector Prime

Sentinel EnN challenged the Decepticon leader Cannibal Baron in the city of Doradus. Their battle was so intense that the entire torus state was blasted out of sync with the rest of the universe. Vector Prime stated that according to legend, the city reappears every 10,000 vorns, with the two combatants still locked in their deadly duel. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/15


  • According to Jesse Wittenrich, the etymology behind EnN's surname is...convoluted. "EnN" is meant to be pronounced "En-En", as an en dash in typography (–) is about half of an em dash (—). Thus, EnN is En-En, which could be read as "Em", and results in "Sentinel M", ancestor to the similarly-named Sentinel Major.
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