From Transformers Wiki
- Sheeldron is an Autobot Battle Master from the War for Cybertron Trilogy portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Sheeldron is a fearless fellow, leaping into battle without any forethought or regard for his own wellbeing. Thankfully he's fairly durable, though, possessing dense armor plating. In the event that he is caught by surprise by the enemy, he is able to reflect their kinetic energy back toward them.
When the time calls for it, Optimus Prime wields this Battle Master as his Energon-shield, and charges into battle![1]
Contents |
Transformers: Earth Wars
War for Cybertron Trilogy
- Optimus Prime (Battle 3-Pack, 2020)
- TakaraTomy ID number: WFC-11
- TakaraTomy release date: February 20, 2021
- A redeco of Earthrise Soundbarrier in translucent yellow, War for Cybertron Trilogy Sheeldron transforms from a robot into a shield. Sheeldron possesses A.I.R. Lock System connectors on each end of their shield mode, allowing them to connect to bases and other Battle Masters to form ramps. Additionally, a "Fire Blast effect" can be attached to Sheeldron, simulating gunfire colliding with them.
- It is highly likely that Sheeldron suffers from the same breakage flaws as Soundbarrier, due to the extensive use of clear plastics in his jointing.
- Sheeldron was only available as part of a multi-pack with Optimus Prime and Enerax. This set was a Walmart exclusive in the US and Canada, but a standard retail release in Japan in the sixth wave of War For Cybertron Trilogy product.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Sheeldron (シールドロン Shīrudoron)