Strongarm (RID)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Strongarm" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Strongarm (disambiguation). |
- Strongarm is an Autobot from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Cadet Strongarm sees a bright future in law enforcement ahead of her. She knows the regulations front-to-back, able to recall them by number with ease as needed (often to her teammates' chagrin). She is full of seemingly-boundless energy, and is more than willing to throw herself into dangerous situations in order to collar a target. Being assigned to work with Bumblebee, hero of the war with the Decepticons, is a sure sign that she's destined to go places! Maybe even all the way to Earth!
This enthusiasm for her job makes her a tenacious officer, but also difficult to work with. Bumblebee's rather loose command style doesn't quite gel with the cadet's by-the-rules approach, as she uses protocol to sometimes get around Bumblebee's orders. It also puts her directly at odds with Sideswipe, a bot who breaks rules almost habitually and constantly thumbs his nose at authority. She's not terribly thrilled about working with convicted criminal Grimlock either, but at least he doesn't specifically try and pick fights with her like Sideswipe does.
Sometimes she works with the Mini-Cons Sawtooth or Trickout. She can also combine with either the legendary war hero Optimus Prime to form Primestrong, or with the rest of the Bee Team to form Ultra Bee.
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2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon
- Voice actor: Constance Zimmer (English), Yui Kondō (Japanese), Zhang Anqi (Chinese), Katia Sorrentino (Italian), Anne Düe (German), Cony Madera, (Latin-American Spanish), Aya Hamza (Arabic), Katja Sirkiä (Finnish), Helena Coppejans (French), Priscilla Concepcion (Brazilian Portuguese), Mirna Haryati (Indonesian), Anna Szymańczyk (Polish), Jeong Seon-hye (Korean, Tooniverse dub), Yoon Sung-hye (Korean, Daewon Broadcasting dub)
Cadet Strongarm of the Cybertron Police Five Fugitives studied under Dropforge at the Kaon Police Academy; Get a Clue she was classmates and friends with Nightra before the latter's explusion for attempting to cheat on her exams. Guilty As Charged She was still a cadet when she was partnered with Bumblebee. She and her partner captured the criminal Sideswipe Pilot (Part 1) while patrolling Kaon City. Can You Dig It? Unfortunately for Bumblebee, she then insisted that regulations meant she had to accompany him on a trip to Earth after Optimus Prime appeared to him in a series of visions. There they found that the prison ship Alchemor had crashed, scattering Decepticon prisoners over the nearby area. Pilot (Part 1)

Adopting a local vehicular form, Strongarm joined the team in recapturing the escaped Decepticon Underbite before he could reach and devour nearby Crown City. The operation was a success, though she was unsure about the wisdom of allowing Sideswipe and Grimlock to remain on the team. Pilot (Part 2)
Strongarm and Sideswipe continued having trouble working together, inadvertently resulting in Strongarm's comms being damaged. When the pair went sent on a mission to investigate fugitive signals, they split up, and Strongarm was captured by Steeljaw, who tried to convince her that he intended to dwell peacefully on Earth. She was freed by Sideswipe and Russell, though Steeljaw got away. Trust Exercises Strongarm and the team managed to capture Bisk. They later encountered Chop Shop and were unprepared for the Decepticon's ability to split into component parts. When Strongarm attempted to tackle one of his components, it resulted in Chop Shop taking Fixit as a new right arm, however the team were eventually successful in rescuing the Mini-Con and capturing the Decepticon. More than Meets the Eye
Sideswipe and Strongarm continued to squabble — when they went to a museum, Strongarm alternated between doing so and towing Grimlock on a trailer. Splitting up, the team was unable to capture Terrashock until Bumblebee came up with a way to hunt the Decepticon on his own terms. W.W.O.D.? Strongarm searched the Alchemor crash site again but only turned up a Decepticon Hunter, which she was unable to get working despite Fixit's instructions. During the mission to protect the generator at the dam, she was forced to help Grimlock back to the scrapyard, and was unable to help hunt for Thunderhoof. As the Kospego Commands!
Feeling homesick, Strongarm began breaking out in hives, as well as relying more and more on the rulebook, which irritated Sideswipe as they searched for the Decepticon Filch. After some encouragement from Bumblebee, Strongarm broke several rules as they captured Filch, though she later wrote the others up anyway. Collect 'Em All When Grimlock turned on the other Autobots and stole Underbite's stasis pod, Strongarm's first instinct was that Grimlock had been pretending to be good all along. She, Bumblebee and Sideswipe tracked him to Crown River Dam, where they discovered that he had been under the control of Minitron. True Colors
After begging, Strongarm got her own solo mission, only to find that Bumblebee was following her. Despite several missteps, she managed to capture the Decepticon Springload with his help. Rumble in the Jungle Teamed with Bumblebee, Strongarm hunted Ped in subterranean tunnels, and was forced to help support part of Crown City when it was undermined by the Decepticon's digging. She later became trapped at the bottom of a pit during a later successful attempt to capture Ped. Can You Dig It? When Bumblebee was regressed to immaturity thanks to Quillfire's toxins, Strongarm saw the opportunity to test herself in a leadership role. After suffering a number of Bumblebee's pranks, she took Grimlock to go hunt Quillfire, only to have Bumblebee follow them. Following a jaunt on a carnival ride and Quillfire's incapacitation, Strongarm had Grimlock chain Bumblebee up until he recovered from the toxin. Adventures in Bumblebee-Sitting!
When Drift and Fracture came to Earth to collect the bounty on Bumblebee, Strongarm was captured by the Decepticon to use as a ransom along with the other Autobots. Hunting Season Strongarm and Sideswipe continued their bickering, even as the team hunted the Skunkticon gang led by Malodor, hampering efforts at several points during the chase. Out of Focus
After discovering that Strongarm had been sneaking off the base, Sideswipe blackmailed her into doing undesirable jobs for him. After they tangled with Steeljaw's gang, Bumblebee revealed he already knew about Strongarm sneaking out, and Strongarm revealed she had been using a nearby carwash. Sideways Strongarm joined Sideswipe, Russell, and Grimlock for a horror movie marathon; the three Autobots tried to scare Russell to no avail. Strongarm joined Bumblebee and the rest of the team for an excursion to a local cave network in pursuit of a Decepticon signal. They encountered Nightstrike, who picked them off one by one and tried to drain their energon. Trapped in a cocoon, Strongarm was forced to hallucinate her worst fear—disgracing the Kaon police force. Even Robots Have Nightmares
Strongarm towed Grimlock to the Crown City subway system after Sideswipe went missing. She discovered that the mad scientist Vertebreak had stolen Sideswipe's body, and she was forced to fight him. With Sideswipe's help, the other Autobots managed to incapacitate and recapture Vertebreak, and Strongarm challenged the repaired Sideswipe to a race home. Some Body, Any Body After Drift and Slipstream returned to Earth in pursuit of Jetstorm, Strongarm rolled out with the other Autobots to recapture Quillfire and Springload. One of Our Mini-Cons Is Missing After taking part in a training exercise against Sideswipe, Strongarm GroundBridged to the ocean, where the Decepticon Octopunch was planning to steal an abandoned Cybertronian ship. Strongarm was taken out of the fight by an army of deployable Mini-Cons and locked in an empty room, where she couldn't contact her teammates. She managed to break out and escape before the ship self-destructed. Deep Trouble
When the gladiator Groundpounder and his cheating manager Headlock debuted at the Crown City Rumbledome, Strongarm and the other Autobots- minus Grimlock and Fixit- tried to GroundBridge into the city. Instead, they wound up in the Arctic, and then appeared outside the city limits, where they were held up by traffic while Grimlock fought Groundpounder. Strongarm arrived just in time to stasis cuff the fleeing Headlock. The Champ Fixit's sentry programming asserted itself, causing Strongarm to be menaced by the scrapyard's various security systems. The Trouble with Fixit Strongarm helped set up a new rollercoaster that Denny purchased, but headed out with the team to investigate a Decepticon signal. The signal belonged to Kickback, who had been set up by Steeljaw as a distraction while the rest of his gang broke into the Autobot base and deactivated the other stasis pods. The Autobots managed to take back their territory and rout the Decepticons, and Strongarm helped to recontain Octopunch's tentacles. Lockout
The Autobots set out to capture Scowl, whom Grimlock had inadvertently befriended and set free. Strongarm helped to reroute a train that Scowl had derailed, then ran damage control at a local spa while Grimlock tried to recapture the vengeful Decepticon. Similarly Different Strongarm realized that many of the Alchemor's convicts were based off Earth animals, and began researching the dangers of Earth creatures. She was less than impressed by the newcomer Windblade and was particularly irked by Windblade's cavalier attitude toward protocol. The disagreement boiled over when the Autobots set out in search of Zizza, when Windblade revealed that she didn't care if humans were caught in the crossfire. The two Autobots eventually resolved their differences, and Strongarm's knowledge of Earth bees helped her bring in Zizza. The Buzz on Windblade
Feeling homesick for Cybertron, Strongarm came along with the team on a "vacation" to Edmondville. Although the gang had fun scaring off a group of human tourists, things took a turn for the worse when they encountered Pseudo, who locked Strongarm and the Mini-Cons in an old bank vault. Strongarm escaped by blasting a hole in the wall and tracked Pseudo to a nearby mine. After a brief chase, the Autobots managed to subdue the Shifter.Ghosts and Impostors On a training exercise with Sideswipe, both Autobots were ambushed by Decepticons; Strongarm managed to send a fragmentary transmission back to the base before she was captured by Fracture. The duo were later joined by Windblade, and all three of them were lashed to the Crown City Colossus while the Decepticons worked to summon Megatronus. Battlegrounds, Part 1 With their ranks bolstered by a revived Optimus Prime, the three Autobots were freed and joined in the fight. Although Optimus faltered in his fight against Megatronus, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, and Strongarm were able to unlock the power of their Decepticon hunters and give themselves a power-up, allowing them to fire a sustained blast at Megatronus and vaporize him. With Steeljaw's gang almost entirely arrested, Strongarm opted to remain on Earth alongside her commander. Battlegrounds, Part 2
While listening to Optimus's old war stories, Strongarm got into yet another fight with Sideswipe. Following a GroundBridge explosion, she helped clear up and along with Bumblebee and Grimlock, was defeated by Overload when the Decepticon arrived at the scrapyard. Overloaded, Part 1 After tracking Overload to a parking lot, the team split up with Grimlock and Strongarm trying to track the Cyclone Mini-Cons. They soon realized they'd actually been tracking humans, but managed to maintain their cover. They caught up with Bumblebee in time to help take Overload back to base. Overloaded, Part 2
Missing the teamwork she had developed with Sideswipe, Strongarm attempted to establish a similar rapport with Grimlock, which mainly resulted in them bungling an attempt to capture Saberhorn. During the later fight at the steel mill, they were eventually able to work together enough to save Bumblebee from being melted down, though Saberhorn himself got away. Metal Meltdown When she accidentally endangered some motorists during the pursuit of Crazybolt and Slicedice, Strongarm became demoralized and turned in her Decepticon Hunter. After an attempt to get her to help Fixit backfired badly, she resigned herself to rusting in the corner, however a fire started by Crazybolt endangered some humans, and Bumblebee was able to spur her into returning to the field to save them. Suspended
Bumblebee, Strongarm, and Grimlock captured the Mini-Con Torpor, though the mission was nearly botched when Grimlock stumbled in on the other two Autobots as they strategised, tipping their target off to their whereabouts. When Grimlock gained increased brainpower fom a Cybertronian data cylinder, Strongarm and Bumblebee took him along on an attempt to capture Simacore. Though during the operation, she and Bumblebee were trapped against a particle accelerator and in danger of being particle collided, Fixit came up with a cure for Grimlock, and the Dinobot rescued them both. Brainpower
When a wounded Steeljaw turned up at the scrapyard, Bumblebee, Strongarm and Grimlock followed the trail of energon he'd left to a disused drive in. Following the arrival of Scorponok, Crazybolt and Slicedice, the Autobots discovered that Steeljaw had been feigning. Strongarm sped back to base where she confronted the Con, and though she was able to best him in combat and rescue Fixit, Denny and Russell, he managed to get away and had freed a bunch of prisoners. Misdirection
After weeks of hunting for leads to find the new group of Decepticons, Strongarm turned down the opportunity to stake out a Rear Axle concert in favor of brushing up on her regulations. When Bisk turned up at the concert, Bumblebee called her and Grimlock in as backup, however the pair were held up by traffic. Bumblebee's Night Off The Autobots tracked down the Decepticon Silverhound to a carnival, and engaged him in a nearby parking lot. After a brief struggle, during which Grimlock was tossed in the middle of a nearby crowd, Strongarm successfully captured the Alchemor escapee. She then covered for Grimlock, announcing on her speakers that he was part of an upcoming exhibit; "If Dinosaurs Could Talk." On their next mission, she and Bumblebee were stunned by Quillfire's quills and ended up in an impound lot, booted and dazed. Strongarm particularly objected to being held among "common criminals" in the lot. They had to be rescued by Denny and Russell, and with the help of Grimlock, now sporting a construction crane disguise for his dino mode, successfully captured Quillfire and his two new Mini-Con partners, Back and Forth. Impounded
After an incident with the GroundBridge brought Soundwave to Earth, Strongarm and Grimlock were knocked out by the Decepticon. They recovered, only to be warped away from the junkyard alongside Laserbeak by a portal created by Soundwave. Working together, Strongarm and Grimlock were able to shut down Laserbeak, then rushed back to the rest of the team. They arrived just as Denny, Fixit, Russel, and Bumblebee managed to get Soundwave back into the shadowzone, and threw the Decepticon Mini-Con back into the other dimension after its master. Portals Strongarm was on a mission in an area that interfered with Fixit's communication equipment when Optimus Prime needed assistance defeating Stockade's troops. Graduation Exercises
After a chance encounter resulted in Ratchet joining the team, the Autobots got a lead to the location of the remaining Decepticons on Earth; Toolbox, recent escapee from "Decepticon Island." The Autobots disguised Grimlock as a Decepticon, and used a ruse wherein the rest of the team posed as captives to infiltrate the crashed Alchemor, base to the Decepticons. Despite making good headway at first, Strongarm and the others were discovered by the Decepticon higher ups after an argument between Bumblebee and Optimus caused the mission to stall out. The Autobots then found themselves completely surrounded by Steeljaw's troops. Decepticon Island (Part 1)
Thanks to Windblade providing them with an impromptu distraction, the rest of the Autobots managed to make a break for it and slipped away from the Decepticons. They then split up into smaller teams, with Strongarm, Grimlock, and Sideswipe being sent off to try and free the Mini-Cons being held captive. They ended up in a communications room where they encountered Groundpounder and Thunderhoof. By kicking him while he was in mid-air, Strongarm put Sideswipe outside the range of one of Thunderhoof's seismic stomps, allowing him to get to a nearby monitor and transmit a disabling frequency. Holding onto consciousness for seconds longer than the Decepticons could, Strongarm's team managed to best their opponents. After using the communications equipment to free the Mini-Cons, the trio escaped the ship before the cryo-gas set up by Bumblebee bomb froze everyone aboard.
In the aftermath of the battle, several Autobots opted to return to Cybertron, as the current Decepticon crisis had been dealt with. Strongarm decided to instead stay on Earth, and help Bumblebee set up a permanent base of operations to more properly meet any future threats that might come to the planet. Decepticon Island (Part 2) When news of the Bee Team's exploits reached Cybertron, Strongarm became one of the many Autobots blacklisted by the High Council for being a supporter of Optimus Prime. Enemy of My Enemy
Bumblebee took his team on a tour of interesting locations on Earth, culminating in them visiting the remains of Autobot Outpost Omega One, only to find a strange bomb had been set up to detonate. Strongarm was paired with Grimlock when the team split up to search, only to have to leave him to go find Bumblebee after he stepped on a mine. On the way, she spotted that the bomb's explosion was imminent, and ended up having to alert Bumblebee to that fact as well. History Lessons
After a training exercise went awry, Strongarm was surprised to find she had the lowest of the PASERQuAT scores Fixit had prepared. She insisted on taking him on her next mission to improve her score, and as a result he accompanied her to Mount St. Hilary, where the pair found Scatterspike and Sawtooth engaged in a drilling operation that threatened to cause the volcano to erupt. After capturing Scatterspike in a fight that spilled out into a nearby human settlement, Strongarm successfully prevented the volcano from exploding, and Fixit raised her score by a point and a half. In return, she prepared a score for him, but wouldn't tell him what it was. Strongarm's Big Score
Drift and Strongarm checked out the Great Wall of China as the searching of Cybertronian sites continued. When they later joined Grimlock after the Dinobot encountered Thermidor and Tricerashot, Strongarm joined in the pursuit, however her attempt to cooperate with Sideswipe ended up with them both crashing. Pretzel Logic
Team Bee retrieved a high energy pulse generator from Egypt, only to have to destroy it when it threatened to fry their brains. Following an invasion of the scrapyard by the Weaponizer Mini-Cons, the team lost both their own Mini-Cons and their leader, after they were abducted by Starscream. Mighty Big Trouble Joined by Optimus, the team split up to search for Starscream. Sideswipe and Strongarm stumbled on the Weaponizer Mini-Cons, and the initial hostilities were brought to an end when the Mini-Cons recognized the Prime. A short time later, they ran into the Scavengers, and during the fight, Strongarm linked with Sawtooth to great effect, until the Weaponizer Mini-Cons were captured by Starscream. Mini-Con Madness The Scavengers defeated, Strongarm and the rest of the team located Starscream's ship, and during the ensuing battle with the Decepticons, they were knocked out by Starscream. They eventually managed to defeat Starscream, despite him successfully merging with the Weaponizer Mini-Cons, by dragging him down into range of Fixit's signal so he could be de-merged. After farewelling Optimus and the Mini-Cons, Team Bee split up to search more Cybertronian sites. Worthy
After a period of downtime, Strongarm and Sideswipe were sent to investigate a Decepticon signal. After attempting to capture Heatseeker themselves, Strongarm opted to call in the rest of the team when the Stunticon endangered a nuclear waste disposal site. King of the Hill (Part 1) The pair were assigned the task of getting a hermit to vacate the danger zone, which they accomplished before rejoining the rest of the team. An explosion resulted in the entire team being merged into one robot while unconscious and ultimately Heatseeker got away. King of the Hill (Part 2)
The Autobots' next mission took them to Antarctica, where they had to recapture Crustacion after the Decepticon was freed from one of Windblade's caches. Strongarm and Sideswipe worked to rescue the humans at a base while the rest of the team caught the Con. Defrosted When a stricken plane endangered another cache, the team were joined by Rescue Bot Blurr, whose personality was a little too similar to Sideswipe's for Strongarm's linking. The team had to track down Ragebyte and ensure he didn't blow up Crown City Bridge. Blurred
Strongarm, along with the rest of the team, found herself unable to resist the Sphere of Doradus thanks to the energies it was giving off. The team were eventually able to resist its effects long enough to capture Springload. Sphere of Influence She and Bumblebee went to retrieve a Decepticon Hunter from one of Windblade's caches, only to have to call in the rest of the team when they encountered Drag Strip and Wildbreak. Bee Cool
After a methane explosion occurred during an attempt to capture Drag Strip, the team found themselves merged into one robot. In the aftermath, they ended up with two Sideswipes, something Strongarm had had nightmares about, and she ended up having to work with them as the team retrieved the relic Drag Strip had stolen. The Great Divide Strongarm drew on Dropforge's teachings in order to solve the mystery of some Decepticon burglaries, which led the Autobots to catch Boostwing. She wasn't quite satisfied with the resolution to the case, which led her and Russell to track down Boostwing's brothers Pilfer and Jacknab, who had also been stealing things in Crown City. Get a Clue
When Drift's old mentor Shadow Raker showed up on Earth, Strongarm and the team helped Drift recover his Mini-Con students after the Decepticon kidnapped them. Out of the Shadows Another of Fixit's combiner experiments led to the Autobots temporarily switching bodies. Strongarm was thrilled to be Bumblebee, and even more so when she was put in charge of the subsequent road race mission to defeat the Stunticons, though she found she had difficulty getting the rest of the team to follow her orders. Disordered Personalities
When Nightra turned up, Strongarm bought her story about being a bounty hunter on the run from a Con she'd previously caught, and when the Con in question abducted Nightra, Strongarm brought the rest of the Bee Team to rescue her. Unfortunately it turned out the "Con" was actually the Autobot bounty hunter Blastwave and Strongarm had to arrest her former friend as a criminal. Guilty As Charged Strongarm had to put up with Grimlock becoming an artist and making terrible sculptures of her. The Golden Knight
Grimlock developed super speed as the result of one of Fixit's experiments, forcing the team to have to deal with him at the same time as they fought Simacore and his army of cloned Mini-Cons. The Fastest Bot Alive! During a mission to prevent the Stunticons from stealing the power source of a maglev train, Strongarm lost her Decepticon Hunter — part of a series of thefts of the weapons by some mysterious Mini-Cons. Railroad Rage
Strongarm was initially overjoyed when Bumblebee announced new strict discipline as they hunted the Stunticons, however it soon became apparent he was being too strict even for her, and she had to talk him into toning it down. The team managed to combine into their Ultra Bee form without the aid of Fixit's equipment and fought Menasor. Combine and Conquer When Optimus visited to recruit Drift for a mission, Strongarm and Sideswipe started competing to prove they were worthy of going instead. A call from Windblade sent the team to the Moon, where they succeeded in preventing the Stunticons from accessing a cache, and defeated the Decepticon team once and for all. Optimus later told the pair he didn't want to deprive Bumblebee of their skills. Moon Breaker
A sudden assault on the scrapyard, forced the Autobots to abandon base and hole up in the nearby caves. They tracked the Decepticon culprits to the Crown River Dam and discovered Steeljaw and his pack were back to make problems for them. Exiles When Sideswipe left the cave despite Bumblebee's orders to stay put, Strongarm gave chase and the pair were trapped in a cargo container together by Clampdown. They eventually managed to get free and help Bumblebee, whom the 'Cons had also captured, get some payback on their captors. Breathing Room
The team tangled with the Decepticons again, this time interrupting them while they were trying to steal nuclear waste. Prepare for Departure Strongarm found herself having trouble reconciling adhering to the Kaon Conventions with the need to capture Steeljaw's pack, and ended up hauling Clampdown around handcuffed to herself. In the end, they captured most of the pack. Prisoner Principles The team was joined by Optimus Prime as they defeated Soundwave and prevented the Decepticon from irradiating the entire planet. Collateral Damage
Strongarm got respite from having to tow Grimlock's trailer when Bumblebee decided to prove he could do the "grunt work" he was always asking his team to do. She and the rest of the team were forced to recapture Underbite when the Decepticons escaped. Something He Ate An attack by Wingcode left Bumblebee, Strongarm and Sideswipe incapacitated and slowly deteriorating until Grimlock and Bulkhead managed to capture the Decepticon so Fixit could create a cure. Sick as a Bot Strongarm was reunited with Dropforge during the pursuit of Steeljaw, only for her old instructor to lock the team up. She was able act on a hunch and prove Dropforge was under the influence of a mind control signal from Cybertron, using Steeljaw's tech to free him of its influence. Five Fugitives
A visit by Optimus sent the Bee Team to Cybertron in Prime Force One, where after evading the planetary defenses, they landed and were immediately surrounded by security. Enemy of My Enemy With the help of Dropforge and Steeljaw, the team managed to gain entry to the High Council Tower. Discovering that the council were actually disguised Decepticons led by Cyclonus, the team merged into Ultra Bee to combat the Decepticons' own combined form while Fixit disabled the Decepticon mind control. A protracted battle followed, but the Autobots prevailed, and in the aftermath, Optimus assigned the Bee Team as ambassadors to Earth. The team returned to the planet they now regarded as home, and found themselves again pursuing Steeljaw. Freedom Fighters
Robots in Disguise shorts
Strongarm watched Grimlock and Fixit perform in a talent show. Fixit Jam She found a sleep-deprived Bumblebee struggling to come up with a catchphrase and suggested he take a break. To Catch a Phrase Strongarm trapped a would-be car thief's hand in her door and dragged the thief along a few paces. Carjacked! She was present with the rest of the team when Fixit picked up the signal of an open stasis pod, formerly containing the Cyclone Mini-Cons Backtrack and Ransack. The Power of Dibs
IDW Robots in Disguise comic
Strongarm and Grimlock checked on a stasis pod, only to find it empty. After they tracked the Decepticon fruitlessly for some time, Bumblebee arrived to point them in the direction of the Fun-A-Rama amusement park, where the team found and captured Flamefeather. Fire, When Ready! During a training exercise, Strongarm mainly squabbled Sideswipe, resulting in the team's defeat. The pair were sent to investigate activity, but proved unable to capture Spinhead and had to return to the scrapyard empty handed. Fortunately Bumblebee came up with a plan and the whole team managed to defeat the Decepticon. Robots in Disguise #1
Strongarm took part in the capture of Transit. During a visit by Ultra Magnus's team, Strongarm got to meet Arcee and was disguised as the Decepticon Retrofit in an attempt to capture Clipshade. She was unfortunately rumbled, but Clipshade was captured anyway. Robots in Disguise #2
After establishing the location of Overhead, Strongarm and the rest of the team managed to take the Decepticon down. After Overhead gave them a distress beacon she claimed would bring the leader of the Cybercomrade Sect she belonged to, Strongarm was left to guard her while Bumblebee and Grimlock set a trap. Unfortunately Overhead was the real sect leader, and overpowered Strongarm before escaping. Robots in Disguise #3
Bumblebee and Ultra Magnus making up took longer than Strongarm had expected, but the Autobots soon made amends and, through her Croctobot lackeys, tracked Overhead to an abandoned petrosynthesis chemical plant. They tripped a silent alarm, however, giving Overhead time to hide and jump an unsuspecting Strongarm, but Strongarm broke out of her headlock by flipping Overhead overhead and soon after saved Arcee from a nasty hit. Robots in Disguise #4
Following the defeat of Megatronus, Strongarm and the rest of Team Bee were lured to Fort Tucker as a distraction while Steeljaw and Steve abducted Fixit and Russell from the scrapyard. Robots in Disguise #5 Returning to base, the team found empty stasis pods and the computer trashed, and were forced to resort to their own wits to work out where Steeljaw was. They to successfully located the cave in question, rescuing Fixit and Russell before engaging Steeljaw's crew. Strongarm managed to deal Thunderhoof a decent blow before she was hit by a Vehicon. Eventually the three Vehicons realized that Steeljaw was not part of Megatron's command, and in the aftermath Team Bee was left with the majority of Steeljaw's team as prisoners. Robots in Disguise #6
2015 Robots in Disguise books
When the Autobots detected Scuzzard on the loose, Strongarm, Bumblebee, and Sideswipe managed to lure the Decepticon into a trap, though things got hairy for Strongarm for a while. The Decepticon was snatched from them by the newly-escaped Filch, and the Autobots were forced to track down and capture both of the birdbots. Bumblebee Versus Scuzzard Detecting Autobots signals at the docks, the Autobots stumbled on a fight between Underbite, Thunderhoof, and Slink's gang. Strongarm managed to tie up Sneak before having to help Sideswipe in his fight against Thunderhoof. She later netted Slink and Snitch as the Autobots captured Slink's gang. Sideswipe Versus Thunderhoof
After the team captured Forager who appeared to rescue Drift, throwing doubt on the Autobot's motives, Strongarm played it cautiously, worried that Drift would team up with the Decepticons. She and the rest of the team were captured a short time later when Foxtrot and Stilts took over the scrapyard and put the team in stasis pods. The team was eventually freed with Drift's help, and turned the tables on the Decepticons. Drift's Samurai Showdown
Bumblebee attempted to get Strongarm to loosen up by joining the others in a game of football. She and the rest of the team took on Skinkbomb, only to find the Decepticon's explosives formidable, and the fight was lost when Bumblebee became distracted. Though the team thought Bumblebee might be suffering from brain rust, the next time they faced Skinkbomb, they all heard the illusionary Optimus Prime's voice and were all able to overcome the Decepticon regardless. The Trials of Optimus Prime
Strongarm, Bumblebee and Grimlock attempted to arrest the Decepticon Brakepad, only to fall foul of his lethargy-inducing powers. After they returned to the scrapyard empty-handed, Denny and Russell had to force them to go back out into the field and capture Brakepad. Autobot World Tour
Strongarm was part of the Axiom Nexus Security Administration and aided her fellow police officers in arresting Megatron, Battletrap, and Stepper. Cybertron's Most Wanted
Legends comic
Strongarm and the other members of Bumblebee's team responded when Optimus Prime called their names in a display of his new toy's speaking gimmick, then joined Optimus in dancing to "Try☆Transformers Adventure↑↑↑". TAV21 Optimus Prime Now on Sale!
When Rattrap and Tigatron appeared in the world of the Autobots, the first thing the lady-loving Tigatron did was run at a shocked Strongarm. She was unamused by his antics and quickly had both the animals locked up in stasis cells. Go! Adventure
Signature Robots in Disguise comic
Soon after capturing Springload for the first time, Strongarm and Bumblebee had a new problem: how to get him out of the stone casket and into a stasis cell. Strongarm found herself holding the lid down until Sideswipe arrived with a cell (she was not happy to get mocked). Unfortunately, the Decepticon escaped! The Autobots pursued him all the way to a film set, where Strongarm and Bumblebee were trapped in the set's prop booby traps and Sideswipe had to save the day. Look Before You Leap
Angry Birds Transformers
Strongarm appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. She is portrayed by Matilda. Angry Birds Transformers
Robots in Disguise mobile game
Version | Unlock Cost (Energon) | Unlock Cost (Ultra Sparks) |
Starter | 500 | 10 |
Legion | 1500 | 30 |
Legion Patrol | 1500 | 30 |
1-Step | 2000 | 40 |
1-Step Patrol | 2000 | 40 |
1-Step Evolved | 2000 | 40 |
Warrior | 4000 | 80 |
Battlepack | 4000 | 80 |
Combiner | 3800 | 75 |
Protect Crown City
Strongarm, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, and Grimlock captured escaped Decepticons, and secured them back in their stasis pods. Protect Crown City
Robots in Disguise (2015)
Legion Class
- Strongarm (Legion Class, 2015)
- Part of the first wave of Robots in Disguise Legion figures, Strongarm transforms into a police SUV. In robot mode, her fists are compatible with 3mm-peg weapons, although she does not come with any herself. Her head is sculpted with her battle mask deployed.
- Her scannable Autobot insignia is on her driver's-side door in vehicle mode, becoming her left arm in robot mode. This badge is accessible while she is still in-package.
- Although her kneecaps were painted blue in the initial stock photos, the final product leaves them bare as the thighs are made from unpaintable plastic. She also features different paint details on her face compared to the final product. The instructions also tell you to rearrange the arm kibble before you fold the legs up in vehicle mode. It's recommended to do it the other way 'round. Later re-issues also had the said instructions amended.
- This mold was also used to make Robots in Disguise Ratchet.
- Strongarm Clear Ver. (Legion Class, 2015)
- Release date: March 21, 2005
- A redeco of Legion Class Strongarm in clear plastic, "Strongarm Clear Ver." was a promotional giveaway at numerous Japanese stores, including Yamada Denki, Yodobashi Camera, the Hakuhinkan Toy Park main store in Ginza and Hakubotan in Ishinomaki, beginning in late March of 2015 to customers who spent ¥3000 or more on ''Adventure product.
- Unlike most of the clear-colored Adventure Legion Class exclusives, Strongarm keeps the paint operations on her helmet and face.
- Unfortunately, the scan-badge sticker is slightly too big for the surface area it's been put on, leaving bits of the edges exposed.
- Patrol Mode Strongarm (Legion Class, 2016)
- Part of the fifth wave of Robots in Disguise Legion-class figures, "Patrol" Mode Strongarm is a redeco of the original Legion Strongarm, with a mostly-black coloration.
- Just as with the previous version of the mold, her scannable Autobot insignia is on her drivers-side door in vehicle mode, becoming her left arm in robot mode. This badge is accessible while she is still in-package.
- Team Bumblebee VS Megatronus Set (Multi-pack, 2015)
- ID Number: TAV34
- Release date: December 19, 2015
- In Japan, the "normal" Legion Class Strongarm toy was only available as part of an EZ Collection four-pack, released in the tenth wave of Adventure product. A fairly extensive redeco, this toy replaces her blue plastics with white, and gives her a ton of new paint operations to make for an amazingly show-accurate toy at such a small scale... even though they forgot the side-windows. Whoopsie.
- This toy lacks a scan-badge sticker, unlike virtually all of the Robots in Disguise / Adventure products. Instead its scan-badge is printed on a single collector's card that also features the badges for the other three figures in the set: Bumblebee, Sideswipe, and Megatronus.
- Like the rest of the Adventure EZ Collection sets, some online retailers like Amazon Japan were still selling it two years later, at greatly reduced prices, upwards of 70% off.
Mini-Con Battle Packs
- Strongarm & Mini-Con Sawtooth (Mini-Con Battle Pack, 2016)
- Part of the third wave of Mini-Con/armor two-packs, and the first wave with the new "Mini-Con Weaponizers" branding, this version of Strongarm is slightly smaller than her Warrior-class toy (putting her more in show-like scale with the Warrior Decepticons) and with a slightly simpler transformation.
- She comes with multiple clear-plastic armor pieces that can attach to her robot mode; only the "leg" armor can stay on her vehicle mode without interfering with either her vehicle-mode integrity or being able to roll. Unlike prior waves, these pieces do not form a separate super-weapon, but instead attach to her pack-in partner Sawtooth in either robot or weapon mode.
- The TakaraTomy Adventure "Sawtooth & Strongarm Torrent Armor" release of this set, sold in the seventeenth(!) wave of the line, uses a darker blues plastic, and (as usual) gives her a considerable amount of paint on her torso and head, and more paint detailing on her vehicle mode front end to make her look more like, well, herself.
One-Step Changers
- Part of the first wave of One-Step Changers, Strongarm transforms from robot to police SUV in a single step: folding down her vehicle-mode hood and truck bed unfolds and spins around her robot mode from the cab area. In robot mode, she has extremely limited posability, with just shoulder-swivels and some extra outward-swing thanks to her transformation. Her fists have 5mm post-compatible holes. Due to how the legs are molded, Strongarm cannot ride on Stomp & Chomp Grimlock.
- Her scannable Autobot insignia is on her right shoulder in robot mode. As it's on a folded-up robot bit and she's packaged in vehicle mode, there's no way to scan this while she is still in-package.
- The TakaraTomy Adventure release of "Easy Dynamic" Strongarm was released as the only ED figure in the series' fifth wave of product. It features an extensive amount of paint applications for greater show-accuracy, though they missed her hands, waist, and feet.

- Patrol Mode Strongarm (One Step Changer, 2015)
- Part of the fifth wave of One Step Changers, "Patrol Mode Strongarm" is a redeco of the One Step Changer above, with a coloration similar to the "Patrol" Legends-class toy (which was in wave 5 of its assortment, so there's a trivia nugget for ya), being almost entirely black with just a few bits of white (considerably less white than the Legends toy has).
- Like the original One-Step, her scannable Autobot insignia is on her right shoulder in robot mode, unscannable while still in-package.

- Strongarm (One-Step Changer, 2016)
- Part of the first wave of the "Mini-Con Weaponizers" subline imprint, this One-Step Changer figure of Strongarm is a new sculpt with an all-new transformation... one that is more of a two-step, or one-and-a-half-ish, and doesn't leave her with such a massive backpack. This Strongarm cannot ride on Stomp & Chomp Grimlock.
- In the Robots in Disguise mobile game, it was identified alternatively as an "Advanced One-Step" or "Evolved One-Step" figure depending on the user's region, but on the toy's packaging, no such modifiers are featured, and it is available as part of the regular One-Step Changer assortment.
- This mold was retooled into Ratchet.
- Strongarm (One-Step Changer, 2017)
- Part of the "Combiner Force" subline imprint, This Strongarm is a new mold, sharing a similar transformation to Wave 9's Bumblebee. Her scannable badge is on her left side of the vehicle's shell, accessible while in-package. Continuing the tradition, this Strongarm still cannot ride on Stomp & Chomp Grimlock.
Warrior Class
- Strongarm (Warrior Class, 2014-2016)
- Japanese release date: 2015-03-21
- Japanese ID number: TAV03
- Accessories: Rifle
- Warrior Class Strongarm transforms into a police SUV of made-up model. This larger, more complex and poseable version of the character includes a rifle accessory (with an odd permanent "blast effect" on the barrel-tip), which can be mounted using 5mm ports in both robot and vehicle mode. Like so many toys, her head is designed with a light-piping gimmick that's rendered moot by both opaque plastic and painted optics.
- Her scannable Autobot insignia is on her robot-mode right chestplate. As she's packaged in robot mode, this badge is easily scannable on-card without purchase.
- First released in late 2014/early 2015 as part of the first wave of the Warrior Class assortment, Strongarm was later re-released in 2016 in the Combiner Force subline imprint packaging refresh.
- The TakaraTomy Adventure version of this toy (sold in the first wave of product) uses a deeper shade of blue, as well as having more complicated paint operations. In vehicle mode she has a silver grill and blue striping on her hood, as well as more complicated striping on her side-panels. In robot mode, rather than having the solid-blue chestplate and helmet, she has much more show-accurate white-and-blue striping. Her scan-badge is also different, used in TakaraTomy's Transformers Chronicle app, though in-package it's covered by a dummy sticker to prevent pre-purchase scanning.
- This sculpt was also used to make Greejeeber, and retooled differently into Ratchet. In 2017, the original figure eventually made a comeback in the 10th wave of the Warrior Class line with the "Combiner Force" packaging. Her scannable sticker is also altered, but scanning the badge only unlocks Energon currency, but not the character.
- Strongarm vs Phantomjaw (Vs set, 2015)
- Release date: 2015-06-27
- ID number: TAVVS03
- Accessories: Rifle
- Strongarm was also released in a TakaraTomy "VS" two-pack, pitting her against fellow police-vehicle Phantomjaw. This release of Strongarm is physically identical to her individual release.
Crash Combiners
- Strongarm and Optimus Prime (Crash Combiners, 2016/2017)
- Part of the first wave of the Combiner Force subline, Strongarm is a roughly Scout-class sized figure that changes from futuristic patrol car into a robot in three extremely simple steps. Her individual robot mode only has limited articulation on her shoulders, but she can also spread her legs for a more dramatic pose thanks to her combined form's transformation scheme. Strongarm also has a little green arrow above the connector on the front bumper indicating where to crash her to combine with other figures. A 5mm post hole on top of her vehicle mode can accommodate a compatible accessory or Weaponizer Minicon, though she cannot use it in her individual robot mode.
- Strongarm comes packaged with Optimus Prime and is intended to combine with him to form Primestrong's lower body. Connecting them to each other will activate Optimus Prime's automatic transformation, but Strongarm must be converted manually. She can also combine with any other Crash Combiner figure to form a random Combiner.
- The instruction sheet amusingly replaces Optimus's last picture in the transformation process with that of Sideswipe.
- Lunar Force Strongarm and Optimus Prime (Crash Combiners, 2017)
- Released in the second wave of Crash Combiners, this Strongarm is a vaguely-space-themed redeco of the figure above. Just as before, she comes with Optimus Prime, also redecoed.
Activator Combiners
- Strongarm & Trickout (Activator Combiner, 2017)
- Released as part of the first wave of Robots in Disguise Activator Combiners, this version of Strongarm is a larger-but-simpler-than-Warrior figure that transforms into her usual patrol truck mode.
- Plugging an Activator Mini-Con, such as her pack-in partner Trickout, onto her vehicle-mode lightbar activates "Throttle Up" mode, opening her front side-panels and popping her wheels down for a more monster-truck-like vehicle mode. This mode can also be triggered without a Mini-Con by pushing the black button behind the lightbar. There is a minor issue with the trigger getting stuck in "Throttle Up" mode, which may require some work to get her wheels and panels locked back into place.
Team Combiners
- Ultra Bee (Team Combiner, 2017)
- Released as part of the Ultra Bee set, Strongarm transforms from robot to vehicle in just 1 step, and combines with Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Grimlock to form Ultra Bee. As a Team Combiner limb, Strongarm can swap out for the right arm of any of the other two Team Combiners.
- Each toy uses the same universal combination joint as the other Team Combiners and the Crash Combiners, which can lead to some... interesting combinations, given that most robots form very specific body parts when combined. Mixing Crash Combiners with Team Combiners leads to some especially weird results.
- Strongarm Capture Cruiser (2015)
- Set Number: B1549
- Pieces: 105
- Kreons: Strongarm, Springload
- Accessories: Crossbow
- Only available in the "Strongarm Capture Cruiser" set, this Strongarm Kreon uses the new 2015 style of Kreon hips and torso, with a hollow hip-peg and a central post inside the torso for increased grip... which also makes them incompatible with about four years' worth of Kreons. She also comes with a buildable Capture Cruiser vehicle modeled vaguely after her.
- While the Kreon itself does not have a scannable badge, the set's instruction booklet has a unique scan-badge that rewards the player with a Strongarm Kreon item.
- All of the 2015 Transformers Kre-O product was skipped by retailers in the US (at first), seeing release in Canada, Australia, and various Asian markets. In late 2015, much of the line was finally released at discount in the US through TJ Maxx and Marshalls stores, including this set... although Strongarm and Sideswipe's sets turned up in considerably smaller numbers than the others, only to see a later, larger release through Dollar General stores.
Hero Mashers
- Strongarm (2015)
- Pieces: 9
- Accessories: Crossbow
- Part of the fourth and final wave of "basic" Transformers Hero Mashers Action Figures —and the second of the Robots in Disguise-themed product— Strongarm is a non-transforming action figure with ratchet-joints, about six inches tall. She has peg-holes on each body part (save the head) that can be used to mount any Hero Mashers accessory.
- She is designed with a removable head, forearms, upper legs, and boots, all of which use the same clip-peg/hole joint. This means her pieces can be swapped around in any order, as well as swapped with any other Hero Mashers figure... which includes figures from Marvel Comics, Star Wars, and Jurassic World, meaning you can make some pretty freaky combinations.
- The fourth wave of Hero Mashers was not released in the US, seeing release mostly in European and Australian markets.
- Robots In Disguise 2015 Universe Strongarm (Deluxe Class, 2023)
- Accessories: Blaster, lightbar
- Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro), Koki Yamada (TakaraTomy)[1]
- Released in the seventh wave of Legacy Deluxes under the Evolution banner, this Strongarm is an extensive retooling of Elita-1; nearly everything from the waist up is new, but she shares the same transformation scheme and engineering. She transforms into a fairly squashed version of her traditional police pickup vehicle mode. This version of the mold attaches the pauldrons to the shoulders themselves rather than the backpack, allowing for additional movement and improved arm articulation, and also gives her articulated door wings.
- She includes an all-new blaster weapon with both 5 mm posts and a 3mm blast effect-compatible peg on the barrel tip, as well as a removable lightbar (which you can attach to one of her arms if you really want to replicate that feature of her original design, at least halfway). While the blaster can store on several ports in vehicle mode, her Evo-Fusion description specifies attaching it to the truck bed to form a "thruster"… right next to the four thrusters already present on the rear.
- The base mold was also used to make Minerva.
- Strongarm was later re-released in the 9th wave of Legacy Deluxes, under the United banner this time.
Tiny Titans
- Strongarm (Tiny Titans, 2015)
- Series: 1
- Number: 3/12
- Part of the initial assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this version of Strongarm is a very small, minimally-painted soft-plastic figure of her in robot mode, sporting a battle-ready boxing stance.
- She includes a collectible card that includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
- Strongarm (Tiny Titans, 2016)
- Series: 5
- Number: 6/12
- Part of the fifth assortment, the second Tiny Titans Strongarm has her carrying triple-barreled blaster.
- As per usual, she comes with a collectible card with a scan-badge for the mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
- This assortment saw minimal-at-best distribution at "big box" retail, most reliably hitting through online outlets before filtering out through drug store chains.
Titan Guardians

- Strongarm (Titan Guardian, 2016)
- Part of the second wave of "Titan Guardian" figures, this version of Strongarm is a hard-plastic 6-inch non-transforming figure, with swivel shoulders and waist, and a ball-jointed head. She also has holes in her feet for foot-pegs, though lord knows what toys/playsets actually use those.
- This toy, like all Titan-style figures, was mainly distributed through drug stores, "dollar" stores (such as Family Dollar) and similar outlets. It came in three different types of packaging: A fully-enclosed box, or a bubble-less card with the toy twist-tied to the back and base, and a "Combiner Force" version of the open-card packaging.
- Strong Arm[sic] (Radz candy dispenser, 2015)
- Blindbag code: F
- The Radz candy-dispenser version of Strongarm is a plastic sphereoid with feet, spiky "hair", and a keychain fob. Pulling the hair back opens the toy's "mouth" and projects a little bowl-like tongue, dispensing a single colored sugar pellet. The hair can be taken off to refill the dispenser, and swapped with any other Radz.
- Strongarm was available only in a blindpacked baggie, though the bag has a code number on the back under the "best by" date that tells you what's inside (only the last letter is the important part). She comes with a bag of sugar pellets, and a mini-poster with a collection checklist on the back.
- Strongarm Vision Mask / Strongarm Mask (2016 / 2017)
- McNumber: 6 (US only)
- Part of the third McDonald's Happy Meal promotion for Robots in Disguise in the US (fourth globally), this Strongarm mask is unique among the Happy Meal masks in that it adds a movable clear-red viewfinder that can drop down over either eye, letting the wearer "scan" stuff in the style of the old Tech Spec decoders, or better see the hidden Autobot sigil in the middle of the masks's crest.
- Scanning the figure into the "McPlay" app opens up some Transformers / My Little Pony activities.
- This set of masks was first released in Asian markets in early 2016. In October 2017, the four masks were matched with four figures from the early-2017 non-US promo and finally released in the US in a joint promotion with My Little Pony.
- Strongarm / Strongarm Figure (2017)
- McNumber: 5 (US only)
- Accessories: Missile launcher, missile
- Part of the third McDonald's Happy Meal promotion for Robots in Disguise in the US (fifth globally), this Strongarm is a 4-inch-tall non-transforming action figure with articulation at the neck and shoulders. Her oversized missile launcher accessory uses a 5 mm post for its handle, making her compatible with most other "modern" Transformers accessories. The screw-hole in her back is also 5 mm, but storing the launcher there makes her back-heavy to the point of falling over.
- Scanning the figure into the "McPlay" mobile app opens up some Transformers / My Little Pony activities.
- This set of toys was first released in European markets in early 2017. In October 2017, four of the five figures were matched with the masks from the 2016 non-US promo and finally released in the US in a joint promotion with My Little Pony.
Surprise Drinks
- Strongarm (2016)
- The Transformers: Robots in Disguise "Surprise Drinks" bottles come with two different Strongarm toys: a show-accurate 1.5-inch non-transforming soft-plastic figurine, or a similarly-sized pencil-topper of her head. These toys are hidden inside the capsule attached to the bottle by the wrapper. These are randomly blindpacked and do not correlate with who's on the wrapper, and there's no codes, so... good luck.
Kinder Chocolate
- Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015)
- Only available inside a blind packed chocolate egg as part of Kinder's Transformers: Robots in Disguise series, this buildable Strongarm mini-figure consists of a generic "cog" onto which her limbs and armor can be clipped to construct her. She has articulation in her shoulders and hips.
- Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2017)
Dickie Toys
- Strongarm (2016)
- Made by German toymaker Simba Dickie Group, this is a (roughly) 1:64-scale die-cast metal truck based on Strongarm's show model, except with giant Autobot symbols on her wheels.
- Each toy in the series comes on two different styles of card: one has the character-specific stock art, while the other is a generic card featuring Bumblebee, Optimus and Sideswipe.
- Strongarm 2 Pack (2017)
- This release of the Strongarm die-cast truck is identical to the single-pack, only it comes with a die cast metal non-transforming mini figure of Strongarm in robot mode.
- Strongarm Tin Box Set (2017)
- Another slightly-different packaging of the same die cast metal truck; this time it comes with a metal carrying tin with Strongarm's stock art on it, as well as a collector's card.
- Robots in Disguise 2 Pack (2107)
- Same base toy as the above, only this time packaged with the unaltered Optimus Prime vehicle.
- Robots in Disguise 5 Pack (2017)
- Another repackaging of the same truck. This time, it comes in a multi-pack with similarly-unchanged versions of the Optimus Prime and Steeljaw vehicles, as well as "Special Mission" redecoes of the Bumblebee and Sideswipe vehicles.
- Strongarm Light Up Racer (2017)
- An actually-different version of the Strongarm die cast truck! While it's the same scale, still die cast and looks more or less the same, this version has a bright light inside, that shines through the clear-plastic undercarriage when activated.
- The end credits sequence for Adventure proves Strongarm's got some moves on the dance floor.
- The Flock member Matilda takes on Strongarm's form in Angry Birds Transformers.
- Strongarm's body-type was also used for Nightra in "Guilty As Charged", a Lighthouse staff member in Lost Light #3, Shattered Glass Crasher's body in "Coalescence", and of course, Shattered Glass Strongarm.
- Likely by sheer coincidence, Strongarm's characterisation as a rule following, studious young police bot seems to match up with an unreleased bio of one of the previous bearers of her name.[2]
Foreign names
- Japanese: Strongarm (ストロングアーム Sutoronguāmu)
- Mandarin: Tiěwàn (China, 铁腕, "Iron Arm")
- ↑ June 20, 2023's Hasbro Pulse Transformers Fanstream on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Mark Maher, Evan Brooks, and Rich Pellegrino
"More serious than his friends KNOCKDOWN and NIGHTSCREAM, STRONGARM was the one who paid most attention in primary programming. His high grades and adherence to the rules have led him to pursue a career in peacekeeping. He has even gone so far as to model his vehicle mode formatting on his hero, and it was his idea that he and the other members of the Night Rescue Team try to take on the Predator Attack Team. Just because they're cut off from civilization, he reasons, there's no excuse for being uncivilized."—Hidden bios for the unreleased Cybertron Mini-Con Versus Packs found on the Transformers website