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Ship's Log

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Super Lifeform Transformers: Beast Wars Neo ep 14
Heinrad's packet.jpg
"Ship's Log"
航海日誌 ()
(Kōkai Nisshi)
Production code BWN-14
Production company TV Tokyo, NAS, Ashi Productions
Airdate 5 May 1999
Writer Junki Takegami
Director Shigeki Hatakeyama
Animation studio Ashi Productions
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Say hello to CLIP SHOW!



Hey, if they can recycle episodes, we can recycle screen caps.
Taking a break from hunting the Angolmois capsules, Heinrad prepares a report about the progress of the Maximals' mission. Also, some soup.

He recalls how the recruits first met Big Convoy, attempting to trap him on the bridge of the Yukikaze and how Big Convoy was firm in his teaching, as one would expect of a soldier known as the One Man Army.Big Convoy, Move Out Heinrad knows that Big Convoy would rather be doing missions by himself than training recruits. This has got him into trouble, such as the time Magmatron trapped him on a planet about to be roasted by its twin suns. Dinosaur Combiner Magmatron Heinrad wishes that Big Convoy had trusted his team more back then.

BWN E9 Stampy Slice.jpg
Caught up in his report, Heinrad fails to notice until its too late that his soup is burning. The other recruits join in with the report and point out that Big Convoy has gained more trust in them now, though Stampy isn't too sure. The group bicker about whether Break and Colada are too immature to be trustworthy.Mirage of the Sand Long Rack brags that Big Convoy entirely trusts him given he's second in command, but the others argue that Longrack's been the cause of half their trouble, like the time they were trapped between the Sargasso spider and the Predacons and Big Convoy had to save them all.Sub-Commander Longrack

Heinrad wraps up his report by revealing that every time Big Convoy relates a moral or life lesson to the recruits, it's coming from Vector Sigma. The recruits will have to hurry up and get fully trained so Big Convoy can get back to being the One Man Army unless Big Convoy plays at teacher so long he gets good at it, that is.


Capsule score

Maximals: 8
Predacons: 3

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Maximals Predacons Others


  • The only new animation in this episode is of Heinrad making his soup, the rest is recycled from earlier episodes.
  • Though they join in with the report, the rest of the Maximal recruits aren't seen with Heinrad. Instead, they talk (bicker) over the clips, like an audio commentary of sorts.
  • Heinrad's narration breaks the fourth wall, addressing the viewer directly, especially when imparting the secret about Vector Sigma. Certainly, as later episodes will show, this isn't being told to the other recruits.
  • Despite the plethora of clips, the episode is padded out with various break bumpers from the series so far.

Home video releases

All releases listed are in Japanese audio unless otherwise noted.

Japan 1999 — Super Lifeform Transformers: Beast Wars Neo — ACT. 5 (Pioneer LDC)

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