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Speed Stars

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Speed stars.jpg

Speed Stars are a multifaceted line of nonstandard action toys featuring both Transformers and Star Wars vehicles. It includes a few different sublines that accomplish different things, but all of them are biased heavily towards the vehicle mode. The line replaced the Robot Powered Machines segment.



Metal Heroes

Cyber Hunt

Future waves

Numbering based on the Asian Robot Powered Machines release of Cyber Hunt Bumblebee. The back of "Cyber Hunt" Bumblebee's North American packaging lists Starscream as the third Cyber Hunt series vehicle, and the fourth as... Bumblebee.


End of the road.
This Robot Powered Machines/Speed Stars item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

N.E.S.T. Global Alliance

Wave 1

The back of Optimus Prime's packaging lists a fourth N.E.S.T. Global Alliance series vehicle, Sideswipe, who is not depicted on the downloadable poster on the Speed Stars website. Ironhide was released some time after Bumblebee and Optimus were, and was more difficult to find at retail.


Future waves

The back of Bumblebee's packaging lists Lockdown as the third Stunticon series vehicle and does not list Optimus Prime, in contrast to the downloadable poster on the Speed Stars website.


End of the road.
This Robot Powered Machines/Speed Stars item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Double Siders


End of the road.
This Robot Powered Machines/Speed Stars item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


Future waves


End of the road.
This Robot Powered Machines/Speed Stars item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Road Assault

Future waves

The back of Starscream's packaging lists the third Road Assault series vehicle as Megatron and lists no fourth toy, in contrast to the downloadable poster on the Speed Stars website.


End of the road.
This Robot Powered Machines/Speed Stars item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Robot Riders

Future waves


End of the road.
This Robot Powered Machines/Speed Stars item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Battle Series 2

Wave 1

  • 01 of 06: Sideswipe vs. Wreckloose
  • 02 of 06: Nightwatch Bumblebee vs. Patrol Barricade
  • 03 of 06: Optimus Prime vs. Bonecrusher
  • 04 of 06: Optimus Prime vs Desert Long Haul
  • 05 of 06: Jetfire vs Megatron
  • 06 of 06: Enforcer Ironhide vs Mixmaster
Enforcer Ironhide vs Mixmaster was released some time after the rest of Battle Series 2 was, and was more difficult to find at retail.

Track Set

Radio control

Lights & Sounds



Stealth Force


Wave 1


Wave 1

Wave 2 (part of Reveal the Shield)

Wave 3 (part of Reveal the Shield)


Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 3 (part of Reveal the Shield)

Stealth Force

Dark of the Moon


Beast Machines Series

Metal Heroes Series

  • 1 of 8: Bumblebee
  • 2 of 8: Jetfire
  • 3 of 8: Optimus Prime
  • 4 of 8: Soundwave

Child's Play Aron.jpg
If you build it, they will play.

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Stealth Force Series

Leadfoot was available exclusively at Target stores in the US, sold in their 2011 Christmas sections as a stocking-stuffer.
  • 5 of 5: Roadbuster


End of the road.
This Robot Powered Machines/Speed Stars item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Night Attack Series

Trans Scan Series

Stealth Force

Mini Changers

Wave 1
Speed Stars Stealth Force Mini Changers Bumblebee & Sentinel Prime

Wave 2


End of the road.
This Robot Powered Machines/Speed Stars item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.




Stealth Force


  • Originally, the Toy Fair Transformers press release rechristened the "Robot Powered Machines" line as the "Action Fleet", but the packaging at Toy Fair featured the name "Speed Stars", which was what the items were eventually released as. No Micro Machines nostalgia for you!
  • Much of the early Speed Stars range is made up of vehicles that were originally intended for release in the RPM line, but never saw release in the United States. These include Battle Series 2, the Metal Heroes Series, the Cyber Hunt Series, the Revealers Series, and the N.E.S.T. Global Alliance Series. Compared to the versions that were released in overseas markets as RPMs, the Speed Stars iterations lack a great deal of paint detailing.
  • While other characters simply switched colors, Metal Heroes Ironhide, however, received an entirely new deco based on his Enforcer Ironhide toys.

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