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Tako Tank

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It ain't quite "Mech-Taco", but close enough.

The Tako Tank (タコタンク Tako Tanku) is an amphibious vehicle used by the Maximals fighting the Beast Wars on Gaia. Between its powerful water cannon, missile launchers, crushing tentacles and detachable speeder bike, it's a force to be reckoned with.

The Tako Tank is nominally in the care of Ikard, though the Maximal eventually lent it to his cousin Scuba, who shows a real proficiency for using the machine to its fullest potential.



Beast Wars II cartoon

The Tako Tank was delivered to the Maximals stationed on Gaia by Scuba's cousin, Ikard. The Tako Tank gave the Maximals the upper hand in battle, though only Scuba seemed competent in piloting the thing. At one point, Tasmania Kid and Diver tried taking it for a joyride but instantly lost control and wreaked havoc all over the planet until Scuba was able to rescue them.

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Dreamwave Generation One continuity

A toy remarkably similar to the Tako Tank startled a EDC soldier at a movie theater. On reflection, he thought it might be a GoBot. Infestation

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

"Today will not be known as Tako Tuesday, but as Freedom Friday!"

During an Angolmois-induced riot on Cybertron, the Tako Tank broke through a wall while leading various crazed Maximals and Predacons, including Scuba. The Ascending #4


Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars

While battling for control of the super-powerful Energon Quartz, Scuba could summon the Tako Tank to perform a devastating "Vulcan Rush" attack. Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars


Beast Wars

"But still on a Tuesday!"
  • Ikard & Tako Tank (イカード&タコタンク, 1998)
Part of the ninth wave of Takara's Beast Wars II toys, the Tako Tank is a large mechanical octopus. Twin puppet-rods in the back give control of the front two tentacles, which are made of a soft rubbery plastic, and are also one of the most fun play-features in Transformers ever. A plunger in the back runs through the body, which activates a removable pump in the tank's "mouth". A small wheel behind each "eye" allows them to spin in concert, though for what purpose is unknown.
The tank-head splits open to reveal a removable motorcycle Basic-scaled toys can ride. This bike has two flip-around spring-loaded missile launchers, featuring small pegs that are compatible with the Claw Jaw/Scuba mold's tentacle-hands. The wheel assembly can serve as either a traditional land-based vehicle or swivel and tilt to perform as a hoverbike. The launchers fold up into the bike's rider compartment for storage inside the Tako Tank, so the Tank cannot be "piloted" in this form; however, once the bike is deployed, there is room to seat a Basic-scaled figure in the left-over socket to pilot the tank body, plus a nice window for them to look out of.
The Tako Tank came with its pilot, Ikard.


Beast Wars

Tako Tank Tub Toy. Alliteration is fun!
  • Ofurode Tatakae Tako Tank (おふろで戦えタコタンク, 1998)
    • Accessories: Ikard figurine, 3 effervescent bath pucks
"Bath Fight Tako Tank" is a "diving" style tub-toy, which came with a translucent blue PVC of Ikard. It uses one of the three bath bomb pucks included to generate carbon dioxide gas from within the Tako Tank, raising the toy to the top of the water, where it dispels the gas and then sinks back to the bottom to repeat the process.
The bath bombs also give their color to the water... unfortunately, that color is yellow.


  • Tako (蛸, 鮹, 章魚, 鱆, or タコ) is Japanese for "octopus".
  • Like the Niagara Base from the same line, there is speculation that the Tako Tank was originally an unreleased Microman concept. This may explain the bike's dubious-at-best compatibility with its pilots and why—uncharacteristically for Transformers toys by that time—there was no mode that could store all the missiles at once.
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