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Studio Look

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Studio Look (スタジオルック Studio Rukku) was a Japanese animation and finalization studio that existed for a brief period in the mid-late 1980s. Their credits include AKIRA, Robot Carnival, Royal Space Force - The Wings of Honnêamise, The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross and Machine Robo: Revenge of Cronos.

For the Transformers franchise, the studio was contracted under Toei Animation for the original cartoon (uncredited, like the other subcontractors) and Victory on keyframe and in-between animation and paint.


Transformers episodes

The Transformers

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Victory


  1. "当時の僕はまだ駆け出しのアニメーターで正確な受注ラインはよく判ってないのですが…。 [元請け] (東映動画…かな) ↓ [スタジオルック] (下請け会社) ↓ [国際アニメーション研究所原画室] (作画監督と一部の原画を担当) 当時の僕はここにお世話になってました。"—Eiji Suganuma, Twitter, 2020/07/11
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